Itching during pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Itching during pregnancy is a fairly common phenomenon, which often worries expectant mothers and causes them great discomfort.
Itching is a mildly painful sensation transmitted through pain receptors. It is usually caused by weak stimuli, which can not be identified by the nervous system. Such sensations can be localized in one particular area, or throughout the body. In any case, itching is an unpleasant symptom, and a constant desire to scratch the irritated areas of the skin wears out the pregnant woman.
Itching during pregnancy can manifest itself as a result of polymorphic dermatosis in pregnant women - a condition in which a rash appears on the abdomen and hips of the expectant mother. It is not dangerous, therefore in this case it is enough to use special ointments and creams from stretch marks. Almost always this kind of itch disappears after birth. When pregnancy is possible manifestations of this symptom, as in any area of the skin, and on mucous membranes. Often, itching is caused by the growth of the belly of a pregnant woman and occurs as a result of sprain. In this case, you can get rid of unpleasant sensations with the help of oils that help to partially eliminate stretch marks.
In pregnancy, a woman may also have itching in the vagina. The reason for this symptom is the increased secretion of the vaginal secretion, which provokes the activation and development of harmful microorganisms and fungi. Especially unpleasant itch, caused by thrush, - it gives the pregnant a lot of inconvenience. In addition, infection of the genitals in pregnant women can be dangerous for the fetus, so with such unpleasant symptoms as pruritus, the expectant mother should definitely consult a doctor for diagnosis and timely elimination of the disease.
Causes of itching during pregnancy
Itching during pregnancy, causing carding reflex, is observed in about 20% of all pregnant women. This symptom can occur suddenly without special reasons, and also be a signal of an evolving disease, especially if skin rashes, an allergic rash, hives, and the like have appeared on the body of a pregnant woman. To accurately diagnose this condition, the expectant mother should contact her doctor who, after examining the woman, will, if necessary, prescribe an additional examination or consultation with a specialized medical specialist.
The causes of pruritus during pregnancy are very diverse. Among them we can distinguish:
- Stress, nervous overexertion, imbalance of the nervous system. In this case, the itching is usually activated at night, when the pregnant woman is no longer distracted by any extraneous stimuli.
- Skin stretches due to the constantly growing belly of the pregnant (the most innocuous reason).
- Multiple pregnancy, because of which there is a large abdominal circumference.
- Significant weight gain is pregnant, which provokes strong stretch marks.
- Excessive dryness of the skin due to dehydration of the body.
- Changes in the hormonal system of a pregnant woman, which provoke a loss of skin elasticity due to reduced production of collagen and elastin in the body.
- Skin diseases (hives, allergic rashes, polymorphic dermatosis, eczema, seborrhea, psoriasis, as well as dermatitis of various etiologies).
- Diseases of internal organs (congestion of bile, cholecystitis, malfunctioning liver, cholestasis, biliary dyskinesia, etc.).
Cholestasis in pregnant women is provoked by increased production of estrogens. This leads to increased production of bile acids that cause itching when getting into the skin. This disease in most cases does not pose a risk for intrauterine fetal development. Violation of the functions of the liver, the organs of the urinary system and the gallbladder can be caused by the growing and, accordingly, pressing on these organs by the uterus. Itching is often a symptom that signals a malfunction in the work of these organs. In extreme cases, it may be necessary to hospitalize a future mother.
Burning and itching in the external genitalia and in the vagina may indicate an inflammatory process or the development of an infectious disease. In this case, there is an occasion to sound an alarm, because the infection of the genitourinary system can affect the fetus, or there will be disruptions in its normal development. If there is itching and other unpleasant symptoms that indicate the possibility of infection in the body of a woman, it is necessary to conduct a medical examination as soon as possible and begin treatment.
In addition to the fact that itching in the vagina can occur due to infection, venereal diseases, thrush, its cause often causes a change in the level of acid-base balance of the mucosa. The most common causes of this itch are:
- the constant wearing of synthetic underwear, thong panties;
- regular use of daily flavored pads;
- overheating or subcooling of the pelvic organs;
- use of alkaline antibacterial agents intended for intimate hygiene;
- colpitis (inflammation of the vaginal mucosa);
- genital herpes, etc.
The causes of pruritus during pregnancy can be the result of prolonged use of antibiotics, the development of diabetes mellitus in a pregnant woman, iron deficiency in the body of a future mother. Among other causes of unpleasant itching in a pregnant woman are bites of insects (bugs, mosquitoes, fleas, ticks, etc.).
