
Social life

What threatens the health of men over 40?

The leading causes of death among middle-aged men and older are heart disease, stroke, accidental trauma, cancer, respiratory diseases, diabetes, suicide and Alzheimer's disease. To protect themselves from these diseases and reduce health risks, men need to get rid of some bad habits that can cause premature death.
05 December 2012, 10:17

8 interesting facts about dreams

Every person dreams almost every night - and yet we know very little about our dreams. Where do they come from? What do they mean? Can we manage them?
04 December 2012, 11:58

How to become a long-liver: useful tips

Ilive presents 10 useful tips that will help extend your life.
04 December 2012, 22:09

Top-10 largest dogs

Small pocket dogs, it seems, flooded the whole world and became immortal companions of celebrities. Nevertheless, not all went on about fashion. Fans of large dogs still remained. It is about large breeds of dogs that Ilive wants to tell today.

04 December 2012, 17:42

What you need to know about oral diseases?

Diseases of the oral mucosa (tongue, cheeks, lips) are a reflection of the internal problems of the whole organism.
04 December 2012, 16:23

The whole truth about sugar

Many believe that the so-called "sugar dependence" is by no means an invention, and it really exists, to what extent does all this correspond to reality?
06 November 2012, 15:06

Products for acute vision

Ilive presents a rating of products that have a positive effect on vision and help reduce the risk of age-related changes.
04 December 2012, 14:23

10 diseases that the bladder can talk about

Sometimes a bladder disease can indicate the presence of hidden health problems. Ilive represents 10 diseases, which can signal problems with the bladder.
04 December 2012, 11:18

An extra hour of sleep will replace painkillers

Experts from the Henry Ford clinic in Detroit under the guidance of Dr. Timothy Roers found that if you sleep ten hours a day instead of the recommended eight to nine hours of sleep, you can reduce the pain.
04 December 2012, 09:45

Top 8 weirdest jobs

Many of these professionals really do not envy, but as you know "All professions are important, all professions are needed" ...
03 December 2012, 16:07


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