Pink discharge during pregnancy: from light to brown
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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When a woman becomes aware that she expects the baby, almost everything in her life is changing. She begins to take good care of her health, listening to a minimal change in her state of health, and this is a completely predictable reaction, because within her a new life has arisen, and the woman as a whole is fully responsible for the future person. Especially often women come for advice to a doctor if a problem arises - for example, if they find pink discharge during pregnancy. What is this: a natural state, or an excuse for experiencing?
Causes of the pink discharge during pregnancy
With the beginning of the gestation period, the female organism undergoes enormous loads and changes. Cardinally changes hormonal balance, blood circulation is reconstructed, and practically all internal organs start to work in "emergency" mode. The appearance of pink discharge is a peculiar symptom, which, however, also has its own reasons.
- Changes in the vaginal microflora, thrush can lead to microdamage of the mucosa. Small amounts of blood seep through these lesions, which, in conjunction with mucus, gives the effect of pink discharge.
- An autoimmune process that develops in the Rh rhesus-conflict between the mother and the baby, when the mother is Rh-negative, and her future baby is Rh-positive. As a result of such a conflict, the body of a woman begins to produce antibodies that attack a fertilized egg. Such a process, in the absence of qualified medical care, can end badly.
- Sex infections, which belong to ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis, can also damage mucous tissues and provoke the release of pink discharge.
- Erosion in the cervix is sometimes able to bleed: the blood comes out with vaginal discharge in the form of pink mucus.
- Microdamages during sexual intercourse can lead to small pink discharge, which usually disappear on their own.
- Polyposis of the cervical canal often occurs with polyp damage and bleeding.
In addition, often pink discharge is one of the first signs of a threatening miscarriage. At this stage, miscarriage can still be prevented if you contact the doctor in a timely manner. Also, this type of secretion can indicate the fading of the pregnancy process.
Risk factors
- Hypersensitivity of mucous tissues of a woman, excessive blood filling, fragility of capillaries.
- Frequent use of intravaginal ultrasound, frequent examination on a gynecological chair, frequent or rough sex.
- Age is more than 30 years.
- Increase of the uterine tone and abortion in the anamnesis.
- Chronic infections of the reproductive organs, inflammatory processes.
- Reception of hot water procedures (baths, showers, foot baths).
- Frequent or severe stress, excessive physical and mental overload.
- Harmful habits (smoking, alcohol).
- Acceptance of various medications.
- Injuries to the abdomen.
With the onset of pregnancy, redistribution of hormones and increased blood flow in the body of a woman lead to the fact that the mucosa of the internal genital organs becomes more friable and sensitive. As a result, capillaries can be damaged with the most minor mechanical influences - for example, during sexual contact, with gynecological diagnosis, etc.
Sometimes pinkish discharge appears in a pregnant woman in those days when, if there was no pregnancy, menstruation would begin. This happens infrequently and equates to one of the varieties of the norm.
If the discharge is strong, with a sour smell - then this may be the initial sign of vaginal candidiasis - thrush.
The mechanism of the formation of pink secretions may be different, depending on the cause of this symptom. If the uterine tonus rises, then placental abruption can begin - at the same time similar discharges appear. This situation requires immediate medical control, since the detachment often does not result in miscarriage if you do not provide assistance.
Symptoms of the pink discharge during pregnancy
Pink discharge - this symptom can not be confused with any other symptom. The appearance of such secretions is due to the fact that a very small amount of blood elements is added to the ordinary mucous secret. This blood can be an old one, which has not come out completely since the last menstrual period, or it may be fresh, which has seeped through the implantation of the egg.
If the discharge contains a large amount of blood, the discharge becomes no longer pink, but red or brown, depending on the "prescription" of the blood.
If, in addition to excreta, the future mother has such problems as pain, numbness, nausea, a feeling of pressure or bursting, malfunction of urination or defecation, dizziness, then you need to urgently get a doctor's consultation.
