
Nettle from hair loss and growth

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The arsenal of alternative cosmetology is dominated by recipes based on practical knowledge and observation of nature. Hair care, as an integral part of the appearance of a beautiful woman, has been and remains a priority. Looking respectably important for men, and this is impossible without a neat, beautiful hair. The use of nettle for hair, according to these recipes, replaces expensive branded products. This eliminates the influence of chemicals and other components that adversely affect the skin and hair.

The genus Urtica belongs to the family Urticaceae in the main group of angiosperms (flowering plants). There are 46 species of flowering plants of the genus Urtica. The most famous representatives of the genus are the nettle Urtica dioica L. And the small nettle U. Urens L., which grow in Europe, Africa, Asia and North America. Plants belonging to the genus Urtica are herbaceous perennials and can grow up to 2 m tall.

It is said that the word "nettle" comes from the Anglo-Saxon word "noedl" meaning "needle", while its Latin name "urtica" means "to burn." This refers to the burning effect of tiny hairs on the stems and leaves, which when rubbed into the skin cause a burning sensation and a temporary rash. 

Indications for appointment

Due to the unique richness of the composition of nettle for hair brings invaluable benefits. A burning bush is able to miraculously revitalize hair, make it shiny, thick, healthy. Indications for use arise when the hair loses all this beauty. Become dull and weak, brittle and thin, fall out and exfoliate.

Antibacterial as well as antifungal effects have been reported for extracts of U. Dioica (Iranian Herbal Pharmacopoea Committee, 2003; Dar et al., 2012), and it is used in shampoos to combat dandruff. [1]

Nettles have a beneficial effect on the scalp: eliminate irritation, dandruff and itching, regulate fat content. Rinses prevent dandruff and gray hair, stimulate growth and density, optimize blood circulation and respiration.

Alternative medicine from various countries treats many diseases with nettles: from anemia to rheumatism, from stopping bleeding to women's problems. Stinging weed is in demand both as a food product and animal feed. Naturally, after processing, which is to eliminate the stickiness.

The beneficial compounds found in nettles are considered very important in medicine and pharmacology. For example, homovanilyl alcohol has been shown to protect against cardiovascular diseases,  [2] while histamine affects the complex physiology of brain systems, affecting cognitive processes, including learning and memory,  [3] as well as neurotransmitters involved in neuromodulation processes]. Phytosterols reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine and thereby lower blood cholesterol. Scopoletin is a stimulant of lipoprotein lipase activity and protects against cardiovascular diseases. [4] Lignans improve immune responses. [5]

Nettle has significant antimicrobial activity against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria compared to standard and strong antimicrobial compounds such as miconazole nitrate, amoxicillin-clavulanic acid, ofloxacin and netilmicin. [6] The results indicate the great potential of this plant to discover new effective compounds. [7], [8]

Nettle can help relieve symptoms of osteoarthritis and joint pain, usually in the hands, knees, hips, and spine. Nettle can work in combination with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which allows patients to reduce the use of NSAIDs. [9]

Infusions of the plant can be used for nasal and menstrual bleeding, diabetes, anemia, asthma, hair loss and to stimulate lactation. Terpenes and phenols are the main groups associated with the inhibition of cancer, as well as with the treatment of headache, rheumatism and some skin diseases. [10] Phenols have also been associated with inhibition of atherosclerosis and cancer, as well as age-related degenerative disorders of the brain.

In a study by Bourgeois et al., Nettle was used for cosmetic use as an anti-aging complex, including inhibition of collagenase and elastase activity. These properties can be attributed to ursolic acid and quercetin present in nettle extracts. 

The herbal extract of Urtica plants is useful for diseases of the bladder, reduces postoperative blood loss and prevents hemorrhagic and purulent inflammation after adenomectomy. 

Nettle from hair loss

Hair loss can be a normal physiological or pathological process caused by a number of reasons. Vitamin deficiency, hypothermia, anemia, hormonal imbalance, trauma - any of these conditions can provoke a massive "leaving" of the head with hair. Not to mention specific pathologies and internal disorders.

  • Normally, hair grows for three years, then falls out, and a new one appears in its place. About 100 hairs fall out per day.

If the number of drop-outs significantly exceeds this figure, then this is a cause for concern and the application of measures to save the braids. Nettle from hair loss is the best option for those who trust natural remedies.

