
Social life

Tantra is the art of love

Tantra is a challenge thrown by religion, a way to prove that sexuality is the same method of achieving spiritual harmony as other sacred acts. The male and female principle in Tantra is called Shiva and Shakti.
10 December 2012, 15:31

Top 10 natural antibiotics

When treating infectious diseases without antibiotics, it is difficult to manage, however, many tablets have a number of contraindications, side effects and, unfortunately, are not always effective.
10 December 2012, 11:44

Chocolate is the best cure for chronic cough

Chocolate is a very useful and tasty product, and if you list all its useful properties, then there will not be enough fingers on your hands, especially since to all the benefits one more thing has been added - it turns out that chocolate can help with a chronic cough that affects a lot of people.
10 December 2012, 09:08

5 Ways Not to Gain Extra Weight in Winter

Winter can be a dangerous time of the year for those who watch their figure. It's not just about holidays. The cold and short duration of daylight can shake the desire to exercise and go to training.
09 December 2012, 15:11

Pregnancy and stretch marks: what to do?

Pregnancy is a happy time for every woman. However, few future mothers manage to avoid stretch marks after childbirth. Scars, which are formed from excessive stretching of the skin, look unattractive and, of course, very upsetting women. They can appear on the abdomen, hips and buttocks. Ilive wants to share ways that will help prevent and get rid of stretch marks.
08 December 2012, 10:45

7 ways to knock down heat without medication

The rise in temperature is nothing more than the activation of the body's defenses in response to bacteria and viruses. If the temperature is no longer strong, then there are several ways to reduce it without the use of tablets and potions.
07 December 2012, 16:08

New Year in different countries of the world: interesting facts

Ilive offers a small voyage and learn how the New Year is celebrated in different parts of the world.
07 December 2012, 14:05

Childless couples risk premature death

Scientists from the University of Aarhus, Denmark, conducted a study and concluded that childless couples are at significant risk of premature death, especially for women.
07 December 2012, 11:12

Men are sure that the genitals are in the ears

More men do not know their anatomy, but they are well versed in cars.
07 December 2012, 10:18

What Women Want: Secrets Every Man Should Know

What do women desire? Surely this question was asked by every man. Ilive reveals the veil of this incomprehensible puzzle and presents 19 women's secrets that are sure to come in handy for men.
06 December 2012, 17:58


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