Tachycardia in the fetus during pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Tachycardia in the fetus during pregnancy is a pathological condition that is dangerous for both the woman and the future baby. Consider the causes, symptoms, treatment methods and the prognosis of this pathological condition.
Tachycardia is a disturbance of the heart rhythm, which is characterized by a rapid heart rate exceeding the norm. This condition occurs in people of different ages, and in some cases even in the fetus in the womb of the mother. This pathology is characterized by a reduction in the heart of the embryo within 170-220 beats per minute. The disease can appear because of the increased strain on the nervous system of a woman, due to the squeezing of organs caused by the development of the embryo or because of a change in the hormonal background.
That is why during pregnancy it is very important to monitor the indices of the sinus rhythm of the heart. If in the resting state there is an increased palpitation, then this indicates a disorder of the sinus part, which forms conductive impulses. The pregnant woman experiences heart palpitations, but the body temperature remains within the normal range. Tachycardia in the fetus during pregnancy can be either sinus or caused by various tachyarrhythmias.
Causes of tachycardia in the fetus during pregnancy
The causes depend on both external and internal stimuli and pathologies, let's consider the main ones:
- Acceptance of certain medications.
- Intrauterine infection in the embryo.
- Intrauterine hypoxia.
- Anemia of the embryo.
- Chromosomal abnormalities (Patau syndrome, trisomy 13).
- Hyperthyroidism and other endocrine disorders.
- Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
- Pathology of the respiratory system.
- Violations of the water-electrolyte balance due to toxicosis.
- Unbalanced nutrition of a pregnant woman, lack of vitamins and nutrients.
Tachycardia in the fetus can be caused by blood loss in the mother or taking medications. For reasons that directly affect the embryo developing in the womb, include:
- Intrauterine infection or hypoxia.
- Anemia.
- Chromosomal abnormalities.
The main causes of sinus tachycardia in the fetus during pregnancy:
- Increased stress on the heart due to the provision of embryo blood flow.
- Pathology of the cardiovascular system and squeezing of the heart.
- Enhanced metabolism and fetal development.
According to medical opinion, a slight supraventricular tachyarrhythmia during pregnancy is normal. Attacks of increased heart rate may occur unexpectedly and also unexpectedly disappear. The task of the woman is to remain calm and not to worry about the increased activity of the cardiovascular system. Do not forget that the heart of a woman works for two, so the heart rate is more intense. Severe sinus tachycardia is observed in the last trimester of pregnancy, when the embryo is practically formed. Rapid heart rate is explained by intensive gas exchange of the baby.
In order to diagnose tachyarrhythmia in the fetus, it is necessary to conduct echocardiography, ultrasound and radiographic examination. As a rule, the baby's heart rate comes back to normal in the first year of life. If the heart palpitations do not pass, then the child is transplacental injection of antiarrhythmic drugs.
Signs of tachycardia in the fetus during pregnancy
The signs of this pathology look like an increased heart rate in a woman. By increased heart rate means a rhythm of more than 120 beats per minute in a woman, the embryo heart rhythm reaches 170-220 strokes. Tachyarrhythmia can indicate the initial stages of hypoxia, that is, oxygen starvation of the body.
- One of the primary forms is an atrial ectopic tachycardia. Pathological foci appear in the atria or pulmonary veins. As a rule, the main symptom is attacks of nausea and cardiovascular disorders.
- Pathology can be accompanied by prolonged attacks and have a regular character. Therefore, the task of a pregnant woman is to minimize physical activity and stress. At the first signs you need to relax, but still seek medical help.
- Sinus tachycardia in the fetus during pregnancy is considered a separate pathology. That is, a clinical symptom that indicates problems of the body, mainly the heart. Ignoring the increased heart rate, can cause heart failure in the child.
