Rhinitis in the newborn: what to do and what to treat?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Rhinitis in newborns is the problem that many mothers face and this brings a lot of trouble for a child at that age. Features of nutrition of the newborn child do not allow to eat normally if the spout does not breathe. Then the general condition of the child is broken and such a small problem can become a serious pathology. It is necessary to treat this condition, because the baby can lose weight because of such a small problem.
Epidemiology of the common cold in newborns depends on the season. In the spring-winter time, the incidence is very high. In newborns, a runny nose in 98% of cases leads to difficulty breathing, and this complicates the process of feeding the baby. Etiologically, a rhinitis in 87% of cases is caused by rhinovirus. Complications of the common cold occur only in 55% of cases, but in spite of this only one runny nose can have a profound effect on the overall condition of the baby.
Causes of the coryza in newborn
A newborn baby is a baby in the first 28 days after birth. This period of a child's life is singled out separately, because at this time the child has functional features of internal organs and it adapts to the conditions of the external environment. Therefore, any disease in this period for the child is very serious, because he first encountered such conditions. The immune system of a newborn baby is not developed enough to resist different infections. The baby receives a certain amount of antibodies from the mother from the mother's milk, but they may not be enough to eliminate all the pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, a simple viral infection for a child is a threat - he can easily get sick. Newborns have features of the respiratory system. The nasal passages of the child are narrow and have good blood supply, the cilia of the epithelium of the respiratory tract are poorly developed, the children's bronchi are narrow, the volume of the lungs is not large enough to provide sufficient oxygenation in conditions of the disease. All these anatomical and functional features lead to the fact that in the conditions of the virus getting on the nasal mucosa, this virus the newborn's immune system can not kill. Therefore, there is a local inflammatory process, which is accompanied by the expansion of the vessels and the release of a large number of plasma and intercellular fluid. Given that there are a lot of vessels in the nasal cavity of the newborn, then there is also a lot of secret. Narrow nasal passages lead to the fact that even a small runny nose greatly hinders breathing. Such features of the structure of the respiratory tract of a newborn child and underlie the pathogenesis of the development of the common cold and serious difficulty in breathing because of this.
The causes of the development of the common cold in a newborn baby are in most cases infections. Diseases of the upper respiratory tract are caused by viruses, so the main reason can be considered a viral infection. Among the possible pathogens - adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, but the causative agent of the common rhinitis is the rhinovirus. The pathogenesis of the development of symptoms is that when the pathogen enters the nasal mucosa, it begins to multiply. Local antibodies react to the ingestion of a foreign microorganism and during the immune reaction they dilate the vessels. This leads to the secretion of the intercellular fluid, which accumulates in the nasal passages. So there is a runny nose in the child. An incubation period for a rhinovirus infection from several hours to several days. Therefore, the symptoms of the child appear immediately after contact with a sick person.
An allergic rhinitis in a newborn is extremely rare, which is due precisely to the immaturity of the immune system. At this age, allergic reactions can not pass with a sufficient immune response, so allergic reactions of this type for newborns are uncharacteristic. The only reason for such a runny nose in a newborn baby is the reaction of the mother. If a mother has a serious allergic disease such as bronchial asthma or pollinosis, the child may have manifestations of an allergic rhinitis. This happens if the mother is breastfeeding the baby at the time when the allergic factor is active at this time, for example during the ragweed or other flowers blooming. The mother's body is sensitized by this allergen, which can cause allergic manifestations in a child of a different nature. Any factors, even foods, can be harmful to the baby if the mother feeds it by breast. It is worth remembering for women who are predisposed to allergies, because this is a serious risk factor for the child.
Risk factors
Risk factors for neonatal cold development are contact with the patient or with the carrier of the infection. Often, the mother is the source of infection, as she is most closely in contact with the child. Risk factor is considered even the age itself, because this is the period when the child is most vulnerable. Sometimes children are born with congenital malformations of the respiratory tract or with congenital immunodeficiency states, then this is a very serious risk factor for the development of the common cold with further more serious complications.
Symptoms of the coryza in newborn
Symptoms of a common cold in newborns can be a manifestation of a serious respiratory tract infection, but it can also be the only manifestation of rhinitis. The disease begins acutely when the child becomes restless and soon a mucous liquid discharge appears from the nose. The child refuses the breast, because when breastfeeding he has nothing to breathe. Thus, the baby does not eat, so begins to be capricious. Discharge from the nose may be the only symptom of acute rhinitis. But such a strong cold in a newborn can create even a feeling that the child "grunts". This indicates a significant difficulty in breathing, which requires an immediate cleansing of the nasal cavity, because all the mucus is swallowed in the stomach and can even initiate diarrhea. The child most of the time sleeps, and this contributes to the fact that the viruses enter the stomach and disrupt the microcenosis. Therefore, a frequent manifestation of the common cold in newborns can be diarrhea, to which Mom will pay the main attention.
