What is dangerous during pregnancy?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Almost every woman, having learned that she will become a mother, asks: what is dangerous during pregnancy? Unfortunately, not always pregnancy proceeds without complications, which can sometimes be very dangerous for life, both mother and child.
Nine months that are necessary for a small woman to form inside a woman, a rather long period, during which a woman expects many dangers.
There are situations when before the conception there are some risk factors that can significantly complicate the course of pregnancy, but in other cases everything depends largely on the woman herself, on how seriously she will treat her new condition and monitor her health. During pregnancy, if you have any symptoms, it is better to consult a specialist immediately and to prevent a serious complication.
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Dangerous timing during pregnancy
Every woman should have an idea of what is dangerous during pregnancy. For nine months of waiting a woman attends a lot of thoughts, and not all of them are pleasant. Experiences for the health of the baby, upcoming birth, etc. In many cases are in vain. However, while waiting for the baby, there are several dangerous stages that a woman should know about in order to timely understand and prevent trouble.
During pregnancy, the first dangerous period may develop in the second or third week. This is the time when a woman can not guess about her interesting situation. The fertilized egg, after getting into the uterus, is fixed on the mucous membrane. For a number of reasons, the process of fixing the fetal egg in the uterus can be disrupted, then the pregnancy is interrupted and the woman begins an early miscarriage, which is difficult to diagnose (in some cases, menstruation can be very abundant). For the normal fixation of the fetal egg is an extremely important condition of the endometrium. Various abnormalities of the uterus, damage to the inner layer (endomeria) as a result of inflammation, multiple abortions can lead to a disruption of fixation. Also, the normal attachment of an egg can prevent uterine contractions after inflammation, scraping or any diseases (myoma, endometriosis, etc.). In addition, chromosomal changes in the fetus can also lead to the termination of pregnancy in the early stages, as the body independently gets rid of the "unhealthy" fetus.
The second dangerous period is 8-12 weeks, when the placenta begins to form. During this period, one of the main causes of abortion are hormonal disorders that can occur due to malfunctions in the ovaries, thyroid gland, and also due to increased production of the pregnant male sex hormones by the body. In this case, the doctor must choose the right treatment, while it is important to identify and prevent pathology in a timely manner.
In this period, environmental factors are of great importance for further development of the embryo: radiation (including production vibrations or exercise), chemicals (smoking, pesticides, phenols, drugs, alcohol, etc.), viruses and infections.
During the first trimester of pregnancy, the woman's body adapts to a new condition, the woman undergoes a tremendous mental and physical load, so in the first months of pregnancy you need to take care of your health as carefully as possible.
The third dangerous term of pregnancy occurs at 18 - 22 weeks. During this period, the risk of placental pathology increases (previa, improper location, detachment, etc.).
In addition, the most common cause of miscarriage in this period is ismiko-cervical insufficiency, i.e. A condition in which the cervix can not cope with its main function - the retention of the fetus in the uterus. High levels of male sex hormones, trauma, congenital anomalies, deformities after previous births - all this can cause softening and opening of the cervix. To prevent miscarriage, the doctor may impose seams.
Also during this period, the probability of pathological conditions of the placenta, membranes, premature water leakage as a result of untreated infectious diseases (chlamydia, ureaplasma, etc.) increases.
The fourth dangerous period can be at 28 - 32 weeks. At this time, the risk of developing gestosis, placental abruption, placental insufficiency increases, which can lead to premature birth.
A woman, when approaching a dangerous period of pregnancy should exclude heavy physical exertion, nervous shocks, sex. If the probability of termination of pregnancy is high enough, it is best to go to a hospital under the supervision of specialists, so that if necessary, timely assistance is provided.
Dangerous days during pregnancy
During pregnancy, various pathological processes may develop that threaten the further bearing of the child. The entire first trimester is considered to be the most vulnerable period, since any medications, nervous shocks, diseases, etc., this is exactly what is dangerous during pregnancy. However, there are also other days that may threaten normal nurturance.
