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Tea tree oil
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Tea tree oil is a derivative of the leaves of this tree, which have a huge amount of essential oils with a smell that resembles camphor. Tea tree can only be found in Australia.
The tree belongs to the evergreen vegetation, medium height, and the bark - soft, slightly flaky and light shade. Blossoming of a tea tree is represented by long flowers with a fluffy surface of white or yellowish color, and foliage - dry and almost does not form a shadow.
The first healing benefits were revealed at the beginning of the 19th century, and the tree itself received the name thanks to James Cook, who from the leaves unknown at that time prepared a drink with a wonderful aroma and a lighting taste. There was this event in the late 18th century, which gave impetus to further research of the tea tree.
Discoveries of medicinal properties were made by immigrants of Australia during the rapid settlement of new lands. Since then, the study of a tree that grew on wetlands near the coast began.
The Benefits of Tea Tree Oil
In Australia, after research, important properties of this oil were recorded. The use of tea tree oil is in confronting fungi and pathogens. This product is a powerful antiseptic, and also leads to the death of viruses and relieves inflammation.
In the case of respiratory diseases, essential oil is used as a therapeutic drug for inhalation and massage. Especially the use of tea tree oil is observed with influenza with a strong cough with hard-to-separate sputum, sinusitis with the presence of purulent masses in the paranasal sinuses, as well as with catarrhal or follicular angina.
In addition, essential oil effectively fights hyperthermia, gradually reducing the temperature at fever. If the skin is damaged in the form of a wound surface or burns, the oil activates the regeneration process and accelerates healing.
In Australia, appreciated essential oil for its ability to neutralize snake venom. Skin diseases with a viral lesion - herpes, chickenpox or eczema, also respond well to tea tree oil. In addition to all therapeutic properties, essential oil can stimulate immune defense to prevent new or repeated infection of the body.
Properties of tea tree oil
The properties of tea tree oil gradually opened up thanks to targeted research conducted in the early 20th century. In the 1930s, a chemist from Australia confirmed that essential oil had a strong disinfecting effect, which was detrimental to bacterial agents. This property was so strong that it exceeded by more than 10 times the strength at that time of the traditional antiseptic used - carbolic acid.
Thanks to this discovery, oil was added to the first aid kits for Australian soldiers in the Second World War. In the future, the positive properties of tea tree oil were investigated, useful for preventive and therapeutic purposes in some pathological conditions.
So, the new medicinal product has found its application in the pathology of the oral and nasal cavities, nasopharynx, in gynecological practice, as well as infectious infection with parasitic and fungal skin agents. The results of the research and treatment achievements were covered in medical journals to inform Australians.
Instruction for the tea tree oil
The instruction for tea tree oil indicates the belonging of this product to a group of dermatological antiseptic and disinfectants. The oil is produced in vials of various volumes in the form of a transparent liquid with a yellowish tinge and a specific aroma.
Contraindications to the use of oil include a reduced threshold of sensitivity to the main component of the agent. It is also not recommended to use oil in children under 10 years of age.
Of the adverse reactions should be allocated reddening of the skin, tenderness in the place of application of low intensity and swelling. These effects are possible with external application of the product to the skin.
In case of using oil for inhalations, it is necessary to note the possible development of bronchospasm, especially in people prone to bronchial obstructive processes.
The instruction for tea tree oil focuses attention on the prohibition of using oil inside, as it threatens the development of bradycardia, pain syndrome in the form of a spasm in the abdomen, disruption of the intestine with the development of diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.
How to use tea tree oil?
The oil has a strong disinfecting effect, has an anti-inflammatory effect and stimulates the protective forces of immunity. In addition, the remedy perfectly soothes and relaxes the body.
Areas in which a tea tree is used, quite a lot. This is a medical and cosmetology practice and for the purposes of disinfection of the premises. In general, the oil is almost universal.
Taking into account the healing properties of the oil, it is possible to list the pathological conditions of the skin and other organs for which it is recommended to use for a long time.
As for the skin, it can be sunburn or obtained as a result of the influence of high temperature on a specific area of the body - thermal. It is also worth noting various cuts, abrasions and other wound processes on the skin.
Among diseases of internal organs - oil is used for inflammation of the bronchi, trachea as an inhalation. In addition, diseases of the ENT organs, stomatitis, gingivitis and other inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity can be treated with oil.
Recipes with tea tree oil
Recipes with tea tree oil include the use of a diluted and concentrated oil solution. However, it must be remembered that 100% oil can lead to burns and the development of allergic reactions on the skin. In this form, the use of tea tree is allowed only in the presence of acne by dot-blurring each element. In this case, you need to ensure that the oil does not get on healthy tissue.
