Hair transplantation: indications, contraindications, preparation
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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A beautiful thick head of hair is a matter of pride not only for women, but for men, on whom early-maturing peers look with great envy. And this is not surprising, because bright "glades" on the head with a sparse vegetation, are unlikely to be an ornament that attracts the attention of the opposite sex. Particularly sensitive is the problem of baldness at a young age, when everyone wants to be attractive and beloved, but not everyone can boast of a beautiful hairdo. Liquid hairs are another half of the problem, the solution of which is quite affordable by medicinal and alternative means, but alopecia (alopecia) lends itself to such therapy is much more difficult, and for many people the only way out of this situation is hair transplantation.
It must be said that people treat the problem of alopecia differently. To a greater or lesser extent, of course, everyone who has encountered the appearance of bald spots on their heads suffers, but they solve the problem in different ways. Someone is trying to cover the external defect with internal qualities, and others simply stop noticing this lack, admired by the beauty of the human soul.
Others resort to changing the image, starting the procedure with a hairstyle, which allows to hide the lack of hair on the frontal part of the head and the crown. For the time being it works out to many. Women are especially successfully disguised, throwing their hair to one side, and men with long hair. Alas, this method does not help everyone for a long time, and eventually it is necessary to look for other ways of solving the problem, if it really prevents a person from feeling full and confident.
There are also such (it is more typical for the stronger sex), who changes the hair style in a radical way, guided by the principle: if there is no hair on the forehead and neck, there is nothing to be on the rest of the head. Haircut "under the zero" is also one of the options for solving the problem, as well as wearing a wig, hiding progalinki in the hair.
Yes, how little it is possible to hide such a defect as a lack of hair where they should be. But the disguise of the problem can not be called its solution, and a person can continue to feel defective until he comes to understand the need for serious medication, and physiotherapy treatment, or decide on a hair transplant.
When asked whether hair transplantation will help, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer. Everything depends on the pursued purpose and cause of baldness. If it is a question of masking the problem, then the procedure is relevant for any type of alopecia and gives very attractive and lasting results. And as far as treatment is concerned, hair transplantation is considered to be the method to be used last, when traditional treatment does not help.
Indications for the procedure
Hair transplantation is a truly effective method of hair restoration. And for the procedure is usually enough to the patient's desire and patience, because the transplantation session lasts quite a long time. Another thing is that the choice of hair transplantation methods for different types of baldness will be somewhat different.
In addition to the fact that baldness can be complete or partial, three main types of alopecia are distinguished:
- Androgenic alopecia (the most popular type, which accounts for up to 95% of all cases of male pattern baldness, in women, the picture is more vague, but it is believed that such baldness is less characteristic of them). In this pathology, the hereditary sensitivity of the hair follicles to the active form of the male hormone, dihydrotestosterone, comes to the forefront, which in most cases is transmitted through the female line.
The disease manifests gradually and not so much hair loss, as their thinning as a result of degeneration of hair follicles caused by dihydrotestosterone. In men, the region of the forehead and parietal zone are usually affected, in women, the zone of parting is observed.
This type of alopecia can be treated with medicines and various methods of physical impact, but in neglected forms, when the hair follicles become unable to produce new hair in return for the dropping out (and the process of hair exchange is a normal physiological process, the disturbance of which leads to the appearance of bald patches), only the transplant can help hair. And the choice of methods for carrying out the procedure is not limited in this case.
- Diffuse alopecia has several other roots, although it can also be caused by hormonal causes, but in this case it is not so much about the sensitivity of hair follicles to androgens, but about the imbalance of hormones in the body. This type of baldness is more characteristic of the fair sex.
Hormonal disorders are just one of the internal factors that can cause hair follicles to fall into a sleeping state when they stop producing new hair. Other factors may include frequent stressful situations, severe stress, depression, long-term use of medicines, acute infections, severe course of chronic pathologies, deficient conditions, strict diets, in which the body does not receive the necessary vitamins and microelements (sometimes the struggle for beauty of the body can turn around trouble for the head). External causes, which have a lulling effect on the hair follicles, can be considered surgical operations, or rather their consequences, and negative environmental conditions.
There is another variant of diffuse alopecia, where external causes (anagenic form) come to the fore: poisoning with poisonous substances, increased radiation background, chemotherapy and radiation sessions, head trauma with damage to the skin. In this case, the bulbs just do not have time to fall asleep under the influence of damaging factors, and hair loss is observed in the growth phase. In case of trauma, the subsequent growth of hair will be hampered by the formation of scar tissue (cicatricial alopecia).
