Have observed such a picture: a woman at a young age can lose weight freely, when she wants, and just barely knock her 45-50, can no longer lose weight. The culprits can be hormones. Why?
Leptin is a hormone, controlling the level of which, we can protect ourselves from a set of extra pounds. To do this, you just need to turn to a doctor-enocrinologist for hormonal tests. More about leptin.
In our body there are special substances - hormones, which play a significant role in how quickly we lose weight or recover. In other words, they affect weight. What are these hormones?
Testosterone is very important for women. It is important not only because everyone wants to make love with the active participation of this hormone. There is still a lot of arguments in favor of testosterone.
If the body lacks any hormones or, conversely, too many, it can suffer from excess weight. More - about such important hormones as testosterone, FSH and thyroid hormones, on which the optimal weight and well-being of a woman depends.