
Treatment of diffuse (symptomatic) alopecia

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 19.10.2021

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The prognosis of diffuse (symptomatic) alopecia is favorable in those cases when it is possible to establish the cause of hair loss and eliminating it. Usually, when a patient is questioned, it is easy to find out the cause of the acute onset of alopecia (childbirth, infectious diseases, myocardial infarction, blood loss, starvation, cytostatic and radiation therapy, etc. However, with the gradual development of the disease, even the most careful collection of anamnesis may prove unproductive, since the patient is often not suspects of having concomitant diseases (pituitary, thyroid, kidney, etc.) or intoxication (poisoning with mercury salts, waist, etc.).

To clarify the role of this or that factor in the development of symptomatic alopecia, an in-depth examination of the patient with the use of clinical, biochemical, endocrinological and toxicological methods is necessary. Along with traditional toxicological methods of quantitative analysis of the mineral status of the body, spectral analysis of biosubstrates has been used in recent years, which makes it possible to simultaneously identify more than 20 elements, including toxic. Such a complex characteristic of macro- and microelemental status allows solving the problem of its individual correction taking into account the complex, antagonistic or synergistic interaction of minerals. Among the other biosubstrates used for testing, the most interesting are hair that lasts for a long time under normal conditions as already noted, can serve as an objective indicator of the microelement situation in the whole organism and in the environment.

For the treatment of acute and chronic poisoning with arsenic compounds. Mercury, chromium, bismuth and other metals, hydrocyanic acid and its salts, iodine and bromine salts are traditionally used for specific antidotes - complexones (unitiol, sodium thiosulfate, pentacin, etc.). In recent years, so-called biologically active food additives (BADP), containing vitamins, macro- and microelements, herbal extracts and other natural complexes, are increasingly being used for this purpose. Modern BADP have the ability to remove from the body of toxic trace elements, radionucleides, without causing significant side effects, in contrast to known complexing agents.

These same drugs are used for individual correction of mineral imbalance. At present, second-generation drugs are widely used, in which vital macro- and microelements are contained as a complex with bioligands (natural minerals carriers). As examples, we give the preparations TsINKUPRIN and TsINKUPRIN-FORTE:


Zincuprin: 1 tablet contains 0.031 g of zinc aspartate (6 mg of Zn) and 0.0026 g of copper aspartate (0.5 mg of Cu).

Zincuprin-Fort: 1 tablet contains 0.15 g of zinc aspartate (30 mg of Zn) and 0.0143 g of copper aspartate (2.5 mg of Cu)

Method of use:

Tsinkuprin: children from 1 year to 5 years - 1 tablet a day; children from 5 years and adolescents - 1 to 2 tablets per day. Preferably after eating, you can drink it with milk.

Tsinkuprin - forte; adults - up to 3 tablets per day. Preferably after eating, you can drink it with milk


  1. Do not use for kidney failure, Wilson's disease, and also concomitantly with antibiotics.
  2. To increase the effectiveness of the use and prevent possible side effects, it is recommended to determine the content of zinc and copper in the body using the analysis of hair, blood, etc.

Packing: 50 tablets.

In the opinion of A.V. Rock, optimal is the rational combination of dietary supplements and diet.

Now in the BADP market there are already third generation drugs, which are contained in chelated form (from English chel - claw, metal surrounded by amino acid), which contributes to their better assimilation. As an example, we give the preparation of MAGNESIUM CALCIUM XEJIAT.

Composition: 1 tablet contains:

  • Calcium (chelate, citrate) 250 mg
  • Magnesium (chelate, oxide) 125 mg
  • Phosphorus (chelate) 100 mg
  • Vitamin D (fish oil) 133 ME

Usage: 2 tablets 2 times a day with meals.

Other identified diseases and background disorders also need adequate correction.

In cases where hair loss is supposedly associated with taking a particular medication, the doctor should decide whether it can be canceled or replaced with another harmless drug. Unfortunately, the only proof of the involvement of the drug in hair loss is the restoration of their growth after the withdrawal of the drug and the increase in hair loss with its reappointment. If drug cancellation is not possible, for example, in the treatment of malignant neoplasms, the patient is recommended to short hair shortly before they begin to fall out, and use the wig until the growth of their growth.

Patients suffering from diffuse hair loss also need psychological support, and some of them - in the aid of a psychoneurologist. They should explain that the loss of hair precedes the growth phase of the new hair shaft, and call for patience, explaining that the growth rate of the hair is only 0.25 mm per day. Thus, 10-centimeter length of hair will reach only after 400 days. With insufficient effectiveness of psychotherapy, antidepressants are prescribed.

Although the elimination of the cause of the disease leads to spontaneous recovery, however, to accelerate the rate of hair growth and improve the emotional state of the patient, it is recommended to prescribe trichogenes (Regein et al.) And physiotherapy (massage, darsonvalization, microataks, electrotrichogenesis, etc.)

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