Fruits with gastritis with high acidity
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Gastritis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach, which, with a prolonged course, is accompanied by its dystrophic changes. They are included in the violation of regeneration of the cells of the epithelium, their atrophy, the appearance of fibrous tissue. This leads to a violation of the secretory function of the stomach. One of such pathologies is gastritis with high acidity or hyperacidity. Elevated levels of hydrochloric acid in the stomach - the determining factor in the formulation of such a diagnosis. It promotes the processing of food that has got into the stomach, the normal functioning of all organs depends on this. To eliminate inflammation, medical treatment is required, as well as adherence to a certain diet, which will lead to an emollient and enveloping effect. Is there a place for fruit with gastritis with high acidity in this menu?
Fruits are the source of many vitamins and microelements needed by the body, but at the same time they have organic acids and essential oils, which are a strong causative agent and irritant of the secretory activity of the stomach. How not to harm yourself, but not to bring up vitamin deficiency? There is no single indication for the use of all fruits in bulk. Including one or the other in your diet, you need to familiarize yourself with its effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, so as not to cause exacerbation.
A competent approach to the selection of fruits with gastritis with increased acidity will benefit the body, replenish it with the necessary vitamins and trace elements, help restore the mucous membrane, normalizes bowel function. Organic acids contained in fruits maintain acid-base balance, improve the metabolic processes of the body. All pathogenic microbes multiply better in an acidic environment, and the role of organic acids is its alkalinization. Alkaline environment helps to strengthen immunity, chemical reactions, cell work. The benefit or harm of a specific fruit must be determined separately, based on its properties in raw form or processed, heat treatment. Consider a number of fruits available to our consumer, and their compatibility with the diagnosis of gastritis with increased acidity.
What can and what can not?
Consider a number of fruits available to our consumer, and their compatibility with the diagnosis of gastritis with increased acidity.
Bananas are fruits containing many useful substances: calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin B1, B2, B3, beta-carotene, lysine, tryptophan, methionine, ascorbic acid.
Because of the starch content, they have an enveloping and softening effect, so do not harm with any gastritis. The only caveat is to avoid overeating.
Persimmon is rich in beta-carotene, bioflavonoids, iodine, iron, magnesium, potassium.
You need to eat only a ripe bright orange fruit. Immature, with astringent taste can lead to disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
Apples are a real storehouse of vitamins and microelements (A, C, E, K, B group, iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, copper, etc.), but unfortunately, in raw form are not very suitable for gastritis with high acidity .
In the absence of exacerbations, you can eat a sweet apple, peeling it off, and it is better to apply heat treatment to acid grades. There are many recipes for the preparation of apple jellies, purees, compotes with the addition of sugar, honey. Very useful baked apples. They do not cause fermentation in the intestines, so they are present in the recommendations for feeding young children, in nutrition during the postoperative period, for eliminating dysbacteriosis, for lowering cholesterol. In addition, baked apples are also a delicious dessert, if you use honey, cinnamon when baking.
Studying the useful properties of the pomegranate, you are amazed by the spectrum of its useful properties: hematopoietic, strengthening the walls of blood vessels, the nervous system. And all thanks to a lot of vitamins, minerals, trace elements.
The amino acids alone, from which protein is synthesized, are as many as 15 pieces. But not in the case of gastritis with high acidity. At this disease there is a pomegranate categorically it is impossible. You can carefully take the juice, diluted with water.
This fruit is also rich in organic acids, pectins, carotenes, vitamins, flavonoids.
Lemon is recommended for a variety of diseases, including diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. But with increased acidity of the stomach, its application can lead to even more irritation of the mucosa, so it is better to abstain, except during the period of remission to afford a small slice in the tea.
Kiwi fruit is a fruit that was bred by selection from a wild plant in the early twentieth century in New Zealand, and on our counters was not so long ago. He fell in love for his taste, reminiscent of a little strawberries, a little melon, gooseberries, banana, pineapple.
It contains a rich content of iodine, potassium, vitamins, micro- and macro elements. Due to the content of fruit acids, it is not necessary to abuse the fruit very much, but several fruits after eating will not harm.