As for places of localization of physiological itching during pregnancy, it often occurs on the abdomen, back, soles of the feet. It is very important to distinguish the itch associated with the hormonal reorganization of the body in time, with the itch caused by scabies - a skin disease. That's why regardless of the cause of the itching of a future mother should always consult with your doctor.
Symptoms of itching during pregnancy
Itching during pregnancy can occur suddenly and is directly related to the characteristics of the skin structure. The fact is that the skin of the human body contains a whole lot of nerve endings that have a delicate sensitivity and react sharply even to any stimulus - touch, prick or stroke, vibration, chemical substance. As a consequence, any skin irritation often provokes itching accompanied by carding reflex.
Often, the itching can be caused by inflammatory or allergic reactions, and therefore a biologically active substance called "histamine" is formed in the skin of a pregnant woman, which irritates the nerve endings. In addition, histamine provokes swelling of the tissues, which leads to redness and swelling of the skin, and also promotes increased blood flow to the affected area. The pathology of the biliary tract and liver causes deposition of bilirubin and bile acids in the skin, resulting in pruritus in pregnant women.
Symptoms of pruritus during pregnancy are associated with the defensive response of the body, its "response" to the stimulus and its removal from the surface of the skin. When an itching occurs, the reflex of carding of skin areas is observed, as a result of which there may be bruises and cracks, severe reddening, thinning of the skin and inflammation.
Symptoms of itching in the female genitalia, in particular, in the vagina, are local discomfort, a strong desire to comb the place, an unpleasant burning sensation that worries a pregnant woman. Almost always this unpleasant symptom is accompanied by reddening and swelling of the skin. Constant carding of places of itching localization leads to abrasions and scratches on the skin, which in turn can cause penetration of the secondary skin into the skin, with the appearance of edema of tissues, ulcers and cracks.
Symptoms of itching may indicate an initial stage of skin disease. For example, with skin irritation and severe itching on the elbows, knees or folds of the skin, a pregnant woman may develop eczema. This is due to the hormonal, physiological and stress factors that accompany pregnancy.
Symptoms of itching during pregnancy should alert a pregnant woman. Naturally, self-medication of itching with the help of any medications, ointments and lotions is out of the question. Therefore, the future mother is strongly recommended to see a doctor at the first symptoms of the manifestation of a painful condition. Uncontrolled treatment of the same eczema or dermatitis can lead to an unpredictable course of the disease and adversely affect the health of both the future mother and her baby.
Skin diseases of an infectious nature, the symptoms of which are burning, itching, an irresistible and intensified desire of carding, arise in pregnant women against the background of weakened immunity. Candidiasis and thrush are very common diseases in expectant mothers, one of the main symptoms of which is itching in the genital area, discomfort, burning, scabies. The measures taken to treat these diseases should, first of all, be aimed at eliminating the main cause, which causes itching in a pregnant woman.
Itching during pregnancy, regardless of the nature and cause of the manifestation, should be noticed on time by a pregnant woman. But the definition of his clinical picture and the correct purpose of treatment is solely the prerogative of the doctor. At home for temporary removal of an unpleasant symptom, you can use warm baths of herbs: mint, sage, chamomile, oak bark. It is necessary with special care to take care of personal hygiene and to exclude such a means as toilet soap, the wearing of synthetic underwear. In addition, you need to take care of adjusting the diet: exclude salty and spicy dishes, which can only aggravate the symptoms of itching and manifestations of the disease.
Itching of the body during pregnancy
Itching during pregnancy can occur suddenly, thereby catching the expectant mother unawares, especially if the cause of this symptom is unknown. Itching is localized in a certain area of the skin, so it can cover the whole body of a pregnant woman. Usually such a symptom indicates a violation of the internal organs and the presence of diseases in women who existed before the onset of pregnancy.
Itching of the body during pregnancy can be triggered by an allergic reaction of the body to a certain substance-stimulus. To prevent the development of the corresponding painful symptoms, it is necessary to take care of the hypoallergenic mode of life and the diet of the pregnant woman in advance. Often, the itching of the body is the cause of the presence of an endocrine disease (diabetes, thyrotoxicosis, etc.). If such problems exist before the pregnancy begins, the woman should be told about it to the doctor at the planning stage of such a crucial and important event in life as the bearing and the birth of a child. This will help to minimize the development of exacerbations and various kinds of complications. It is much worse when hormonal disorders occur during the period of expectation of the child - in this case, the future mother needs correction and selection of a new regimen, as well as a diet.