Rhinitis without temperature is the most frequent phenomenon in newborns. This is due to the fact that local inflammation in the nasal cavity is not able to initiate a systemic reaction with an increase in body temperature.
Runny nose and temperature in a newborn baby testify to a good local defense mechanism. The body temperature rises no higher than 38.5 degrees, then we can assume that this is a manifestation of rhinitis. If the temperature is higher, then you can think about the appearance of complications or a more serious pathology than the common cold.
When a child sleeps at night, the horizontal position helps the mucus flow into the back wall of the pharynx. It can reflexively cause a cough, so the child can cough because of such a cold. Therefore, at night, such a child almost does not sleep, and for his safety it is better to watch him and wear in an upright position. After all, the protective mechanisms of the larynx are not perfect, so mucus can easily get into the airways with the risk of aspiration. If a child's cough appears already against the background of a runny nose in a few days, then one can think that the inflammatory process has lowered to the lower respiratory tract. Such a cough is profound and it is expressed throughout the day. To distinguish the cough of the newborn child from crying to the mother is very difficult, because it is not as pronounced as in adults. But nevertheless, with the slightest doubt, you need to see a doctor. Sometimes a cough can not be so much expressed in a newborn as a wheezing breath that is audible from a distance. This symptom appears on the third day after the onset of a cold and may be a manifestation of obstructive bronchitis or even pneumonia.
Allergic rhinitis in newborns is not a frequent occurrence, but the first signs of such a cold appear exactly against the background of allergic manifestations in the mother. This runny nose is not accompanied by strong mucous discharge, but is more often manifested by simple stuffy nose. Mom notices that the child's voice changes and he takes the breast badly. There may be allergic manifestations on the skin.
The physiological rhinitis in newborns occurs against a background of a pregnant pregnancy, when the child swallows amniotic fluid. Then right after birth, you can notice that the baby is not breathing a good nose. But such phenomena quickly pass and at the time of discharge from the hospital there is nothing like this.
Rhinitis may be the only manifestation of rhinitis, but if other symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.
Complications and consequences
The consequence of the untimely diagnosed common cold can be the child's rejection of the breast, because he can not eat normally. This can lead to weight loss of the child, and a loss of even half a kilogram is dangerous for such a small child. If the process is caused by a virus, then inflammation of the bronchi and lungs can quickly develop with further attachment of the bacterial flora. A frequent complication of the common cold in newborns is the development of otitis, which at this age threatens even with hearing loss.
If the rhinitis is not treated, mucus from the back of the pharynx can flow through the esophagus into the stomach, which easily causes diarrhea in newborns. This dehydrates the baby's body and there can be serious problems in the future until the death.
Diagnostics of the coryza in newborn
Diagnosis of the common cold is not so difficult, because all the symptoms are very clear and obvious. The main task in diagnosis is to carefully examine a newborn baby and exclude complications from the bronchi and lungs. For this it is necessary to carefully collect the anamnesis. It is necessary to clarify with my mother when the runny nose began, how the baby sleeps and does not refuse from the breast. You also need to find out if the child has a cough, and whether the body temperature is rising.
At inspection it is possible to see, that allocation from a nose plentiful and stir to breathe the kid. If they are mucous and transparent, then the runny nose has just begun, and if the secretions are thick and green or yellow, the rhinitis comes to an end. Next, you need to listen to the baby's lungs to determine the condition of the lower respiratory tract. Under normal conditions, if the child has only a cold, then in the lungs with auscultation there will be vesicular or puerile breathing. If you hear diffuse wet rales, then there are complications in the form of acute simple bronchitis. If wheezing dry wheezing, then acute obstructive bronchitis developed. Local wet wheezing or crepitation indicates pneumonia. Therefore, it is very important not only to look at the child and note the rhinitis, but to fully examine it and listen.
It is also necessary to perform auscultation of the heart, because if the bronchiolitis develops against the background of the rhinitis, there may be a reaction from the heart. Percussion will also help determine the diagnosis, and if it is a simple rhinitis, there will be a clear pulmonary sound.