In pathology caused by disorders in the work of the heart, the pregnant woman is prescribed sedatives and means for saturating the body with catalytic ions of phosphorus, potassium or calcium. In the absence of proper treatment, the disease leads to anxiety, sleep disorders and a weakening of the protective properties of the immune system and the body. Another sign of tachycardia during pregnancy is the numbness of different parts of the body in a woman, chest pain, anxiety. In some cases, a sharp decline in strength and general weakness are also a symptom of tachyarrhythmia.
Diagnosis of tachycardia in the fetus during pregnancy
Diagnosis of tachycardia in the fetus during pregnancy is carried out with signs of disease. To detect violations of the heart rhythm in the baby, use ultrasound, echocardiography of the embryo and radiographic diagnosis. Ultrasound is necessary to detect defects and complications in the development of the fetus, for example, dropsy.
To detect tachycardia, doctors conduct a Doppler study, as this is the best method for analyzing the state of the embryo. The study allows you to evaluate the contraction of the atria and ventricles and to reveal the movement of blood in the heart. Compulsory is differential diagnosis, which is based on several types of tachyarrhythmia that occur in the fetus.
- Atrial flutter
With this form of pathology, about 400 strokes occur per minute. Such a heartbeat has a regular character and is associated with an atrioventricular blockade. In other types of disease, the atrial rhythm of the embryo is irregular, and the frequency of heart beats can range from 180 to 250 beats per minute.
- Nadzheluduchkovaya reciprocal tachycardia
It arises because of the extrasystole of the atria in the fetus. Most often this condition is diagnosed on the 24-33 week of pregnancy. If the supraventricular reciprocal tachycardia does not pass to the sinus rhythm, then the fetal heart rate returns to normal. If the given form proceeds simultaneously with a bradycardia, the embryo has an elongated QT syndrome, and in some cases, inflammatory foci.
- Ectopic tachycardia
It is formed in different parts of the atria, most often appears in the side wall of the auricle, on the right or in its ear. Pathology is accompanied by a focus of activity of trigger tachycardia, which is located outside the node. Atrioventricular node is passive. A similar condition is observed with atrial chaotic tachyarrhythmia or ventricular tachycardia.
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Treatment of tachycardia in the fetus during pregnancy
Treatment of tachycardia in the fetus during pregnancy depends on the form of the pathological condition, the gestational age and other characteristics of the mother and the child's future. Most cases of pathology are not permanent, so it does not require special treatment. With the unstable nature of the pathology, the doctor prescribes observation of the condition of the woman and the embryo. To do this, measure the heart rate in the hospital or at home using a hand-held Doppler monitor. Measurements should be carried out twice a day.
If tachyarrhythmias are complicated by dysfunction of the valve or heart muscle, then a woman is prescribed a number of medications to equalize the rhythm of the heart in the fetus. Pay attention, it is forbidden to take such medications on their own, as they can give an excessive load to the child's heart and cause his death. Treatment completely depends on the form of pathology, we will consider the main types of tachycardia and methods of treatment.
- For treatment of ventricular polymorphic tachycardia use preparations of magnesium, propranololoma, lidocaine. Drugs are administered intravenously or taken orally.
- With ventricular tachycardia due to the syndrome of the extended QT interval, treatment is performed only in a hospital setting and with extreme caution. This is because some drugs contribute to the lengthening of the interval, which causes arrhythmia.
- If the tachycardia of the fetus is accompanied by a heart rate exceeding 220 strokes, the woman is prescribed Sotalol or Amiodarone. With particular caution use Flecainide, since with ventricular dysfunction, it can cause cardiac arrest and death of the embryo.
- When suspected of myocarditis, to treat the rapid heartbeat, the doctor prescribes Dexamethasone. Treatment lasts from 7 to 14 days.
Medicamental treatment is effective in supraventricular pathology. With a properly formulated treatment regimen, a positive therapeutic effect is observed in 90% of cases. Another method of treating high heart rate is the use of beta-blockers. However, when using these drugs, it is necessary to take into account the fact that active substances poorly penetrate the placenta, which negatively affects the effectiveness of therapy.