Pink discharge before pregnancy
Pink discharge, which began to appear before the new menstrual cycle, can be considered a kind of norm if they:
- not massive;
- do not differ in unusual odor;
- are not accompanied by pain and deterioration of well-being.
Normal discharge can become pink one or two days before the start of menstruation, or during ovulation.
It is possible to stain natural mucous discharge in pink and for other reasons:
- reception of hormones;
- strong stresses experienced;
- weak immunity, etc.
If the allocation is abundant and dense, then they can be a sign of inflammation of the reaction in the reproductive organs. In some cases, excretions are found in polyposis, endometrial hyperplasia, and tumor processes.
Pink discharge as a sign of pregnancy
If before the start of menstruation, instead of usual discharge, pink is observed, this may be an indirect sign of pregnancy. During the implantation, the egg can damage the mucosa: minute vessels are injured, microdamages are formed, which leads to slight bleeding and staining of mucus in pink.
However, this manifestation can not be considered a reliable sign of pregnancy. In addition, do not forget that pink discharge is detected and in violation of the course of pregnancy - for example, with ectopic embryo fixation.
Pink discharge during pregnancy in the early stages
The first trimester may be accompanied by pink secretions, which is often associated with hypersensitivity of the tissues of internal reproductive organs and with increased blood flow in the pelvic area.
In the early term, due to the sensitivity of the mucosa, pink discharge may disturb after the procedure of intravaginal ultrasound, after mirror diagnosis on the gynecological chair, after sexual contact.
An insignificant amount of pink mucus in some cases is also allocated during the implantation of the egg - this is the norm.
The change in hormonal activity often leads to the fact that the pregnant woman has a characteristic discharge in the days when menstruation could begin. Moreover, these days the woman feels a drawing pain in the abdomen and in the lumbar region, as in the usual beginning of the monthly cycle. Such symptoms are considered temporary and soon pass.
From 2 to 12 weeks
The appearance of pink discharge in these weeks of pregnancy often indicates a disease in the cervix (for example, dysplasia or erosion), or an infection of the genitals. For example, in many cases, the culprit is a fungal infection, in particular, fungi Candida - the causative agent of thrush.
To clarify the diagnosis, you need to do a smear on the microflora and cytology.
No less often in the early stages there is a threat of miscarriage, which can also be accompanied by the appearance of a discharge of pink hue. In order to exclude this pathology, it is necessary to perform an ultrasound examination that will show the presence of detachment, and also will allow to trace the palpitation of the fetus.
From 13 to 20 weeks
With the approach of the second half of pregnancy, the danger of spontaneous interruption does not disappear. However, the causes of the threat are not progesterone insufficiency, but istmico-cervical insufficiency. Other signs of this pathology are pain and a feeling of bursting inside the vagina, although in some cases the disease can occur without any symptomatic manifestations.
To avoid the threat, you must regularly visit a gynecologist, carry out scheduled ultrasound and examinations on the gynecological chair.
Pink discharge during pregnancy at a later date
In the subsequent stages, in the second half of the gestation, pink discharge occurs with the presentation or detachment of the normally located placenta. In a similar situation, the patient must necessarily consult a doctor, and it should be done as soon as possible. Pink discharge, especially persistent, can indicate a serious pathology.
In the event that the date of delivery approaches, pink discharge sometimes accompanies the passage of the mucous plug. This cork during the entire period of pregnancy protects the cervix from various infections. The departure of the plug means that there is not much time left before delivery.
Pink discharge for 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 the week of pregnancy
If we consider the indicators of the norm, then during these weeks pink discharge should not be. Sometimes their appearance can cause erosion of the uterine neck - but at this stage the doctor can not proceed to a radical treatment of this disease. A full treatment will be carried out after the birth of the baby.
More often pink allocation at this stage is connected with an infectious lesion of genitals. To precisely define a kind of an infection it is possible by a method of a capture of a smear.
Pink discharge for 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40 the week of pregnancy
Far from all future mothers, labor begins at the intended time. Often births begin earlier, and the appearance of pink discharge indicates their early onset.
