
Medical supervision of pregnant women

Medical supervision of pregnant women is conducted from the moment of establishing the fact of pregnancy during all nine months. Its goal is to help a pregnant woman maintain a normal health condition, which is an indispensable condition for the formation of a healthy fetus.

Carrying out medical supervision, obstetrician-gynecologists examine their patients who have no complications, once a month (in the first half of pregnancy), and from the beginning of the third trimester, that is, from the 28th week, twice a month.

Measuring blood pressure, weight gain and height of the standing of the womb, as well as listening to the heartbeat of the fetus, doctors monitor the development of the future baby and help to avoid possible complications.

Third screening for pregnancy

To date, medicine has the ability to determine the presence of congenital abnormalities of the fetus, as well as to identify various deviations in the development of the unborn child that arise during pregnancy.

First screening for pregnancy

The first screening for pregnancy is a painless procedure that absolutely all women undergo in the first trimester of pregnancy. Let's consider the features of the first screening, timing, possible outcomes and cost.

Progesterone in Pregnancy

Progesterone in pregnancy is produced by the body in fairly large quantities, geometrically progressing during all months of bearing the baby, and dropping sharply only in the last week before giving birth.

Cardiotocography (CTG) in pregnancy

One of the important examinations that the expectant mother faces during pregnancy is CTG.


Dopplerometry in pregnancy is a procedure that will allow a gynecologist to learn about the condition of a woman and a baby. Let's consider all the nuances of this procedure: when to do dopplerometry and how it is conducted, where it can be done and how much it costs. So, about everything in order.

Ketone bodies during pregnancy

Ketone bodies during pregnancy is another analysis that must be passed to the expectant mother. Ketone bodies are in the urine, and allow you to determine how the pregnancy proceeds, whether there is an infection in the body, or if everything is in order.

Registration with a gynecologist in the first weeks of pregnancy

The registration with a gynecologist in the first weeks of pregnancy is usually carried out 2-4 weeks after the first delay in menstruation and the fact of pregnancy (a positive pregnancy test or hCG analysis).

Management of pregnancy

The management of pregnancy is primarily aimed at controlling the development of the fetus and the health of the expectant mother.

Can I do X-rays during pregnancy?

Millions of books have been written about what can and can not be done at all stages of pregnancy. But nowhere is it definitely written out, is it possible to do X-rays in position? This question still remains relevant. Doctors can not and to this day give an unambiguous and clear answer. So still, is X-ray diagnosis shown to pregnant women?

Why are children born down?

Down syndrome, according to doctors - a pure genetic coincidence. Why are children with Down syndrome born? What characterizes this deviation and is it possible to detect it in early pregnancy?


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