Sometimes the itching of the body during pregnancy in the last months of bearing a baby arises from the development of severe gestosis, often accompanied by such a dangerous disease as hepatitis. Due to the violation of the functions of the liver as an organ that filters the organism from degradation products, accumulation of harmful substances, including skin, takes place in the tissues of the body. As a result of this process, there is a strong itching of the entire body.
Itching of the body during pregnancy is an unpleasant condition, the frequent causes of which can be:
- stress and neurosis;
- mechanical damage by close clothing;
- scabies (accompanied by the appearance of grayish pimples and small vesicles on the body);
- urticaria (with this disease usually itches a certain place on the body: for example, palms of hands, feet, ears, etc.);
- impaired renal function (as a result, it scratches the entire surface of the body, this is due to a delay in the body of pregnant nitrogenous slags that go with sweat, provoking severe itching);
- jaundice (a very common reason for the development of skin itching, you can identify the disease by using a biochemical blood test).
The cause of itching of the skin can be a disease of lymphogranulomatosis (disruption of the lymphatic system). Usually the skin itches in those areas where the lymph glands are enlarged. In this case, the future mother should consult a hematologist.
The body can itch when there are tumors in the gastrointestinal tract, gland failure in the thyroid gland.
If the body of the pregnant woman itches constantly or very often, she needs to undergo a checkup to rule out the development of a serious disease. The patient will first be examined by a dermatologist to determine whether there are parasites in the body that cause itching. If the diagnosis is not confirmed, the future mother is assigned tests to identify the disease of the kidneys, liver, disruptions in the endocrine system, etc.
Itching during pregnancy can be reduced with a properly selected diet, excluding from it sharp and salty foods, spices, strong tea and coffee. Useful in this case will be the sea procedures, soothing baths based on herbal decoctions (chamomile, oak bark, string, celandine), as well as a warm shower.
A pregnant woman should try not to comb the body, as this will cause an even greater desire to itch, so that irritation, redness of the skin and even her infection can occur. For hygienic procedures, to avoid itching the body, it is recommended that future mums use mild detergents with a normal pH level.
If a symptom such as an itching of the body is found, the pregnant woman should visit the doctor as soon as possible, who will conduct the examination and, based on the obtained laboratory results, will find out the main cause of the development of the disease.
Severe itching during pregnancy
Itching during pregnancy does not necessarily indicate serious pathologies in the body of a future mother, but this symptom causes quite a tangible discomfort. Particularly worried about a pregnant woman is a strong itch throughout the body. If such a symptom occurs, the woman should discuss the problem with the observing gynecologist.
Severe pruritus during pregnancy has a different etiology, one of the common causes of this symptom is dryness and stretching of the skin due to the increasing size of the tummy. Most often, severe itching due to the rapid weight gain of a pregnant woman occurs in the second half of the period of gestation, when its intensive intra-uterine development and growth occurs. Such a symptom as a strong, unbearable itch is a kind of signal that the weight gain of a pregnant woman is too fast, thus causing discomfort for the female body. This is not a dangerous symptom, just a future mother needs to take care of preventing stretch marks and apply specially designed care products to the skin areas that will moisturize the skin and maintain its elasticity.
The appearance of severe itching of the skin of the body can indicate the presence of a skin disease: eczema, scabies, urticaria; Often there is idiopathic itching, which causes a strong reflex of carding of the skin of the hands, legs, and also various parts of the body. On the itchy areas of the skin, there are scratches, scratching, redness and irritation of the skin. Itching of the skin during pregnancy can occur paroxysmally or have a permanent character.
As a rule, the itch is more intense in the evening, and, unfortunately, sometimes becomes intolerable, thereby delivering a strong discomfort to the expectant mother. Itching is often combined with other symptoms: a rash, redness, rashes in the form of small bubbles and acne, severe skin peeling. In such cases, there is a reason to talk about problems in the work of the liver. This disorder can be diagnosed with the delivery of urinalysis. Faults in the functioning of the liver are most often affected by women who have increased cholesterol levels, and also have diseases of the genitourinary system of a chronic type.
Severe itching during pregnancy can be triggered by allergies. If other causes of the development of the symptom during the examination of the pregnant woman are not identified, there is reason to think that the itch is caused by the allergen. Which exactly is another question that the allergist doctor will solve by carrying out the necessary tests and tests.