In all other cases, recipes with tea tree oil should contain only diluted oil. Among such treatment methods, it is necessary to distinguish the use of oil in the form of rinses in diseases of the oral cavity and upper respiratory tract. Masks for an oil-based face are also widely used.
With bronchitis and tracheitis, it is rational to use oil for inhalations in order to reduce spasm of the bronchi and reduce the viscosity of phlegm. As a result, the secret of the bronchi will stand out more easily, without causing pain in the chest area.
With regard to skin pathologies, it is possible to use a cream with the addition of a few drops of oil, and in case of exposure to hair, you should add a drop of oil to the shampoo volume required for one shredder.
Tea tree can be used in urology and gynecology.
Gel with tea tree oil
Oil is widely used as a combination with other essential oils for cooking with your own hands or already in ready-made form. Gel with tea tree oil Ginokomfort is a daily use for personal hygiene.
Indications for the use of the drug include conditions that are characterized by dryness of the vaginal mucosa, and destructive processes in the mucosa during the postmenopause. Also, the gel can be used as an additional means for therapeutic treatment of gynecological diseases with inflammatory developmental origin.
Gel with tea tree oil can be used in the recovery period after therapy with antibacterial or antifungal agents and with a preventive and curative purpose for trauma to the vaginal mucosa. This includes the state after surgical intervention with a laser on the cervical region and the vagina. In addition, when swimming in swimming pools, you can use a gel to prevent infection.
Suppositories with tea tree oil
Suppositories with tea tree oil can be used in two ways: this is with gynecological diseases (Vagifloron) or pathology of the rectum structures. Some suppositories are allowed for use in both cases.
Suppositories with tea tree oil have antifungal, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. They restore the integrity of tissues, promote wound healing, reduce irritability of skin and mucous membranes, and also activates regenerative processes.
Catarrhal diseases, influenza, vaginitis of bacterial and fungal nature, colpitis, thrombophlebitis, herpetic lesions of the skin and neurodermatitis are also well treatable with candles.
The therapeutic course lasts up to 2 weeks, during which the suppository is used 2 times a day, having in the rectum or vagina. To improve the effect, it is recommended to use combinations of tea tree suppositories and propolis.
In the case of rhinitis atrophic or chronic catarrhal appearance, candles are allowed, placing half of each in the nasal passages, with the head tilted back.
Cream with tea tree oil
Oil has a huge spectrum of influence on many pathogenic microorganisms, in parallel, which stimulates immune defense, removes the inflammatory reaction and promotes general tranquility.
Thanks to the above capabilities, oil is used as a component in various creams, shampoos and other cosmetics. So, there are a lot of creams that you can buy at a pharmacy or cook yourself.
A cream with tea tree oil does not require much money, neither time nor money. It is enough to drop 4 drops into the cream, and it is ready for use on the skin. The most important thing is to observe the proportion, because with excessive amounts of oil in the cream can develop side reactions from the body.
A cream with tea tree oil will perfectly cope with pimples, rashes, stretch marks, scars and even with a fungus on the toes. Using this tool regularly, you can get rid of the clinical manifestations and prevent their re-emergence for a long period of time.
Inhalation with tea tree oil
Inhalation with tea tree oil is recommended for colds that are accompanied by tracheitis or bronchitis with difficult sputum secretion. Due to the antiseptic properties of oil, inhalations provide the death of pathogenic microorganisms.
With the help of inhalation, spasm of the bronchi decreases, and sputum becomes less viscous. As a result, the secret of the bronchial tree is easier to remove, thereby reducing the intensity of the pain syndrome in the region of the chest.
Inhalations with tea tree oil can be carried out in several ways. For a start - the simplest. It is necessary to apply 5 drops of concentrated oil on a handkerchief, which during the day will have to walk and periodically inhale the aromas of oil.
In addition, you should put a couple of droplets on the pillow, which will ensure the fragrance throughout the night. A more complex therapeutic method is the inhalation of water vapor. To do this, bring the water to a boil and add 5 drops of oil, then cover your head with a towel and inhale the oil within 3 minutes.
Rinse with Tea Tree Oil
Rinse with tea tree oil presupposes a procedure in which a prepared solution is taken into the oral cavity and, throwing back the head, air is exhausted through the oropharynx. Thus, water does not enter the upper respiratory tract, but only gurgling is heard.
