
Social life

Treating a cold is delicious

The first snow has already fallen out, which means that the winter has become a full-fledged mistress. It is better to enjoy a winter fairy tale in good health, and not be treated for a cold, heavily sighing with a stuffy nose.
06 December 2012, 16:15

Shocking celebrity diets

Almost all the celebrities are slender and beautiful. They very rarely talk about their secrets of getting rid of excess weight, but still about diets of some star personalities, we still managed to learn something.
06 December 2012, 15:32

Healthy heart: products that lower blood pressure

Increased blood pressure over time can lead to the development of angina pectoris, heart failure and heart attack. In order to reduce risks and take hypertension under control, it is important to know which products contribute to lowering blood pressure.
06 December 2012, 11:44

Proper nutrition will protect against repeated stroke and heart attack

Healthy food can not only reduce the risk of a new heart attack or stroke, but also reduce the likelihood of death before the term.
06 December 2012, 09:05

How to gain self-confidence: 8 useful tips

To less be influenced by the surprises that life often gives us, the experts of the American Psychological Association have prepared advice on how to learn how to endure all adversity with your head held high and do not hang your nose, even if nothing pleases you.
05 December 2012, 17:18

10 mistakes on the first date

The result of the first appointment should be an invitation to the second and for this it is necessary to try to make a good impression. How to do it, how to behave on a date?
05 December 2012, 16:00

Caffeine: dispel myths

People often say that they "hooked" on caffeine. Caffeine does not cause habituation in generally accepted terms. Caffeine - a stimulant and its regular use causes a slight dependence.

05 December 2012, 14:08

What do gums and erection have in common?

Men who regularly brush their teeth, thereby reducing the risk of gum disease - are less likely to suffer from a violation of erectile dysfunction. According to studies of Turkish scientists, men who have inflammation of the gums are three times more likely to have problems with erection.
05 December 2012, 07:05

Tomorrow will save tomatoes from depression

Scientists from Tianjin Medical University found out how to reduce the risk of depression. It turns out that the recipe is quite simple - it's enough to eat regular tomatoes several times a week.
05 December 2012, 08:00

How to return romance in a relationship?

Even the strongest couples sometimes experience difficult periods, unfortunately, the honeymoon can not last forever. There are a lot of reasons for cooling relations between spouses: this is a prosaic way of life, and the material problems in the family, and the accumulated grievances, can not be enumerated. However, it is possible to restore romance and establish relations.
05 December 2012, 09:06


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