
Diseases in Pregnancy

Pain in the left hypochondrium during pregnancy

Etiological fact of such pain can be the processes associated with the pregnancy itself, but it is not necessary to exclude the disease or acute pathology, which requires immediate medical measures.

How to increase hemoglobin during pregnancy?

One of the basic microelements necessary for human life is iron. This microelement is present in proteins (hemoglobin, myoglobin) and various enzymes.

Why does it reduce legs during pregnancy and what should I do?

This pathology often worries in the third trimester of pregnancy, which is associated with a violation of the metabolism of vitamins.

Why pulls the lower abdomen at 36 weeks of pregnancy and what should I do?

With the arrival of the 36th week pregnant women may have clear or semitransparent discharge, heaviness in the lower back, and abdominal pain that have the character of pulling.

Fainting with pregnancy

There can be many reasons for this condition, so the approach to diagnosis and treatment should be differentiated.

Allocations at week 9 of pregnancy

Allocations at week 9 of pregnancy are quite normal. We must immediately note the fact that the blood is far from good. Therefore, when bloody discharge appears, you should immediately contact a gynecologist.

Low hemoglobin during pregnancy

This pathology is important in the pathogenesis of the development of various disorders from the fetus, so a clear screening program for diagnosing this condition is needed. It is also important to know the main symptoms that occur in this pathology, and the methods of its prevention.

Liquid stool in pregnant women

Changes in the consistency and color of the stool should always attract attention, as this can be a serious pathology.

Black stools in pregnancy

Black stools during pregnancy are a cause for concern for the future mother and makes you worry not only about your health, but also about the health of her unborn child. It is very important to consult a doctor in time, because the reason for this may be different.


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