
Hair oil for dandruff

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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Dandruff oil is a special type of oil or cosmetic product designed to treat the hair and scalp to reduce or prevent dandruff. These products may contain various active ingredients that help fight dandruff and maintain a healthy scalp.

Dandruff oils may include ingredients such as anti-fungal agents, antibacterial ingredients, plant extracts with soothing properties, vitamins and oils that moisturize and nourish the scalp. These ingredients can help address the causes of dandruff, such as overgrowth of yeast-like fungi on the scalp or dry skin.

Before you start using dandruff oil, it is recommended that you consult a dermatologist or hair care professional for advice on choosing the right product and how to apply it. As a rule, dandruff oil is applied to the hair and scalp, left on for a while (according to the instructions), then thoroughly rinsed off with shampoo. Regular use of such products can help reduce symptoms and prevent dandruff.

Indications Dandruff oils

Plant and essential oils for dandruff are cosmetic preparations for skin and hair care. They are used topically, for rubbing, masks, massages, compresses, rinses. The indications for use are diverse:

  • the presence of scales of various kinds;
  • dryness or excessive oiliness of the skin and hair;
  • infectious diseases of the scalp;
  • brittle, brittle, split ends;
  • dullness, intense loss;
  • weak growth.

Oils strengthen bulbs and tips, restore the structure, heal the skin surface. They cure dandruff provoked by dryness, fungi, dermatological diseases. Sometimes the oils themselves are enough to get rid of unpleasant scales and flakes for a long time.

However, the treatment of dandruff requires a comprehensive approach, if only because it can be not just a drawback, but a signal of health problems. For example, dandruff is one of the first symptoms of seborrhea.

Qualified help can be obtained by contacting a dermatologist. He will diagnose the condition, recommend therapeutic shampoos and oils, diet, particularly vitamins, and advise on how to care for your hair properly.

Release form

The beneficial effects of natural oils on hair have long been known. Base and essential oils literally revitalize hair, make it strong, shiny and silky. And most importantly, they cleanse the skin from existing dandruff and prevent its reappearance.

The anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and antifungal properties of most plant oils contribute to healing. The names of the products reflect the plants from which they are extracted industrially.

Popular oils from dandruff, used in cosmetology:

  • peach;
  • turpentine;
  • tea tree oil;
  • coconut;
  • olive;
  • linen;
  • castor;
  • sea buckthorn;
  • lavender;
  • cypress;
  • eucalyptus;
  • rosemary;
  • sage;
  • mint;
  • thyme;
  • patchouli;
  • cedar;
  • ylang-ylang;
  • mustard;
  • juniper;
  • jojoba;
  • lemon;
  • almond;
  • black cumin;
  • geranium;
  • marigold;
  • myrtle;
  • peanut;
  • sesame;
  • avocado;
  • argan.

Essential oils eliminate dryness and inflammation, nourish, soothe, eliminate fungi, activate regeneration processes. Essential oils cannot be used in pure form due to the aggressive effect of active components, which are present in high concentrations, so they are added to the basic dosage: drops per serving.

Base oils are used in mixtures and in pure form. Their task is to saturate with nutrients, soften, and prevent the formation of scales.

Dandruff oil for dandruff

Oil from burdock is an active component of folk recipes, including for hair. Two generations ago, this penny oil was present in every home, it was used to lubricate the hair of everyone - from small to large. Used turpentine oil for dandruff, for softening, nourishing hair and skin, restoration, protection, natural shine of curls.

The oil is rich in vitamins, tannins, omega3 acids, minerals. All these components get rid of and protect from dandruff, but not always. When? To answer, you should also know the cause of dandruff.

  • Oil from dandruff, made from burdock root, it is advisable to use with a dry version of the disease. This is when light scales densely crumble tresses and clothes.

Before application, warm on a water bath to allow the product to absorb better and rinse out more easily. Apply and rub into dry roots, dividing the hair into separate sections. Withstand on the head from 30 to 90 minutes. If you make a turpentine mask, then the oil is distributed along the length of the strands and insulate the head with a terry towel. After the end of exposure, the mask is washed off with shampoo.

As ingredients of turpentine masks use red pepper, honey, tincture of calendula. Such remedies stimulate growth, strengthen the roots, resist hair loss.

  • Turnip oil is effective for vitamin and nutrient deficiencies, increased dryness, itching and inflammation. If it is a matter of hormone imbalance or skin diseases, you should look for other treatment options.

The popular oil is not without some disadvantages. It is not a universal remedy for all occasions. It is difficult to wash out, especially with thick, long hair. The product is not suitable for skin prone to greasiness. Lastly, the effect does not come immediately, but after five to seven rubbing-washing procedures.

Castor oil for dandruff

Inexpensive castor oil from dandruff, the notorious castor oil, is obtained from common castor oil, its fruits and seeds. It has long been used to solve problems with digestive organs, but cosmetologists also did not neglect this product - because of the abundance of vitamins, fatty acids, trace elements.

Dandruff oil is effective due to its rich composition. It contains:

  • ricinoleic acid, which is destructive to microbes and fungi;
  • vitamin E, which relieves itching;
  • fats that moisturize and nourish hair and skin.