In the last place you need to examine the child's throat. It is difficult for a newborn to look at the pharynx, so be sure to use a spatula. There may not be changes, if it's a simple cold. But also there may be hyperemia of the posterior pharyngeal wall and may mucus slip from the nasopharynx into the oral cavity. Such changes need to be considered in the treatment of the common cold.
Analyzes for a newborn child are difficult to conduct. Therefore, in the case of simple rhinitis, additional studies are not carried out, since the intervention is invasive and it does not justify the purpose. If there is a suggestion of pneumonia or obstructive bronchitis, then a general blood and urine test is performed. About pneumonia is indicated by leukocytosis and a shift of the formula to the left.
Instrumental diagnosis of the common cold can only be carried out if there are suspicions of complications in the form of pneumonia. Then it is necessary to conduct a radiography of the lungs in order to confirm the diagnosis. To minimize the dose of radiation for such a small child, ultrasound can be used to monitor the condition and determine the effectiveness of treatment in the future. This method allows you to see the condition of the bronchi and lungs and determine the remnants of the inflammatory process.
Other methods of instrumental research in such small children are not recommended, and physical methods of research are preferred.
What do need to examine?
What tests are needed?
Differential diagnosis
Differential diagnosis of the common cold in a newborn should be performed with other more serious diseases. Otitis is an inflammation of the ear, which is accompanied by a strong anxiety of the child, fever and the appearance of such symptoms in the background of the common cold. First, a runny nose begins in the baby, but after three or four days the temperature may rise and the child will become very moody. Then you just need to press the ear conch and if the child screams, then it's not just about the rhinitis, but about the otitis.
It is also necessary to differentiate the common cold, as a symptom of rhinitis, with rhinopharyngitis and bronchitis. If the inflammation spreads to the pharynx, then in addition to rhinitis there will be hyperemia of the throat, and with bronchitis there is already coughing and wheezing in the lungs.
Timely diagnosis of a runny nose in a newborn baby is very important, since a child of this age develops complications very quickly, in a matter of hours. Therefore, for proper treatment, you must pay great attention to any symptoms.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the coryza in newborn
Treatment of a runny nose in a child of such a small age should have the goal of eliminating the symptoms so that the child can breathe freely and take the breast. It is very important to remember that the use of even symptomatic medications can be harmful to the baby, so the approach to treatment should be reasonable.
Most often in the treatment of rhinitis, local treatment is used in the form of vascular-narrowing drops. But if such treatment in older children is actual, then in children this treatment should be used under certain conditions. To restore nasal breathing, it is necessary to eliminate those excreta that are present in the nasal passages. For this, there are special devices for evacuating mucus from the nose. They work on the principle of "vacuum cleaner" and using air mucus is extracted from the nasal passages. This is the first stage in the symptomatic treatment of the common cold. Then it is necessary to wash the nasal cavity with saline solutions. They reduce the drying of the nasal cavity of the baby and the amount of mucus. Use this washing should be several times a day, for newborns up to seven times a day. To this end, saline solutions have a convenient form in the form of an aerosol, which is injected into the nasal cavity and falls on the entire length of the mucous membranes. After this washing, breathing is facilitated. The physiological solution from the common cold in newborns is also widely used in place of saline solutions. It has the same properties as salt preparations, but its cost is much lower. Using a physiological solution allows you to wash the nasal cavity, because such a solution is not absorbed.
In order for a child to sleep well at night, the third stage of local treatment of the common cold is the use of vascular narrowing means. The conditions for using such medicines is their single use only for the night, because they cause a strong addiction. Thus, the child will sleep at night without significant secretions, which interfere with breathing.
Symptomatic treatment of the common cold involves the use of antipyretic agents with an increase in body temperature. For newborns, body temperature above 37.5 is considered dangerous, so it must be reduced. Children are only allowed to use paracetamol and ibuprofen.
- But-salt is a drug that is used to wash the nasal cavity of a newborn. The active substance of this drug is sodium chloride, which moistens the nasal mucosa and does not allow it to dry out. The drug is available in the form of drops and spray. Dosage for newborns is one drop and one injection in each nasal passage four times a day. For children older than a year - two drops. Side effects are not frequent, since the drug has an exclusively local effect.
- Marimer - a drop for the nose, which includes a solution of purified sea water. The drug improves the normal state of the nasal mucosa and strengthens the passage of the viscous secretion. Dosage of the drug - one drop three times a day. Side effects can only be with individual intolerance of the components of the drug.
