Bloating during pregnancy: is there any cause for concern?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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From the very beginning, this state presents women with a lot of surprises: morning sickness, changes in tastes and moods, as well as problems with digestion.
Many expectant mothers are seriously worried about frequent bloating during pregnancy. We propose to understand this issue, because this is indeed a deviation from the generally accepted physiological norm. Excess formation of gases in the intestine is called meteorism and as a symptom has a code for the ICD 10: the discharge of R14 in the 18th grade.
Causes of bloating during pregnancy
It must be borne in mind that the pathogenesis of meteorism during pregnancy differs significantly from bloating associated with dyspepsia or diseases of the digestive tract. However, if before the onset of pregnancy the woman had an inflammation of the intestine, there were problems with the stomach or gallbladder, a deficiency of digestive enzymes or a dysbacteriosis of the intestine was diagnosed, this would only complicate the situation.
Considering constipation or bloating in the first days of pregnancy makes no sense, since many women learn about their condition when these early days have long passed.
Quite often bloating during pregnancy in the early stages cause stress, in which a high level of adrenaline has a negative effect on intestinal motility.
But the key causes of bloating during pregnancy are in the changes that occur in the body under the influence of hormones, intensively produced in this period. First of all, this sex hormone is progesterone, with increased intensity synthesized in the ovaries of a pregnant woman. At the level of the autonomic nervous system, it helps to reduce the tone of the muscles of the pregnant uterus, and at the same time - the muscular walls of the intestine. Because both the tone of the uterus and the motility of the large intestine, the vegetative nervous system regulates the same nerve fibers that form the nerve plexuses in the pelvic region: uterine-vaginal, sigmoid colon (located behind the uterus) and rectum. Without going into these anatomical and physiological details of the organs of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis, in everyday life, bloating is considered as a sign of pregnancy.
Another "surprise" of pregnancy is a more active functioning of the pancreas and an increased release of enzymes necessary for the fullest digestion of food. And changes in the work of the intestine are expressed not only in its slowing down, but also in a more thorough cleavage of food organics, as a result of which gases are formed. As a result, the expectant mother will inevitably feel bloating in the first trimester. Most women (for the reasons listed above) suffer from constipation, which also leads to flatulence.
Pregnant women often change their eating habits, for example, lean on sweets, or continue to eat spicy and fatty foods, or begin to absorb too large amounts of food. And everyone is trying to enrich their diet with vitamins and eat more vegetables and fruits. To all this, the intestine reacts by increasing gassing. Yes, and progesterone, the level of which begins to increase due to placental connection to its synthesis (at the end of the first trimester), continues to do its job. So bloating in the 2nd trimester is almost guaranteed.
As the period increases, the fetus grows, and the growing uterus begins to put pressure on everything that is in the abdominal cavity and small pelvis. It is clear that the intestine also gets. So do not be surprised when you feel bloating in the 3 trimester of pregnancy.
Symptoms and diagnosis of bloating in pregnancy
In a detailed description, everything that happens with increased intestinal gas production obviously does not need. But nevertheless we will remind that its first signs are shown by feeling of discomfort and overflow at the top of the abdominal cavity (it is often said that the abdomen puchit). Then follows such symptoms as rumbling in the abdomen and frequent escape of gases from the rectum (flutulenia). There may also be an eructation, a headache caused by excessive pressure of accumulated gases, spastic pains in the abdominal stomach, or colic, as well as reflex pain in the region of the heart.
Possible consequences of gestational flatulence - a feeling of weakness, lethargy, poor appetite and sleep, and complications - in the absence of adequate preventive measures - can be expressed in a short-term increase in the tone of the muscles of the uterus.
Diagnosis of abdominal distension during pregnancy is carried out on the basis of complaints of pregnant women, taking into account the presence or absence of gastrointestinal diseases in their history, as well as complete information about their daily diet. Analyzes (feces analysis) may be needed if the pregnant woman complains of pain in the umbilical region, and the doctor has a suspicion of helminthiosis, which can also cause bloating.
Differential diagnosis is carried out with complaints of frequent pain in the heart. At the same time, instrumental diagnostics is used - electrocardiography (ECG) is performed.
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Treatment of bloating during pregnancy
Drugs prescribed for patients with excessive formation of intestinal gases - enterosorbents Sorbeks, Carbolong and Polypefan, a stimulant of intestinal motility Motilium - can not be used for pregnant women.
The treatment offered by some doctors for abdominal bloating during pregnancy with these drugs should take into account the fact that they have not been clinically tested in mammals, and there is simply not enough information about their safety and effectiveness for pregnant women.
But there is an opinion that it is possible to use Espumizan (Simethicone, Imodium, Disflatil, Pepfiz, Flatin, Meteopazmil, Maalox, Bobotik) on the basis of a surface-active substance polydimethylsiloxane (siloxane polymer) and hydrated silicon dioxide (E551). Although the instructions indicate that these funds did not have clinical studies on use in the treatment of pregnant women. But, since the drug is not adsorbed in the digestive tract, then (quote) "no adverse effects on the fetus are expected." And according to the FDA, the most common side effects of simethicone are gastrointestinal symptoms, including diarrhea, eructations, nausea and vomiting.
During pregnancy, homeopathy is contraindicated. Therefore, there remains an alternative treatment, that is, treatment with herbs with a carminative effect.
These medicinal plants include chamomile pharmacy (flowers), dill and fennel (fruits, that is seeds), caraway seeds and coriander (fruits). Of them, prepare a flock or infusion (a teaspoon into a glass of boiling water), which is insisted for about an hour and drunk during the day. Keep in mind that dill can lower blood pressure. Tea from chamomile during pregnancy experienced herbalists and phytotherapists advise not to get carried away because of the potential threat of bleeding. And if there is oregano in the carbohydrate collection purchased at the pharmacy, then you can not drink it to pregnant women.
You can find a recipe for the infusion of parsley root, which is recommended to drink with bloating. But this potion is also categorically contraindicated for pregnant women: parsley has the glory of a strong abortifacient.
Diet with bloating in pregnancy
Eat correctly: in small portions, but not less than 5-6 times a day. And stay away from any products that can exacerbate the problem.
Maximally reduce the manifestation of gestational flatulence can only diet with bloating during pregnancy, that is, the use of the right foods. And since there are more than "wrong" ones, it is easier to remember products that cause bloating during pregnancy. In this "black list" were: fats of animal origin; bread from rye flour and fresh white bread, as well as pastry from yeast dough; mango, millet, pearl barley, oatmeal and corn; milk and ice cream; legumes (including peanuts); any cabbage; spinach, radish and radish; onion (in raw form); Grapes (raisins), pears, apricots, sweet apples. Also carbonated sweet drinks and any mineral water with gas are completely excluded.
Obstetricians and nutritionists say that the best prevention of bloating is a balanced diet, the use of sour-milk products and a sufficient amount of water, a mobile lifestyle (in the absence of contraindications) and a positive attitude without unnecessary excitement.
According to statistics, problems with the intestine occur in three pregnant women out of four. But bloating during pregnancy is not a disease, threats for either the mother or the unborn child does not represent, but simply causes temporary discomfort.