
Sunscreens for the face

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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It's no secret that the skin from the sun ages faster, loses its elasticity and firmness, resulting in wrinkles. To combat the effects of ultraviolet rays, it produces melanin, which is not always evenly distributed over the skin, pigment spots are formed. Regeneration processes are impaired, the skin coarsens, thickens, dehydrates. Such changes are called photoaging.

The face is particularly susceptible to external negative influences, as it is constantly exposed, when other parts of the body can be protected by clothing. But it is possible to positively influence the situation by using a sunscreen for the face.

Release form

Currently, all the world's famous brands that produce cosmetics, and those that are simpler make creams that can protect the face and body from the aggressive effects of sunlight. Among them:

  • Vichy - French manufacturer Vichy promises an innovative hypoallergenic protection formula that contains melanin activators and provides a moisturizing, even tan. The cream is paraben-free, tested on thin, sensitive skin and does not cause comedones;
  • Avon - a gentle cream with a fine texture, water-resistant, it contains vitamin E and no preservatives. A little pinkish color, well distributed on the face, quickly absorbed, without leaving the impression of a film. After it the skin is velvety and soft;
  • NIVEA SUN line is tested in accordance with international standards. The cream starts working immediately after application. It is pleasant, effective and easy to use;
  • Bark is a medium thick, slightly watery cream in an orange tube. It has a slightly sweet flavor. It does not leave a sticky feeling after application to the skin;
  • Garnier is almost a liquid cream-fluid, the consistency is light, there is no shine on the face after it, it is not water-resistant. It can be used as a base for makeup;
  • Clinique - blocks UVA and UVB rays. When applying it every 1.5-2 hours, the face practically does not tan. It is pleasant to use, lightweight, does not clog pores;
  • Clarins - based on the anti-aging plant complex Phyto-Sunactyl2, lightweight, non-greasy, pleasant to use.

SPF protection levels

What do these three letters on labels mean? The abbreviation SPF translates as "sun protection factor", and the number next to it shows how much of the total radiation your skin will receive in the sun, provided that enough of it is applied to your face (on average 2mg/cm2).

The choice of product depends on many factors: skin type, time of year, location.

The weakest protection are creams with SPF 10-20, they are suitable for places with low solar activity. Let's consider the others:

  • sunscreen for face with SPF 30 - used in medium sun exposure, such as on city streets, for people with milky skin, blue and gray eyes, red or white hair, freckles on the body. It will also protect swarthy blondes, cara and light iris wearers;
  • sunscreen for face with SPF 50 - will need the same types of people, but in hotter weather conditions, in nature, on the beach, in the mountains;
  • sunscreen for the face with SPF 100 is the most powerful product. It is intended for people who should not be exposed to ultraviolet light at all, such as pregnant women or those with dermatological problems.

Types of sunscreens

So which sunscreens are best suited for which type of face?

  • sunscreen from age spots - hyperpigmentation can be avoided by using products with a high degree of protection (SPF 50-100), unless it is not a consequence of hormonal imbalance, trauma, liver disease, endocrine system, kidney disease.

You should use it all year round. It moisturizes, evens out skin tone, prevents new spots and makes existing ones less visible;

  • anti-aging sunscreen - has protectionSPF 50+, enriched with antioxidants that enhance skin regeneration processes, moisturizing components, with the help of which it acquires smoothness and elasticity;
  • moisturizing sunscreen - can be any degree of protection, but contain ingredients that provide water balance of the skin, prevent flaking, dryness, increase the immunity of the skin, prevent the destruction of hyaluronic acid in the cells;
  • sunscreen for sensitive facial skin - it is too vulnerable to ultraviolet light. In winter and on cloudy days of other seasons you should use creams with SPF 15-20, in summer with high solar activity - SPF 30-50 and do not forget to apply it periodically during the day;
  • sunscreen for oily skin - this type of epidermis is no less vulnerable in summer than dry skin, because sebaceous glands work more actively under the influence of the sun. Therefore, it is better not to use creams based on mineral oils, and choose light, with chemical filters. As a rule, they have matting components that do not leave a shine on the skin;
  • sunscreen bb cream is a three-in-one product: it moisturizes, tones and protects from the sun (the degree of protection varies). This cream is best applied with a brush, spreading it evenly over the face and carefully blending. It has 4 tones, from which you should choose the one that suits your complexion.

Types of filters

There are 2 types of filters used in sunscreens: mineral or physical and chemical. The principle of action of the first is to reflect the sun's rays. For this purpose, methane dioxide and zinc oxide are used. They are applied after moisturizing cream and create a film on the face. As a rule, they are not used in everyday products as they are characterized by a heavy structure.

Others absorb the rays, neutralizing them. More than 20 chemical compounds may be used in production. They degrade within 2 hours in the sun, so they must be reapplied.

Use Facial sunscreens during pregnancy

Sun radiation can be harmful in pregnancy, so it is best to avoid direct sunlight and be sure to use sunscreen. It should be chosen according to the above recommendations in accordance with the peculiarities of the skin and your lifestyle, but with a protection factor of at least 20.

More gentle for the skin are these filters: physical, some chemical (panthenol, salicylic acid, benzophenones), and best of all natural components (green tea, aloe, vitamin E, herbal and flower extracts).

Side effects Facial sunscreens

Active components of protective creams are easily absorbed into the bloodstream, so doctors warn about the possibility of allergic reactions, disruption of the hormonal system, and do not exclude the risk of skin cancer.

Shelf life

Checking the expiration date of each product applied to the body is very important, as chemical components can react to create compounds that are hazardous to health. Each jar is labeled with the date of manufacture and the expiration date. This should be monitored and simply discarded when it expires.


Numerous reviews indicate that sunscreens are very popular, especially among people of young age. Girls willingly leave comments on what suited them best, what advantages and disadvantages of this or that product.


To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug " Sunscreens for the face" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.

Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.

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