Many pregnant women find a small amount of pink discharge at the time of exit of the mucous plug - usually the plug comes out about two weeks before the onset of labor.
If the discharge is not just pink, but has bloody veins, then we can confidently expect an early onset of labor. In case if there is still a lot of time before the expected date, it is better to contact the gynecologist: maybe the doctor will find it necessary to determine the future mother in the hospital for the maintenance of pregnancy.
To be precise, if the birth canal is ready for childbirth, it is possible with the help of a manual examination of the vagina.
If the future mother complains of pink discharge, then for the doctor only this symptom will be small. He will definitely ask about the presence of other pathological signs, and also specify what other features in pink discharge a woman noticed.
- Pale pink discharge during pregnancy, if not accompanied by other pathological symptoms, for most patients are not dangerous and indicate a small amount of red blood cells in the mucus. Most often, the physiological changes that occur in the female body with the onset of pregnancy are to blame.
- Light pink discharge during pregnancy can appear when microdamages occur in the mucous tissues of the vagina. To restore the mucosa and prevent the appearance of secretions, you need to protect the vagina from mechanical effects (for example, damage can be obtained during sex or when examined by a gynecologist).
- Pink-brown discharge during pregnancy indicates the presence of more blood cells in the mucus: in this aspect, it is already a serious painful reactions in the female body. Especially should be alerted if such allocation is abundant and saturated. The darker the color of discharge, the greater the probability of spontaneous abortion or the development of tumor processes.
- Pink discharge after sex during pregnancy is due to the fact that with the onset of fetal development, the blood filling of the reproductive organs increases. Mucous tissues become friable and sensitive, so that the slightest mechanical effect can lead to the appearance of microscopic cracks, through which the blood also percolates. Normally, pink discharge after sex is independent. If they continue for several days and become darker or more intense, you should immediately consult a doctor.
- Pink discharge without pain during pregnancy is often physiological and does not pose a particular danger to a woman. However, in order to hedge, it is better to consult a doctor.
- White-pink discharge during pregnancy with a sour smell indicates the appearance of vaginal candidiasis, or thrush. Pink discharge in case of thrush during pregnancy is usually accompanied by itching, burning inside the vagina and on the external genital organs, general deterioration of well-being. Self-medication in such a situation can not be practiced - a call to the doctor is mandatory.
- Pulling the lower abdomen and pink discharge during pregnancy talk about progesterone insufficiency. If you do not start treatment in a timely manner and adjust the balance of progesterone and estrogen, you can lose the baby. This condition is observed in about one in nine pregnant women.
- Pink mucous discharge during pregnancy can occur with partial rejection of the endometrium - superficial uterine epithelium. Similar processes occur with the onset of a new monthly cycle. If a woman does not complain of pain, and the uterine tone does not change, then especially not be worried in this situation.
- Pink-yellow discharge during pregnancy usually accompanies various inflammatory pathologies in the reproductive system. To accurately determine the problem, it is important to pass a general blood test and a smear on the vaginal flora. You may need to undergo an anti-inflammatory therapy course.
- Bloody pink discharge during pregnancy is almost 100% pointer to a threatening interruption of pregnancy. Appealing to a doctor in such a situation should be immediate: the earlier a woman "scores the alarm," the greater the probability of saving the child.
- Pink discharge during erosion during pregnancy occurs if erosion reaches significant dimensions, or progresses. Radical treatment of erosion, the doctor will be able to deal with only after the birth of the baby, but during pregnancy, he will be able to prescribe supportive treatment that will stop further growth of erosion.
- Pink discharge after a stiff pregnancy often indicates a hormonal failure in the body. To eliminate the problem, you need to take a blood test for the main female hormones to know exactly what the hormonal background of the woman is.
- Pink discharge during pregnancy before childbirth can appear simultaneously with the exit of the mucous plug - in a similar situation, such allocation is meager and short. Also, pink discharge appears immediately before the onset of labor, as a sign of an early "start" of the birth process. However, specifically expect such a sign is not worth it: it does not happen to all pregnant women.