Castor oil activates the process of regeneration of damaged tissues and microtraumas, regulates the increased work of sebaceous glands, prevents prolapse. Can be used for sensitive skin and with allergies to medications. Combines with other oils, so it serves as a basis for greasy masks from dandruff. Castor oil is combined with food products - lemon, kefir. The main condition is regular application for several weeks.

It is important to know that such masks are difficult to wash off, so the hair after them rinse several times. To make the curls clean and light, shiny and lush, it is useful to wash them with special shampoos and rinse with water with apple cider vinegar.

Tea oil for dandruff

The popular tea tree essential oil is extracted from Malaleuca leaves. It is a transparent product of greenish hue with a unique spicy aroma. It combines antimicrobial, immunostimulant, anticancer, antifungal properties, which is the basis for the use of tea oil for dandruff.

  • The product contains over a hundred active ingredients that form its unusually useful properties. In particular, the oil treats fungus, regulates the functioning of sebaceous glands, eliminates excessive dryness. It is safe for the scalp and hair, including sensitive hair.

It eliminates fungus, but does not irritate the skin. And it eliminates not only visible manifestations, but also the main causes of dandruff - dryness, irregular secretion of fat, the spread of fungal microorganisms. To get results requires from 5 to 10 sessions - masks or lotions. Especially effective tea tree oil at the initial stages of the process.

Dandruff oil is available in pharmacies and cosmetic departments. When using it, it is necessary to monitor the reaction of the skin: does itching, irritation, redness increase? Such phenomena signal that it is necessary to look for alternative remedies for dandruff.

Coconut oil for dandruff

At the initial stage, dandruff oils are quite effective and inexpensive treatment. And in combination with professional shampoos bring complete relief from the pesky and unpleasant phenomenon.

  • Coconut oil for dandruff can be helpful when it is caused by excessive dryness, such as when the seasons change.

The product mixes well with turpentine, peppermint, eucalyptus, lavender oils. It is important not to overdo it with essential oils: add them literally one drop at a time.

The product is extracted from the pulp of palm fruits, it is widely used not only in cosmetic production, but also in cooking, confectionery industry. About the purpose, for food or cosmetic purposes, is written on the label, however, there is not always an understandable translation from exotic languages (Thai, Indian).

  • The best variety for hair nourishment and shine is unrefined, obtained by cold-pressed technology.
  • For dandruff control, take refined varieties that do not clog follicles.

The oil is very rich in vitamins, several fatty acids, various microelements. It soothes itching and irritations, inhibits fungi, removes static charge, moisturizes and protects hair from adverse external factors.

Getting rid of dandruff requires perseverance and patience, but the result is worth it. The effect is especially noticeable on dry hair: coconut eliminates dandruff, visibly revitalizes tresses, gives shine, smoothness and crispness. The tresses look as if laminated.

Olive oil for dandruff

One of the most popular home remedies is olive oil for dandruff. It contains 90% monounsaturated acids, rich in vitamin E, which makes it an invaluable product from the point of view of a healthy diet. Everyone has heard about the various useful properties and wide distribution, so let's focus exclusively on the use of oil from dandruff.

For hair, its cosmetic properties are valuable, used in the production of soaps, masks, shampoos and creams. Coconut oil has moisturizing, nourishing, strengthening, antibacterial, antimycotic qualities. It normalizes the condition of hair and scalp, eliminates dandruff and aesthetic defects of strands.

  • Pure oil is applied in two ways.

1.Apply to shampooed tresses with a sponge or brush. Leave for half an hour under a bathing cap and a terry towel, then comb and rinse the hair.

2.Use a brush to distribute the product on dry hair. Leave it on overnight under a film, in the morning wash it off with shampoo.

  • Olive oil masks can also include other ingredients: lemon, honey, egg yolk, other vegetable oils.

A remedy of 2 yolks, 2 tablespoons of olive oil and the same amount of honey helps with itching, bothering in the presence of dandruff. The yolk is added to the heated honey-oil mixture, stirred and applied to the head rubbing movements, not forgetting about the cut ends. The head is insulated and relaxed for an hour, while the mask acts on the problem areas. Then the hair is washed with non-hot water, so that the yolk does not curdle from high temperature, using the usual shampoo.

Flaxseed oil for dandruff

For the beauty of skin and hair, many women are faithful to a tried-and-true folk remedy - flaxseed oil. This affordable and safe product makes it an indispensable ingredient in both the nutritional and cosmetic sense.

  • Flaxseed oil for dandruff is effective and has the benefits of being a record holder for omega fatty acids, full of vitamins, especially B vitamins, and antioxidant components.

Dandruff oil extracted from flaxseeds is rubbed in dry and oily form of seborrhea, before washing the head. After a 30-minute action, the braids are washed with shampoo. The effect is that the useful substances are absorbed into the stratum corneum, soften and moisturize the skin, eliminating itching, irritation, white flakes. What is important, in this case, the greasiness of the head does not increase to excessive indicators. On the contrary, the sebaceous glands come to normal, so the procedures are indicated for both dry and oily dandruff.

  • And in general, flaxseed oil is considered the best for absorbing and rinsing out of hair.