- Aquamax is a preparation for washing the nasal cavity on the basis of physiological solution. The use of the drug helps to thin the secret and its rapid removal. Method of application - one drop in each nasal passage. Side effects are not expressed, as the absorption of the drug does not occur.
- Knoxprey is a drug that narrows the vessels in the nasal cavity and dries the mucous membrane, making it easier to breathe. The main active substance of the drug is oxymetazoline. Upon contact with the mucosa, the drug acts on adrenoreceptors and narrows small arterioles. This leads to a reduction in edema and improved breathing. This effect lasts for ten hours. Therefore, the way the drug is used to treat the common cold in newborns is to use it for the night only, the effect should last for the whole night. Sometimes it is possible to use the drug before feeding for a better breathing process for the child. Dosage of the drug for a newborn - once a night. Precautions - do not use often, as the drug is addictive. Side effects can be local in the form of burning and perspiration in the nose, as well as systemic reactions - increased heart rate, breathing, drowsiness.
- Panadol baby is an antipyretic medicine in the form of a suspension to reduce the temperature in children with a cold. The main active ingredient is paracetamol. One hundred milliliters of the suspension contains one hundred and twenty milligrams of the substance. The way of using the drug - inside a single dose, you can repeat the reception no earlier than four hours later. Dosage is 10-15 milligrams per kilogram of body weight per dose. For newborns, the dose is from one to two milliliters, depending on the weight of the child. Side effects - the effect on the liver can lead to cytolysis, can be an inhibition of the formation of blood cells, swelling of the larynx, lowering of the sugar level. Precautions - can not be used more than six times a day.
- Bofen is a suspension that is used to reduce the body temperature in a child against the background of the common cold. The active substance is ibuprofen. Dosage is 5-10 milligrams per kilogram of body weight per dose. Five milliliters of the suspension contains one hundred milligrams of the substance. Therefore, for newborns, the dose is from one to three milliliters, depending on the weight of the child. Side effects occur as a violation of the digestive process, allergic manifestations, anemia.
- Laferobion is a drug that contains recombinant human interferon, which increases the activity of antibodies in the fight against viral infections. The drug can be used in the first three days of treatment of a viral infection, even in newborns. Dosage of the drug for children under one year - 150 000 IU twice a day in the form of candles. Treatment takes three or five days. Side effects are possible: itching at the injection site, redness, and also allergies.
Vitamins for the treatment of colds in newborns do not use, because any medicines and food supplements other than breast milk for a child are prohibited. The use of vitamins in the diet of the mother is decided on an individual basis.
Alternative treatment of a cold in a newborn
Alternative therapies can be used for both the baby and the mother to increase the level of antibodies that are transmitted with milk to the baby. To do this, you can use a lot of infusions and herbal teas, as well as immunomodulating agents for the mother. In the treatment of a baby's nose, nasal drops are also used, which can be prepared at home.
- Milk with honey is known for a long time, as a remedy that increases the body's immune forces. Therefore, in order to improve the body's defenses, it is possible to drink such a remedy if there is certainly no allergy to honey. To prepare the medicine, you need to boil the milk and add two teaspoons of honey, twenty grams of butter and a few drops of olive oil to a cup of milk. Drink milk better at night and not more often than once a day, as a nursing mother should consume a minimum amount of dairy products.
- During pregnancy, the mother is recommended for the prevention of viral infections tincture, which can also be used after the birth of the child, if the mother is breastfeeding. To prepare this medicine, you need to take two lemons, wash them thoroughly and grind them with a blender. There you need to add two tablespoons of honey and a root of grated ginger. As a result, you need to mix everything and leave for a few days. A thick mass forms, which must be taken one tablespoon on an empty stomach. Ginger has a direct antiviral effect, so using it promotes the ingestion of antibodies with breast milk into the fetus.
- To wash the nose with a cold in a newborn, you can prepare a saline solution at home. To do this, you need to boil half a liter of water, cool it a bit and add half a tablespoon of sea salt. Salt can be bought in a pharmacy, it should be without any coloring or cosmetic. You can take plain salt, but it is not so purified and can cause allergies. With a warm solution, you need to instill a baby's nose with a pipette four times a day, one drop.
- The use of aloe or calanchoe in newborn infants is not recommended. However, given the properties of such a drug, you can apply it once a night. To do this, wash the aloe leaf and squeeze out the fresh juice from it. Before burying, you need to dilute the juice halfway with water, as it is highly concentrated.
