
Cabbage for pancreatitis: sauerkraut, seafood, cauliflower, Beijing, stewed, Brussels sprouts

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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As a child, many people liked to gnaw leaflets or a cabbage-stalk, like a well-known gray hare. And the parents at the same time also kindled the appetite, telling about how useful this delicious and juicy vegetable consisting of one hundred clothes without fasteners. With this understanding, we come to adulthood, where unexpectedly it encounters that cabbage can be not only useful, but harmful in some pathologies of the digestive tract, for example, in pancreatitis, gastritis with high acidity, stomach ulcer, etc. So what? Now, to give up a useful treat?

What do we refuse, except cabbage from our diet?

Cabbage is a universal vegetable that has fairly won great popularity among us in the country, because it can be consumed in fresh, boiled, fried, stewed, pickled and marinated. Cabbage can be served as an independent dish (for example, the attributes of any holiday - stewed and sauerkraut) or add to other equally tasty dishes. Is it possible to imagine without Ukrainian cabbage Ukrainian borsch or cabbage? And what are the favorite cabbage rolls or pies (pies)?

Cabbage is considered a rich source of vitamin C, which strengthens our immunity and helps fight many diseases. And the above-mentioned vitamin is in equal quantities in fresh and in a sour vegetable. Even our grandmothers knew: you want to preserve the useful properties of cabbage for a long time - ferment it, so vitamin C and others will not break down over time with prolonged storage of the vegetable.

Cabbage is the richest source of such microelements, as potassium, phosphorus and calcium, which are necessary for blood vessels, bones and health of the whole organism.

The juice of cabbage has found its application in cosmetology as a rejuvenating and smoothing wrinkle remedy. Useful cabbage juice is considered for the skin, and for hair, teeth, nails.

They say that cabbage can even inhibit the development of cancerous tumors.

A small amount of carbohydrates makes this low-calorie vegetable useful for obesity and diabetes, and a large amount of fiber contributes to an effective, without the use of medicines, improving digestion in many pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is a pity, with pancreatitis cabbage can quickly move from the "useful" category to the list of banned products. And this applies to both fresh cabbage and canned cabbage. But the sauerkraut is in no way inferior in freshness to the vitamin and mineral composition, and besides it has antibacterial and purifying properties in relation to the intestine.

So what happens if the pancreas is inflamed and the cabbage is banned? Or maybe there are certain kinds of cabbage (we after all considered only the usual white-collared habit), and the ways of its preparation, which will allow us to use such a valuable dietary vegetable, even with pancreatitis?

Opinion of doctors and nutritionists

If you approach the question of whether it is possible to eat cabbage with pancreatitis, professionally, then it is unlikely to answer it unambiguously. We are accustomed to the word "cabbage" to understand the growing, almost in every garden, white-garment variety of a healthy vegetable. But there are also other varieties of cabbage, which have different taste qualities and properties. Beijing Brussels, broccoli, colored, kohlrabi, red cabbage are all less popular but no less useful varieties of vegetables, familiar to us from childhood through pictures of bunnies and goats, who really "respect" this delicacy. Perhaps, hence the association of the word "cabbage" with its white-rooted variety has gone.

Healthy eating cabbage will only benefit and it does not matter which cabbage varieties were used in the dishes. And here, with pancreatitis, when an acute or even chronic inflammation of the pancreatic mucosa occurs in the body, an irresponsible approach to the use of certain products, including cabbage, can provoke a relapse of the disease and aggravate an already unenviable situation. After all, the pancreatic insufficiency associated with pancreatitis is the direct way to a more unpleasant disease, called diabetes mellitus.

Treatment of pancreatitis, especially its exacerbations, is primarily a diet with many restrictions, including fresh cabbage. But there is nothing said about other types of cabbage, as well as methods of cooking different varieties of this vegetable. Perhaps not all is lost, taking into account the variety of varieties and ways of cooking cabbage.

So, what kind of cabbage can you eat with pancreatitis, so that the organism could benefit only?

