Bloating during pregnancy in the early stages
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Causes of the bloating during pregnancy in the early stages
The pathogenesis of gassing in the intestines during the first trimester is directly related to the state of pregnancy. Among the causes of bloating during pregnancy at an early age, these are:
- Increasing the level of the hormone progesterone affects smooth muscle. Tonic state of the uterus can provoke rejection of the fetus. Due to the increased level of progesterone, both the uterus and the intestine are relaxed, which is the reason for difficulties in removing gases and causes a strong bloating in the early stages of pregnancy.
- The change in eating behavior, characteristic of many women during gestation, in some cases is the reason for the uncontrolled use of various foods. If you violate a normal eating pattern, you may experience various problems with the gastrointestinal tract, including swelling.
- Disruption of the diet and changes in the hormonal background often cause disruption of the proper functioning of the pancreas. As a result, the production of enzymes is disturbed, because of which the digested food is not fed to the intestine. Risk factors in this case are problems with fermentation prior to pregnancy.
- The psychoemotional state of a pregnant woman can affect the functioning of the body, including the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
- discomfort in the intestinal region;
- Expansion;
- bubbling in the intestine;
- increased abdominal circumference;
- painful sensations.
The first signs of flatulence are due to the fact that all the symptoms disappear after the gases come off.
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Diagnostics of the bloating during pregnancy in the early stages
Usually the diagnosis of the sensation of bloating in the early stages of pregnancy does not require special studies other than the examination of the attending physician, who determines the diagnosis by probing the abdomen. Additional tests for the diagnosis of flatulence, as a rule, are not required. However, the doctor can be used instrumental diagnosis in the form of endoscopy or ultrasound.
Differential diagnosis
Differential diagnosis is performed to distinguish bloating from pseudometeorism. This disease has a neurogenic character and arises from sudden contractions of the muscles of the back, abdominal press and diaphragm. It is also important to determine the pathogenesis of bloating and to draw conclusions about whether the condition is a consequence of pregnancy or has other causes.
Treatment of the bloating during pregnancy in the early stages
Bloating in the early stages of pregnancy brings more discomfort and irritation than dangerous consequences, since this condition is explained by the actual pregnancy of the patient. Nevertheless, irritability and discomfort can affect the psychoemotional state of a pregnant woman. For this reason, the recommended treatment of bloating during pregnancy in the early stages. Cardinal measures, such as surgical treatment, usually do not apply to flatulence, but some treatments can save the patient from bloating.
- Pregnant should refrain from eating, which causes fermentation and, as a consequence, gas formation (beans, rye bakery products, fatty foods, carbonated drinks), to minimize the consumption of sweet, thermally unprocessed fruits and vegetables. It is necessary to eat mostly boiled and stewed dishes, a sufficient amount of clean drinking water, sour-milk products, slightly boiled tea. Foods with bloating should contain a sufficient amount of zinc, potassium, calcium, magnesium, vitamins E and B.
- Observance of the regime of the day and thorough chewing of the food consumed contribute to improving the work of the gastrointestinal tract and reducing gassing.
- Physiotherapeutic treatment in the form of massage can improve the release of gases from the intestine. Massage of the abdomen in the first months of gestation can be appointed only by a specialist, however, it can be performed by the woman herself. Self-massage of the abdomen implies light circular movements of the hand in a clockwise direction.
- Walking on the street and simple gymnastics for pregnant women are important for removing gases.
- Drug treatment, which can only appoint a specialist, implies the use of drugs based on simethicone. Contraindication to the use of these drugs is hypersensitivity to the active component, in connection with which allergic reactions may occur. Before taking any of the drugs, you should consult a doctor for advice.
- Espumizan (it is applied once in quantity of 80 g).
- Sab Simplex (in pure or diluted form is taken orally for 30-45 g, not more than once in four hours, the drug is contraindicated for people with intestinal obstruction and obstructive diseases of the digestive tract).
- Diflatil (20-25 drops, no more than 4 times a day, preferably after meals and at bedtime, contraindications for use are intestinal obstruction and obstructive diseases of the digestive tract).
- Meteopazmil (take before meals 2-3 times a day for 1 capsule, with exceptional hypersensitivity to the components of the drug may impair liver function, laryngeal edema, anaphylactic shock).
- Alternative treatment of bloating often brings significant results. Among the most effective recipes of alternative medicine distinguish:
- Decoction of dill seeds. This broth is maximally safe and is used even in pediatric practice from the first days of life.
- Potato juice. It is taken orally on an empty stomach for ten days.
- Juice of sauerkraut. Half a glass of this drug before eating can save both from flatulence and constipation.
- Powder of root of ginger. Take in small amounts (5-10 g) 15 minutes after eating, squeezed with water.
- Treatment with herbs is possible only after consulting a specialist. Chamomile is considered to be the main grass that can relieve meteorism. Also recommend taking a decoction of herbal peppermint, valerian and fennel in a proportion of 2: 1: 1.
- As a treatment, homeopathy can be prescribed. Experts advise when bloating in the first trimester of pregnancy to take:
- Sulfur (the dosage of the drug is chosen by the homeopathic doctor, as a rule, 3, 6, 12 dilution).
- Kokkulyus-Homaccord (10 drops 3 times a day).
- Nuks Vomica (3 times a day for 10 drops, the drug is bred in 100 ml of drinking water and taken 15 minutes before meals or an hour after eating).
- Carbo Vegetabilis (usually prescribed 12-13 dilution).
Contraindication to the receipt of data of homeopathic preparations is individual hypersensitivity to the active components.
More information of the treatment
The main prevention of bloating in the first trimester of pregnancy is:
- compliance with the diet and exclusion from the diet of products that promote strong gassing;
- conducting a moderately active way of life and performing special gymnastics for pregnant women.