  • It is unlikely that anyone thinks the hairs have fallen out, most likely this will be noticeable on the comb or brush, when washing your hair or as a hairdo.

Having discovered this phenomenon, it is advisable to visit a doctor to establish its causes. Perhaps he will recommend nettle for hair as an additional treatment. After all, its benefits have been proven by the long-standing practice of using herbs to strengthen and improve hair.

A broth of nettles is rinsed with braids washed with detergents. In addition to nettles, burdock or calamus root, rosemary, and mint are useful. A spoonful of ingredients is put in a bowl, pour 2 liters of boiling water, let it brew for about 2 hours. It is better if the brewing occurs in a thermos, in the most favorable conditions for this process. The infusion prepared in this way strengthens the roots, gives shine and splendor to the hairstyle.

Nettle for oily hair

You can use nettle for hair in two types: dry pharmacy or, in season, freshly picked green. The plant grows and retains its beneficial properties throughout the summer: from May to August. To cut burning stems with a sharp knife, you need to protect your hands with tight gloves. Soon, the plant ceases to burn, and the leaves come off the stems without the risk of burns.

  • Nettle for oily hair is used more actively than for other types.

As an anti-dandruff agent, it is an effective natural medicine, does not irritate the skin, on the contrary, relieves the present itch. Normal hair can also be treated with nettles, but with dry hair it is better to be careful or look for another remedy.

  • To eliminate excess fat, both leaves and stems are suitable. For grinding, they are placed in a blender or crumpled with a wooden rolling pin, the resulting juice is rubbed into the scalp with smooth circular movements, kept for up to 15 minutes.

Rinse off the intense green color with clean water or nettle infusion. It should be at a comfortable temperature: too hot and cold liquid not only does not bring benefits, but can also provoke an increase in fat content and the amount of dandruff.

Using juice and “cereals” from nettles, one should know that curls painted in light tones change color from this for no reason. Dirty green curls are unlikely to please blondes, even if they cease to be greasy and strewn with dandruff. Therefore, the recipe is better to use brown-haired women and brunettes.

Nettle for hair growth

Proper use of nettle for hair growth confirms its effectiveness. This is a real gift of nature for those who care about the appearance, youth and health of hair. Regular use of nettle juice speeds up all the processes that strengthen the follicles and stems.

  • Over 5-6 procedures using nettle for hair, wonderful transformations take place: dandruff and eczema manifestations disappear, gray hair and the cross section of the hair ends are eliminated.

Nettle masks return health, strength, shine, accelerate growth, strengthen the structure, restore the irritated surface. If you are ready to prepare your own raw materials, then cut the stems in the garden, garden, on the field. In order not to give a chance to environmentally dirty plants, bypass the thickets near highways or gas stations. Cut in dry weather when plants contain less moisture. Dry the nettle under the awnings, spreading a thin layer on fabric or paper.

A useful infusion for rinsing is prepared in the following proportions: 200 g of raw materials per 2 liters of boiling water. Keep in a sealed container: first 15 min. Over low heat, then half an hour without fire. Rinse should be done every other day for a month. Repetition - after a 3-week interval. Enhances a healthy shine additive in the infusion of 2 tbsp. Tablespoons of vinegar.

Nettle Hair Strengthening

What does strengthening nettle hair mean? This means providing prophylaxis or reducing the rate of loss if such a phenomenon is already present. This requires making the follicles, roots, and structure of each hairline more resistant. Nettle for hair is used for this purpose in several ways. The easiest way to add juice, oil, infusion to the shampoo, which constantly wash your hair, to enhance its effectiveness.

  • The best option is to wash it alternately: either with shampoo or nettle broth without shampoo.

Natural blondes should know that strengthening can be combined with lightening. If you insist on the nettle leaves equally with chamomile flowers and rinse the braids with such a liquid, then their natural beauty is constantly maintained. This procedure can be repeated several times in a row, each time wrapping hair for warming. Artificially colored curls are not recommended to be subjected to such manipulations: they can acquire a greenish tint.

Strengthening oily hair and eliminating excess sebum is as follows.

  • Nettle porridge from fresh leaves is combined with a teaspoon of natural sea salt. Flavors or other additives are inappropriate. After pouring the mixture with hot water, it must be kept until cooling and rubbed into the scalp with delicate movements.