Benefits and harm of different varieties of cabbage in pancreatitis

Doctors, nutritionists say that in the diet of patients with pancreatitis can safely include such types of cabbage, as Brussels and color. Especially when you consider that the cabbage varieties are not used in fresh form.

As we remember, a diet with pancreatitis does not exclude the heat treatment of foods. Those. Vegetables for the diet menu can be boiled, steamed, baked and cooked. All these methods of preparation are perfect for color and Brussels sprouts.

Brussels sprouts, which are not forbidden to use in pancreatitis, which is characterized by the miniature size of the baby, is in no way inferior to its white-collared kinsman. And in terms of the content of cellulose, B vitamins, phyloquinone, the plant proteins and carbohydrates necessary to the body even surpasses it.

This subspecies of cabbage does not irritate the stomach and pancreas mucosa, but rather has a calming effect on it. Using Brussels sprouts in a stewed state, patients with pancreatitis promote better digestion and improve immunity of their body. Additional benefit from Brussels sprouts will be those who also have pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

Cauliflower with pancreatitis is considered the most preferable. Low caloric content, tender, easily digestible fiber structure, low fiber content is all that is needed for dietary nutrition in pancreatitis.

Being a native of Cyprus, cauliflower contains twice as much vitamins and protein as its native counterpart. The use of this kind of cabbage promotes the activation of the digestive tract and the normalization of the acidity of the stomach. Cauliflower effectively fights against such delicate symptoms as constipation, stimulates the production of nutrients in the body, removes harmful toxins for it.

In pancreatitis, cooking and quenching for a short time are considered to be the most preferred forms of product treatment before consumption. Otherwise, some of the nutrients from cabbage can be lost during prolonged heat treatment.

Peking cabbage (also Chinese), the use of which is also tolerated in pancreatitis, is a little more similar to the white-on externally, but differs from it in taste. It is appreciated for the high content of pectin, proteins and carbohydrates, as well as vitamins PP, B1 and B2.

The high fiber content in this vegetable is not a hindrance, as it is soft and tender in the Peking cabbage, and therefore can not irritate the mucous like the coarse fiber of white cabbage.

And yet, with acute pancreatitis, this type of cabbage will have to be abandoned, which can not be said about chronic pancreatitis during periods of remission, when it is quite possible to eat Peking cabbage stewed with, for example, zucchini and fresh fragrant greens.

By the way, during periods of remission with pancreatitis, a small amount of fresh Chinese cabbage is allowed, which is characterized by a greater content of nutrients than the one that has undergone heat treatment. The main thing is not to overdo it, because caution does not hurt with respect to the Chinese cabbage.

Broccoli, rich in choline and methionine, vegetable proteins, microelements necessary for the body (K, P, Ca, Mg) and vitamins (A, C, PP, B vitamins) also have a positive effect on the pancreas, which means it can be used when pancreatitis. A chlorophyll in the cabbage even has a protective effect, protecting the mucosa from the negative effects of pancreatic enzymes.

Nevertheless, caution also does not hurt here, because broccoli can cause colic and dyspepsia in the digestive tract, therefore, as an independent dish in pancreatitis it should not be used, despite the thermal treatment.

It is best to turn the broccoli with a blender in puree to use it as a nutritional supplement to various dishes (casseroles, soups, stews) or to eat after such vegetables as potatoes or pumpkin.

Red cabbage   has a lot of useful and even healing properties, but still with pancreatitis its use is considered no less dangerous than fresh white-headed cabbage. And the reason for this again is the coarse fiber, exacerbating the painful condition of the pancreas.

Cabbage kohlrabi is considered not a very popular vegetable because of its strange appearance, and although it tastes more tender than white or red, but with pancreatitis also falls into the category of taboo.

Kohlrabi and red cabbage with inflammation of the pancreas can still be consumed in small amounts, but only after they have been subjected to heat treatment.

Many people are confused by the color of red cabbage, which becomes purple when cooking or quenching. In this there is nothing to worry about, the vegetable is still useful if it is not subjected to heat treatment for a long time. But on the other hand, this harsh product is not very suitable for a pancreatic patient. It can be consumed only during periods of persistent improvement in the state, and, of course, in severely limited quantities.