What else can cause a diffuse hair loss? Harmful habits (this can be seen in smokers and active fans of alcoholic drinks), with skin diseases, improper hair care, and sometimes even with reduced immunity.
In most cases, the treatment of diffuse alopecia reduces to the isolation of a negative factor that provokes hair loss. But sometimes additional medical and physiotherapeutic treatment is required, a diet with a high content of essential vitamins (vitamins B, C, A, PP) and minerals (emphasis is on zinc) and vitamin-mineral complexes.
And even such treatment does not always give good results, and baldness continues to progress. In this case, doctors usually offer such a radical procedure as hair transplantation. And the choice of methods for conducting transplantation is left to the patient.
- Alopecia areata is already a serious problem, having an internal cause, which is a malfunction in the immune system. This type of baldness can be considered a serious autoimmune disease, which, as we know, is very poorly suited to medical treatment. It is difficult to fight with your own immune system, which for some unknown reason begins to perceive your own hair as an alien substance and fight them.
Alopecia is called focal or nest, because it is not characterized by complete loss of hair, but the appearance of limited empty areas on the scalp, including the eyebrows, beard, mustache. Bald spots can also be observed in the pubic area and other parts of the body, usually covered with hair. In place of the fallen hair, new ones no longer appear, because the cells of the immune system destroy the hair follicles.
A variant of such alopecia is universal alopecia, in which gradual loss of hair occurs not only throughout the head, but also on the entire body. In this case, there is a lack of even gun hair.
Alopecia due to a specific malfunction in the immune system, when it is activated without the need, this is the most severe kind of alopecia. Given the characteristics of the disease, the approach to its treatment will differ from the therapy of other types of alopecia. At the same time, any interference in the functioning of the body can only exacerbate the situation, so the choice of treatment methods should be treated with extreme caution, especially when it comes to radical ways to treat baldness, which includes hair transplantation.
It must be said that the choice of radical methods is very limited in this case. Surgical hair transplantation can negatively affect the functioning of the immune system, so it is not prescribed in this situation. The only thing that a specialist doctor can offer (and this is a trichologist) is a non-surgical technique
It must be understood that all types of alopecia are interrelated. So diffuse alopecia can proceed both in the focal form, and be total. And there is no such kind of pathology that would hit only people of the same age or sex, just for each type of alopecia the statistics may be slightly different. Androgenic alopecia is the "privilege" of middle-aged and older people with a bias toward the male population of the country, and since pathology is considered the most common, the purpose of hair transplantation in men is more frequent than in women. Given that the strong sex is usually not in a hurry and is pulled to the last, when only radical measures help.
Diffuse type of baldness, associated most often with stress and hormones, most often affects middle-aged women in the pre-menopausal and climacteric period, although it is possible during pregnancy. But since there are other effective methods of treatment that doctors consider more appropriate in this situation, hair transplantation in women is considered a rather rare phenomenon, prescribed only in difficult situations.
In this case, hair implantation can be prescribed as with alopecia, lack of hair on the head or other part of the body, and with a noticeable thinning of the hair, which looks very unattractive and even frightening, or too high a line of hair growth. Alopecia, caused by burns and skin diseases, is especially difficult to treat, since a dense scar tissue that prevents hair growth is formed on the skin. In this case, hair transplantation is also the best way out of the situation.
Focal alopecia as an autoimmune disease occurs in people of different sexes. This disease can be called youth, since its appearance is often diagnosed at the age of 18-25, although sometimes it can be found even in children in children over 3 years old. True hair transplantation in children is not done by every clinic and in rare cases, when baldness causes serious psychological problems, which makes it necessary to prescribe an operation for hair implantation. The cause of frequent refusals in the transplant is the growth of the child's head. It is clear that this is where the skin stretches, and the hair transplanted later will be rare.
Another reason is that it is difficult for a small child to withstand a prolonged operation, usually carried out under local anesthesia. Therefore, even in serious cases, doctors take hair transplants only for children older than 5 years.
Hair transplant in one way or another helps almost all patients, except for cases of complete baldness, when there is no hair to take from nowhere, because it is about transplanting your own hair follicles. Hair transplant from another person is usually not carried out, because experiments show that other people's hair, even the material of close relatives, the immune system is usually perceived as alien, they will simply be rejected by the body.
