Rashes during pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Rashes during pregnancy occur quite often. The cause of this phenomenon can be common problems in the body, as well as the aggravation of certain diseases.
In any case, the rash should be eliminated in a short time. But first you need to establish the cause of this phenomenon, so that there was an opportunity to prescribe quality treatment.
Causes of a rash during pregnancy
Causes of rashes during pregnancy can be varied. So, rashes arise on a background of herpetic infection, chicken pox and other diseases.
On the skin may appear bubbles, which eventually dry up and crust. Then everything disappears and there is only a spot. In no case can not comb these bubbles, because it can lead to infection and the appearance of abscesses.
Red rashes can arise and because of scarlet fever. A rash can cause a herpetic infection. Often, this phenomenon occurs after exposure to the sun. This is the so-called allergy to the sun's rays.
The rash in pregnant women, especially on the stomach, can be caused by hormonal imbalance. Usually he shows himself in the third trimester. Unpleasant pryshchiki and redness causes and a dermatosis. Often it passes independently, a couple of weeks after childbirth.
Rashes can be caused by various infections and viruses. Often they are associated with the presence of malformations and anomalies in the fetus. In this case, you need to take action.
Often, the rash is associated with malnutrition. Such a reaction of the body can manifest itself in food, drugs and other irritants. Rashes during pregnancy can appear both locally and throughout the body.
Symptoms of rash during pregnancy
Symptoms of rash during pregnancy depend on the reason for which it was caused. So, this phenomenon can occur against the background of infectious diseases. Symptomatic in herpetic infection, chicken pox and other similar diseases is the same.
On the body appear bubbles, inside of which there is liquid. In no case can they be combed, otherwise they will get an infection and pustules are formed. Bubbles eventually dry up themselves and cover themselves with a crust, then disappear and disappear altogether.
Allergic manifestations of the rash in some way similar to hives. On the skin, spots of different shapes may appear, often they itch. With allergies, similar symptoms also appear on the internal organs.
With scarlet fever, there are specific red rashes. The rash is itchy and manifests itself mainly in the groin, in the lower abdomen and on the buttocks. In some cases, it can be found on the face. The symptomatology of the disease is very specific. The skin around the mouth and nose becomes pale, and the cheeks are bright red. Over time, the rash begins to itch and flake off.
When a herpetic infection, bubbles appear in the form of a hyperemic spot. Inside, they contain liquid. Over time, the blisters dry and crust. In some cases, they are opened, forming erosion. With this disease, headache, general malaise, pruritus and tingling occur. Rashes during pregnancy can occur for a number of reasons and are accompanied by specific symptoms.
Acne during pregnancy
Acne rash during pregnancy is quite common. And it appears spontaneously. You can meet her on your face, chest and back. Some women note her self-elimination after pregnancy.
Acne is a result of hormonal imbalance. Often, this occurs against the background of previously taken contraceptive pills. Therefore, during pregnancy, the situation is greatly aggravated.
It is worth noting that during pregnancy the level of the male sex hormone rises. Sebaceous glands specifically affect this process and therefore blackheads appear. There is a large amount of subcutaneous fat, which clogs the glands. Experiencing this is not worth it, everything comes back to normal after pregnancy.
In order for the rash to show less itself, it is enough to use ordinary cosmetics. Suitable special gels for washing and cream. Rashes during pregnancy are normal, especially if it is acne vulgaris.
Allergic rash during pregnancy
Allergic rash during pregnancy often resembles hives. On the skin begin to appear small spots, of different shapes. Often this phenomenon is accompanied by an unpleasant itch. Similar symptoms can occur with allergies to internal organs.
An allergic rash may appear quite suddenly. In this case, there is a characteristic itching, appears tearing and runny nose. Rashes on the skin have a prominent appearance and are quite noticeable.
The main thing is to try not to comb the rashes. This can provoke aggravation of the situation. You can get rid of unpleasant sensations with the help of antiallergic drugs. However, during pregnancy in many cases, to take medicine is prohibited. Therefore, a doctor's consultation is necessary.