Itching during pregnancy can also provoke excessive sweating, which is especially characteristic of the third trimester. Summer gift, active lifestyle of a future mother, improperly selected clothes are factors that lead to increased sweating, which causes skin irritation, causing severe itching. The best way to deal with such an unpleasant sensation is a regular shower, as well as a frequent change of clothes and a choice of clothes made from natural fabrics, good air-permeability and possessing sufficient hygroscopicity.
Confirm the presence of any skin infection that causes severe itching during the bearing of the child, and only the competent dermatologist can prescribe the appropriate treatment for the disease. To accurately diagnose it may be necessary to conduct special laboratory tests of skin tests.
Itching of the skin during pregnancy
Itching during pregnancy is not very common, but it is also impossible to call this symptom rare. Most often, itching in pregnant women develops in the second half of the baby's bearing, usually starting from 5-6 months. Especially strongly itching occurs during the night, when the woman is no longer affected by external stimuli, which during the day are a little distracting from unpleasant sensations.
Itching of the skin during pregnancy has various causes. These can be dermatological diseases, as well as failures in the liver, kidneys, digestive system of the body. Often, an elevated level of estrogen in the blood of a future mother leads to cholestasis - a stagnant process of bile in the liver. As a result, there is an excessive release of bile acids, which, getting into the skin, provoke a strong itch. During the period of gestation, the functional processes in the liver also change: the parameters of ALT and bilirubin increase. Such violations in the body lead to a symptom such as itchy skin. But the future mother must take care of herself. In addition to a visit to the doctor to determine the causes of skin pruritus, a woman needs to start using softening and moisturizing hygiene products that prevent skin drying. Rubbing especially itchy places with oil or neutral milk for the body will greatly facilitate the condition of the pregnant woman. Of medical drugs with skin itching is usually prescribed cholestyramine, activated charcoal, various chatters, cleansing the intestines and removing harmful toxins from the body.
The liver is recommended to maintain hepatoprotectors in the form of such drugs as Essentiale, Karsil, etc. It contributes well to the outflow of bile no-shpa. Of course, any drug, even manufactured on a plant basis, should be used only after consulting a doctor. It is he who will prescribe a survey that will reveal the causes of the appearance of pruritus in a pregnant woman.
Itching of the skin during pregnancy, although quite rare, but can be caused by intolerance to some food product. They can be an exotic fruit or a dish of seafood that the woman did not use before. In this case, it is better not to experiment with food.
One of the most common causes of pruritus in pregnant women is a change in the hormonal background, which often results in excessive dryness and sensitivity of the skin. In addition to the natural causes of itching of the skin during pregnancy, it is possible physiological, provoked by a violation of the internal organs or sensitivity to external stimuli: allergy and stagnation of bile in the liver. With an allergic reaction of the body, in addition to itching, the skin can be swollen, covered with a small rash. In the second case, with violations in the liver, pregnant women often have yellowing of the skin.
Itching during pregnancy, whatever it may be, small, strong, persistent or systematic, must necessarily be diagnosed by an experienced medical professional. Especially dangerous in conjunction with this symptom is the deterioration of the general condition of the pregnant woman.
Pruritus in the perineum during pregnancy
Itching during pregnancy is a very painful, unpleasant sensation that is accompanied by a constant desire to comb the skin or mucous membranes. Sensations of this kind in pregnant women arise for a number of reasons and, accordingly, require timely diagnosis and effective treatment. Often, future mothers complain of the appearance of itching in the perineum. What can be caused by this symptom? To begin with, it should be noted that during the development of pregnancy the woman's immune system starts to work quite differently. Oscillations of hormones adversely affect the defenses of the body and reduce immunity. This concerns the change in the acid-base balance in the vagina of the pregnant woman, which provokes increased multiplication of "harmful" groups of microorganisms, which often cause the development of various gynecological diseases. One of the main symptoms of such ailments is precisely the itching in the perineum and the sexual organs of a woman.
Itching in the perineum during pregnancy basically has two common causes of its occurrence - the development of thrush (candidiasis) and bacterial vaginosis. Thrush during pregnancy often causes itching in the perineum, the sex of the labia and the vagina. This disease is caused by a fungal microorganism of Candida, accompanied by white secretions of "curdled" type and has an acidic odor. If the yeast is not treated, then during childbirth the child may well become infected with a fungal infection, passing along the infected birth canal. To determine the thrush will help smear on the flora of the vagina, this procedure is included in the program of mandatory tests and examinations performed during pregnancy regularly.