But fiber in kohlrabi is more gentle and after heat treatment it is easy with the help of a blender to become easily digestible and delicious dietary puree. Such a dish can sometimes be pampered even with pancreatitis.

By the way, in a conversation about dietary nutrition in pancreatitis it would be appropriate to mention such a very useful, but, unfortunately, not everyone's favorite, delicacy like sea kale. You ask, and what does the sea kale, which cabbage is not? Yes, it's just seaweed - kelp, but their useful properties are not known unless small children.

And since the conversation turned to cabbage and its use in pancreatitis, it should be said that nutritionists consider the use of sea cabbage for this pathology not only harmless, but even incredibly useful.

Let's figure out what seafood really is and why it should not be abandoned in case of pancreatic diseases, as many patients who are accustomed to seeing sea kale in either a sausage or Korean style with spicy seasonings do. Of course, it's better to forget about such treats for pancreatitis. But after all, no one interferes with the purchase of fresh sea kale and prepare it, for example, steamed or boiled. This dish is suitable for patients with chronic pancreatitis, and in acute stages of the disease.

And after all, how much benefit for the body, and pancreas in particular! After all, sea kale is a deposit of useful minerals. The potassium, calcium and phosphorus, present in other cabbage types, are supplemented with other necessary microelements: magnesium, sodium, iron, manganese, iodine. And plus the nickel and cobalt, which are irreplaceable for the pancreas, which are not present in all products, but their deficiency leads to an exacerbation of pancreatitis and its transition to diabetes mellitus.

No less diverse and vitamin composition of sea kale. Beta-carotene, vitamins A, C, PP plus vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B6 and B9) - this is what a resident of the seas of a kelp can boast of.

If someone has doubts about the irritating effect on the gastric mucosa and pancreas of the essential oils of sea kale, then it must be said that the heat treatment neutralizes them, without affecting other valuable substances in the kelp.

In chronic pancreatitis, nutritionists recommend that you include laminaria in the weekly menu. Within a week, patients need to eat 100 to 300 g of sea kale, which will prevent relapse of the disease.

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White cabbage and how to cook it

Alas, the usual cabbage for us and the white cabbage, which has become so popular since childhood, is not included in the products useful for pancreatitis. But this does not mean that from such a valuable, popular and inexpensive vegetable it is worth to give up altogether.

Yes, we will not argue that the danger of white cabbage is a large amount of fairly rough fiber, for the digestion of which requires the production of a sufficient number of digestive enzymes, which is impossible with pancreatitis. Undigested fiber in turn provokes the appearance of dyspeptic phenomena, such as bloating and increased gas formation, increases the level of acidity in the stomach, which leads to a worsening of patients with pathologies of the pancreas.

In acute pancreatitis and during periods of exacerbation of the chronic course of the disease, the most unsuitable vegetable dishes on the table will be fresh or fermented cabbage. By the way, fresh cabbage is not recommended for any pancreatic diseases associated with enzyme deficiency. As mentioned above, other types of cabbage are recommended to be heat treated, not to mention the white-bellied, the most dangerous for the pancreas because of the coarse fiber contained in it and the essential oils that irritate the mucous membranes.

As for sauerkraut in any of its performances, which seems more tender than raw, then pancreatitis will also have to be forgotten. To be more precise, this method of cooking cabbage is not suitable for the inflamed pancreas. All the same fiber in combination with acid irritates an already inflamed mucous organ, causing nausea and disruption of the intestine, which is typical for exacerbations of pancreatitis.

What happens? It seems to be useful in all respects, a product that stimulates the secretory function and improves digestion, and suddenly turns out to be dangerous? Strange as it may seem, yes. And the problem is that acidic cabbage, which is acidic due to organic acids, stimulating the secretion of gastric juice and pancreatic enzymes, only irritates the inflamed mucosa of the pancreas, which is observed in pancreatitis.

And the salt, without which the cabbage does not ferment, does not play the best role. Sauerkraut is actually salty enough to cause mucosal edema in pancreatitis (and all thanks to the salt's ability to attract water) and to increase pain.

