
Face creams for winter

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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Our skin is very strong and elastic, it reliably protects the body from external factors. But it also needs care and protection, especially under extreme climatic conditions. Under their influence, the skin becomes red, flaky and cracked. Entire lines of cosmetics have been created, including creams for the face in winter. How to choose the right cosmetics for your skin?

What kind of face cream to use in winter?

The best advice on what face cream to use in winter can only be given by professionals. They are unanimous in what ingredients are undesirable in the composition of winter creams: these are petroleum jelly and glycerin, mineral oils, paraffin.

Winter cosmetics should not moisturize, because moisture in the cold crystallizes, that is, turns into micro-alkylines, and they traumatize the face, provoke redness and flaking. To prevent such phenomena, moisturizing should be carried out at home, in the evening, without going outdoors. Before going out, you should use a face cream for winter of enhanced nutrition.

  • The formulation must necessarily contain nourishing, vitamin, soothing, oily natural components. Their task is to protect the top layer from subzero temperatures, moisture loss, and weathered skin.

Ideal ingredients - citrus, karite, avocado, almond, cocoa, vitamins A, F, B, extracts of chamomile, aloe, olive, wheat germ, sage, calendula. Vaseline in its pure form, used in inexpensive cosmetics, can form a film that prevents the skin to breathe. But in combination with the above components will not cause harm, especially in the composition of lipstick, not a cream.

The texture is selected depending on individual characteristics. In any case, it is thicker than creams for summer. A good cream also prolongs the firmness of makeup, and a special care regimen provides prevention of skin problems in winter.

Indications Winter face creams

The skin has sufficient regulatory potential to resist hypothermia and overheating with the help of sebaceous and sweat glands. But too aggressive factors, including extreme temperatures, cause coarsening, flaking, hyperemia, couperosis. The presence of such problems is a direct indication for the use of winter cosmetics.

Creams for the face in winter also serve to prevent the above mentioned troubles. Face protection is necessary for dry, oily, combined skin, prone to allergies, thinning, reacting to cold irritants. Cosmetic protection is also obligatory after procedures in salons and offices.

Winter creams strengthen capillaries, restore the water-lipid barrier, increase the resistance of epidermal cells, soften the reaction to temperature contrasts. Preparations have been created that reduce skin sensitivity to cold, wind, dirt in the air.

Release form

Cosmetologists say that there is no unambiguous concept of "face cream for winter" and the products of different manufacturers with this name are very different. Therefore, the consumer should be very careful and when choosing should be guided by the composition, as well as the reliability of the brand. Popular srkedstva:

  • Nivea Universal;
  • La Rocher Nutritic Intense Rich;
  • Clinigue Comfort On Call;
  • Clarence Riche Desalterante;
  • Nourishing Biotherm;
  • Hydra Beauty Nutrition Chanel;
  • For youthful skin Rosa Arctica;
  • Dior's rejuvenating Capture Totale;
  • I`Occitane Ultra Nourishing Karité.
  • L'Oreal's "Luxury Nourishment";
  • Faberlic weatherproofing;
  • With Raspberry and Cocoa Skin;
  • Vichy Deep Action for very dry skin;
  • Avon Solutions Winter;
  • Belita-Vitex "Protection from cold and frost";
  • Protective Ziaja;
  • Oriflame Vitamin Care;
  • "Winter Care" by Biocon;
  • Faberlic Winter Weatherproof;
  • Dr. Nature's "Protective."
  • Winter Lirenne;
  • Cefine "Winter Care";
  • Bark Antistress;
  • "Winter Cream" Bird Cosmetics;
  • Dove "Nourishing."
  • Black Pearl Winter Care;
  • Johnson's Daytime Nourishing;
  • Skincode Exclusive's "Cellular Repair."
  • "Avon CARE's Unrivaled Comfort;
  • Garnier "Vital Moisturizing."
  • "Shiseido's Winter Skincare;
  • Moisturizing Natural Lacme;
  • Men's Trius.