For the same reason, it is rare to transplant artificial hair, which is only relevant if there is nowhere to take hair for implantation, i.e. On the body they are absent altogether. If hair loss is noted only on the head, you can try to transplant the hair from other parts of the body or, in extreme cases, use donor bulbs. True, the result of such operations does not always bring good results.
Hair transplantation is in most cases a serious operation, which involves interfering with the functioning of the body and the use of anesthesia. It is clear that even a minimally invasive procedure, which is considered to be the transplantation of hair follicles, can not do without preliminary preparation, on which the outcome of the procedure largely depends, whether there will be complications during it and how long the recovery period will last. So one hygiene procedures here can not do, although they are also included in the list of necessary preparatory measures.
In principle, the preparation begins already from the moment the patient receives the trichologist, who will, if necessary, prescribe an operation and suggest the most effective methods for carrying it out, depending on the diagnosis and characteristics of the patient's body. In addition, a consultation with a plastic surgeon is carried out, which will perform a hair transplant operation, specifies the area of the operation, the change of the transplant and donor zones, the number of stages of the operation (usually 2-3 steps with an interval of about six months) and the date of the first procedure. The doctor will also tell you how to properly prepare for the upcoming procedure, taking into account the fact that the preparatory period can be delayed for up to 2 weeks.
The longest, probably, will have to be prepared by those whose addiction is cigarettes. Doctors believe that giving up smoking for a certain period is a low price for beauty and health. But it is necessary to suffer neither more nor less, but 2 weeks. But such a "victim" will confirm the person's readiness to radically address the problem of baldness.
The refusal to smoke before carrying out any of the procedures for hair transplantation is considered mandatory, since nicotine increases the likelihood of complications during surgery and has a poor effect on hair survival and tissue repair in the postoperative period.
A little easier for fans of alcohol. Completely abandon the favorite drink they need 1 week before the upcoming operation, the time of which is stipulated in advance.
A special moment is taking medications. Ideally, stop taking any medications costs 10 days before surgery. Physicians pay special attention to drugs that affect blood coagulability (hair transplantation is a minimally invasive operation, but not bloodless), for example, acetylsalicylic acid and preparations based on it. If taking medications is vitally necessary for a person, as, for example, with certain heart diseases, the doctor should receive from the patient a complete list of medications taken to assess possible side effects and contraindications.
If it is a question of hair transplantation in women, the operation time is selected in such a way that it does not coincide with menstruation, plus or minus 4 days. That is, 4 days before the monthly and 4 days after their termination, hair transplantation is considered acceptable.
You can take food and drinks until there are 6 hours left before the operation. After that, you'll have to get hungry a little. If a person has stomach or metabolic problems and long-term starvation is considered unacceptable, this must be reported to the doctor during the consultation.
It is clear that you can not go to a hair transplant operation with a dirty head. This is not only unaesthetic and indicates a person's disrespect for himself and others, but also unhygienic. To wash a head it is necessary since morning before procedure. Limitations in detergents at the same time do not, but do not apply hair styling products.
If a person has some kind of disease, it may be necessary to consult a specialist's doctors who can assess the risk of manipulating hair transplants. In addition, before the operation, you will definitely need to pass a series of tests. This is a blood test for STIs, which can detect HIV infection, hepatitis B and C, syphilis, as well as a general blood test to assess the state of the body.
This is a standard set of tests, but in each clinic, depending on the operations performed and the patient's history, additional studies can be assigned to protect the person from possible complications. For example, before an operation, the patient may have an acute infectious disease in which any surgical intervention is considered undesirable, as it will contribute to the spread of the infection with the blood. The disease may be hidden for some time, so additional research may be needed to confirm or exclude a diagnosis that prevents hair transplantation.
Technique of the hair transplantation
The technique of carrying out the procedure for hair transplantation may vary slightly depending on the chosen method of treatment. But the meaning of the operation remains the same: to transfer stable viable bulbs from a site with a thick head of hair to the one where the hair was lost and no longer grow.
Contraindications to the procedure
We previously did not say that hair transplantation with even minimally invasive methods of FUE and HFE still remains a serious, not bloodless procedure. It is clear that such a procedure may not be suitable for all people, since it, like other operations, has its own contraindications.