The oil is recommended for use in the presence of an inflammatory process in the mouth. It can be gingivitis, stomatitis with ulcerative defects of the mucosa, inflammation after removal of the tooth or disease of the ENT organs: pharyngitis or laryngitis. In addition, rinsing twice a day will prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor of their oral cavity.
Rinse with tea tree oil must be applied several times a day for 3-5 days. Only in this case, under condition of regular use, the inflammatory process will reduce its activity together with clinical manifestations. To prepare a solution for the procedure, drop 4-5 drops into a glass of water and rinse.
Contraindications to the use of tea tree oil
Contraindications to the use of tea tree oil include a list of conditions in which the use of oil is prohibited or restricted. If these recommendations are not followed, it is possible to develop allergic reactions or skin burn, depending on the concentration, amount of oil and the field of application.
Like all other drugs, essential oil also has a contraindication in case of individual intolerance of the main component of the drug, when a low threshold of sensitivity is observed in a person.
Contraindications to the use of tea tree oil contain a warning about the use of the product on the skin of the face, since the product can get into the eyes. To avoid this, you should close them during the procedure. If, however, the oil gets into the eye, you must carefully rinse it with running water.
It is not recommended to use oil in children up to 10 years of age and during pregnancy, since studies in this category have not been conducted. In addition, it is forbidden to use essential oil inside, but only for external use.
Allergy to tea tree oil
An allergy to tea tree oil is very rare, but it is advisable to test for allergy before use. If it is intended to use essential oil as an ointment on the skin, then the test should be carried out as follows.
Concentrated solution is not advisable, so one drop of oil should be diluted with vitamin E oil and applied to the middle third of the inner surface of the forearm.
If after an hour the area turns red, rashes and swelling appear, then the oil does not fit the skin. If everything is normal, then the tea tree is allowed to be used for acne treatment with creams based on it and masks, as well as for the improvement of hair and the fight against dandruff.
Allergy to tea tree oil is checked before carrying out inhalations. So, it is necessary to drip a few drops of oil on a handkerchief and during the day to periodically inhale its aromas. If the oil is suitable, then there will not be dizziness and symptoms of suffocation. After the test, you can use oil for inhalation.
Shelf life
The shelf life of tea tree oil is 5 years from the date of manufacture. Usually the date of production and the last period of use is applied to the outer packaging for easier identification, as well as on the vial itself.
The expiration date implies the preservation of the indicated therapeutic properties during the indicated time interval. However, the storage conditions must be observed. So, the oil should be kept in a closed bottle in a place without direct sunlight, with a temperature of not more than 25 degrees and a certain humidity.
After expiration date the product should not be used to prevent the development of an allergic reaction or other side effects.
Tea tree oil has been used for almost a century and helps to cope with serious pathology. It is used in combination with other medicinal products to obtain the maximum result, but in the presence of a small inflammatory process, oil can cope with it independently.
The price of tea tree oil in comparison with other drugs that have almost the same effect is insignificant. So, depending on the volume of the bottle with oil, prices vary. So, 5 ml of tea tree can be found around 10-13 UAH. The higher the amount in the vial, the higher the price, but not much.
Oil of 10 ml in pharmacies is sold with a price of about 15-17 UAH, but 20 ml can reach 20-24 hryvnia per bottle. The price is in the same price category with other essential oils, which have similar therapeutic properties.
Oil finds its application in many areas of medicine: in gynecology, dentistry, urology and ENT practice. Compared with the prices of drugs for the treatment of diseases of these groups, tea tree is considered a cheap tool, but its effect when used correctly is priceless.
The form of the oil is a solution, so it can be added to various creams, shampoos or diluted with rinse water or mortar solutions. In addition, using a pipette, you can accurately dose the oil and avoid overdose.
Reviews about tea tree oil
Reviews about tea tree oil mostly take a positive side, and the share of negativity accounts for only a few percent. So, some are not happy with the smell of oil, but it can cause discomfort only during use, and after no smell does not remain.
Another negative feedback is associated with the appearance of redness, rashes and swelling when applied to the skin. However, as it turned out later, people either did not previously check their skin for allergy, or did not observe the concentration of solutions and used 100% oil.
The rest of the reviews on tea tree oil are exceptionally positive, because many people with common essential oil got rid of problems that they could not cope with for a long time, using expensive drugs and cosmetics.
Among them, it is necessary to allocate assistance for rashes in the adolescent period, gynecological diseases, inflammatory processes of the oral cavity and the presence of dandruff in the hair.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Tea tree oil" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.