Since during pregnancy tachycardia attacks can suddenly appear and disappear, every future mother should know how to cope with this pathology. The main treatment is medically prescribed by a doctor, but a couple of simple recommendations will help you cope with the onset of tachyarrhythmia.
- At the first signs of a rapid heart rate, it is necessary to sit down or lie down. This will allow the body to relax and the heart rate will decrease.
- If there is no possibility to lie down, try to relax, inhale deeply and exhale slowly. This will also help to eliminate the attack of tachycardia.
- Avoid stressful situations, panic and excitement. Keep calm and do not be nervous. If the attacks of tachyarrhythmia are lingering, ECG is recommended.
Prevention of tachycardia in the fetus during pregnancy
Prevention of tachycardia in the fetus during pregnancy should be carried out at the planning stage of the child. The task of the future mother carefully monitor their health, abandon bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse), treat existing diseases and prevent chronic diseases of the body. The health of the mother completely depends on the health of the child. An important fact is an active lifestyle and a positive emotional state.
During pregnancy, you must regularly visit a doctor, undergo scheduled examinations and follow all medical prescriptions. A future mother should remember that her responsibility is doubling, because now she is responsible for the life of her future child, in addition to her health and life. The danger of pregnancy is that it is during this period that diseases may appear, about which the woman previously did not know. Such diseases include tachyarrhythmia and heart defects. That is why it is very important to prevent the possible pathologies.
To prevent attacks of rapid heartbeat during pregnancy, a woman can be prescribed calming preparations on a plant basis, which normalizes the heart rhythm. Of no small importance is a measured, calm way of life. To the future mum it is counter-indicative to be nervous, to experience and be overstrained. Instead, you need to walk more often in the fresh air, perform special gymnastics and eat right.
Nutrition plays a crucial role in the prevention of this pathological condition. To prevent recurrence of high heart rate, a woman is recommended:
- Do not eat a lot of fatty and sweet foods. Improper diet leads to rapid weight gain, which negatively affects the work of the cardiovascular system.
- Daily in the diet, pregnancy should be green, vegetables, fruits and low-calorie dairy products.
- From coffee, alcoholic beverages and nicotine during pregnancy should be discarded. Since this negatively affects not only the mother's body, but also the health of the unborn child.
- Do not forget about vitamin and mineral complexes, which are indispensable during pregnancy. Take vitamins is necessary only with the permission of the doctor. If there are no contraindications, then the expectant mother is recommended to engage in mild physical activity and go to the pool.
Prognosis of tachycardia in the fetus during pregnancy
The prognosis of tachycardia in a fetus during pregnancy depends on many factors. The outcome of the pathology depends on its shape, the period at which it occurred, the general course of pregnancy, the characteristics of the mother and child. In most cases, tachyarrhythmia has a positive prognosis. A good outcome is predicted and sinus tachyarrhythmia of the embryo, in which the baby's heart rate normalizes during the first year of life.
- If the heart palpitations require treatment, then a transplacental introduction of antiarrhythmic drugs is used, which eliminates tachycardia in the fetus.
- The chances for a child's survival in case of a pathological increase in heart rate depend on the state of the mother's organism and monitoring the level of medicines contained in the umbilical cord. Drug treatment of rapid heartbeats is also effective for therapy of the embryo with dropsy caused by tachyarrhythmia.
- The prognosis depends on the drugs used for treatment, that is, their effects on the body. If the treatment regimen is correctly formulated and the correct dosage of the drugs is chosen, no side effects occur. But some drugs can cause fetal death. These drugs include: Sotalol and Flekainid.
Tachycardia in a fetus during pregnancy largely depends on early diagnosis, as this is a guarantee of a positive prognosis. Therefore, the task of every pregnant woman is not to neglect routine examinations, monitor health status, avoid stressful situations and lead a healthy lifestyle.