Face cream for winter with moisturizer or nourishing cream

All creams, not only moisturizing creams, contain water in small doses. Two groups of substances are used for moisturizing: those that slow evaporation from the surface or those that attract moisture from the environment. Often in recipes include both types of components. So what is the best face cream for winter: moisturizing or nourishing?

Inappropriate cream is a frequent cause of dry skin, regardless of skin type and quality of cosmetics. In winter, the skin becomes drier, so in winter face creams should be dominated by nourishing and protective components. After all, on the street the skin needs protection from drying by cold, and in a dry room, instead of absorbing moisture from the air, the opposite begins: water is pulled out of the skin, which becomes even drier.

  • The hair, mucous membranes of the nose and respiratory organs also suffer, and immunity and performance are impaired. Sometimes it is enough to humidify the air to make all unpleasant symptoms disappear.

Questions arise regarding UV protection. Some sources say that such protection is necessary, because the winter sun, as well as the summer sun, also emits UV rays that lead to premature aging. Others remind that the lack of UV rays in winter is fraught with slowing down the synthesis of vitamin D, elastin and collagen, which also causes dryness and flabbiness. Perhaps we should look for a golden mean and use products with a low level of filters.

Face cream for winter for dry skin

Prepare your sleds in summer - says the folk wisdom, and this can be applied not only to sleds. Thinking in advance about a face cream for dry skin in winter to make the right choice does not hurt either. Because in winter, the skin suffers from climatic influences no less than in summer. How should such cosmetics act on the face?

A quality winter face cream for dry skin performs the following functions:

  • protects against severe temperature changes, icy winds;
  • prevents frostbite, peeling and weathered skin;
  • moisturizes and nourishes;
  • makes makeup resistant to atmospheric factors.

One of the main criteria is the composition. The formula should include nutrients, glycerin, hyaluronic acid, natural oils, vitamins, extracts of useful plants. Pay attention to the age category, time of application, consistency. Dense, oily preparations protect better. Only such a product will help the skin to survive the winter normally and not to depend on weather vagaries.

In addition, the cream must be applied correctly. Take into account that the greasy consistency is slower to absorb, so apply in advance: at least an hour before leaving home. And half an hour later, remove the residue. And never use it overnight.

You can make an effective winter cream yourself, but there are enough cosmetics of different price categories on sale: Thermal Vichy, New Zealand Living Nature, Turkish Intensive Nutritic, German Rosencreme, Biokon Winter Care, Belarusian Weather Protection, kold-cream Veleda.

Nourishing face cream for winter

In winter, the skin loses even more moisture than in summer. Under the influence of winter factors, the usual skin type sometimes changes. Therefore, a good nourishing face cream for winter is as essential as, say, toothpaste and a toothbrush. Look for the following ingredients in its formula:

  • spermaceti;
  • natural wax;
  • oils (shea, jojoba, grapeseed, avocado, olive);
  • glycerin;
  • lanolin;
  • vitamins A, E, C;
  • omega acids.

In a brief overview, let's familiarize ourselves with the following nutritious foods.

  • Clarins' exclusive winter face cream will appeal to women with very dry skin living in harsh climates and polluted environments. Hyaluronic acid complex with cataphray bark extract instantly eliminates irritation and tightness associated with dry skin.
  • The product from Doctor Natura based on Dead Sea minerals is created especially for the winter season. The cream cares, nourishes, restores the natural barrier, softens and protects the skin. The invisible film is able to effectively resist low temperatures and piercing winds, as well as winter ultraviolet light.

To avoid over-drying in winter, you should keep the air moisturized, do not overuse hot water, take baths with coconut oil, and lubricate your body with creams. In case of very dry skin, BB foundation creams are very useful.

Protective face cream for winter

What should do a protective cream for the face in winter, it is clear: to protect the exposed parts of the head from the cold, wind, sunlight. Inexpensive but high-quality products cope with the task normally.

Polish manufacturer Ziaja has created the preparation "Protective" - a face cream for winter and summer, suitable for both adults and children from 6 years old. It contains organic filters, lanolin, vitamins, coconut oil. Protective properties are manifested in the rest of the time, but in these seasons - especially bright. When applied, the substances increase softness and elasticity, moisturize and saturate the skin surface with lipids. Certain components form protection against ultraviolet light.