Nettle for hair roots

Proper use of nettle for hair roots helps to solve the main problem: to prevent loss, brittleness, destruction of the hair structure. Green mass contains the so-called. “Beauty vitamins”, minerals, volatile, organic acids, have a beneficial effect on the surface of the skin.

  • Nettle for hair has an invaluable effect: it relieves itching and damage, strengthens the bulbs and rods, reduces fat content. Hair grows better, becomes soft, lush, shiny.

Everyone knows how a stinging plant acts on human skin. Blood rushes to the point of contact, saturating every point of the skin with oxygen and nutritional components. Less intensively and without pain, but similar processes occur when applying juice or infusion to the scalp. Therefore, the stimulation of blood supply and nutrition of the bulbs and roots actually leads to an improvement in the condition of the hair as a whole.

  • Wanting to strengthen the hair, it is important not to harm them with illiterate actions.

So, it should be remembered that nettle procedures dry the braids, therefore, with a tendency to dryness, the prepared products are rubbed into the skin, but not applied to the entire length. When washing, rub the product into the roots and the entire length, massaging the scalp.

  • A convenient way to apply the solution to the roots is to spray with a spray gun.

In order not to dye the curls in an unpleasant greenish color, blondes should either add lemon juice to the preparations, or not use nettle at all. Another option is to combine nettle with chamomile flowers.

Nettle for split ends

Modern cosmetology actively uses nettles for split ends. Dry leaves and roots are used for the preparation of preparations; at home, fresh stems and leaves are also used. From nettle raw materials prepare a decoction, infusion, alcohol extract. Nettle oil for damaged, brittle, overdried hair is the main medicine. It is sold in pharmacies, and if desired, it is easily prepared at home, from olive oil and dry nettle. After 2 weeks of infusion and filtration, the oil is ready.

  • Effective alternation of nettle preparations accelerates the treatment of split ends. It is also useful to combine nettle with other components necessary for hair.

Vinegar, chamomile flowers, sea salt, burdock, yolk, vitamin B, gelatin are wonderful natural remedies that make hair a real decoration of a woman. Minerals increase tone, caffeine tones.

The industry offers a choice of cosmetics, the formulation of which contains nettle components. The same-name natural mask Dushka of the Ukrainian manufacturer is designed to restore, nourish, and grow female curls. It contains, in addition to nettles, essential hair components of primrose, camellia, almond, avocado, macadamia, poppy seed.

Under the influence of such a bouquet, the growth of healthy curls is activated, the regeneration of damaged cores, and the density increases. Strength, shine, grooming become the norm, if you use the product on nettles at least once a week - on dry hair, an hour before washing it. Dushka rubbed into the skin and distributed into strands, wrap your head in a warm towel, and after aging wash off with shampoo.

Nettle hair dyeing

The use of nettle for hair by blondes can lead to unexpected consequences: light strands perceive the color of a decoction or mask and can turn slightly green. It is unlikely that every woman is ready for such a radical change in appearance, but unwanted greening is not difficult to prevent: for this, vinegar or lemon juice is included in medical recipes.

Some articles talk about staining hair with nettles to get a beautiful chestnut color. A decoction is made from the plant, the use of which not only changes color, but also makes the hair strong, strong, shiny, eliminates dandruff, excess fat and excessive dryness. The recipe is as follows:

  • For 100g of dry raw materials, take a half-liter can of water and the same amount of vinegar. To simmer, without boiling, for half an hour over low heat, keep in wrapped utensils for another 2 hours. Filter out.

Apply according to the following scheme: after washing, moisten the hair, rub in the roots daily at night. The intensity of the shade depends on the duration of rubbing, which can be carried out from a week to 2 months.

However, for many interested readers, staining in a chestnut rather than a green tone is doubtful. Maybe this applies only to a certain color, and not any hair? There is nowhere to clarify information, except to check it with personal experience. Undoubtedly, such a procedure helps to strengthen, grow, eliminate dandruff and excess fat.

Strands from plant harvest of nettle + chamomile brighten. The infusion is washed and wrapped in hair, and after drying it is moistened several times with chamomile water.

Nettle for hair restoration

The restorative properties of nettle for hair are manifested due to the presence of vitamin A. Preparations based on a burning plant are able to restore health even to severely damaged follicles and stems. Nettle treatments for hair restoration contribute to more active growth and improve the condition of curls and curls.

