
Diseases in Pregnancy

Cholecystitis during pregnancy

More often this pathology occurs in those who before the pregnancy had cholecystitis, pancreatitis, dyskinesia.

Change in stool color during pregnancy

Noticing the changes in color of feces during pregnancy, women begin to worry and are even seriously afraid, thinking that this is a symptom of a dangerous illness.

Cervical dysplasia after childbirth

Cervical dysplasia (CIN) can not be a contraindication to the onset of pregnancy and bearing a child.

Gastritis in Pregnancy

Gastritis in pregnancy is a disease associated with the fact that stomach tissues become inflamed due to changes that entail the carrying of the child. Moreover, if a woman had problems before the pregnancy with GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT - then a gastritis, most likely, will appear again, and the entire period of gestation will last.

Chlamydia in pregnancy

Chlamydia is transmitted by contact and has a code on the ICD 10 - A55-A56.8, A70-A74.9 (chlamydia of the lower genitourinary tract - A 56.0-A56.2).

Why do the nipples hurt during pregnancy?

The symptom we are considering is considered one of a number of those who talk about a pregnancy that has come. Why do pregnant women have nipples? Let's try to understand in more detail.

Autoimmune thyroiditis in pregnancy

So what is fraught with autoimmune thyroiditis in pregnancy? How serious is this disease and how it can affect the course of pregnancy, the organism of the future mother and her unborn child.

Pipe ectopic pregnancy

From a clinical point of view, there is a progressive tubal pregnancy and a broken tubal pregnancy (rupture of the fallopian tube, tubal abortion).

Symptoms of ectopic pregnancy

In urgent gynecology, a practical doctor most often encounters an impaired tubal pregnancy (tube rupture or tubal abortion) having a variety of clinical manifestations: from mildly expressed symptoms to vivid signs of internal bleeding.

Ectopic pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy in which a fertilized egg is implanted and develops outside the uterine cavity.


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