It is necessary to say to the joy of those who dream of returning to their hairstyle the former attractiveness by such methods that there are not so many restrictions on hair transplantation. The main thing is to approach this possibility in a timely manner, without leading yourself to a complete loss of hair, when the choice of donors is limited, and it is reasonable to understand that the donor zone has its limitations, which means that it is impossible to achieve an ideal density in all parts of the head.
Who does not have the option of hair transplantation? These are people with mental disabilities and bleeding disorders. Hair transplant is also not performed in those areas where there are acute skin diseases.
The possibility of a procedure for other dermatological pathologies that occur in acute form, especially an infectious or allergic plan, is also questionable. The fact is that the trial procedure may not show negative reactions of the immune system, but if a person has a tendency to dermatoses, troubles can arise somewhat later.
As for mental abnormalities, the refusal is more concerned with such pathologies:
- trichotillomania, when the patient himself tears his hair (due to the danger of recurrence of the attack),
- dysmorphophobia (the patient will still be dissatisfied with the result, will require new operations with the ensuing consequences),
- obsessive -compulsive disorder (inadequate behavior will not allow for an operation that also lasts for several hours).
With caution approach to the possibility of carrying out the operation for hair transplantation is necessary for patients with diabetes mellitus (their wounds heal for a long time, therefore the risk of their infection is high) and diseases of the cardiovascular system, for example, with high blood pressure. If health has disappointed, but there is an uncontrollable desire to have a beautiful hairstyle, in this case it is more expedient to choose the safest and least painful procedure, which is the innovative technique of HFE. However, so far not all clinics have the necessary equipment and qualified specialists to conduct such an accurate procedure.
If it is a question of transplanting artificial hair, then there is one more important contraindication added. This procedure is undesirable for people with increased sweating ( hyperhidrosis ), because biofilms will only aggravate the situation.
When a person decides to have a hair transplant, he should be familiar with the shortcomings of this technology of restoring the hair on the head, beard, eyebrows and other areas of the body. Yes, transplantation in comparison with other traditional methods of treatment has its drawbacks.
The disadvantages of hair transplantation include:
- The procedure has a cosmetic rather than a curative effect. If hair loss has been provoked by some kind of disturbances in the body, it is wiser to tackle their treatment, rather than masking the problem by transferring the cover for the head from one place to another. In transplantation, it makes sense to resort to the lack of effect from other methods of treatment, and not instead of therapy.
- It should be understood that the area with which one can take strong hair that is resistant to dihydrotestosterone for hair transplant to a bald patch is not unlimited. And baldness in the absence of serious treatment can progress, which will require the conduct of new operations. But where to get so much hair?
- With severe alopecia, doctors are faced with the problem that hair from the donor site is often not enough to "patch up" bald. After the operation with the use of insufficient number of fonts or follicular associations, the affected area may remain noticeable, since the density of hair on it will be less than in other areas.
- Patients are not always satisfied with the result of the operation, because everyone expects to restore the former head of hair. In fact, it often turns out that hair is not enough for such an effect, they do not grow as you would like or not in that direction (in this respect, the advantage remains with the HFE technique).
- If the patient agrees to strip techniques, he should be prepared to have a rather noticeable scar on his head behind the back, which can only be hidden behind long hair, i.e. The ability to change your hair will be limited.
- The procedure of hair transplantation lasts from 3 to 8 hours, which presents certain difficulties in order to endure such torment. A person must initially be attuned to what he will have to endure.
- To suffer it is necessary and after operation. Painful sensations, swelling of the tissues on the head, the need to care for surgical sutures after the strip operation and small punctures to avoid complications.
- Many have to face and with such trouble as hair loss in the area of surgery, especially if the "build-up" of hair was not carried out on an empty area, but on a site with thinning hair. Can get enough sleep not only transplanted hair, but also relatives who are weaker.
Consequences after the procedure
About the consequences and complications of hair transplantation read in this article.
Is it worth the result of a hair transplant of money spent
We must immediately say that since it is a question of transplantation and plastic surgery, it is usually not necessary to talk about the cheapness of the procedure. Of course, different clinics and surgeons can evaluate their work in different ways, so the choice for those who want to have a chic hair or at least more or less decently disguise the lack of a good density of hair is still there. The only thing that can be advised is not to pursue cheapness, because in this case there is usually some kind of dirty trick. For low prices, the unprofessionalism of a surgeon who can understandably few clients, and prices serve as a kind of bait, can simply hide.