The oil works perfectly in combination with castor oil and turpentine oil; such a complex solves not only the problem of dandruff, but also has a better effect on the appearance of curls. They become strong, moisturized, well-groomed.

Mask from dandruff, with an emphasis on strengthening the roots, prepared from the following ingredients: 1 tablespoon of mask take the same amount of honey, onion juice, cognac or rum, egg yolk. The mixture is kept on a towel-wrapped head for an hour, then washed off with shampoo. The duration of the course - three to four weeks, one treatment per week.

Sea buckthorn oil for dandruff

About the uniquely useful sea buckthorn oil is known to everyone who is interested in natural cosmetics and folk medicine. A popular ingredient of industrial creams and recipes of alternative medicine has a complex of valuable components that improve the skin, treat diseases and injuries. But not everyone knows that sea buckthorn oil from dandruff also helps.

  • The oil obtained from sea buckthorn berries contains various vitamins, fatty acids, trace elements. The peculiarity is that vitamin C, which is sensitive to high temperatures, in the case of sea buckthorn is not destroyed by heat treatment.

This type of dandruff oil is ideal for skin and hair. It nourishes and moisturizes, restores balance, strengthens the bulbs, prevents hair loss, activates the growth of new hairs. And most importantly, it destroys fungi, the culprits of dandruff.

When prone to seborrhea sea buckthorn product is used both pure and in a mixture with other oils and ingredients. The product works better when heated, the head should also be wrapped after application.

  • Blondes should take into account the side effect: bright sea buckthorn fruits contain dyes, because of which the hair can change color. However, the coloring effect does not last long.

Sea buckthorn oil is an excellent basis for so-called exfoliating masks, which slough off and remove dead skin cells from the surface of the skin. After such a mask there is an improvement in skin respiration, oxygen and nutrients have free access to hair follicles. The recipe is as follows:

  • 2 tbsp. Of warm oil and blue clay, diluted with water to a porridge, mix with 0.5 tbsp. Of sea salt, add essential oil of lemon or calendula (a few drops).

Vegetable oil for dandruff

Vegetable, or lean oils are extracted from such raw materials:

  • fruits (berries, nuts);
  • pips;
  • roots;
  • seeds;
  • seed embryos.

Most oils are liquid, cocoa, coconut and palm oils are solid. They consist of combinations of various low-molecular acids extracted from raw materials by special methods: cold or hot pressing or extraction. How to choose the right vegetable oil for dandruff?

The best is an unrefined cold-pressed product. Because the oil, which has not undergone thermal and chemical treatment, retains all active components, including vitamins, to the maximum extent possible.

Therapeutic oils for dandruff are beneficial for the skin and hair:

  • are cleansed;
  • provide prevention;
  • nutrient-enriched;
  • regulate their own fat secretion;
  • relieve itching and inflammation;
  • strengthen the roots;
  • improve growth and density;
  • restore the structure and epidermal layer.

Certain oils, such as peppermint, can refresh hair, relieve headaches, give vigor and improve memory. They relieve fatigue and insomnia, relieve stress and tension, and have other unique benefits.

Popular oils used for food, pharmacological and cosmetic purposes are suitable for the treatment of dandruff. Buy oils should be purchased in pharmacies or appropriate departments of stores, paying attention to the expiration date and condition. Conventionally, they are divided into base and essential oils.

Essential oils, which have a bright aroma and a high concentration of active components, are added in small doses to masks based on such oils as olive oil, turnip oil, as well as in shampoos and conditioners. Depending on the problem, they are used to make masks, rubs, compresses, rinses.

  • The product should preferably be heated before the treatment. Washing or not washing your hair before the treatment is not always important.

It is not necessary to wash off the masks with a strong jet. It is enough to soap your tresses with shampoo, and then rinse off the foam. After washing, it is recommended to rinse with herbal decoctions or acidified water.

In case of course application, the result does not make you wait for a long time. Hair acquires natural shine, brightness, elasticity, softness, strength and manageability. They are easier to comb and style.

Lemon oil for dandruff

For many centuries, knowledgeable people have been using lemon essential oil for dandruff and pathologies that provoke flaking and sloughing of the epidermis. For its manufacture, lemon peel is pressed, enriched with a mass of unique organic compounds, which makes the product in demand in various spheres of human activity.

Lemon oil for dandruff gives positive results when applied in these ways:

  • add a few drops to your regular shampoo;
  • applied locally, directly to the root zone.

Just a few drops added to the shampoo will work a miracle, because the oil-enriched product strengthens and accelerates growth, vitaminizes and revitalizes tresses.

  • Topical application is especially effective when the esters are blended. The composition of lavender, bergamot, sandalwood, rosewood, ylang-ylang oils on the basis of lemon oil powerfully regenerates thinning strands, restores their elasticity and strength.

A combination of lemon essence, olive oil and castor oil has a beneficial effect on dandruff-affected scalp. The mixture is partially rubbed into the skin, the remaining mass is distributed on the strands. Keep on the head under a film and a warm towel for an hour and a half, after which the hair is thoroughly washed.

