
Social life

Multiple sclerosis: face to face

Multiple sclerosis is a disease characterized by a disease of the central nervous system, affecting the dorsal and cephalic, as well as the optic nerve. The patient is impaired coordination, there may be problems with speech and vision.
17 December 2012, 11:55

10 Ways to Save Morning Time

How quickly to gather in the morning, avoiding stress, haste and possible delays?
17 December 2012, 09:12

A slow climb up the stairs helps burn more calories

Fighting excess weight is not an easy task, especially if a person is constantly overcome by laziness and all the training and playing sports he spends only in the mind. Here for those lazy people who want to, but are lazy, there is a wonderful way that will help burn calories and provide an excellent training of endurance and strength.
16 December 2012, 15:00

Scientists have proven the advantages of marriage

Specialists have found that pregnant women who have already tied themselves up by marriage are more likely to be less prone to postpartum depression than those who live with a partner in a civil marriage.
16 December 2012, 09:14

Hair removal: misconceptions and reality

Ilive presents the 10 most common questions and misconceptions regarding the removal of unwanted hair.
22 December 2012, 15:15

Products from chronic pain

Ilive presents a list of products, some of which can have a beneficial effect on a person's well-being, and some can ease pain.
13 December 2012, 10:17

10 things that can ruin the New Year holidays

Ilive wishes you not to frown on trifles and be sure to spend New Year's holidays noisy and fun, but in order not to spoil the long-awaited celebration, offers to get acquainted with 10 things that should not be allowed.
14 December 2012, 09:15

Top-9 most useful products during pregnancy

Baby nutrition begins already from the moment of conception and therefore it is very important for a pregnant woman to know what foods should be included in the diet to provide the necessary vitamins and microelements not only her body, but also the baby's body.
13 December 2012, 15:00

How to lose weight easily: 8 interesting tips

Ilive presents a list of small tricks that help to lose weight, and do not gain lost pounds again. A list of recommendations was prepared by joint efforts of nutritionists, psychologists, fitness trainers, as well as women who, by their own example, proved the effectiveness of the implementation of simple daily rules.
13 December 2012, 12:16

How to maintain health if financial difficulties are piled up

There are few pleasant financial problems, and often gaps in the budget provoke stress, aggression, overeating and alcohol abuse. In times that are difficult for a wallet, the main thing is not only to find a way to improve the situation, but also not to damage your health.
12 December 2012, 20:56


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