The product developed by Vitex moisturizes, cares, protects from cold and frost. The product is a part of the special line "Winter Care". The combination of ingredients prevents the aggression of climatic factors against the skin. Sesame, jojoba, shea butter, wax form a delicate shell capable of protecting the epidermis from the weather.

In Ukraine, a good "Zakhisnyi cream vid negody" for winter and summer brand White Mandarin is produced. This is an organic cosmetics of children's series, but the age for its use is not limited. The hypoallergenic formula, developed in a Ukrainian cosmetics laboratory, contains highly effective components for gentle care and protection of vulnerable children's skin. After all, the child is more sensitive to temperature fluctuations, the immature body is not able to fully regulate heat exchange. For this purpose, the appropriate ingredients have been introduced into the formulation. Mango seed oil moisturizes, rice bran wax heals and relieves irritation, wax anesthetizes and eliminates flaking. The cream perfectly eliminates dry heels and elbows, treats burns and cracks. It is used to protect both face and hands.

Day cream for the face in winter

Unlike summer creams, day creams for the face in winter perform not moisturizing, but protective functions. Protection, of course, from the weather, although full-fledged moisturizing and nutrition in winter are also necessary. Frost, wind, winter ultraviolet light so negatively affect the epidermis that normal skin becomes dry, and dry skin becomes desiccated. Oily can become mixed, and all this makes radical adjustments to the daily care of the face. Cream for the face in winter is selected individually, since there are no general rules for this.

  • In winter, one of two products is applied for the day - either a protective or a nourishing product. The difference is that the former protects the skin perfectly by means of a synthetic shell, while the latter saturates the skin with fats, which creates a natural barrier.

Both types take care of the face - soften the surface layer, eliminate irritation, prevent moisture reduction. It is recommended to moisturize the face only when staying at home.

To perform the above functions, plant oils, vitamin sets, beeswax, silicones, synthetic ingredients, panthenol are needed. Such a composition is able to both prevent damage and eliminate, if it has already happened. Effective preparations are produced by Christina, Avon (series "Winter Care"), Garnier, Biocon, Ginseng Pulanna, Vitex, Nivea, Libredem, "Rumy cheeks" Morozko.

Moisturizing face cream for winter

The skin needs not only nourishing, but also moisturizing face cream for winter. And it is clear why: frosty air on the street and heated by heating indoors negatively affect the skin, provoke inflammation, formation of flakes, even microcracks.

  • La Roche-Posay cosmetologists have come up with an innovative option: prebiotic care for the facial skin. This is a face cream for winter, which not only moisturizes, but also reduces skin sensitivity. It happens thanks to the famous thermal water, on which the brand's cosmetics are created.

Glycerin, ceramides, vitamin B3 - these active ingredients make up 83% of the mass; they effectively moisturize, soothe, increase the protective barrier against wind, room conditioning, dirty air. The remaining 17% serve for comfortable application of the product. The composition is so beneficial that it is recommended even for infants.

A good moisturizer should attract water molecules and retain moisture in epidermal cells. For this purpose, formulas include glycerin, hyaluronic acid, algae extracts, tamarind, base oils.

The specific composition depends on where you work and how you get there and back. It is clear that a long stay in the air requires increased facial protection. If you travel by car and spend a minimum of time outdoors, then winter care is not too different from summer care.

Baby face cream for winter

The tasks of the children's face cream for winter are to prevent damage to the delicate skin of babies. It can also be used by adults with sensitive skin. This kind of cosmetics is not washed off by rain and does not remain on clothes. For example, Weleda waterless protective balm has high nourishing and softening properties thanks to almond oil, lanolin, beeswax. The winter face cream of this brand forms a barrier free for air penetration, and organic extract of calendula has a soothing effect.

Protective products should be applied if the air temperature drops below 10 degrees. But if the child's skin reacts painfully to cold wind or other unpleasant factors, children's face cream for winter can be used already at zero.