Black cumin oil for dandruff

The uniqueness of black cumin oil is that it is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which are not formed in the human body, as well as vitamins and minerals. It is a very useful substance, beneficial for various organs and systems, including hair. Gets rid of black cumin oil from dandruff, brittleness, loss of strands.

The complex of the above components normalizes the sebaceous glands and metabolism, disinfects the skin and roots, cleanses and revitalizes the environment. Thanks to this versatility, dandruff oil extracted from black cumin seed is also used to eliminate other problems: excessive dryness, brittleness, violation of growth intensity, baldness, regeneration.

  • Caraway product for cosmetic purposes can be used both externally and internally. For this purpose, a teaspoon of the product is swallowed after a meal - pure or with the addition of water and honey.

It should be taken into account the high allergenicity of the oil, so people with a tendency to allergies internal use is not recommended. Due to this quality, black cumin oil for masks is mixed with other oils. The mass is kept on the hair for half an hour, then combed with a comb to distribute along the length of the strands. For the fastest effect, the procedure is repeated three times during each week.

Warm antiperspot mask on caraway oil is prepared according to the following recipe: a spoonful of remedy add a spoonful of turnip and tea tree essential oil, apply the mixture to the head, cover with a film and a towel for 40 minutes. Then wash off with shampoo.

Almond oil for dandruff

Almond oil is saturated with vitamins B, A, E, which protect hair from ultraviolet light and other harmful factors, moisturize, remove excess grease, improve hair health, increase its strength and strength. In addition, the effect of almond oil from dandruff and inflammation of the scalp is known.

Dandruff oil extracted from almonds has some peculiarities.

1.Combine with essential oils, depending on hair type:

  • for fatty ones take cedar, cypress, bergamot;
  • for dry - orange, sandalwood, mandarin, ylang-ylang.

2.Rub the heated oil into the hair should be according to this scheme:

  • for oily ones, before you wash your hair;
  • for dry ones, after washing.

3.The oil absorbs quickly, does not contaminate the hair and does not require long rinses.

4.If rinsing is required, vinegar is dripped into warm water.

5.Oil can be added to regular shampoo as well.

6.Effective masks are obtained by mixing oil with kefir, egg yolk, honey, mustard.

The range of application of the product for hair is quite wide. To give shine and silkiness, it is enough to perform a simple manipulation: comb your locks with a comb moistened with almond oil. Do such procedures should be done constantly, two or three times a day.

Fir oil for dandruff

Fir oil has a number of therapeutic properties: it heals wounds, disinfects, soothes, tones the skin, strengthens hair. It is highly valued by cosmetologists and for this purpose is included in the formulas of products for face and hair.

  • Fir oil for dandruff is a great inexpensive remedy, and this is not the only advantage of the product.

Pine-scented dandruff oil can completely get rid of the problem. The drug helps to reduce the intensity of sebum secretion, healthy moisturizing of dry hair, their growth and volume. In addition to cosmetic properties, fir oil has the ability to eliminate lice.

To treat dandruff, it is mixed with any other oil or with other ingredients: sour cream, green clay, eggs, honey. Fir oil treats weakened and oily hair, effective in the treatment of eczema, purulent diseases, rashes, ulcers.

  • Essential-peach mask from dandruff is prepared according to the following recipe:

Mix a spoonful each of sugar, salt, 5 tsp. Of cream, 5 drops of oil. Spread on the hair in sections, rinse after 15 minutes.

Another option is a mask with blue or blue clay. It is combined with water, and the resulting paste - with 2 drops of fir oil. The paste should be placed on the head, kept for 20 minutes and washed off with running water.

Fragrant masks not only make tresses shiny and healthy, but also pleasantly relaxing, have a beneficial effect on well-being and mood.

Argan oil for dandruff

What is argan oil? Perhaps not everyone knows that the argan tree grows in Morocco, from the seeds of which the plant oil of the same name is extracted. Gourmets appreciate it for its exquisite taste and usefulness, while doctors and cosmetologists appreciate it for its unique therapeutic properties.

It is the rarest oil, because the argan tree's distribution is limited and under the auspices of UNESCO. The fruit cannot be exported, but the processed products - argan oil for dandruff - are exempt from the ban.

The product contains a record number of vitamins and antioxidants, as well as useful rare components - sterols. Like other oils from dandruff, argan oil solves related problems of hair and scalp: eliminates dryness and weakness of the roots and ends, loss, dullness of curls. Mask against dandruff is prepared according to the following recipe:

  • Take a spoonful each of argan and coconut oils, 50g of plain sour cream, 5 drops of tea tree oil. Mix the ingredients and heat on a water bath. Apply to the head, soak for half an hour.

Itching and discomfort disappear after the first treatment, and dandruff disappears after five sessions. To eliminate other hair defects use yolks, aloe, avocado, sour milk products, lemon, cognac, alcohol tinctures, turpentine, castor and other oils.

Various brands include argan oil in their products as an effective natural ingredient, as well as separately produce oils bottled in bottles. "EcoLab, Huile d`Argan, Estel, Avon, Welcos, Spivak, Planet Organic - this is by no means a complete list of manufacturers of such products.