Stop, but there are other ways of cooking vegetables. Fried dishes, we will discard immediately, as they fall under the ban on inflammation of the mucosa of the pancreas. But boiled cabbage with pancreatitis in limited quantities will not cause harm. The only condition is the gradual introduction of the boiled vegetable into the patient's diet and only during the remission period. First in the composition of liquid dishes, and then as a second course.

As an independent dish cabbage with pancreatitis should not be used, except that the patient's condition allows it, and there are no negative reactions. It is better to add it to stew, omelettes, soup-mash, casseroles, but in limited quantities (from 50 to 70 g per day). It is always necessary to monitor the patient's condition.

Stewed cabbage is also not a prohibited dish in pancreatitis, because such processing of vegetables is quite acceptable. Thus, cabbage loses irritating mucous essential oils, acquires a more gentle structure and is easier to digest. But again, special care is needed. Obligatory conditions are the gradual introduction of stewed cabbage into the patient's diet and its use only in periods of persistent remission.

Especially it is necessary to stop on cabbage juice, after all at many pathologies GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT it is considered useful and even medical. But, alas, not with pancreatitis. Especially if the disease has an acute course, or it is characterized by frequent relapses. It is better, if the stomach condition allows, to include in your diet a small amount of sauerkraut juice, which will not harm the remission of the disease, but replenish the body with useful vitamins and microelements.

In the pharmaceutical industry, sauerkraut juice is used to make enzyme preparations effective for pancreatitis.

Recipes for cooking cabbage in pancreatitis

We have already mentioned that the use of any kind of cabbage in its raw form in pancreatitis is considered undesirable. But heat-treated vegetables are not always well absorbed in enzyme deficiency. To facilitate the work of the stomach and pancreas, it is best to cook any vegetables first, put out or bake in the oven, and then rub through a sieve or grind with a blender.

With pancreatitis, it is better to take cabbage in combination with other vegetables to make mashed potatoes. So you can diversify your table by adding cabbage in puree from potatoes, carrots, pumpkins, zucchini.

During periods of well-being, vegetables are not necessarily mashed during mashing. It is good enough to chew food.

Consider a few recipes that clearly show how you can cook cabbage (its various types) in pancreatitis.

Omelet from Brussels sprouts

We need : 100-150 g cabbage cabbage, 2 eggs (squirrels), a quarter of a glass of milk, about 5 g of butter, some cheese of hard varieties, crushed on a large grater, a pinch of freshly loved greenery, salt.

Kochanchiki brussels sprouts carefully mine, boil until cooked in salted water, leave to drain. In the meantime, whisk the proteins, add milk and salt to them, continue to whisk until a strong foam forms.

We put the dried cabbage inflorescences on a frying pan previously lubricated with butter. If desired, kochanchiki can be cut in two, putting it on the pan with a cut down. Fill the cabbage with milk and egg mixture and put in the oven. Omelette can be sprinkled with cheese even before being baked, or after it hardens slightly. Shredded greens spread on the finished dish as a delicious decoration.

This recipe is quite versatile. Instead of Brussels sprouts, it can use cauliflower or broccoli.

And this recipe is for those who do not know how to cook Peking cabbage so that it can be eaten by patients with pancreatitis. And this is not just a recipe, but an easy option for a delicious borsch, a favorite dish of our compatriots.

Borscht from Chinese cabbage and beet tops

We need : 200-250 grams of chopped Peking cabbage, young beetroots 1 beet, quarter zucchini, 1 carrot, tomato and sweet pepper, 2 small onions, about 100 grams of celery stems, 10 grams lean oil, fresh or dried herbs, salt.

Pour into the pan about 2 liters of water, salt and put it on the fire. When the water boils, we add cabbage, shredded beetroots, zucchini, cut into slices or cubes, sweet pepper with straws or large chunks (as one likes).

Meanwhile, we are preparing a borsch refueling, but not ordinary from tomato and fried onions with carrots, but special dietary. For its preparation in a frying pan with butter, add crushed onions, celery and carrots, add the chopped tomato and a little water. Vegetables are blown and added to the pan with borsch. Cook until the cabbage is soft, then remove from heat and let the borscht infuse with the lid closed.

