
Diseases of cats

Diseases of cats affect all systems and organs of animals: from the skin to the urogenital system. Sometimes the presence of a disease says the behavior of the cat, which, for example, went to bed in a new place or began to eat less. Despite its natural resistance, cats often suffer from dermatitis, conjunctivitis, parasitic intestinal diseases. Cats have cystitis and urolithiasis, cat ear ear scabies and infectious panleukopenia. Such diseases of cats as rabies and toxoplasmosis are dangerous for humans.

It is necessary to take seriously the slightest manifestation of the disease of cats and seek the help of qualified specialists.

Infection of the upper respiratory tract in cats

The upper respiratory tract of the cat - the nose, throat and paranasal sinuses - are susceptible to infections caused by a number of viruses ...

Vomiting in cats: causes and treatment

The most common cause of vomiting is ingestion of hairs of wool or other inedible material, for example, grass, which irritates the stomach.

Fur loss in cats

The fur of cats grows in cycles. Each follicle has a period of rapid growth (anagenic phase), followed by a slower growth and then a rest phase ...

Diseases of the urinary tract in cats

Diseases affecting the lower part of the urinary system, often prevent the normal emptying of the bladder, and can even lead to a deadly ...

Kidney disease in cats

In cats with unhealthy kidneys, the reduced ability to excrete the body's waste products into the urine, which leads to the potential accumulation of toxic substances in the bloodstream.

Hyperthyroidism in cats

The following information does not intend to replace regular visits to the vet. If you think that your cat may have hyperthyroidism, immediately consult a veterinarian.

Obsessive scratching, licking and gnawing in cats

Most cats take good care of themselves. But what happens when they do it excessively?

Causes and treatment of diarrhea in cats

Diarrhea is characterized by frequent liquid bowel movements. It can be caused by a simple cause, for example, a change in diet, or a more serious disease or infection.

Diabetes in cats

Diabetes mellitus is an often diagnosed disease in cats, which ultimately affects all organs.


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