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Serum with hyaluronic acid
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Serum with hyaluronic acid allows you to rejuvenate the skin and give it an unprecedented freshness. It should be noted that this component is contained in the skin of each person. The acid is responsible for regulating the water balance and plays a significant role in the elasticity and elasticity of the skin. Over the years, the content of this substance decreases. Therefore, the skin quickly lose moisture and become dry. This process entails the appearance of wrinkles. To maintain facial skin in tone, it is necessary to use special preparations based on hyaluronic acid.
Indications for use
Indications for the use of serum with hyaluronic acid are diverse, because this product can cope with many skin problems. So, apply the agent for giving smoothness and strengthening of intercellular communications.
Cosmetic is widely used for dry, atonic and fading skin. It can smooth wrinkles. There is an active restoration of the natural state of the integument. In this case, we mean elasticity, tone and humidity. This is especially useful and necessary after grinding, mesotherapy, peeling and other procedures performed in dermatocosmetology.
Apply the remedy for the destruction of the vitreous. As a complex treatment of retinal dystrophy, for the prevention of complications after eye operations. Serum is widely used in the treatment of ulcers, burns and even inflammatory diseases of the joints and spine. All this shows that the serum of hyaluronic acid is not just a cosmetic product, but a real medical device.
Dosing and Administration
The way of application and dose is an elongated concept. In general, there are no special restrictions on the use of the drug. It is recommended to apply it in the morning and in the evening, for maximum effect. Much depends on the specific cosmetic line. In some cases, it is sufficient to apply serum at night or in the morning.
It should be noted that the agent is able to leave a slightly noticeable luster on the skin. Therefore, it is not recommended to apply it directly before applying makeup. Wait until it is completely absorbed.
To familiarize with methods of application it is possible on a package to any preparation. Usually, there are no serious limitations. But to neglect the written is also not worth it. Many women, wishing to get the result lightning-fast, use the drug quite often. This leads to side effects. Therefore, doing so is highly discouraged. Serum with hyaluronic acid is applied 2 times a day.
Use during pregnancy
The use of serum with hyaluronic acid during pregnancy has no special contraindications. If the drug is injected, then consultation with the doctor is necessary. The fact is that when ingested, it stays there. Depending on what action is performed by the drug. So, it either creates a protective film or restores the water balance of the epidermis.
Data on the effect on the developing fetus is not available. Therefore, any procedures must be agreed with the attending physician. In fact, the cosmetic is used in the form of serum, so its effect on the body is not so pronounced. But, despite this, it is better to consult with a specialist.
As you know, in the first trimester of pregnancy to use any means is not recommended. After all, there is always the risk of triggering a negative reaction from the developing organism. Therefore, any procedures should be agreed with the doctor. Serum with hyaluronic acid is not capable of harming a person.
Contraindications for use
Contraindications to the use of serum with hyaluronic acid are available, despite the fact that this tool is simply incredible. But it is worth noting the fact that basically the drug can not be injected into people with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. A similar situation develops with creams.
Under the prohibition of use, there is also an inflammatory process that is on the treated area. To apply some kinds of a preparation it is not necessary after recently transferred plastic operation, a laser and chemical peeling. This will further exacerbate the situation. Naturally, pregnancy, breastfeeding and intolerance of the main component are the main contraindications.
In fact, this is an ordinary cosmetic. But before using it, it is advisable to consult a cosmetologist. If there is no such possibility, it is necessary to conduct a test for an allergic reaction. For this, serum with hyaluronic acid is applied to a small area of the skin. If no adverse reactions have occurred, then it can be used.
Side effects
Side effects of serum with hyaluronic acid are not excluded. Despite the fact that the remedy is aimed at calming the skin and intensively moistening it, unpleasant consequences can also arise. Thus, the drug is not limited to one of the contraindications.
On the site of application, the appearance of swelling and redness. This indicates that the person has an allergic reaction to the main component. In this case, it is recommended to pass the test before use. The product is applied to a small area of the skin. If no side effects in the form of itching, rashes and burning occurred, then it is possible to use the cream.
In no case should you apply the drug in the presence of hypersensitivity. This can lead to a strong allergic reaction. In general, the negative effects take place within a few days after the end of the use of serum. But the situation is different, this must be remembered. To avoid any adverse effects, serum with hyaluronic acid should undergo an allergic reaction test.