Mandarins - citrus, which in its composition contains many elements of the periodic table, as well as vitamins, essential oils, organic acids. The latter elements are the factor that is undesirable in the case of increased acidity, because can lead to an even greater content of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
There are both acid varieties of mandarin, and sweet. A few sweet fruits after eating as a dessert will not do much harm.
Pear is a delicious fruit, the nutritional value of which consists of vitamins, microelements, fatty acids contained in it.
It has an antibacterial effect, but in its structure it consists of coarse dietary fiber, which can injure the inflamed mucosa. Therefore, with gastritis with high acidity, it is not worth eating this fruit much and better not on an empty stomach.
Avocado not so long ago appeared in the recipes of dishes, but quickly conquers the tastes of gourmets. It is rich in vitamins, including vitamin E, minerals, but the peel and bone of the fetus contains peroxide toxin, dangerous to humans.
Avocados are given healing properties, especially oil, and recommended for gastritis and even ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.
Grapes are famous for their taste, food, medicinal properties. In addition to many vitamins, minerals, organic acids in its composition has sugar in the form of glucose. Table grapes and juices from it have bactericidal, antistress, antioxidant qualities, excrete radionuclides, salts of heavy metals.
However, in the process of digestion, it causes fermentation, so with increased acidity, the consumption of grapes must be limited.
The fig is a very ancient plant, the fruits of which are sweet and pleasant to the taste. Paradoxically, the dried figs contain more protein, glucose, fructose than fresh. He is also rich in vitamins A, C, Group B. In terms of potassium content, he is advancing only nuts, and the iron in him is more than in apples.
But, unfortunately, because of the rough skin and dense structure with gastritis, it is not recommended. It is better to prepare a compote of dried fruits, including figs, then its nutrients can get into the body.
A pineapple
Pineapple contains biologically active substances, which makes it a valuable food. However, it contains a lot of bromelin and papain - enzymes that destroy proteins. Therefore, with problems of the digestive system, the use of pineapple is advised to restrict.
With increased acidity, it is possible to allow the inclusion of fresh fruits in your diet. They have an alkaline environment and neutralize the effect of acid on the gastric mucosa.
Grapefruit is characterized by antioxidant properties, lowers cholesterol in the blood. Rich in potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, contains a large amount of ascorbic acid. The latter makes it unsuitable for gastritis with high acidity.
The fruits of feijoa have not yet become so widespread as, say, kiwi. The great fleshiness of the berries and the delicate aroma that combines the aroma of strawberries, pineapple, and kiwi is of interest to cooks and is used in salads, compotes, for making jams and jams. A large content of iodine, organic acids, sugars makes the fetus a dietary product and is recommended for gastritis, ulcers, colitis.
Plum is famous not only for its good taste qualities, but also for its abundance of useful substances: trace elements (potassium, calcium, sodium, copper, sodium, phosphorus, iodine, etc.); vitamins: E, A, C, group B; organic acids.
Many of its properties are not lost during processing. This makes it possible to use the fetus for medicinal purposes, including for the restoration of the acid-base balance of the body, with certain diseases of the intestine, liver. In case of increased acidity, it is not necessary to abuse plums, but ripe and sweet varieties in a small amount will not cause harm to health. Kissels and diluted juices from plums do not deprive the pleasure of using their favorite product in their menu.
Contraindications for the use of fresh fruits with increased acidity is the fact of an exacerbation of the disease. Acute gastritis excludes fruit in its raw form in order to reduce stimulation of hydrochloric acid production and further damage to the walls of the stomach. Sweet fruits that have been heat-treated and crushed (baked apples, jelly, kissels, mousses) can also be used for acute gastritis.
Possible risks
In gastritis with high acidity, acidic fruits with a high content of organic acids, fiber, with unlimited intake, without taking into account the time of reception (before or after eating) can cause harm. Observing all the above information about the properties and peculiarities of the influence on the gastric mucosa of the basic fruits available to us in our climatic zone, a compromise can be reached between the harm of the fruit and the desire to eat it.