How much does hair transplantation cost on average? The full cost of the hair transplant procedure will necessarily depend on the number of transplanted grafts or follicular associations. That is, the role is played not so much by the area of work, as by the desired density of future hair. In the price lists of clinics you can find prices not for the whole operation, but for 1 graft or FU (follicular unit).
On average, if you take the dollar at 27, 6, the average cost of one transplanted graft will fluctuate within 3-4 dollars. However, there are clinics where the cost of the graft will be lower ($ 1.5-2) or higher (up to $ 7 per graft).
But you need to understand that 1000-2000 grafts will look decent when transplanting to the forehead (correction of the forehead line and baldness treatment) or when increasing the density of hair mixed with native hair. If the bald head is large, the same number of grafts or follicular associations distributed along it will look ridiculous (normal hair density on the head is not less than 80 hair per 1 square centimeter).
The truth is there is a large number of grafts in the transplant and one plus. The price for one graft in this case will be slightly lower than when transplanting only 1,000 grafts.
To cover the head with hair in 1000 grafts, you will have to pay at least $ 1,500, and to get a thick head of hair on a decent bald head and all 15 thousand. So often it all depends not only on the patient's desire, but also on his capabilities. Fortunately, some techniques allow you to achieve the need for hair density for several transplants, and in the interval between them you can add money to the following procedure.
The transplantation of follicular associations in many clinics is estimated more expensive than the transplantation of graffiti with several bulbs. But even here the spread of prices can be great. Fairly well-known clinics in Georgia can offer a price even below $ 1.5, so that hair transplantation can be inexpensive and with good specialists. The truth will have to spend money on such a journey.
But on average, hair transplantation by non-surgical technique will cost patients $ 1300-9000 per 1000 grafts. And again everything depends on the desired density of hair. You want a thick head of hair, you have to fork out a decent amount.
But the result of the non-surgical technique will be a beautiful hairstyle without scars and scarring, so after a while no one even suspects that earlier you had hair problems. But again, provided that the necessary number of follicular associations is transplanted, the operation will be performed by a specialist well versed in this technique, and subsequently the hair will be given proper care.
What we have?
The operation of hair transplantation is quite expensive.
Therefore it is quite logical that patients will want to see the result of such a procedure on living people. But you will not be on the street to slow people down and ask them if they did hair transplant, which provided such a luxurious head of hair. Of course, some information on these issues can be obtained on advertising websites and in the archives of patients of a particular doctor, but what is the credibility of it if you do not know people in the photo.
Another thing popular people, whose life is like on the palms, because the information about each step of the reporters cover with a special zeal. And after all many celebrities who did hair transplantation, do not even hide it, because the main result, and how it was achieved, is already a matter of the second plan.
Some famous Hollywood actors resorted to hair transplantation. John Travolta, Dzhuzh Lowe, Brendan Fraser, John Cryer do not even hide their quite successful attempt to restore the former appeal in this way. Other famous actors (Kevin Costner, George Clooney, Mel Gibson, Nicolas Cage and some others) prefer to keep silent about the origins of a beautiful hairstyle. But are you concealing something from journalists? Seeing once on the back of the head of the Hollywood actor Jeremy Piven, a long-tongued scar that was later covered by a chic head of hair, they made their conclusion and presented it to us.
There is information that famous British singer Elton John and Italian statesman Silvio Berlusconi resorted to hair transplantation. Correction of the forehead line, on which the early bald patches appeared, was made by the American actor and film director Matthew McConaughey. A chic hairstyle is bound to hair transplant and American actor Billy Bob Thornton. A chic thick head of hair thanks to transplantation can boast Hollywood actor and musician Nick Laichi.
It is clear that the same procedure could be used in due time by celebrities and women. But to show off this way of getting a nice hairstyle to a weak sex is not peculiar, and the scars under long hair to journalists are unlikely to be seen. Nevertheless, about one woman such information was still leaked to the press.
It's about the American TV star and champion in athletics, Jenner Caitlin, who in the past, by the way, was a man. In 2015, 65-year-old William Bruce Jenner decided not only to change the name of the sex (documented), but at the same time, according to the statement of Dr. Richard Chaff, underwent several hair transplant procedures that made his / her hair almost perfect.
There are suspicions that Donald Trump resorted to the procedure for hair transplantation, who claims that his hair is his native hair, not a wig. Some journalists, proceeding from the fact that the hair implanted during autotransplantation are also native, concluded that it was a hair transplant.