- After clotrimazole, pink discharge during pregnancy is most often associated with mucosal damage when a vaginal tablet is administered. Such discharge should be white and pink: they disappear on the third day of treatment. If the discharge gradually darkens and intensifies, it is better to consult a doctor. Treatment with clotrimazole in the first trimester is contraindicated in pregnant women.
Complications and consequences
Of course, I want to immediately reassure pregnant women and say that pink discharge does not pose a danger. But, unfortunately, this is not always the case. If there is such a sign as pink discharge, then the woman should listen to her well-being and assess whether there are any additional symptoms, for example:
- the amount of secretions increases;
- the color of the discharge becomes darker;
- there was a pain in the lower back and / or abdomen;
- increased temperature;
- the urge to urinate increased, or urination became painful, or there were false urges to defecate.
These symptoms may indicate a threat of spontaneous abortion, pregnancy fading, ectopic pregnancy, the presence of infection in the body. All these cases require urgent medical intervention and can be very dangerous, both for the pregnancy process, and for the life and health of the woman herself
Diagnostics of the pink discharge during pregnancy
Determine the cause of pink discharge is very important: this will help to develop the correct further treatment tactics.
Diagnosis, conducted in a timely manner, helps to correct the condition of a pregnant woman and prevent possible undesirable consequences.
To determine the reasons, you need to conduct such types of diagnostics:
- gynecological examination with the help of mirrors;
- cytological analyzes, bakpos;
- evaluation of fetal heart function, ultrasound examination;
- cardiotocography.
- Other tests may be needed:
- bakosev on the pathogenic flora;
- antibioticogram.
Instrumental diagnostics, in addition to ultrasound, can be supplemented with dopplerography, which will detect vascular disorders in the placenta, umbilical cord and the future baby.
Differential diagnosis
Differential diagnosis, as a rule, is conducted between such states:
- placental abruption;
- risk of miscarriage;
- pregnancy fading;
- autoimmune processes, Rh-conflict;
- premature birth.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the pink discharge during pregnancy
Treatment, if there are pink discharge during pregnancy, depends on what exactly triggered the appearance of such a symptom, and how much this reason is serious. In difficult situations, a woman is sent for in-patient treatment to a hospital, and in ordinary cases, a future mother can be treated at home.
Most often, pink discharge becomes a sign of a threat of miscarriage. If this is the case, then you can not take any action yourself, you must visit a doctor, and urgently.
So, what to do with pink discharge during pregnancy? The first and mandatory step is a doctor's consultation. The second is the preservation of tranquility (both moral and physical). You can not unduly strain, worry and worry: if necessary, it is better to take a mild sedative, after consulting with the doctor.
What can not be done?
- Drink beverages with caffeine, soda.
- Use cocoa and chocolate.
- Have sex.
- Eating dishes that can cause fermentation inside the intestine and flatulence (white cabbage, peas, pears, semi-finished products).
- Take hot water treatments.
- Lift weights of more than 3 kg.
- Experiencing, worrying, fearing, experiencing negative emotions.
- To drink alcohol and smoke.
- To move on any kind of transport, run, jump.
What can I do?
- Lying, resting.
- Sleep.
- Make light walks at a slow pace.
- Read, listen to light music.
- Take a shower with warm water.
- Inhale aromas of mint leaves, orange.
After examination and conducting diagnostic activities, the doctor may prescribe the following medicines:
- herbal sedatives;
- antispasmodics (for removing the increased uterine tone);
- hormonal preparations;
- vitamins.
Hormones are prescribed after the diagnosis - most often the drug of choice is Progesterone (Dyufaston, Utrozhestan, etc.). This hormone is responsible for the safety of pregnancy.
If pink discharge arose at a later date, then in case of threat of termination of pregnancy, it is possible to use a special ring on the cervix, which helps prevent premature opening.