  • In general, nettle has a complex effect. Prevents loss, gives shine, returns elasticity.

Formic acid, which is in the hairs of a plant, decomposes at high temperature into water and carbon dioxide. Water moisturizes the braids, carbon dioxide displaces pollution. Hair becomes vibrant, shiny, natural color. Thanks to vitamin C, collagen fibers are nourished, which provides increased elasticity along the entire length of the hair. Vitamin K maintains a natural, natural, vibrant and vibrant hue.

  • This pleases the brown-haired woman and brunettes, but the blonde can be upset. Therefore, they need to either abandon the nettle, or take precautions.

The tannins of the plant resist dandruff and irritation. In addition, the strands become soft and pleasant to the touch.

Flavonoids protect against loss, nourish and enrich with useful substances, especially during the off-season. Organic acids prevent itching and the associated discomfort.

Nettle for hair density

In addition to nettles, combinations with other medicinal plants are very useful for hair density. For this purpose, not only green ground parts are used, but also nettle roots. In combination with the fruits of nasturtium, they provide an effective tool to increase the density and splendor of hairstyles.

  • A mixture of crushed nettle roots and nasturtium is placed in a bottle of vodka, incubated for a month, shaking every five days. Rub unfiltered tincture twice a week.

Nettle for hair with burdock oil mutually enhances the healing properties of both components. For the density of hair, use the following recipe.

  • According to 1 tbsp. Spoonful of butter and honey to combine with mashed raw green nettle (3-4 tablespoons). The mixed mass is applied to the roots, combining actions with massaging. Cover your head with polyethylene and a towel, soak for up to half an hour. The mask is suitable for any type of hair.

It should be remembered that the human body is an integral system, a harmonious mechanism. In case of malfunctioning of one of the organs, violations occur in other parts. Hair is a kind of indicator that reflects the state of internal organs. Monitoring your hair will help not only to help them in time, but also to detect malfunctions inside the body.

Useful properties of nettle

Urtica dioica, or dioica nettle is the most widely studied plant. Efficacy in the treatment of symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is the most studied direction of this plant, which is mainly due to its activity of 5α-R inhibition. [11],  [12],  [13] Inhibition of 5α-reductase inhibitors prevent the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), high levels of which are associated with BPH. [14] The same pathogenesis is also valid for androgenetic alopecia. [15],  [16] Although nettle leaves are traditionally used for hair loss, confirming the clinical trials are still missing. In a study conducted with a combination of plant extracts, including nettle, it was found that this combination significantly increases the proliferation of human dermal papilla cells in concentrations from 1.5% to 4.5%. Nettle contains β-sitosterol, which stimulates angiogenesis by increasing the synthesis of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and supports new hair growth. [17]

The incredible benefits of nettle hair can be called incredible! So many components are collected in it that even if there were no other medicinal plants, then humanity would all the same be fluffy and thick-haired, with beautiful male hair and female curls. If I fully used the gifts generously offered by the surrounding nature. [18]

Studies of nettle composition showed that plants contain a significant amount of biologically active compounds. Nettle leaves contain terpenoids,  [19] carotenoids, including β-carotene, neoxanthin, violaxanthin, lutein, and lycopene, fatty acids, particularly palmitic, tsis.-9,12-linoleic and α-linolenic acid, various polyphenolic compounds  [20],  [21]essential amino acids, chlorophyll, vitamins, tannins, carbohydrates, sterols, polysaccharides, isolectins and minerals, the most important of which is iron.

Fresh leaves contain high concentrations of vitamins A, C, D, E, F, K and P, as well as vitamin B complexes. [22] It is also known that leaves contain a particularly large amount of selenium, zinc, iron and magnesium metals. Rafajlovska et al. Noted that the leaves, stems and roots of nettles contained more calcium than magnesium. These two elements were present in amounts almost three times higher in leaves than in stems and roots. Zinc was found at the highest concentrations in the leaves (27.44 mg / kg dry weight), followed by copper (17.47 mg / kg) and manganese (17.17 mg / kg). The average cobalt content was significantly higher in the leaves than in the stems and roots. Nettle leaves additionally contain boron, sodium, iodine, chromium, copper and sulfur. 

