
The Basics of Healthy Eating

What are food additives and impurities?

Additives are chemicals mixed with food to facilitate processing, storage or enhancement of their organoleptic properties. Only those supplements that have undergone certain laboratory tests are allowed to use as food.

Your diet and advice on proper nutrition

The appetite is significantly different from the true hunger, you can not confuse such concepts.

Healthy food for weight loss: what's the highlight?

A healthy diet is not just a momentary whim or a short-term diet, it's a way of life

Power for all: the principles of power selection and menu design

What is ideal food? Contemporary Berthelot brilliant writer and fellow at the French Academy of Anatole France twenty years before the interview, Berthelot put into the mouth of one of his heroes the words "ideal food".

Two theories of nutrition: ideal food and ideal nutrition

The concept of ideal food and ideal nutrition in general is based on strict scientific postulates. It is scientifically developed on the basis of the lassic theory of nutrition, which I was formed under the influence of the work of the greatest scientists, especially the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

The problem of nutrition and human evolution

The idea to design the ideal food and make food ideal, to give food to all the hungry, to prevent numerous diseases and ultimately to change the nature of man seemed extremely attractive.

Ideal food and perfect food

It is becoming increasingly clear that ideal food should be sufficiently individualized.

Some remarks about bread

Preparation of flour, cereals and other products from whole grains has been widely used since ancient times and retains its importance to the present day. Bread from whole grains has long been one of the most common food products in various countries, particularly in Ukraine.

Problems in nutrition of newborns

The errors that are associated with feeding newborns are amazing and are based on the theory of balanced nutrition. As is known, in higher organisms, including humans, food is digested due to cavity and membrane digestion.

Milk nutrition and milk intolerance

Let us consider specific examples of different solutions to some important nutrition problems in the light of classical and new theories. One of these problems is associated with milk nutrition, the other - with intolerance to milk.


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