When treating a candidiasis of a pregnant woman, it is important to abstain from sexual activity, and also to revise the diet, excluding sweets, spicy dishes, coffee and various condiments. A future mother should follow all the doctor's instructions to get rid of this ailment as soon as possible.
Bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy is a disorder that is accompanied by the replacement of "useful" lactobacilli in the vagina with "harmful" non-fungal microorganisms. Bacterial vaginosis can cause severe itching in the perineum, as well as cloudy, viscous vaginal discharge of yellowish color. However, there are cases when vaginosis occurs in women almost asymptomatic, and its presence is determined only by the delivery of a smear test on the flora of the vagina. This disease is dangerous because its neglected version can cause premature birth in a pregnant woman.
Itching in the perineum during pregnancy can manifest as a consequence of the development of diabetes. Concomitant symptoms in this case are frequent urination, increased sugar in the urine and blood, strong thirst. The appearance of itching in this case is explained by the fact that urine residues that have a high glucose content after urination provoke irritation of the genital organs, cause itching in the perineum, burning. Treatment of the disease must be literate and take into account all possible risks for the mother and child.
Other causes of pruritus pruritus in pregnant women can be tight clothing, wearing of underwear made of synthetic fabrics, inadequate personal hygiene. Fibers of synthetic fabrics, in contact with the skin, cause it to overheat, resulting in irritation and redness of the skin in the perineal region. Pregnant women should pay special attention to the choice of cosmetics that wash intimate gels, which can often contain harmful ingredients and fragrances. Such drugs can trigger allergic reactions in the pregnant woman, which manifest themselves in the form of itching, rash and redness of the skin. In any case, if a symptom such as itching occurs in the perineum during pregnancy, the expectant mother should consult with her doctor.
Itching of the feet during pregnancy
Itching during pregnancy is often localized in a certain place - on the area of the skin of the abdomen, hands, legs, crotch, etc. Why does this unpleasant symptom arise? The answer to this question is mainly related to the hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman, which provoke a decrease in immunity and the development of symptoms of various diseases, as well as exacerbation of chronic ailments.
Itching of the feet during pregnancy is a sure sign that the expectant mother had previously suffered from skin diseases. Against the background of a weakened immune system during pregnancy, skin diseases can manifest again. The causes of cutaneous itching of the legs may be allergies, scabies, fungal infection. Discomfort and unpleasant sensations in the zone of the feet and between the toes in a pregnant woman can signal the development of fungal diseases of the skin, as well as the appearance of urticaria, vascular diseases, in particular, varicose veins.
If the itch of the skin of the legs in a pregnant woman has a pronounced character, it can indicate dermatophytosis - a fungal lesion of the feet. Other signs of mycosis (fungal foot injury) can be peeling, redness and thickening of the skin, as well as its cracking in the area between the toes of the pregnant woman.
Often, mycosis is combined with onychomycosis - a fungal attack on the nails on the legs. With this disease, the nails begin to crumble, acquire a murky color, become loose and thicken.
Itching of the legs during pregnancy can indicate varicose veins, which are also characterized by frequent swelling, a feeling of heaviness in the legs. In the late stages of this disease, an enlarged venous network can visually be seen on the legs. With severe itching of the legs, it is necessary to consult with a doctor who, depending on the severity of the condition of the pregnant woman, will prescribe effective medications.
Severe itching of the legs, in particular the lower leg, can result from allergic reactions, excessive dryness of the skin, parasitic infections that are caused by fungi or parasites, for example, mites. Initially, itching occurs in a certain place - on the areas between the fingers, the feet, between the legs, on the legs, but later there may be an increase in the affected area of the skin of the legs, especially if you delay treatment.
Itching during pregnancy, arising on the legs, requires mandatory diagnosis and timely treatment, depending on the cause that caused this symptom. So, with fungal leg lesions, the future mother is credited with antifungal drugs having a local effect. Alternative methods of treatment with lotions and baths from decoctions of medicinal herbs are widely practiced. The future mom will have to give up uncomfortable shoes, as well as deodorants for the feet.
When allergic lesions of the skin of the legs of a pregnant woman are mainly used antihistamines Suprastin, Tavegil, Loratidine, Zirtek. The intake of drugs is prescribed strictly on the recommendation of a dermatologist, who will assess all possible risks to the fetus.
