
Hormones and weight

Thyroid function and overweight

Sometimes women get better and do not even suspect the true reasons for this. And the culprits can be hormones that the thyroid gland produces.

How does thyroid hormone affect weight?

The thyroid gland in women is strikingly different from that of men in that violations of the first are 10-20 times more common than in men.

The effect of testosterone on the female body

The hormone testosterone, which is considered a male hormone, can completely change all the processes in the body of a woman.

How does progesterone affect fat deposits?

The ability to recover without any reason can cause, it would seem, useful for the body hormone - progesterone.

How does estradiol affect our body?

Studies confirm that the hormone from the estrogen estradiol group helps the muscles of the heart to strengthen, and the heart to work more actively.

How do estrogens affect the shape changes?

Did you know that female hormones estrogen can affect more than 400 functions of the body?

How do estrogens affect a woman's weight?

It is very difficult to understand all the information that concerns the effect of estrogens on the female body.

How do hormones during the menstrual cycle affect weight gain?

Once you find yourself in a constant mood decline, tearfulness, increased fatigue, which do not stop for several weeks - sound alarm.

How do stresses affect the hormonal background and weight?

Now we will talk about how the weight and hormonal background of stress, depression and chronic fatigue affect our weight. Did you think that we are losing weight when we are nervous? On the contrary, we can recover from a poor state of mind. And the consequences for the body can be the most serious.

What three syndromes can be the culprits of excess weight?

Polycystic ovary syndrome, fibromyalgia and X syndrome may be the cause of excess weight in women and even adolescents. Why is this happening and what measures can be taken to treat it?


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