But in each case the pregnancy proceeds individually, and not necessarily the aforementioned critical periods develop on certain days of pregnancy. The danger of pregnancy disruption can occur in every woman individually. For example, if a woman has a previous pregnancy with miscarriage, the likelihood that the danger may recur at the same time is quite high, while the physiological and psychological characteristics of the female body play a big role. Of course, you need to take care of your health not only on certain days of pregnancy (these days it is recommended to pay special attention, taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism), which can threaten further bearing, but throughout the period of pregnancy.
Dangerous Weeks During Pregnancy
During pregnancy, the future mother of the slope to various experiences about the health of the future baby, the upcoming birth, etc. Quite often such experiences are vain, but at different times there can be dangerous periods that can complicate further pregnancy. Among medical professionals, such periods are usually called dangerous or critical weeks.
In the first weeks of pregnancy, when a woman usually does not know her condition, any external factor can disrupt the attachment process of the fetus. With various diseases of the inner layer of the uterus (postoperative damage, inflammation, fibroids) attachment of the fetus is complicated, the probability of miscarriage increases. Also, miscarriage occurs with various chromosomal pathologies, when the body rejects a deliberately non-viable fetus.
At 8-12 weeks due to hormonal failures in the body of a woman, there may be a violation of the development of the placenta, which is dangerous during pregnancy and can cause the death of the fetus.
In the second trimester, when the active increase in the uterus (18-22 weeks) also increases the risk of premature termination of pregnancy. In infections that are weakened by the cervix, an incorrect location of the placenta can seriously complicate the course of pregnancy. During this period, the woman is assigned a second planned ultrasound study in order to consider pathologies as early as possible and take measures.
In the third trimester (28-32 weeks), detachment of the placenta is possible. During ultrasound, the condition and integrity of the placenta is carefully studied by a specialist. This complication can cause gestosis (late toxicosis), death of the baby in the womb, premature birth. Born in this period, children can survive, but they need special care.
Is orgasm dangerous during pregnancy?
From the first days of pregnancy in the female body, huge hormonal changes begin. In some women, sexual attraction becomes stronger, feelings during sex are exacerbated, become more intense. During pregnancy, the uterus grows, blood circulation in the small pelvis increases, which causes an increase in desire and the appearance of more vivid sensations. Some women change their sexual preferences, they want more affectionate, tender relations.
Orgasm, experienced by the future mother, gives a pleasant sensation not only to the woman, but also to the child in her womb. At an orgasm the strengthened circulation of blood promotes the best receipt of nutrients and oxygen to a fetus. With contractions of the uterus during orgasm, there is some training of labor. Hormones released by orgasm affect well both a woman and a child.
Sometimes an orgasm of a pregnant woman is very necessary. When the term of childbirth has already approached, but the child does not hurry to appear, the orgasm can push the birth process.
However, under certain conditions, orgasm poses a danger to the health of women and children. Orgasm leads to severe contractions of the uterus, which is dangerous during pregnancy, when there is a risk of miscarriage (increased tone). Also, an orgasm is contraindicated to a woman in the last days of pregnancy, because in this case the probability of premature birth increases.
Dangerous infections during pregnancy
All dangerous infections threatening a pregnant woman, are conditionally divided into two types:
- representing a danger before pregnancy;
- which are dangerous during pregnancy.
Chicken pox or chickenpox is considered a disease that is best tolerated in childhood, because the child's disease is almost innocuous, while for an adult, especially for a pregnant woman, the infection is a serious danger. The greatest danger is infection on a period of up to 20 weeks, before childbirth and after childbirth.
Rubella also refers to childhood diseases. In a child, the disease occurs with less severe symptoms than an adult. If a girl was ill with rubella in her childhood, then in the adult state she is protected by antibodies developed during the disease. If there is no immunity to infection, then the pregnant woman should be as cautious as possible so as not to become infected. The greatest danger of the disease is in the early stages, since in this case a very high risk of injury or death of the fetus.