To ease the itching of the legs during pregnancy, you can use simple guidelines. To reduce the itching will help taking a shower several times throughout the day. After such an aqueous procedure, itchy areas should be treated with cosmetic oil or milk. It is necessary to make sure that there is no alcohol in the composition of such drugs, which can provoke even more dry skin.
Itching of the feet during pregnancy is often treated with special chatterboxes designed to relieve the itching and irritation of the skin. They can be purchased at pharmacies on prescription. To facilitate the condition will help to take vitamin E, as well as consumption of large amounts of liquid - at least 2.5 liters per day. However, the expectant mother should remember that self-medication can be dangerous, so her first task is to consult a doctor.
Itching of the clitoris during pregnancy
Itching during pregnancy often causes a woman to fatigue and irritability due to the constant need to scratch the itchy skin area. This symptom can arise for a number of reasons, one of which is an infection of the genitourinary system. The development of a disease in a pregnant woman often occurs against a weakened immune system.
Itching of the clitoris during pregnancy is one of the most unpleasant phenomena indicating the presence of urogenital infection or the development of bacterial vaginosis in a pregnant woman. In addition to itching, there may be a burning sensation in the clitoral area. If such symptoms are found, the expectant mother should immediately consult a doctor, because itching combined with severe burning of the clitoris can be a sign of the presence in the body of a woman of a sexually transmitted disease. It can be trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, etc. For accurate diagnosis, the doctor prescribes a thorough examination for pregnant women, which includes the delivery of tests, in particular, to examine the smear on the microflora of the vagina and identify the causes of the inflammatory process. Naturally, to postpone a visit to a doctor in case of itching in the genital area is impossible, because it is risky for the fetus. Any infection can provoke miscarriage, improper fetal formation, and lead to premature birth.
Burning in the clitoris can indicate the development of bacterial vaginosis - gynecological disease, accompanied by vaginal discharge with the smell of "rotten fish". Clitoral itching in gonorrhea is often accompanied by frequent urge to urinate and acute pain during urination. This dangerous disease is combined with gonorrheal urethritis - purulent vaginal discharge. Thus the itch and burning sensation in the field of external genitals and a clitoris amplify. The inflammatory process most often affects almost all parts of the genitourinary system of a woman and is very dangerous in pregnancy.
Itching of the clitoris during pregnancy can occur with the development of trichomoniasis in combination with such unpleasant symptoms as frothy vaginal discharge of yellow-green color with a pungent odor, painful sensations during sexual contact and urination.
With mycoplasmosis, the pregnant woman has abdominal pain, moderate burning and itching with urination. Often, the disease causes inflammation of the uterus and appendages. Ureoplasmosis is accompanied by itching in the clitoris and genitals, as well as scanty transparent discharge from the vagina, pain during urination. Burning in the clitoris, especially with urination, can signal a clamidiosis. The most "severe" diagnosis, the symptom of which is the itching in the clitoral area, is the early development of genital cancers.
During pregnancy as a manifestation of toxicosis, local itching can occur, including in the clitoral region. In any case, a pregnant woman needs to remember that this is just a symptom that indicates a health problem. The main task of the doctor is to establish the cause of the itching with the help of a thorough all-round examination of a pregnant woman.
Itching of the chest during pregnancy
Itching during pregnancy can occur in any part of the body, but most likely future moms are concerned about the itching of the stomach and chest, because it is these parts of the body that undergo strong changes in the process of hormonal adjustment of the body during pregnancy.
Itching of the breast during pregnancy is a natural process that is associated with the fact that in the mammary glands during the gestation of the child there are significant changes: first, they increase in size and swell, and secondly, in the ducts of the mammary glands, the gradual production of maternal milk (colostrum). It is this internal inflow of fluid in the mammary glands that a pregnant woman feels like an itch.
With an increase in the breast during pregnancy, respectively, there is stretching of the skin. This process can cause a woman "in the position" a slight feeling of discomfort, including itching. It is important to note that in this case it is not recommended to scratch itchy places, t. The skin of the breast is very thin, and combing can cause it to irritate, redden, stretch. It should be borne in mind that the skin of a woman who is carrying a baby, in general, becomes much more sensitive. This factor provokes the emergence of allergic reactions to cosmetics, synthetic clothing, washing powder, etc. To relieve the condition with a strong itch pile and prevent stretch marks (stretch marks), a pregnant woman needs to use a cream and ointments with a moisturizing effect, specially created against stretch marks.