The total phenol content in one gram of nettle powder is 129 mg GAE (equivalent to Gaelic acid), which is two times higher than the phenol content in 100 ml of cranberry juice (66.61 mg GAE). Nettle has been shown to be more saturated with individual polyphenols than other wild plants. Gaima and his colleagues found that the content of phenolic compounds in nettle leaves was significantly higher than in dandelion leaves. Vayich et al. Reported that rutin is the predominant phenolic compound in nettle leaves. Using ultrasonic extraction, ferulic, caffeic, chlorogenic and synapic acids were detected in nettles. 

Krauss and Spitteler identified eighteen phenolic compounds (including homovanilyl alcohol, vanillin, vanilla acid, and phenylpropanes) and nineteen ligands (including isobaric, areresinol, secoisolaricresinol, and neo-olivyl) in root extracts. Scopoletin, a derivative of coumarin, has also been found in nettle roots. 

The leaves of the plant also contain carotenoids, mainly β-carotene, violaxanthin, xanthophylls, zeaxanthin, luteoxanthin and lutein epoxide. Five monoterpenoid components were also found in nettle leaves: terpene diols, terpendiol glucosides, α-tocopherol.

Nettle for hair is indispensable, it’s even strange that not all people understand this. Contains carotenoids, antioxidants, flavonoids, vitamin C, minerals, organic acids, anti-inflammatory, firming, tanning, antibacterial components that affect hair as follows:

  • neutralize toxins and free radicals;
  • enriched with pantothenic acid;
  • reduce irritation, itching;
  • moisturize the surface of the skin;
  • update cells;
  • block the production of "baldness hormone";
  • resist fat, dandruff, seborrhea;
  • dilate blood vessels, improving the nutrition of follicles;
  • nourish the roots, which stimulates hair growth.

Useful substances are extracted from nettles during the preparation of homemade rinses. For them, they take dried or fresh raw materials, sometimes they add another useful potion: sage, chamomile, burdock, rosemary, lavender, lemon balm, and yarrow. The composition depends on the situation and the type of hair.

As a result of the combined action of these substances, the hair becomes stronger, stronger, shiny, lush. What is required to achieve using nettles.


Sensitivity, ulcers and any violation of the integrity of the skin are a contraindication for the external use of seeds or nettle juice for hair.

  • Nettles should not be taken internally for bleeding caused by female problems or kidney failure.

Decoctions, powder, infusions are contraindicated in case of hypertension, increased blood coagulation, atherosclerosis, as well as women in position. Therefore, without consulting a doctor, it is better not to use the plant.

Proper use of the grass prevents the development of possible complications. In order to prevent such phenomena, one should know that nettles have a drying effect and make dry hair tougher. To avoid this, it is better not to rinse them, but only rub the tincture into the roots.

Blondes run the risk of getting an ugly shade, so it is better for them not to use nettle for hair, or to add lemon juice to neutralize green pigments in a decoction.


In the reviews, women not only report on personal experiences with nettles, but also share the secrets of self-procurement of raw materials. Nettle for hair, many call the only salvation, an excellent alternative to industrial products. Use decoctions, oils, self-made masks.


Positive results are obtained regardless of the type of raw material: whether it is fresh nettle, mowed by hand, or dried by pharmacists, which any pharmacy offers. Nettle for hair is an excellent product that eliminates problems and promotes growth, healing, and strengthening braids. They become shiny, well-groomed, silky, smooth. Dandruff, itching and irritation associated with its presence disappear.

  • Hair is enriched with valuable nutrients, comb well and shine beautifully.

Recall women of past centuries, with high ladies' hairstyles, and girls with shiny curls or thick long braids. But they used exclusively alternative means, first of all, nettles, and not shampoos-conditioners-conditioners that are fashionable today!

Some sources report that after the first application, the hair changes for the better. In fact, to obtain the desired result requires longer procedures. In addition to rinsing, nettle masks are effective, especially with the addition of vitamin and nutritional components.

Due to the use of nettle preparations, dandruff disappears, and sometimes the amount of gray hair is even reduced.

Weed, stinging and biting everyone who touches it - such is known to most of us nettles. But behind the sharp "character" and immunity lies a lot of good. The use of nettle for hair is a clear evidence of this. Rinsing or rubbing nettles perfectly copes with all the shortcomings inherent in the scalp. A little patience - and everyone can flaunt with a hairstyle that both friends and foes will envy.


To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Nettle from hair loss and growth" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.

Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.

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