Allergic rash alone will not work. It must be eliminated, moreover, it is necessary to remove the stimulus itself. Otherwise, the rash during pregnancy will deliver throughout the period, which will bring a lot of inconvenience.
Diagnosis of rashes during pregnancy
Diagnosis of rashes during pregnancy should be mandatory. The first thing the doctor must do is visual study of the situation. The main characteristic of the elements of the rash is taken into account. On the basis of visual inspection, you can get a lot of useful information.
The patient is examined by a dermatologist. One visual inspection in most cases is not enough. It is necessary to confirm or deny the presence of a disease. Therefore, clinical analyzes are mandatory. It is possible to carry out sowings of ulcers secretion.
Diagnosis includes blood tests, which provide additional information. Based on all the data obtained, complex treatment is prescribed. In many cases, it requires the use of certain drugs. But, since we are talking about pregnant girls, there are alternative ways to solve the problem. After all, drugs can aggravate the situation. Rashes during pregnancy should be corrected correctly.
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Treatment of rashes during pregnancy
Treatment of rashes during pregnancy is carried out carefully and under the supervision of a doctor. If the rash caused an itch mite, it is advisable to use ointments containing tar or sulfur.
Treatment can be carried out with the use of special cosmetics. If the case is rather complicated, then blood transfusion can be prescribed. But during pregnancy this process is not permissible.
A huge benefit is brought by decoctions, which are prepared on the basis of medicinal herbs. If the rash has arisen on the face, you can do a cosmetic cleansing. Thanks to her, all will be able to clean and open the abscesses. All this is done under the guidance of a qualified specialist.
During pregnancy, you should not abuse medicines. Therefore, doctors often recommend using alternative methods. A special antihistamine diet should be followed. It is desirable to give up sweet and coffee. Products that contain a lot of fiber are also banned. This can reduce the risk of dermatosis.
Do not try to remove the rash on your own, especially during pregnancy. After all, to begin a qualitative treatment, it is necessary to determine the cause of this phenomenon. You can independently analyze your own food and try to remove possible stimuli.
If the rash is not going to "go away", you need to speed up the process. For this, ointments and creams based on menthol, camphor, praomoxin or diphenhydramine are ideal. Do not avoid moisturizing lotions. Remove the rash during pregnancy is simple, but it needs to be done under the guidance of a doctor.
Prevention of rash during pregnancy
Preventive maintenance of a rash during pregnancy plays a huge role. It is important to keep the skin clean. In most cases, ignoring the rules of personal hygiene leads to the appearance of various kinds of rash. In particular, acne and allergic.
You need to take care of the skin, especially if it is fat or sensitive. Perfect fit and cosmetics that can be used as a treatment, and prevention.
It is important to revise the diet. After all, in most cases, irritants that cause the appearance of a rash are there. It is necessary to observe how the body reacts to this or that food. When rashes and itching occur, it is worthwhile to exclude some foods.
Naturally, you can not run the existing diseases. You should always consult a doctor. Timely response to emerging problems will prevent the problem from worsening. Rashes during pregnancy can be prevented with the help of ordinary preventive measures.
Prognosis of rash during pregnancy
The prognosis of rash during pregnancy is positive. In most cases, the problem is resolved by yourself. But throw it is not necessary. In fact if it is a question of an allergic rash, then it should be correctly eliminated. As a rule, an antihistamine diet is used and the nutrition is completely revised. In this case, the forecast will be positive.
With herpetic rash it is necessary to begin timely treatment, with the help of anti-inflammatory drugs. In this case, the phenomenon will pass fairly quickly, and will not be agonized throughout the pregnancy. The main thing is not to try to get rid of the rash yourself.
Much depends also on when a person turned for help. Naturally, the disease itself plays a huge role. Therefore, the sooner the girl goes to see a doctor, the sooner unpleasant feelings will leave her. Self-medication is prohibited, in this case there is a risk of aggravating the situation. Rashes during pregnancy need to be eliminated correctly, so that it never again appears.