Itching of the breast during pregnancy can be caused by another factor - a close bra. The deformed skin thus quite often itches and itches. Due to the fact that the mammary glands of a pregnant woman gradually increase in size, they, accordingly, need a new underwear - a larger bra. The usual change of clothes will eliminate such an unpleasant symptom as the itching of the chest.
To ease itching of the mammary glands during pregnancy, you can use some recommendations:
- When taking a shower, you need to use the minimum amount of detergent, and then - to moisturize the skin of the breast with exclusively natural products with a natural pH level.
- Useful baths with the addition of water herbal decoctions of chamomile, coltsfoot, yarrow and other medicinal plants.
- A pregnant woman should avoid heat, overheating in the sun, stuffy rooms, resulting in excessive sweating, which can cause itching.
- Future mums should avoid getting deodorants on the skin of the breast, which can also cause it to dry out.
- To wash the laundry is recommended the use of neutral detergent, best of all - child.
Itching during pregnancy, which is very disturbing to the expectant mother, should be examined by a doctor. Perhaps the body needs vitamins, or so the allergy manifests itself to some kind of irritant. In any case, it is always best to consult an experienced medical professional.
Diagnosis of pruritus during pregnancy
Itching during pregnancy needs an accurate diagnosis of the cause, because of which this symptom manifested itself. If any of the etiology of a future mother occurs, it is necessary to consult a doctor. For example, if a pregnant woman has an itch in the perineum or genitals, she should tell the obstetrician-gynecologist about this problem, who will perform the examination and carry out the necessary diagnostic tests to determine the cause of the itching:
Diagnosis of pruritus during pregnancy, depending on the localization of this symptom and the general well-being of the expectant mother, includes the following medical tests and tests to establish an accurate diagnosis:
- Clinical examination of a pregnant woman for the purpose of revealing painful spots, symptoms of jaundice, the presence of parasites, rashes, areas of altered skin sensitivity, etc .;
- measuring the body temperature of a pregnant woman (hyperthermia indicates the presence of an infection, which often causes itching);
- gynecological examination of the perineum and genital organs, which makes it possible to determine the degree of development of the symptom, to reveal reddening of the labia, puffiness, presence of irritation of the mucosa, etc .;
- a general and biochemical blood test (in particular, an analysis of the level of thyroid hormones, liver enzymes, glucose, urea, nitrogen and zinc, toxic metals);
- bacterioscopic examination (smear of vaginal discharge on the microflora);
- urine and feces analysis (for detection of intestinal parasites);
- US of an abdominal cavity for an establishment or absence of diseases of a liver and a cholic bubble.
If necessary, the gynecologist can prescribe additional consultations with the urologist, endocrinologist, therapist, psychiatrist. If the pruritus in a pregnant woman is allergic and accompanied by skin rashes in the form of urticaria, the doctor must accurately diagnose allergies in order to eliminate the main irritant (allergen) - this may be a certain product, pollen of plants, pet hair, etc. To diagnose allergies, skin tests, blood tests for allergens, immunological tests, etc. Are performed.
In most cases, the diagnosis of pruritus is the prerogative of a dermatologist, since the diagnosis is very difficult, especially in the case of pregnancy. Before applying to a dermatologist, it is important for the expectant mother not to take measures for self-treatment, i.e. Do not lubricate affected areas of the skin, treat them with medical devices, as this can greatly complicate the diagnosis.
Itching during pregnancy requires laboratory tests aimed at detecting an increase in the serum of a pregnant bile acid level, an increase in bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, ALT, etc. This will help prevent liver disease, in particular, jaundice, which is accompanied by severe itching and quite often has complications in the form of premature birth, postpartum hemorrhage, or the birth of a baby with low weight.
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Treatment of pruritus during pregnancy
Itching during pregnancy does not cause such inconveniences as, for example, pain, but a pregnant woman should not tolerate it. Itching, as well as pain, is a symptom of any organic disorders or negative reactions of the body, so at the first manifestation of it to a future mother it is recommended to visit your doctor.