As you can see, there are not so many examples of successful operations among celebrities, nevertheless, the results speak for themselves. In this case, it is important not the number of examples, but their quality, so that a person, paying for a procedure, understands what he pays for and what result is possible.
Treatment of alopecia by alternative methods
As we have already said, hair transplantation is a radical method of solving the problem of baldness, which is used when other methods of treatment were powerless or did not bring the desired result. That is, you need to understand that there is an alternative to hair transplantation, and it is necessary first of all to look for such methods of restoring the natural density of hair. Under a knife to the surgeon to lay down it is always late.
The beginning of the decision of a problem of a baldness is a moment of the reference for consultation to the expert trihologu. It is this doctor who will be able to assess the degree of neglect of the problem, the condition of the hairline and offer various possibilities for solving the problem of restoring the splendor of the head of hear. And in the beginning it will be a proposal of traditional treatment, implying the intake of various bio-additives to strengthen and grow hair, medicines for stimulating hair growth and normalizing the hormonal background, as well as conducting physiotherapy sessions.
Methods of physiotherapy for hair treatment are classified as salon procedures, which you will have to go through in cosmetology rooms or clinics. But appoint such procedures should be a qualified trichologist, who by virtue of his professionalism is able to determine the most effective procedure in each case.
Let's list the most popular procedures for solving the problem of baldness:
- ozonotherapy, which stimulates blood circulation in the vessels of the head and thereby improves the breathing and nourishment of hair follicles,
- cryotherapy (treatment with liquid ozone) - treatment procedure identical to the previous, but less painful,
- mesotherapy - the introduction of a therapeutic complex consisting of vitamins, microelements, amino acids and other components that improve metabolism in the scalp (injections are made with the help of a syringe or a special device) into the scalp at the hair loss site;
- plasmolifting (treatment modified, ie purified and enriched with useful substances and oxygen plasma of blood) is one of the most effective procedures in the fight against alopecia, practiced in some hair transplant clinics in addition to the basic procedure,
- iontophoresis is the same local administration of dosage forms by means of a low-current galvanic current that allows drugs to penetrate to the desired depth,
- myostimulation is one of the effective methods for solving the problem of alopecia, which occurs against the background of hormonal imbalance. The pulse currents used in the procedure help improve blood circulation and metabolism in the scalp and stabilize the production of hormones.
In addition to physical procedures for balding patients, doctors recommend using a drug to stimulate hair growth, " Minoxidil, " which is one of two officially patented drugs in this area.
The history of this unusual medicine is also interesting. First, it was successfully used to treat stomach ulcers, then they noticed the ability to effectively normalize high arterial distention. It was in these directions that the drug was used until an interesting side effect was observed after him - stimulation of hair growth. This property of the drug was very useful for the treatment of androgenic alopecia, so it is actively offered to its patients by doctors, trichologists.
For the treatment of alopecia, the drug is used as a solution, foam or spray, applying it locally to the affected area. The drug is used in adult patients no older than 65 years, who have no hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, skin diseases in the head, pheochromocytoma, hypertension. Do not use to treat pregnant women and lactating mothers. Do not apply simultaneously with other external means.
For 1 procedure of drug application, which is carried out with an interval of 12 hours, the patient should spend 1 ml of the solution. The drug in solution is equipped with a special cap, pressure on which contributes to the release of 0.1 ml of the drug, i.e. You need to make 10 clicks on the cap.
The medicine is applied to the central part of the bald head, distributing it along the perimeter. The scalp during application should be dry and clean. The duration of treatment depends on the degree of alopecia and the use of other anti-androgenic drugs that prevent hair loss, while Minoxidin promotes the growth of new ones.
It is clear that the results of treatment can be different. Someone helped the drug to stop hair loss, but new ones did not increase in their place. Others are happy to see on their heads growing hair that appeared on the spot dropped out. And the third was lucky not only to restore lost hair, but even to increase the density of hair. However, hope for a lasting result with androgenetic alopecia is due only to the use of antiandrogenic drugs.
Treatment of alopecia implies a long-term complex therapy, improving the condition of the scalp and nutrition of hair bulbs hidden inside the skin, as well as normalizing the internal environment of the body and the metabolic processes taking place in it. Hair transplant in this queue will be the last step to the intended goal, when other stages of a long and hard journey did not bring the desired result.