In addition to observing rest and limiting physical activity, the doctor can advise a therapist's counseling, auto-training sessions, and certain medications, depending on the original cause of the appearance of pink discharge.
- Vegetative sedatives - Valerian infusion, Valerian root extract.
- Spasmolytics - Drotaverin, Papaverin, No-shpa, Magne-B 6 (relax the spasms of the uterus).
- Progesterone (with reduced performance of the yellow body) or progesterone-containing drugs, for example, Utrozhestan, Dyufaston.
- Glucocorticoids - Dexamethasone, Metipred (with immune disorders and hyperandrogenia).
- Hemostatics - Vikasol, Dicinon (if pink discharge gets bloody in nature).
Dosing and Administration |
Side effects |
Special instructions |
Utrozhestan |
Assign inside 200-300 mg in two divided doses, or intravaginally at 200-400 mg per day, in the morning and in the evening. |
Dizziness, drowsiness, hypersensitivity. |
Treatment is carried out during the first and second trimester. |
Progesterone |
Enter intramuscularly for 0.5-2.5 ml of 1% solution daily. |
Increased blood pressure, drowsiness, headache, weight change, itching. |
It is possible to use up to the fourth month of pregnancy. |
Papaverine |
Take inside 0.04-0.08 g three times a day, or rectally in the form of suppositories of 0,02-0,04 g twice a day. |
Arrhythmia, lowering of blood pressure, atony of intestines. |
The drug is used only for short medical courses. Prolonged use is contraindicated. |
Drotaverine |
Take 1 tablet 2-3 times a day. |
Pain in the head, lowering of blood pressure, arrhythmia. |
The term of taking the drug should be extremely short. |
Magne B 6 |
Take inside 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day. |
Diarrhea, numbness in the limbs, abdominal pain. |
The duration of the treatment course is determined individually. |
With pink discharge during pregnancy, the appointment of vitamin preparations is indicated. If there is a deficiency of vitamins, then it can provoke a developmental fetal disorder. With the appearance of pink discharge, tocopherol (VitE), folic acid and a group of vitamins B are considered to be particularly relevant.
- Tocopherol is taken at 100-150 mg daily for several months, at the discretion of the doctor.
- Folic acid is taken at 0.0004 g daily.
- Vitamins of group B are taken in the form of complex multivitamin preparations, which are prescribed individually.
Physiotherapeutic treatment
If necessary, the physician prescribes physiotherapy:
- Short-pulse electroanalgesia - calms the pain, normalizes the passage of nerve impulses.
- Electrophoresis with magnesium - has a sedative effect, eliminates spasms of smooth muscles.
- Uterine electro relaxation - normalizes the tone of the uterus, relieves pain.
- The method of hyperbaric oxygenation - allows to improve vascular microcirculation, eliminates hypoxia of tissues, has antibacterial and detoxification action.
- Acupuncture, reflexotherapy - stabilizes the uterine tone, normalizes blood pressure, removes psychoemotional stress, improves sleep quality.
Alternative treatment
There are many recipes for alternative medicine that are designed to rid the woman of pink discharge during pregnancy. However, it should be emphasized that during the period of bearing the child, one should take very careful consideration of the ingestion of various infusions and broths, since this can lead to irreparable consequences. Before starting treatment, it is very important to talk to the doctor beforehand.
What recipes can offer alternative medicine for women?
- Take 50 g of rye stems, as many flowers of marigold, as many nettle leaves, as well as 30 g of angelica and 100 g of cotton noodles, are ground. Pour herbal mass of 1 liter of boiling water, insist in a closed container during the night. In the morning, the drug is filtered and drunk 200 ml twice a day.
- Prepare a mixture of 20 grams of licorice rhizomes, 30 grams of rhizomes of elecampane, 50 g of blackcurrant berries, 20 g of rhizome root, 50 g of nettle leaves. Mass pour 1 liter of boiling water, insist 15 minutes, then immediately placed in a cool place. After a few hours, filter. Take 100 ml in the morning, in the afternoon and at night.