Grape seed oil for dandruff

Sometimes dandruff is caused by age-related changes. This happens because the natural process of oil secretion slows down, which leads to dryness, flaking and dandruff. The follicles become weaker and the hair becomes thin and brittle.

  • To help the cause and eliminate defects can grape seed oil from dandruff: it moisturizes the epidermis, supports the growth and structure of strands, eliminates white scales.

Penetrating into the skin, dandruff oil nourishes the bulbs and roots, activates blood circulation, moisturizes the skin surface and prevents the formation of dandruff flakes. It is easily absorbed and does not leave grease on the skin.

Unlike some similar substances, the oil is hypoallergenic. It is one of the lightest natural oils that nourishes and moisturizes, but does not weigh down the curls. Which is especially true for oily tresses, which receive care without worsening the look. This is due to the fact that the components of the oil act on the secretion of sebum to reduce it.

At home, grapeseed oil is used without additives and together with essential oils in the form of heated masks. There is a little secret how to heat such small amounts of liquids, because for masks they are taken only a spoonful at a time.

  • For this purpose, the mixtures are prepared in a plastic bag, mixed well, and then immersed in hot water - in a sink or some kind of dish.

Grape seed oil is applied to shampooed braids, gathered in a "ponytail". Wrap with a towel, previously dipped in hot water. Such a warm compress, performed twice a week, gives an amazing result: the hair is transformed - become strong, shiny, well-groomed.

Eucalyptus oil for dandruff

The hair of the modern woman is constantly exposed to trauma. Styling, drying, curling, manipulation with a flat iron and a flat iron sooner or later destroy even the strongest and healthiest hair. And on the skin there is dandruff - from the aggressive effects of chemicals, various cosmetics and environmental factors. Restore the beauty and health of curls is real thanks to the excellent qualities of natural products.

  • Eucalyptus oil from dandruff is an excellent choice for such a case. It is a real alternative to expensive cosmetic products of the most popular brands.

Dandruff oil, derived from eucalyptus, is created by nature itself to restore and enrich the hair with important nutrients. The product takes care of all elements of the locks: follicles, roots, tips, scalp surface. Hair grows more intensively, thicker, gains lightness, strength and volume. The effect is provided by the components of the oil: aldehydes, flavonoids, tannins, hydrocarbon compounds.

  • Using eucalyptus oil in practice, one should not forget about its high concentration, dangerous for sensitive skin. In order to avoid undesirable effects, it is recommended to perform a test on a delicate area of skin before the procedure.

The result after the treatment exceeds all expectations: dandruff is visibly reduced after the third session, and the appearance of hair, from root to tip, improves immediately after the first treatment.

Lavender oil for dandruff

Among the essential oils for dandruff, lavender is one of the most popular and pleasant to smell. The product gets rid of dandruff, favorably affects the hair follicles and hair shafts, as well as the skin. With a course application of lavender oil from dandruff disappears pathogenic microflora, normalizes the secretion of fat, improves blood circulation. Due to these processes, the hair is revitalized, grows more intensively, become thick, shiny, elastic. Ethers relieve local inflammations, tone and nourish the skin.

Essential oils are used for therapeutic purposes in several ways:

  • for aroma combing;
  • as a shampoo additive;
  • to make masks.

There are rules for using oils, including lavender oil, that should be followed.

  • Thus, esters are highly concentrated compounds, so they are used in minimal doses, in drops. Excessive amounts are dangerous: may cause irritation or local allergies.
  • To avoid allergies, the full procedure should be preceded by testing on the wrist or elbow. If there is no reaction after 15 minutes, the oil is safe and can be safely applied to the entire head.
  • If burning or itching begins during the procedure, the mass should be immediately washed off from the head.
  • The combination of several oils is effective against dandruff recurrence.

Jojoba oil for dandruff

Jojoba oil for dandruff is at the forefront of a number of natural preparations for tresses and skin care. The product, produced by pressing the nut of the same name, is used in the formulation of both industrial and home remedies. And not for nothing, because it effectively solves a variety of problems: from hair breakage to dandruff.

Golden yellow dandruff oil looks like a thick, greasy, odorless and tasteless liquid. At low temperatures, it hardens to the consistency of wax. The substance actually belongs to the category of natural waxes, but for some reason is known as oil.

  • Because of this feature, jojoba oil is heated to a liquid consistency before treatment.

Unique minerals, vitamins, useful fats make jojoba very popular in cosmetology. It is added to creams, shampoos, other care preparations. The oil returns purity to the skin, and hair - strength and shine.

  • Jojoba oil is equally beneficial for both dry and oily dandruff.

Rubbing into the skin dissolves sebum accumulations, opens blocked follicles, normalizes metabolic processes and stimulates hair growth. Each hair is covered with a delicate oil film, giving the strands a luxurious shine and beauty. Thanks to the collagen in the wax, the structure is restored and strengthened. Such a picture can be obtained after 3-4 sessions of such masks or compresses.

Do not be alarmed if at first there is a lot of dandruff: this is a normal reaction produced by jojoba wax. The skin sloughs off, which is subsequently washed off and the hair is kept hygienic.