Overdose means can occur if it is misused. As noted above, many women, wishing to achieve a quick effect, apply it too often. Usually, as a result of this influence, a strong allergic reaction is noted. It manifests itself in the form of redness, itching, burning. In some cases, swelling is noted.
It will not be possible to quickly eliminate the unpleasant consequences. I'll have to wait a few days. Do not accelerate the "healing". This, on the contrary, will aggravate the situation. It is advisable to seek help from an experienced cosmetologist and get some good advice.
Cases with an overdose were not noted. But to exclude this fact is not worth it. Strong irritation or incredibly difficult treatment will not be. But an unpleasant residue may well remain. It is advisable to seek help from a cosmetologist before using the drug. In this case, possible negative consequences can be eliminated at the root. Serum with hyaluronic acid is a powerful remedy that requires proper application.
Storage conditions
The storage conditions of serum with hyaluronic acid should be observed. It depends on this over how long the tool will serve its owner. So, after opening the bottle you can place it in an ordinary dark place. Even a bathroom is suitable. The drug is not afraid of moisture and will get along with other flacons freely.
Do not expose the product to direct sunlight and high temperatures. Despite the fact that this is an ordinary cream, it can easily deteriorate. You need to follow both the appearance of the bottle and the contents. If there are any visual changes. Whether it is a color or a smell, then the remedy should not be used. It is likely that it has deteriorated. More of its use will do more harm than good. Neglect the conditions is not necessary, because this is one of the important items of long-term storage. Serum with hyaluronic acid does not require the creation of special conditions, but, nevertheless, does not accept some unfavorable factors.
Shelf life
The shelf life of a cosmetic product depends on the line that provides it. So, on average, you can store the product for 2-3 years. But in order that it really served the specified period, it is worth noting the storage conditions. Without them, the cream can become unusable within a month.
Usually, the serum is released in a small vial. It's just enough for one course. But in some cases the remedy remains and it needs to be placed in a place where it does not deteriorate. It is quite suitable bathroom or shelf with cosmetics. Moisture of the drug is not afraid, but from the sunlight it is desirable to fence it off.
Naturally, do not allow children to creams. They can easily taste it and thereby harm themselves. Pay attention to the color, odor and consistency of the serum. If anything has changed, it's probably not worth using. It can easily become worthless. If serum with hyaluronic acid is used after the expiration of the set time, it is not worth to be surprised at the appearance of possible side effects.
The best serum with hyaluronic acid
The best serum with hyaluronic acid is an extensible concept, because much depends on the person's preferences. Therefore, in order not to be lost in conjecture, the most popular options will be presented below.
- Wheat Libriderm (Librederm). It is worth noting that this cosmetic line offers a whole line of skin care products, based on acid. The serum contains the filtrate of the enzymes Alteromonas. It is able to activate the production of its own hyaluronic acid and hydrated soy protein. This allows you to protect the epidermis from moisture loss. The product is released in a 50 ml package. For the price category is within reason. Use the drug in the morning. The effect after application of the remedy is preserved for the whole day.
- Serum Laura (Evalar). Has a similar effect, like her predecessor. It contains extract of wild yam. It stimulates the production of a somatotropic hormone known as a "spring of youth" or "growth hormone". Thanks to it, proteins are synthesized, the turgor is restored, and the color of the epidermis improves. Visible result is noticeable in a week after everyday use. The price category fluctuates within the norm.
- Serum Merz. This cosmetic line offers a variety of drugs, which are based on the main component. The action of the agent for the face is aimed at providing a noticeable moisturizing effect, improving tone, stimulating regeneration and long-term synthesis of hyaluronic acid in tissues. Apply the product at night. He is one of the most expensive drugs.
- Serum D'Oliva. This is a German product with incredible properties. It also contains natural olive oil and shea butter. The product actively retains moisture, stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, provides moisture, elasticity, tenderness. You can apply the drug in the morning and in the evening. Absorbed all quickly, while leaving a slightly noticeable luster. The price category is within the limits of the norm.
- Whey Eveline (Eveline). This is the most budgetary cosmetic line. This remedy is for women 30+. The manufacturer guarantees intensive hydration for 2 days.
- Serum Vichy actively struggles with aging skin. It removes wrinkles and does not allow the appearance of a new one. The remedy is expensive, but effective.