- Pour 1 tbsp. L. Crushed bark of a Kalina 500 ml of boiled water, insist for half an hour in a thermos. The medicine is filtered and drunk 100 ml three times a day.
- Grind to powder state dry plant yarrow. Take ½ tsp powder in the morning, during the first half of pregnancy.
Herbal Treatment
Travniki-healers recommend the preparation of herbal teas on the basis of the following plants when pink buds appear:
- Leaves and roots of dandelion (5 g of raw material is poured into 200 ml of boiling water, to drink 50 ml three times a day).
- Kalinova bark (1 tsp pour 200 ml of boiling water, drink 15 ml three times a day).
- Flowers of the viburnum (pour 30 g of raw material 1500 ml of boiling water, insist for 3 hours, take 50 ml three times a day).
- Calendula and St. John's wort (take 1 tsp of each component, pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist until cooling, drink with honey in the morning and in the evening for 200 ml).
Once again, we draw attention to the fact that many medicinal plants are prohibited for use during pregnancy. Therefore, in the first place, it is necessary to consult a doctor who can tell exactly whether a woman can use this or that alternative means.
With the appearance of pink discharge, homeopathy offers a number of drugs that take 4 times a day right up to the normalization of the condition. For the prevention of possible use of three times a day from the beginning of pregnancy to 16 weeks.
Most often, such homeopathic remedies are used:
- Aconite - if the appearance of excreta is associated with stress.
- Arnica - if the discharge is associated with a trauma to the abdomen.
- Kaulofillum - with a habitual miscarriage.
- Sabina - if the discharge appears about the third month of pregnancy.
- Sekale - at risk of spontaneous abortion in the second half of pregnancy.
- Viburnum - with the threat of miscarriage in the early stages.
It is better if the drug is prescribed by an experienced homeopathic doctor. He will be able to accurately calculate the dosage and choose the right remedy. Side effects when taking homeopathic remedies are practically excluded.
Surgical intervention during pregnancy is carried out only if there are urgent indications when there is a danger to the life of a woman. Of course, only if there are pink discharge, the operation will not be carried out - this is not an indication for the operation.
The surgeon's help may be needed with acute appendicitis, hepatic or renal colic, pancreonecrosis, purulent inflammation of the kidneys, with rupture or torsion of the epididymal cyst, with necrosis of the myomatous node. For example, it is not so rare an emergency operation in pregnancy is carried out to remove a benign cyst that is twisted or torn. This condition often causes bleeding, severe pain, which can lead to miscarriage or premature labor.
In all other cases, when surgical intervention can be postponed, doctors recommend waiting for the baby's birth, and only after that go to the hospital for an operation.
For a normal pregnancy, women are advised to:
- observe peace;
- whenever possible lie more;
- avoid stress, conflict;
- Do not lift heavy objects, do not ride any kind of transport on bad roads, avoid shaking and strong vibration;
- Do not take hot water procedures, do not soar your feet, do not visit the sauna and sauna.
- In everything you need to know the measure:
- walking is recommended, but it is undesirable to be constantly on your feet;
- moderate physical activity (for example, yoga for pregnant women) - is welcome, but excessive physical activity is contraindicated.
In addition, you can not overeat, take any medication without the knowledge of the doctor, use plant infusions if they are not prescribed by the doctor.
Pink discharge can occur for various reasons, therefore, one can not unequivocally answer the question of the prediction of this phenomenon. Diagnosis and determination of the cause should be done only by a doctor, and the information given by us will help a woman to just orient herself in the situation. Indeed, in many pregnant women the appearance of pink discharge is associated with one or another pathology. However, timely doctor's help in most cases allows you to eliminate the problem and normally take out a healthy child.
Pink discharge during pregnancy is not a reason for panic, but an excuse to consult a doctor. Pregnancy can not be a period for independent experiments: trust a doctor, and the forecast for you will be the most optimistic.