Treatment of pruritus during pregnancy is determined depending on the main cause of its occurrence. With mild itching, first of all, a woman is advised to change clothes: pregnant underwear should be made from natural fabrics, best of all - cotton. It is necessary to limit the use of perfumes, cosmetics and household chemicals (perfume, creams, deodorants, soaps and shampoos containing chemicals and fragrances). Future mums should use hypoallergenic drugs, use a cool shower more often without using soap and gels, and after water procedures moisturize the skin with neutral cream or milk. Since the woman's skin "in position" becomes more sensitive, it must be protected from heat, wind and direct sunlight.
A pregnant woman is important to take into account one rule: itchy places on the body can not be combed! This will provoke more itching, the appearance of scratches, redness, irritation of the already vulnerable skin. Observance of cleanliness of the body, light, comfortable clothing, optimal room temperature are factors that are very important for eliminating itching during pregnancy.
If the cause of itching of the skin during pregnancy is more serious and is caused by abnormalities in the work of internal organs, in particular the liver, the treatment of the expectant mother should be strictly under the supervision of the attending physician. Only tests and medical examination will help to find out the causes of the itching and accurately diagnose the disease. In no case can you do self-medication, since many medications are contraindicated in pregnancy and can cause irreversible effects on the fetus and harm the health of the future mother. Acceptance of any medical product should be started only after consultation of an experienced doctor and exclusively on its recommendations.
Treatment of pruritus during pregnancy, which is caused by a malfunction in the liver (diskeneziya biliary tract, cholestasis, cholecystitis), is to take adsorbents (primarily activated carbon, as well as its more complex analogues), as well as hepatoprotectors (drugs that help restoration of the liver) - No-shpy, Essentiale Forte, Karsila. It is important to adjust the diet of a pregnant woman: from the diet should be removed dishes made from products that are "heavy" for the liver (fried, sharp, fatty dishes, smoked meat). With allergies, the pregnant diet is also adjusted and antihistamines are prescribed. However, most antihistamines can be used only from the middle of pregnancy in the absence of alternative treatment.
If the pruritus during pregnancy is caused by infections of the genitourinary system, treatment of the pregnant woman usually involves the use of medicinal candles, which have a mechanism of local action and allow to avoid the influence of the medication on the body as a whole. Sexual organs should be washed 2-3 times a day, while you can use decoctions of medicinal plants: chamomile, celandine, oak cortex, St. John's wort, mint. It should be abandoned toilet soap, and if the itching of the perineum to make a sedentary bath in a decoction of sage or chamomile.
In the treatment of pruritus pruritus during pregnancy, baths with a decoction of broth or oat flakes, as well as birch or coniferous branches, help. In this case, about a kilogram of branches should be boiled and boiled for 15 minutes, after which the finished broth strain and dilute them with a non-hot bath.
For the preparation of herbal decoction for the purpose of using lotions it is necessary to pour 2-3 tbsp. Spoons of raw materials (chamomile, string, St. John's Wort) 0.5 liters of boiling water, allow to stand for several hours, and then drain and make lotions of itchy skin areas.
Itching during pregnancy needs timely removal. To do this, you need to visit the doctor on time, get a diagnosis and identify the causes of this symptom. Each future mother should not neglect these recommendations, because only on her and her actions depends on the life of the baby.
More information of the treatment
Preventing itching during pregnancy
Itching can be prevented during pregnancy if you follow the advice and recommendations of medical specialists.
Prevention of pruritus during pregnancy refers to the application of measures, which, above all, are aimed at carefully observing the hygiene of a pregnant woman and optimizing her way of life. It is possible to note the following recommendations of preventive nature, which will help future mothers prevent or eliminate the itching that has arisen during pregnancy.
- Always keep an eye on your personal hygiene, take shower or warm baths often, without using scented detergents.
- Keep the crotch area dry and clean.
- Give up cosmetic and perfume.
- For washing clothes, use neutralized neutral detergent washing powder.
- Use clothes exclusively from natural hygroscopic fabrics, which should not constrain movement.
- Take moisturizers (creams, lotions, gels, oils) with a neutral pH for sensitive skin.
- Do not leave the house in a hot heat, avoid stuffy rooms, wind, scorching sun.
- Drink enough water to maintain optimal skin balance.
- Observe an individually selected balanced diet.
- Do not self-medicate, if itching occurs, visit a medical facility without fail and consult a doctor.
Itching during pregnancy is less likely to occur if a woman undergoes a physical examination and tests for hidden infections before the pregnancy is planned. It is also important to be examined by narrowly specialized medical specialists to identify possible chronic diseases and their elimination until the moment of conception.