Toxoplasmosis is a very dangerous infection, and doctors pay special attention to this disease. Infection presents a serious danger to the child and can occur in the body without any symptoms.
Experts recommend that before pregnancy, all necessary tests be taken to exclude the possibility of developing hidden infections. If the results of the analysis show antibodies in the body of a woman, then she already suffered from toxoplasmosis. In the absence of antibodies, you should be as cautious as possible to prevent infection of these infections during pregnancy. The carriers of the disease are mainly cats, so a pregnant woman who does not have antibodies to infection should minimize communication with them. In addition, you should monitor the quality of food: the meat should be well prepared, vegetables, fruits, greens, etc. Should be thoroughly washed.
Cytomegalovirus is dangerous not only before pregnancy, but also directly during pregnancy. About infection a woman may not even know, but the disease can be a serious danger to the child's future. It is generally believed that primary infection is a great danger to the fetus, exacerbation of the disease during pregnancy is not such a threat. Cytomegalovirus is transmitted through saliva, semen, blood. If the disease is detected before the onset of pregnancy, then an important attention should be paid to strengthening immunity in order to prevent an exacerbation during pregnancy.
Genital herpes in early pregnancy leads to miscarriage or stiff pregnancy, in the second half of the term - to congenital abnormalities in the child. Infection of the child can be during passage of patrimonial ways or still in a womb of mother through a placenta. In some cases, a woman is recommended to have a cesarean section to prevent the infection of the baby.
All specialists, without exception, recommend to undergo a full examination at the planning stage of pregnancy, to take all tests, to cure all existing diseases, including thrush, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis and other infections.
However, not all women at the planning stage undergo a survey and almost all tests are given with the beginning of pregnancy. If the tests reveal infection, which is dangerous during pregnancy and can have serious consequences, then you should follow all the doctor's recommendations and take a course of treatment to minimize the risk of possible complications.
Dangerous diseases during pregnancy
Virtually any disease during pregnancy can cause negative consequences, including malformations, miscarriages, etc.
Measles is the most contagious disease that is easily picked up in childhood, the symptoms of the disease resemble ARI, but on the third day there is a characteristic rash. For a pregnant woman who has not had measles, infection in the first three months can cause miscarriages or malformations (oligophrenia, CNS damage, etc.). In the early stages of pregnancy, possible fetal malformations are extremely difficult to diagnose. Typically, a woman who has had measles in the first weeks of pregnancy is offered an abortion to completely eliminate the risk of having a sick child.
Epidemic parotitis or mumps is not as contagious as chicken pox or measles, but no less dangerous for a pregnant woman. Among pregnant women, the mumps are often found, therefore, one should avoid the disease, because it is dangerous during pregnancy to be infected in the first trimester of pregnancy, when all the basic organs and functions of a future child develop. The mumps virus easily penetrates to the fetus. It is generally believed that the virus affects the ovaries, which leads to miscarriage (usually 10-14 days after infection). If after the disease the pregnancy continues to develop normally, then there is no cause for concern, since the mumps does not lead to abnormal fetal development. Infection of the child can occur if the mother is sick in the last weeks of pregnancy, but in this case, everything goes with minimal consequences.
Influenza, especially in the first weeks of pregnancy, can lead to intrauterine fetal death, at a later date the risk of premature birth increases, but the disease does not provoke abnormalities of the fetus.
Chlamydia, can cause miscarriage, often a child becomes infected when passing the birth canal, which can subsequently cause conjunctivitis, pneumonia.
Jaundice does not pose a threat to the unborn child, but the risk of infection during labor is extremely high.
Borreliosis is mainly transmitted by mites, the disease rarely affects the fetus, but there is a risk of neurologic abnormalities, heart disease.
What is dangerous during pregnancy, you should know every woman who is preparing to become a mother. During this period it is extremely important to take care of your health carefully, since the future health of the child largely depends on the state of the mother's health.