- Gigi serum with hyaluronic acid has an ultra-light effect. It moisturizes the skin, makes it smooth, elastic and supple. It is actively used after cosmetic procedures, based on peeling.
Moisturizing serum with hyaluronic acid
Moisturizing serum with hyaluronic acid is one of the latest discoveries of the scientific world. This tool allows you to save, increase women's beauty and give youth. In the skin of a person for this function is a special component. Over time, its number is significantly reduced. All this leads to dryness, loss of elasticity.
Loss of moisture is accompanied by the appearance of wrinkles. Expel the properties of metabolic processes, all this leads to a general withering. In the fight against these unpleasant properties, a unique serum was developed. It not only replenishes the amount of acid in the skin, but also gives them radiance, beauty, youth.
Thanks to the high moisturizing properties, it has become possible to moisturize the skin and at the same time not to disturb its natural level of moisturizing. This is the main effect of the product. This is really a unique tool.
The uniqueness of the products lies in the fact that they contain a natural component in their composition. Due to the tiny size of the molecule, only a specially designed serum with hyaluronic acid is able to penetrate deeply and provide the necessary effect. It consists in restoring the level of moistening. Moreover, it activates regenerative processes.
Ultra-moisturizing serum with hyaluronic acid
Ultra-moisturizing serum with hyaluronic acid can instantly quench the thirst of the skin. Perhaps, this is an ideal product for people who live in a metropolis. Acid can penetrate deep into the layers of the epidermis and extremely saturate the skin, forming a special protective film. Elasticity is restored, everything is smoothed out. The skin becomes fresh, silky, well-groomed.
The effect of instant and prolonged hydration is due to a combination of two types of hyaluronic acid. The first of these acts directly deep in the layers of the epidermis. Thus there is a strong moisture saturation and moisture retention. The process of smoothing the skin is started. The second element forms a protective film on the surface, which prevents moisture from evaporating. Silky and smoothness become noticeable immediately after the first application. Serum hyaluronic acid has extraordinary properties aimed at maintaining women's beauty.
Gigi serum with hyaluronic acid
Gigi serum with hyaluronic acid is an ultralight emulsion. It contains the main component. Thanks to it, the deep layers of the epidermis are moistened, and for a long time.
Cosmetic has a rejuvenating effect, has antioxidant properties, optimizes cellular respiration. The drug is able to strengthen the processes of cell regeneration and proliferation. There is a significant acceleration of healing and recovery of the epidermis after peeling, burns and plastic surgery. This drug also has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. Moreover, it gives a feeling of lightness and freshness.
Active components are: sodium hyaluronate, lotus extract, cellulose wax, white tea extract. Use the product every day in the morning and in the evening, applying it to the cleansed skin. The effect will not keep you waiting. Serum with hyaluronic acid is a breakthrough in modern cosmetology.
Vichy serum with hyaluronic acid
Serum Vichy with hyaluronic acid does not need a special presentation. This cosmetic line has incredible properties. It is qualitative, but also moderately expensive, unlike other means.
To date, the company offers a unique serum based on hyaluronic acid. The product actively fights against three types of wrinkles. It eliminates mimic "damage", and also acts as a preventive measure not yet appeared.
One of the main components of the serum is also Retinol A. This combination makes it more effective. It actively affects all types of wrinkles, moisturizes the skin, transforming it in just a few days of application. It should be noted that it can be used even for the skin around the eyes. The result of the application of the product is a smooth and moisturized skin, on which there is no swelling and bruising. This is a truly high-quality tool. Serum with hyaluronic acid company Vichy worthy of attention.
Reviews about serum with hyaluronic acid
Reviews about the serum with hyaluronic acid can be varied. Basically, this tool is suitable for everyone, because it is universal. But it is worth considering the fact that there are people with hypersensitivity to the main components of the drug. So, at them application of means can cause unpleasant allergic reaction. Naturally, in this case, negative feedback is provided. That's why people with sensitive skin should consult a specialist.
In general, reviews about the use of serum are positive. It has an effect almost immediately after the first application. The skin becomes smooth and tender. The maximum effect is achieved after 7-30 days, depending on the drug chosen.
It is worth noting that it is not worth making a choice based on feedback. You need to build on your own preferences and characteristics. In this case, the serum with hyaluronic acid will leave an exceptionally positive impression.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Serum with hyaluronic acid" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.