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Normomass for weight loss
Last reviewed: 10.08.2022

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A harmless and natural bioactive additive for those who want to lose weight, containing only natural components of medicinal plants. This tool is recognized by such authoritative specialized organizations that study the issues of weight loss without harm to health in the US and China. As usual, advertising claims that it is possible to lose weight without changing anything in the way of life. This tool helps to effectively and quickly reduce weight and reduce the volume of the hips and waist, with weight loss, the skin remains taut. With capsules Normomass people get healthy habits - start to drink more water and eat food often and in small portions.
Indications of the normomass for weight loss
Excess weight in persons of both sexes , possessing a good appetite, caused by overeating.
Release form
Capsules containing 0.5 g of active ingredient.
The contents of the capsules include extracts of seeds of cassia torus, white lotus leaves, mulberry berries, hawthorn fruits, orange blossoms, jasmine, roses (composition stated on the distributor's website). However, further on, on the same page, when it comes to the beneficial properties of dietary supplements in the list of ingredients, there is calcium pyruvate, Chinese cinnamon or cassia bark, rhizome of Eastern chasse, roots of fallopia or multicolor mountaineer, fruits of wolf berries or shiny bushes.
This characteristic of the anti-obesity agent is completely determined by the properties of its components.
The seeds of Cassia tora have moderate laxative properties and the ability to reduce appetite. In addition, they are rich in retinol and its provitamin, which favors the visual function, have an anti-inflammatory, purifying and normalizing blood pressure action. Contain Cu, Zn, Se and Ca.
Lotus leaves have cardiotonic and sedative qualities, relieve swelling and spasms, rejuvenate not only the skin, but the entire body.
Mulberry berries disinfect, soothe, stop the inflammatory process, are a natural diuretic and laxative, normalize the digestive process.
The fruits of hawthorn have a wide range of vitamins and nutrients, they are irreplaceable for the cardiovascular, endocrine and nervous system, they normalize metabolic processes, have choleretic action, analgesize and relieve swelling.
Orange flowers also have a number of medicinal qualities, in particular, stimulate the recovery and purification of the body, remove toxins and raise the mood.
Jasmine has hypotensive and antispasmodic, disinfectant and cleansing effect, favorably affects the female sexual sphere, is an easy analgesic.
The rose petals eliminate sclerotic changes, rejuvenate and renew cells, have a beneficial effect on the endocrine and urogenital system, activate the processes of metabolism and purification.
Calcium pyruvate, also present in capsules, acts as an active fat burner.
The bark of Chinese cinnamon normalizes the metabolism of carbohydrates, overbalanced, the rhizomes of the shepherd eliminate slags and toxins, fallopia and wolves help purify, activate blood circulation, raise vitality.
The complex of ingredients, combined in one capsule, accelerates the slowed down in obese metabolic processes, converts fats into energy, reduces lipid content in the blood, improves cell nutrition, moisturizes and maintains the necessary level of moisturizing, normalizes bowel function, which has a beneficial effect on appearance - color face and skin quality.
The patient has a decrease in appetite and a decrease in body fat.
The drug is multicomponent and does not belong to medicines, therefore the data are not presented.
Dosing and administration
Before the test course of taking capsules, it is recommended to cleanse the organism with the help of Cassia narrow-leaved (Seine), bought at the pharmacy. A teaspoon of herbs to brew with a liter of boiling water. Take overnight for two days for ½ liter. After cleaning, you can take Normomass.
After a morning meal after a quarter of an hour, a single capsule of the drug is taken, it should be taken with a glass of water. During a meal, it is advisable not to drink anything. Within the first five days one capsule is taken, starting from the sixth day - two.
The regimen includes tea for weight loss Tian Fey. It is prepared as follows: one packet is steamed ½ liter of boiling water and insist on a steep brew for about five minutes. It is used for two days - diluted with warm water and drink a quarter of an hour before meals three times a day.
In a day you need to drink at least two liters of non-carbonated water, sharing its consumption evenly. Do not replace water with other liquids.
During the reception of Normomass capsules it is forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages, antibacterial drugs, other means for losing weight.
Use of the normomass for weight loss during pregnancy
It is not recommended to use during pregnancy and lactation.
Contraindicated in the age of 0-12 years, persons, sensitized to the ingredients, with diarrhea.
Side effects of the normomass for weight loss
Not fixed.
Information on the consequences of exceeding the dose is not provided.
Interactions with other drugs
Not known.
Storage conditions
Store in the original packaging in a dark place, observing the temperature regime up to 25 ° C and low humidity.
Shelf life
It is indicated on the packaging.
Reviews about Normomass capsules are various, many did not like it, there was no effect, but there were almost no complaints about side effects, unlike other means. It's hard to say how real the weight loss test and weight loss results, but they are very different. Call and 7 kg for a month, and 3-4 for two weeks. Many are happy, especially those who have tried drugs with Sibutramine. They argue that there is an effect, and there are no side effects.
Some dissatisfied with the drug, mark the brutal appetite instead of reducing it. But each organism is individual and there can not be a general panacea. Except for one, there is less and more to move, which is mainly recommended by doctors.
Reviews of doctors, as usual, more restrained, dietary supplements adequate doctors put on the last place after a balanced diet, an active lifestyle and a serious motivation for weight correction.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Normomass for weight loss" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.