Peppermint oil for dandruff

Peppermint oil is one of the first flavors that people get acquainted with in early childhood, starting with tasty caramels, gum, and drugstore lollipops. Later, everyone learns that peppermint oil is a sought-after component of cosmetic products. Peppermint oil effectively gets rid of dandruff, treats dullness and hair loss; after mint procedures, hair is aromatized, keeps fresh and pleasant smell for a long time, and in summer keeps pleasant coolness.

Dandruff oil extracted from peppermint is an affordable and effective product for the treatment and care of hair. It is used in different ways: with rubbing, combing, masks with massaging the surface of the skin. Most effective is the oil from dandruff with oily tresses. To get the effect, it is enough to drop a little oil in the usual shampoo when washing the head, and rinse with a mint infusion or conditioner with the addition of the same oil.

Brushing with a wooden comb moistened with oil softens and refreshes the locks. Rubbing in combination with massage increases blood circulation and strengthens the hair follicles.

A few drops of peppermint essence added to the base oil of avocado, grape seed or almond increases the effectiveness of the hair mask. To care for oily and normal tresses use the following mixture:

  • 2 whipped egg yolks;
  • 1 tbsp. Lemon juice;
  • a few drops of peppermint oil.

The mixed mixture is applied for 20 minutes under a cap, then rinse with shampoo.

Dyed, dry hair can be saved with castor or turpentine-mint mask. It is kept under a film for 40 minutes and washed off with regular shampoo.

Peach oil for dandruff

Peach oil is the oil produced by cold pressing the seeds of the juicy southern fruit. The product is an excellent medical and cosmetic raw material. It is included in massage oils, lip balms, masks, eye creams, sunscreen. Gently acts on all types of skin, cleanses, cares, prevents aging.

  • Peach oil from dandruff in appearance - a transparent yellowish liquid, in refined form - odorless.

A whole range of vitamins promotes regeneration and intensive growth of strands. A special benefit - for dry, colored, damaged hair. They moisturize, revitalize, restore the structure. In addition, this oil gets rid of dandruff, from damage and other defects of the hair and skin.

However, rich in useful components natural remedy is not suitable for all people with problem hair.

  • In the care program for oily tresses, the product is undesirable, because it increases oiliness. Therefore, the application of peach seed oil leads to a rapid loss of healthy shine, freshness and cleanliness of tresses.
  • In case of mixed type, products are selected separately: some for the roots and others for the ends of the hair.

The best way to use peach oil is with a mask at night. With weekly use, visible results will appear without delay. To increase its effectiveness, the oil is mixed with honey, egg yolk, cognac, other oils.

Juniper oil for dandruff

This evergreen shrub of the cypress family has several synonyms: heather, juniper, juniper. Juniper berries and needles are used to extract the oil of the same name, a clear liquid that consists of a mixture of complex chemical compounds and smells slightly of woody and piney odor. Widely used in medicine, aromatherapy and cosmetology, treats many diseases: from acne - to inflammation of the joints. It is distinguished by a variety of methods: it is used for application, inhalation, as a base for creams, for baths, for aroma lamps.

  • Practice the use of juniper oil for dandruff and other skin problems: eczema, acne, increased oiliness.

When applied to the surface, it causes burning and activation of local blood circulation. Intensive moisturizing and nourishing takes place, skin and hair imperfections gradually disappear, sebum secretion becomes normal. Juniper is well combined with other oils from dandruff: lavender, cypress, sandalwood. Suitable for oily type, and for normal hair is used together with moisturizing products.

In addition to fighting dandruff and baldness, juniper oil stimulates growth, prevents gray hair, returns shine and softness to the strands.

  • When using, consider the caveat: heather is a poisonous shrub, so prolonged use of cosmetics based on it is not recommended.

In particular, a one-month course is enough to eliminate and prevent dandruff. The oil is added to home and industrial products literally in drops. In concentrated form, it is used only for aromatic combing.

An effective technique is oil wraps. They are made with a warm mixture: base oil plus juniper essence. The base is any product suitable for the type of hair. Ratio: 5 drops of ether per 30ml of base. The mixture is rubbed into the head before washing for 1 hour.

Mustard oil for dandruff

Mustard in the East was first used exclusively as a spice. Its medicinal and cosmetic properties were not realized until later. Today, dried mustard and mustard seed oil is a popular component of the cosmetics industry. Preparations with mustard oil are produced - from dandruff, baldness, weakness of the structure, gray hair. Mustard components are effective in skin care, coughs, colds, headaches, and muscle inflammation.

  • Pharmacy oil from dandruff is often included in the composition of home masks.

For procedures, choose a cold-pressed product that has all the useful substances and properties. In the context of combating dandruff, the antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antimycotic qualities of the oil are important. The liquid is kept in the refrigerator and heated in portions sufficient for each procedure.

Anti-dandruff recipe:

  • squeeze the juice of young nettles (take 40 g of plant material);
  • beaten egg yolk (preferably of a homemade egg);
  • 40g high-fat sour cream, preferably homemade;
  • 20ml of oil;
  • 20g tolokna (add last).

When mixed, a sour cream-like mass is obtained, which is applied to dry unwashed strands - from root to tip. Clothes should be protected with a cape, because the oil leaves almost indelible stains. The head is insulated with a cap and a towel, half an hour later the hair is washed with shampoo.