The use of therapeutic herbal teas helps to strengthen the effect of medical methods and accelerates recovery. Many herbs have natural flavonoids, which act on viruses and kill them. But use herbs with caution, since they have a very high allergic organism of the newborn.
- Decoction of herbs, mother-and-stepmother and althei has a high antiviral activity. Such herbs have an anti-inflammatory effect and dilute the secret of the nasal cavity. For broth you need to take 30 grams of each pot and make tea. Given the small age, you first need to make tea from the mother-and-stepmother and take throughout the day, given the child's reaction. If there are no allergic manifestations, then the next day you can add an alteum.
- Broth from the leaves of ivy can be used to wash the spout to the child. To do this, you need to insist thirty grams of ivy leaves in a hundred grams of boiled water. After this, you need to drop one drop of solution three times a day into the baby's spout. Such a solution liquefies the mucous secret well and improves nasal breathing.
- During the period of viral infection in the child, an important water treatment regimen is an important element of treatment, which contributes to the release of viral particles. Therefore, it is recommended for the mother to use a sufficient amount of an alkaline liquid. You can make tea from ginger, from lemon or dried fruit. The main thing is that a huge number of herbs did not affect the composition of breast milk.
Homeopathy in the treatment of a cold in a newborn can be used mainly for the mother. Nasal drops in newborns based on homeopathic remedies can also be used in complex therapy.
- Allium chain is an organic homeopathic preparation, which includes herbs. Used to treat a cold that is accompanied by strong mucous discharge and lachrymation. The way of application of the preparation is oral in the form of grains for reception by the mother or in the form of drops in the nose for the child. Dosage in case of taking drops - one drop twice a day. Preparation of a medicine should be made only by an experienced homeopath, because the dilutions can be different depending on the weight of the child. Side effects are possible in the form of increased salivation and nausea. Precautions - do not use in combination with honey.
- Gepar Sulfur is a preparation of homeopathic origin from the group of inorganic preparations. Used to treat a cold in a child, which is accompanied by the formation of purulent crust with an unpleasant odor. The method of application of the preparation in the form of drops of a certain dilution. Dosage in case of taking drops - one drop once a day. Side effects are not frequent.
- Sabadilla is a homeopathic remedy of natural plant origin based on herbs. The drug can be used in the common cold, which is allergic in nature to the mother and child in parallel. The method of using the drug is the use of a homeopathic solution in ampoules, dissolving them in pure water. Dosage - five drops per glass of water for the mother, and for the baby one drop should be dissolved in a glass of warm boiled water, then you need to drip your nose. Side effects can be in the form of insomnia in the mother or a disorder of stool with diarrhea in the child
- Sambucus is a homeopathic remedy of natural plant origin, which is recommended for use only for infants. This plant is mainly a systemic remedy for the treatment of the common cold, which is accompanied by dryness and stuffiness of the nose with pronounced fever. The way of application of the preparation is in the form of drops dissolving them in pure water. Dosage - three drops per fifty grams of water. Side effects can be in the form of increased pressure, tachycardia, insomnia. Often there are disorders of stool in the form of diarrhea. Precautions - should not be used if there is an allergy in the family to conifers.
- Arum triflyum - a homeopathic remedy of inorganic origin. This drug acts by improving the regeneration of the epithelium of the nasal mucosa and the normalization of the function of the cilia. Used in the treatment of the common cold, which is accompanied by the formation of bloody dense crusts. Dosage of the drug is two drops in each nasal passage in the morning. Side effects are possible in the form of local itching and burning. Precautions - do not use the drug with acute otitis.
More information of the treatment
Prevention of the onset of a common cold in the baby is nonspecific. Since the child's organism is easily exposed to infections, it is necessary to avoid contact with patients, especially breastfeeding mother. If the family has older sick children, then for the mother can use antiviral drugs based on interferon. For the baby, also with the goal of prevention, you can use a suppository or drops with interferon.
The prognosis of recovery for a baby with rhinitis is favorable, in case of correct and timely treatment. But in any case, rhinitis lasts at least a week, so it is important to use symptomatic treatments during this period to improve breathing and the general condition of the child.
Rhinitis in the newborn - these are signs of nasal congestion or abundant mucous secretions, which can even lead to an increase in temperature. This is a manifestation of an acute viral infection in a child. In order to improve the condition of the child and normalize the process of feeding and sleeping, you need to use symptomatic treatments. It is important to remember that the body of a newborn baby is very vulnerable, so you need to prevent any diseases.