If the skin is damaged, choose products with repairing or anti-inflammatory properties. In other cases, make sure that the composition does not contain polyethylene glycol or allergenic components. And pay attention to the age at which its use is recommended.

Rules for the use of creams:

  • Apply half an hour before going out so that it has time to absorb.
  • Preheat in the palms of your hands, spread with the pads of your fingers.
  • Application order - from nose to forehead, on temples, nasolabial folds, then cheeks and chin. Rub lightly, blot with a tissue.
  • After your face, rub it on your baby's hands.
  • In case of dryness and flaking, lubricate the sponges with a special balm.

Which face cream for wrinkles in winter

It is best to find out which face cream for wrinkles in winter, from a cosmetologist. A competent specialist will necessarily take into account not only the stated characteristics of the drug, but also the characteristics of your skin - age, individual, cosmetic.

Face cream for winter, designed for the prevention of wrinkles, contains in the formula several components of different action. It should protect against hypothermia, enrich with nutrients, vitamins, microelements, and also - not to shine and not leave unpleasant greasiness. Here is a brief overview of products that meet these requirements.

  • Darphin's smoothing Fibrogene: greasy but quickly absorbed; suitable under makeup, smells nice.

AGUASOURCE balm from Biotherm: contains apricot and rice oils, ideal for caring for dry, exhausted skin.

  • Clarins Riche Desalterante: Arctic cloudberry oils and fatty acids effectively protect against dryness and flaking.

"The luxury of nourishment" cream-oil from L'Oreal: 8 essential oils combined into a nourishing cocktail that gives the skin moisture, rejuvenation, prevents inflammation and redness.

  • Nutrilogie 1 from Vichy: recommended for both young people with dry skin and women with age-related problems; the famous thermal water, oils, glycerin give all-day smoothness.

KIENL`S: intensively saturates with nourishing and moisturizing ingredients, protects against the weather even in extreme conditions.

  • Nourishing from Himalaya Herbals: it is characterized by high quality at a low cost; the effect is provided by plant extracts, including Centella asiatica, known for its anti-wrinkle effect.


The pharmacodynamics of winter facial creams have not been described.


The pharmacokinetics of winter facial creams have not been described.

Dosing and administration

In order for a face cream for winter to perform the promised functions, you need to apply it as intended. In some cases, the alleged ineffectiveness is due only to violations of the method of application and doses of cosmetic preparations.

Cosmetologists emphasize that it is correct to apply winter cream an hour before leaving the room, so that it has time to absorb to correct the tasks. The amount is a standard "pea". What is not absorbed, remove with a napkin. Oily skin requires a non-greasy texture and vice versa: dry skin requires a greasy texture. Fats act as a warming factor.

After returning home, you should wash and moisturize your face so that the skin is cleansed from the shell and breathes again. To avoid clogging of pores and the formation of redness, winter cream should not be applied overnight.

  • During the heating season it is desirable to moisturize the air in the bedroom and working rooms, and wash not tap water, but infusion of green tea.

Winter products cope well with the functions of makeup base. In the evening, be sure to rinse off and apply a regular cream according to your skin type. Otherwise, the protective film will prevent cells from regenerating during sleep.

Use Winter face creams during pregnancy

Due to hormonal changes, the use of care cosmetics during pregnancy is not only justified, but also necessary. After all, most women have to constantly maintain the strength of nails, hair beauty, normal skin condition. Such procedures also act psychologically - improve well-being and mood.

  • Cream for the face in winter is necessary primarily for dry skin. Preference - natural industrial or home remedies, prepared with fatty sour cream, cream, eggs, olive oil. It should be remembered that some components may be harmful to the expectant mother.

Oily skin is better protected than dry skin, but it is not problem-free either. Pimples and acne are especially bothersome. It is not recommended to use special creams in pregnancy, especially those containing salicylic acid, retinorides, parabens. Use anti-inflammatory cosmetics or prepare homemade - with sage, calendula, chamomile, plantain.

