
Food - Top 100

Gastritis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach, which, with a prolonged course, is accompanied by its dystrophic changes. They are included in the violation of regeneration of the cells of the epithelium, their atrophy, the appearance of fibrous tissue.
Fresh fruits and berries, as sources of natural vitamins, are always welcome on our table. It would seem, eat and enjoy. But is always juicy sour-sweet fruit beneficial? Whether it is possible to regale berries at a gastritis with the raised or increased acidity?
As a child, many people liked to gnaw leaflets or a cabbage-stalk, like a well-known gray hare. And the parents at the same time also kindled the appetite, telling about how useful this delicious and juicy vegetable consisting of one hundred clothes without fasteners.
In everyday speech, the phrase "good immunity" or "weak immunity" is often found. Under the word "immunity" people understand something that protects us from various diseases: viruses, bacteria, infections, etc.
Pancreatitis, or inflammation of the pancreas, which produces important digestive enzymes, is considered a disease of people with improper diet and diet, as well as those who abuse alcohol.
Many people like Persimmon - the taste of this fruit is tender and unobtrusive, incomparable to any other berry. In addition to taste, persimmon is also very useful: it has few calories, but many valuable microelements and vitamins.
Compliance with diet is an important condition, without which it is impossible to recover from diseases of the digestive system. Not an exception and pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas.
Blueberries are popularly known as a panacea for all diseases. In the season of her ripening, many berry-ducks flock to the forests in order to collect and saturate with vitamins, to stock up for the winter.
Among the products allowed for gastritis, bananas occupy an honorable place. This is the only fruit permitted for all forms of gastritis and ulcer.
Competent changes in diet are the basis for the prompt cure of acute pancreatitis. With chronic pancreatitis, a properly formulated diet helps to minimize the likelihood of an exacerbation of the disease.


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