  • The procedure is accompanied by a slight tingling sensation of the skin. If it turns into a strong burning sensation, the mask should be washed off immediately and not used again.

The disadvantages of the oil are allergenicity and specific odor. Its use is not recommended for pregnant women.

Rosemary oil for dandruff

Rosemary grows in some countries in southern Europe and northern Africa, particularly Tunisia. Essential oil is found in the buds, flowers and leaves of rosemary. The healing, aromatic and cosmetic properties of this unique plant were discovered in ancient times by healers and scientists, including the famous Hippocrates.

  • Rosemary even figured in religious legends.

Is rosemary oil used for dandruff? The answer is positive. The essential product drops are added to natural oils or their mixtures, which serve as the basis of therapeutic oils from dandruff (olive, turpoy). Such masks are effective when regularly used twice a week.

Rosemary is included in formulas of home remedies to strengthen, grow, restore and moisturize hair, it is used in massage, rinsing, and such procedure as aromatic combing of braids with tools made of natural materials.

In addition to its beneficial effects on the hair, rosemary oil has a number of extremely valuable properties for health:

  • relieves headaches;
  • tones you up, helps you focus;
  • the smell cures apathy, depression;
  • improves memory, the memorization process;
  • relieves inflammation, stimulates regeneration;
  • regulates peristalsis;
  • is a powerful aphrodisiac.

These are only the main healing properties of rosemary oil. However, there are contraindications for its use: the product is not recommended for pregnant women, hypertensive, epileptics. The oil can cause sunburn, so it should not be applied, for example, on the joints, shortly before going outdoors.

Cedar oil for dandruff

Cedar essential oil is rich in vitamins, trace elements, carbohydrates, proteins. It is especially rich in antioxidants, which are natural rejuvenating components, and has three times more fatty acids than fish oil.

The product is effective in combating dermatological problems, activates mental and physical strength of the body. Especially effective is the use of cedar oil from dandruff and in the treatment of hair. The oil has unique advantages:

  • strengthens the roots;
  • regenerates the structure;
  • prevents and eliminates dandruff;
  • eliminates dry, split ends;
  • accelerates growth;
  • stops the baldness;
  • gives shine, elasticity, silkiness.

Dandruff oils extracted from cedar seeds by extraction or pressing differ slightly from each other. The most useful product is obtained by cold pressing with minimal pressure. Care for curls with this substance is practiced at home and in salons: in the form of masks, head massage, washing shampoos with its addition. Active components saturate the hair with vitality, as a result of which they acquire a healthy shine and grooming.

With seborrhea, dandruff, irritations make a mask of sugar, salt (proportion 2 tsp. Spoon:1 tbsp. Spoon) and 5 drops of cedar oil. The mixture is rubbed and distributed on the strands for 10 minutes. Frequency of the mask - 3 times a month.

It should be noted that cedar oil is not the cheapest product. It is produced by Stary Altai, Taiga Siberia, Styx, MedicoMed, Aspera and others.

Celandine oil for dandruff

Celandine contains more than two dozen useful but poisonous alkaloids, as well as vitamin C, carotene, tannins, organic acids, essential oils. These components have an antifungal effect, which makes them especially valuable in the treatment of dandruff. Juice, decoctions, celandine oil from dandruff can be used for home procedures for hair care.

The most poisonous are the roots of the plant. Oil extract 100% is obtained from the above-ground part (shoots and flowers). The resulting product effectively copes with a variety of skin and hair problems:

  • gets rid of pimples, acne, warts, eczema, papillomas;
  • soothes, cleanses, whitens the skin;
  • eliminates dryness, nourishes the epidermis;
  • prevents brittle, brittle hair.

Oil from dandruff and flakiness of other kinds are used pure, in combination with other oils or as a base for the addition of esters. It is practiced to mix the oil in small doses with shampoos and balms, face masks, for massage manipulations. Botanika, Mirrolla, Remedium Natura offer quality products to fight dandruff.

During manipulation, precautions should be observed. In particular, take into account the possibility of allergic reaction, do not allow accidental ingestion.


Despite the abundance of useful properties, not all dandruff oils have been studied and described. In the instructions for use of some oils, it is so indicated that their pharmacodynamics have not been studied.

Regenerating, anti-inflammatory, antimycotic, antimycotic, soothing, antioxidant, vitaminizing actions of substances of this group are noted in the studied products.


There are no data on the pharmacokinetics of most dandruff oils.

Dosing and administration

Like other natural remedies, dandruff oils work better when heated. They are applied externally - alone or in combination with other substances. The method of application and dosages depend on the depth of the problem and the type of oil.

  • Practiced rubbing, combing, massage, addition to industrial and home care products. Peculiarities of oil application:
  1. When applying masks hair wrapped with a film and a warm towel.
  2. Essential oils are added to the oils in drops. The proportions of essential and base oils are 2 drops per 2 tbsp. Spoonful.
  3. Jojoba oil is sure to be heated to bring out the waxy consistency.
  4. If there is a risk of irritation, do samples.
  5. Cedar oil should be changed to a different preparation after 3 weeks.

