
The Basics of Healthy Eating

About the culture of nutrition

As shown by the special analysis carried out in various countries, the sufficient production of food in itself does not ensure the maintenance of human health at the optimal level. A high culture of nutrition is needed.

Nutrition and life expectancy

There are indisputable proofs of the influence of food and nutrition on many of the most important biological characteristics of the organism, in particular, on the length of life, aging, and the time of optimal functioning of its physiological systems.

Optimization of nutrition: rational nutrition

Optimizing nutrition is a problem that needs a common solution. It seems especially important, since for the present time, food defects on a global scale are characteristic.

Protective systems of the gastrointestinal tract

The theory of adequate nutrition attaches great importance to systems protecting the body from the penetration of various harmful substances into its internal environment. The intake of nutrients in the gastrointestinal tract should be considered not only as a way of replenishing energy and plastic materials, but also as an allergic and toxic aggression.

Elemental diets

From the standpoint of the theory of adequate nutrition, elemental diets are defective for many reasons and, in particular, because they disrupt the properties and the ratio of nutrient (trophic) and toxic fluxes due to loss of protective functions of membrane digestion and changes in endoecology.

Basic physiological functions of the intestinal bacterial flora

According to the theory of balanced nutrition, the colonization of the bacterial flora of the digestive tract of higher organisms is an undesirable and to some extent harmful side effect.

The main physiological functions of the intestinal bacterial flora, the nutrient stream

An obligatory condition for food assimilation is the disassembly of its complex structures to simple compounds that occurs during digestion.

Theory of adequate nutrition

In order to understand the differences between the two theories and the reasons why classical theory becomes an important element of a more general theory of adequate nutrition, it is necessary to characterize the main points, theoretical consequences and practical recommendations of the new theory and to compare them with the classical theory.

Theory of balanced nutrition: advantages and disadvantages

The theory of balanced nutrition is distinguished by the rigor and consistency of its axiomatics. It is the basis of all modern concepts of nutrition and has allowed to give a scientific explanation of the needs for food on energy, plastic and its other components.

Perfect nutrition, elemental, parenteral nutrition

One of the ideas resulting from the theory of balanced nutrition is the creation of ideal food and ideal nutrition. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the basic concept of improving food and nutrition was outlined.


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