Protect not only your face, but also your hands with weather creams, and cover your lips with lipstick. Popular brands producing products for expectant mothers are Mama Comfort, Weleda, Chicco, Helan Linea Mamma. It is not worth experimenting during the period of carrying a child without extreme necessity, it is better to use proven products, avoiding strong and dangerous for the fetus components.


The use of face creams in winter is necessary to protect the skin from the unfavorable effects of weather factors. The main contraindications to use - individual sensitivity, skin pathologies and injuries, application of other cosmetic or pharmaceutical preparations.

Side effects Winter face creams

Among the side effects are possible allergic reactions, swelling. Face cream for winter should not be left on the skin for a long time, including overnight. Use cosmetic wipes to remove unabsorbed residues.


Exceeding the doses can be harmful if there are potent ingredients in cosmetics. Winter face creams do not usually contain such substances. This may be why no overdose cases have been reported.

Interactions with other drugs

Undesirable interaction with other drugs can occur if the face cream for winter is used simultaneously with active substances - ointments, other drugs. More specifically, such interaction is not studied.

Storage conditions

The best storage for face creams in winter is a cool, dry place, but not a grocery fridge or a ladies purse. A small lockable bedroom cabinet with mini containers is ideal. Or a special refrigerated bag for cosmetics.

For better preservation, do not discard the gasket, which serves as an additional protection against dust, oxygen, microorganisms. Use a spatula to apply or use packages with a dispenser. It is not for nothing that the manufacturer equips the products with these products.

Shelf life

Shelf life of unopened packages is from 30 months to 3 years. Specific dates depend on the composition, their manufacturers indicate on the packaging. The fact that the face cream should be discarded in winter is indicated by changes in its consistency, smell, color.


Good reviews are written about inexpensive Belarusian face creams for winter, in particular, Bielita-Vitex "Winter Care" (Protection from cold and frost), protective SPF 20 of Polish production, "Winter Care from cold" from Biocon. The classics do not lose relevance: Nivea with a winter pattern on the packaging shows universal action in winter weather conditions, winning new generations of admirers.

Rating of the best creams for winter for the face

The ratings of the best creams for winter for the face take into account the composition and quality of ingredients, effectiveness, popularity of the brand, cost, user reviews. Cosmetics for winter are characterized by thick, greasy, vitaminized composition.

Imported winter face creams can be lined up in this order:

  • On La Roche Posay thermal water;
  • Super saturated from Swiss Line;
  • For sensitive skin from Clinique;
  • OLAY's "Winter Defense" nightly;
  • Estee Lauder Care Lotion.

In the selection of the best products of different price categories: matting cream-sorbet "Vital moisturizing" from Garnier, nourishing Million Dollar Moisturiser from Lush, universal moisturizing from Nivea, nourishing from Biotherm, "Shine of Youth" from Mathis, luxury for extreme conditions from Sisley, Winter from Lirene, "Luxury of Nutrition" from L`Oreal, Nutrilogie 1 from Vichy, For sensitive skin from AA Therape.

Winter did not take Ukrainian cosmetics manufacturers by surprise. More than 10 brands have cosmetics for winter in their arsenal.

  • Tsukerka produces a mousse that moisturizes and nourishes the face, dry areas of elbows and heels. The product is also used for shaving legs.
  • To protect your face from the cold, EcoVego offers handmade products made with herbs, infusions, fruits, and oil blends.
  • PeNa cosmetics are valued for their natural ingredients - plant extracts and essential oils. The same applies to herbal cosmetics of the Beautiful you brand.
  • Shaka, a young brand, makes handmade products based on author's formulas.
  • Ambra, which started with soap, has now also expanded its assortment, including protective and care products. The cream with vitamins and d-panthenol, which has anti-inflammatory, restorative and soothing effect, is able to take a worthy place in the ratings.
  • Svija uses mild botanical ingredients to protect and care for the face.
  • The YAKA brand, which offers several ranges, recommends shea butter cream and face cream for winter.

Frost on the street, dryness indoors - such conditions are not the best for the skin of the face. But there is a way out: special care and creams for the face in winter. The cosmetic market offers a wide range of products of suitable quality and price category, among which there is sure to be yours.


To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug " Face creams for winter" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.

Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.

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