
Social life

How to avoid New Year binge eating: practical advice

Even if you are a lucky owner of iron willpower and know how to control your appetite, New Year's holidays can become too much temptation for you, and refraining from using all sorts of goodies is too difficult a task.
12 December 2012, 19:02

Top-7 products causing headaches

If your head hurts, most people try to drown out spasms with pills. There are several reasons for causing a headache, and this number includes food. You can not even suspect that the head is cracking because of something eaten or drunk, because Ilive is the top-7 products and beverages that can provoke headaches.
12 December 2012, 15:44

Scientists have explained the causes of sexual addiction

Almost half of those who suffer from sexual dependence first encounter this problem before the age of 16, according to a new study conducted by the psychotherapist Pola Hall and a team of scientists.
12 December 2012, 14:18

Named the hidden threats of cooking in the kitchen

The British health portal conducted a survey among 400 readers and 100 professional chefs to find out how the technology of cooking meets the sanitary and hygienic requirements.
12 December 2012, 11:47

Salty products provoke childhood obesity

Salty snacks, such as chips, crackers and other salted snacks, can cause childhood obesity, say Australian scientists from the University of Deakin.
12 December 2012, 09:14

5 bad habits that improve your health

Ilive presents five bad habits that will only improve your health if you know the extent.
11 December 2012, 17:00

Women increasingly decide to do cesarean section

Another trend is a gradual increase in the average age of women giving birth.
11 December 2012, 14:57

Running backwards is more effective and useful

It turns out that running backwards will help to involve other muscle groups that do not participate in the process during normal running.
11 December 2012, 11:18

6 Ways to Enjoy Work

Being happy at work requires no more effort than being unhappy. But for some reason very few people can go to work with joy.
11 December 2012, 10:36

Scientists know how to lose weight without dieting

Forget about fashionable diets - reduce the amount of fat consumed and lose weight, scientists say.
11 December 2012, 09:02


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