Application for children

The causes of dandruff in children are the same as in adults. One of the first places is hormonal imbalance, in particular during puberty of adolescents.

  • Treatment is started after the cause has been identified.

Dandruff oils are only one of the methods of getting rid of children's dandruff. In addition to them, shampoos, sulsen soap, physiotherapy techniques, vitamins, phyto teas, correct the child's diet.

Some oils do not have any contraindications. Others are limited, for example, celandine oil is not recommended for children under 3 years of age. Therefore, the possibility of using a particular product for children should be clarified with a specialist.

  • For oil rubs use neutral means - castor oil and turpentine oil, in equal proportions. A solution of vitamin A can be added.

The mixture is rubbed into the head two hours before washing or left overnight. Wash off with shampoo. Another option - mixing castor oil with calendula tincture and applying it as a mask.

To prevent dandruff, children should use individual combs and quality children's shampoos. Headwear should be chosen according to the weather and season. Nutrition should be rational and healthy. It is also necessary to regularly examine children for digestive abnormalities and hormonal failures.

Use Dandruff oils during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a special period when a woman should be particularly careful in choosing and using cosmetic and health products. During pregnancy, it is important to avoid using products that may contain potentially harmful chemicals, especially if they can enter the body through the skin.

Regarding dandruff oils, most of them contain relatively safe ingredients such as antifungal and moisturizing ingredients. However, even if a product is considered relatively safe, it is important to consult a doctor before using it during pregnancy.

You should also follow these guidelines:

  1. Show the product to your doctor and make sure he or she approves its use.
  2. Use dandruff oil according to the instructions on the package and do not exceed the recommended dosage.
  3. Avoid products that contain harsh chemical ingredients, flavorings and colorings.
  4. If you have any allergies or sensitivities to certain ingredients, be sure to take that into consideration when choosing a product.
  5. If you notice any side effects or reactions to the product, discontinue use immediately and consult your doctor.

In any case, before using dandruff oil or any other product during pregnancy, it's always best to get recommendations and approval from your doctor to make sure the product is safe and right for you.


Some oils have no contraindications to use, except for individual sensitivity. Others may cause allergies, e.g. Coconut oil. The likelihood of an allergic reaction is checked in advance by testing on sensitive skin. Other contraindications:

  • Juniper oil is contraindicated in pregnancy, epilepsy, acute kidney disease, asthma, hypertension.
  • Rosemary oil is contraindicated in pregnancy, epilepsy, hypertension. It can cause sunburn.
  • Cedar oil should not be used for longer than 3 weeks in a row.
  • Treatment with dandruff oils can be ineffective if the situation is advanced; in such cases, stronger medications are required.

Side effects Dandruff oils

Like other substances with a high content of active ingredients, oils can act unexpectedly. Essential oils for dandruff in concentrated form can be dangerous, irritate the skin. In order to avoid allergic reactions, it is recommended to conduct tests to correctly choose exactly "your" remedy.

Side effects of some oils:

  • juniper has a diuretic effect;
  • sea buckthorn gives coloration, which is then washed off;
  • mustard causes burning, reddening of the skin.


Cases of overdose of dandruff oils have not been registered.

Interactions with other drugs

Dandruff oils are regarded as an additional source of fatty acids, vitamin E and other components. No significant interaction with other preparations has been established.

Storage conditions

Different varieties of oils from dandruff retain their useful properties at different temperature conditions: from 2 to 25 degrees Celsius. Unrefined products are better to keep in the refrigerator.

  • General storage conditions are as follows:

Store in sealed original bottles, tea oil in dark dishes, preferably glass.

The storage place should be dry, cool, without access to the sun or sudden temperature changes.

Some oils become cloudy when cooled, but in warmth their structure is restored.

Sea buckthorn can't be frozen.

Cedar, sea buckthorn oils should be especially kept away from children.

Shelf life

In the absence of light and observance of temperature conditions, dandruff oils retain shelf life up to 2 years. In particular, cedar - 12 months, almond, sea buckthorn - 1.5 years, turnip oil - 24 months. In open dishes they spoil faster, so the shelf life is uncertain.

Dandruff is not only an aesthetic but also a physical inconvenience, and something needs to be done about it immediately. Along with pharmacy and cosmetic preparations, you should not ignore time-tested folk remedies, such as oils from dandruff. Nature's own gift substances get rid of dandruff, have a beneficial effect on the skin and hair, make them healthy and well-groomed.

Literature used

  1. "Cosmetic Dermatology: Principles and Practice" - by Leslie Baumann and Sogol Saghari (year of publication: 2014).
  2. "Cosmeceuticals and Cosmetic Ingredients" - by Leslie Baumann (year of publication: 2015).
  3. "Cosmetic Science and Technology: Theoretical Principles and Applications" - by Kazutami Sakamoto (year of publication: 2017).
  4. "Cosmetic Formulation of Skin Care Products" - by Zoe Diana Draelos (year of release: 2006).
  5. "Dermal Fillers: Principles and Practice" by Anthony Benedetto and Michael S. Kaminer (year of publication: 2018).


To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug " Hair oil for dandruff" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.

Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.

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