Analysis for hormones during pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Analysis of hormones during pregnancy is mandatory, usually it is carried out as soon as the pregnant woman registers in the women's consultation.
Also, reanalysis can be assigned in such cases:
- The probability of miscarriage is high. Especially if in the history there were already miscarriages, persistent violations of the menstrual cycle (the reason for this - the low level of female sex hormones in the body).
- The risk of miscarriage or partial detachment of the placenta at an early age (5-12 weeks of pregnancy). In this situation, the analysis for HG should be taken at least 2 times a week.
- High probability of genetic abnormalities in the unborn child. If suspected of a genetic abnormality, three tests are prescribed: alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), HG, and estriol levels. These tests make it possible to obtain the most reliable result.
Before taking the test for hormones, you need to eat anything fat, sweet in the morning, 12 hours before blood donation. On the eve of any load, sex, it is also necessary to exclude any hyperemotional load.
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Analysis of hCG during pregnancy
The analysis of hCG during pregnancy gives information on the percentage ratio of the hormone of chorionic gonadotropin. The definition of this type of hormone in the blood indicates pregnancy. But the change in the percentage of hgch indicates pathologies or physiological changes in the body of a future mother. HCG is produced by the cells of the embryo shell, it is thanks to the hormone that is produced that pregnancy does not stop, and the embryo tightens in the uterine cavity.
To hand over the analysis it is necessary in the morning, on an empty stomach. If there is no way to donate blood in the morning, then you can take it at another time, but before that, there is nothing to eat 4-6 hours. The hormone begins to be ejected into the woman's blood already on the 4th-6th day after fertilization, its percentage in the blood is 25-150 mU / ml. The maximum percentage of hGH reaches 9-11 weeks of gestation and is 21 000 - 291 000 mU / ml.
The percentage of hCG provides an opportunity to confirm the fact of pregnancy at an early date and most accurately set the period. A high value of the hormone is observed if:
- The fetus has developmental defects, Down's syndrome.
- A pregnant woman has diabetes mellitus.
- Pregnant gestosis.
- Artificial gestagens were used.
- Fertility was fixed in multiple pregnancies.
The lowered level of hg is:
- At threat of a miscarriage.
- With undeveloped pregnancy.
- With fetal death or delay in its development.
- When the pregnancy is overdone.
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Blood test for TTG in pregnancy
The analysis of blood TTG at pregnancy spend to estimate or appreciate, how the thyroid gland cope with the function. The analysis for the maintenance of a thyroid-stimulating hormone on 24-28 weeks of pregnancy is necessary to spend that:
- To detect thyrotoxicosis in a subclinical manifestation.
- Track the result of suppressive therapy of thyroid hypertrophy with thyroid hormones.
- Timely diagnosis of thyrotoxicosis and a drop in the TSH level in a pregnant woman.
- Reveal. If the future mother has concealed diabetes of pregnant women.
Blood for analysis on TTG should be taken in the morning, on an empty stomach, the last meal should be made no later than 8 hours ago. Before giving the blood test, in no case should you start medical treatment, as this will affect the final result. If the treatment has already been carried out, it is better to donate blood two weeks after the termination of the course of treatment. The day before delivery can not be physically depleted, and emotional hyperactivity is contraindicated, food should be lean and not too high in calories. Also it is impossible to donate blood to TTG if the following procedures were performed the day before:
- Rhengenography, fluorography.
- Ultrasound.
- Rectal examination.
- Physiotherapeutic procedures.
Triple analysis during pregnancy
The triple analysis during pregnancy is carried out at 16-18 weeks of pregnancy and must be made by every future mother. The test includes a triple study - the study of the level of hCG (0.5-2.0 MoM), AFP (0.5-2.0 MoM) and estriol (0.5-2.0 MoM). Fluctuations in the level of these indicators to a smaller extent will indicate the formation in the future child of chromosomal abnormalities and other abnormalities in development. But the analysis data are not the final diagnosis, with the consent of the women they perform an additional analysis - the study of the amniotic fluid. And if the diagnosis is confirmed, then the question of further management of pregnancy, but in many cases, despite the results of research, the birth of quite healthy children.
Blood is surrendered for analysis on an empty stomach in the morning. The last reception of light, non-nutritious food should not be earlier than 8 hours ago. Lowering the level of indicators of the triple test indicates:
- Insufficiency of the placenta, perenashivanii fetus.
- Pathologies of the future child's development, diabetes maternal.
- High probability of miscarriage or premature birth.
- The low value of estriol indicates the development of organ malnutrition in the fetus.
The increase in the level of indicators of the triple test indicates the following deviations:
- High hCG can occur with overdelivery and improper gestation, diabetes, maternal gestosis, hormonal drugs during pregnancy.
- High AFP occurs with defects of the neural tube and brain development in the unborn child, fetal death, the threat of termination of pregnancy.
- High estriol is when carrying a large child, several fruits.
Analysis of hormones during pregnancy makes it possible to prevent or identify at an early stage likely deviations in the fetus. Also, hormonal analysis is recommended before the conception of the child, to be aware of the possible risks during pregnancy and to be confident in the health of future children.