Feedback on hair transplantation
Judging by how actively people of different sex are interested in other possibilities of treating baldness, it can be concluded that traditional treatment with medication and physiotherapy methods does not always yield positive results. Otherwise, why should a person spend a lot of money on hair transplantation, if there are more budgetary and less traumatic methods of treatment. After all, even if we take the technique of conducting an operation using HFE technology, which for some reason is commonly called non-surgical, the scalp experiences multiple injuries as a result of needle punctures, so this is also far from a bloodless method.
Yes, information on hair transplantation is sought by fewer people than information on the removal of a headache or the fight against PMS. Nevertheless, this information is relevant, which means, it is necessary, if it helps at least one person become happy.
But as the long experience of plastic surgeons, specializing in hair transplantation shows, there are already millions of such lucky people in the world. And reviews about all the well-known clinics listed in our article are full of words of gratitude. Someone's hair transplant helped to stay on the pedestal of fame, and someone began to look more optimistic about the future of their family, because worry about their appearance affected the relationship between spouses.
The former patients of the hair transplant clinics note that despite the considerable duration of the operation performed under local anesthesia, they did not experience any special discomfort either in this connection or in connection with the manipulations. In the rehabilitation period, very few experienced significant pain at the site of the operation. I was confused only by the necessity to wear a special headdress for 7-10 days, but men and women understood perfectly well that this was necessary for their own good. In addition, the hat helped to hide temporary defects on the skin (redness of the implantation zone, red dots in the donor area, unsightly crusts in short hair, a fresh scar on the back of the head, etc.).
But what a man can not stand to achieve his goal, especially when it comes to external attractiveness. And the hair transplant procedure is not the biggest test yet. Although, of course, and a certain risk, because not all operations are successful, it is always possible to carry out a correction in a prestigious clinic.
It is clear that not all patients are satisfied with the result of hair transplantation. Not everyone is able to pay a large number of grafts, so the hair is not thick enough. But in the case of severe baldness, not one thousand grafts, but tens of thousands, is needed to get a chic hairstyle.
Another problem is related to the operation of the strip technique, or rather, with its main consequence - the scar, which, although it does not bring physical discomfort over time, still limits the possibility of short haircuts. To some patients, even after many years, it seems that the scar alludes to others around the previous operation, which they somehow consider shameful. But is organ transplantation (and hair - this is also a human organ) can be considered something shameful if it preserves health or "only" a person's self-esteem and enables him to continue living a happy life?
Of course, there are problems of a different kind. For example, the crusts on the head do not disappear for a long time, which prevents the person from returning to the old life in a timely manner, or there is a suppuration of the scar on the back of the head. But in each such complication it is necessary to look for both external and internal factors that have caused the recovery after the procedure to go wrong. And in each case, they will be their own. Someone "was lucky" to run into an amateur who promised a beautiful head of hear for a little money. Others did not adhere to the requirements of care after the procedure. And someone may have a too sensitive immune system that does not allow this type of intervention.
By the way, an important role is played by the initial diagnosis with the identification of the causes of alopecia. If it is a question of autoimmune diseases or hypersensitivity of hair to male hormones, then without eliminating the cause of baldness, no operation will help to restore the scalp on the head.
It should be noted and the fact that almost all positive feedback and gratitude can be found on the websites of clinics that conduct hair transplantation operations. In practice, however, the clinic is re-applied either to a new procedure or to claims in case of complications, and negative feedback is expressed in words.
As for forums, people there mostly discuss different treatment options and addresses of clinics dealing with problems of baldness. And after reading carefully the posts, you understand that not all those who insert their "five cents", in fact in the subject and have passed this procedure. Women in such discussions take part very rarely, so judging the results of the transplantation they can only by the haircut Jenner Caitlin, the gender of which can still be argued.
Of course, to speak openly about the fact that "I, Vasyukin Vasiliy Vasilyevich or Nyashkin Elena Panfilovna (names have nothing to do with specific people), performed hair transplantation and happy (va) results, because my bald head now covered with gorgeous hair "is unlikely to become anyone, and even the whole world. Therefore, judging the truth of various reviews on the Internet is very difficult.
Real conclusions that hair transplantation is really an effective procedure for combating alopecia can be done only on the basis of statistics that asserts that autotransplantation is in demand and is actively developing in various regions of our large and densely populated planet.