And this recipe for gourmets, who love dishes that require a creative approach already known varieties of dishes.

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Casserole from broccoli and carrots

We need : 250-300 g of broccoli, washed and disassembled on the inflorescence, one small washed carrot (about 50 g), 4 medium eggs, 1-2 tbsp. L. Milk, 1 tbsp. L. Fatty sour cream (preferably 21% fat content). Still useful about 5 g of butter, ground biscuits (white in the amount of 30 grams), a little hard cheese.

Cabbage should be boiled for 15-20 minutes (do not forget to salt water), drain water and cut into small pieces. Carrots need to be cooked entirely until ready, then peel and grate.

Separating the proteins from the yolks, whisk them with milk in a strong foam, and yolks meanwhile rubbed with sour cream. Mix the yolk mixture with vegetables, after which carefully introduce proteins. Once again, mix and pour the composition onto a frying pan or baking tray, pre-lubricated with oil.

Top with casserole sprinkled with crumbs and grated cheese, after which it can be sent to a preheated oven. After 10-12 minutes, the dish can be taken out and served on the table.

You can serve, but you can not eat. With any gastrointestinal disease, food should be eaten in a warm form, so the casserole will need to cool slightly before you start tasting it.

By the way, the casserole is unlikely to succumb to the taste of the above, if instead of broccoli to use her relative - cauliflower.

But what about all the beloved and respected white cabbage? Let's suggest the recipe and its preparation, which is useful in the remission of pancreatitis.

The most delicate cabbage in milk

We need : a small fork of cabbage, ½ cup of milk, a third of a glass of any vegetable oil (can be replaced by a quarter of a standard pack of creamy), half a teaspoon of salt.

Cabbage shred and brawn on vegetable or butter for 10 minutes, then pour in the milk and cook until soft.

This dish is very easy to prepare from a minimum set of products, and you can eat it both in its original form and in the form of puree (the finished dish is ground with a blender). Salted cabbage in milk becomes tender and much easier to digest in the stomach, especially without loading the pancreas.

As for sea kale, the most useful for pancreatitis, it can be added to any salads, omelets, casseroles, soups in stew or boiled form in different amounts, giving the dishes a new flavor.

As you can see, if desired and with a creative approach, even the simplest dietary dishes can be turned into delicious dishes.

Dishes from cauliflower with pancreatitis

That's where there is fantasy in making up the dietary menu, because cauliflower is considered not only one of the permitted for pancreatitis, but also unusually tasty. Adding it even in ordinary potato soup, you get an unusual, but incredibly pleasant taste of the usual dish. Such a soup is as tasty as with meat, and without it.

Light soup made from cauliflower, useful in pancreatitis, can be prepared without the addition of potatoes. It is enough to extinguish the cabbage divided into inflorescences in salted water. Separately put out the chopped onions and carrots. Combine cabbage and vegetables, dissolve everything with boiled hot water (you can use a decoction of any vegetables), add to taste and allow to boil. As a dressing for soup we use butter. When serving, sprinkle with finely chopped fresh herbs.

Another dish for every day with pancreatitis and other gastrointestinal diseases is cream soup made from cauliflower. For its preparation we will need: 300 grams of separated inflorescences of cabbage and broth from vegetables (you can take boiled water), 10 grams of wheat flour and butter, 1 tsp. Any sour cream, fresh herbs and salt to taste.

Prepared cabbage inflorescences stew until soft with the addition of a sufficient amount of vegetable decoction or water, then grind it through a sieve or grind in a blender. Meanwhile, the sauce is prepared: the flour is roasted without oil to a light cream shade and bred with the remaining broth. The composition is boiled and filtered.

Now mix cabbage puree and sauce, add to them sour cream and melted butter. All mixed and before serving, sprinkle with greens, which is used as an ornament and an additional source of useful substances for the body.

The soup-puree from cauliflower has such a gentle consistency and soft pleasant taste that it will be tried by those who have everything right with the gastrointestinal tract.

And how attractive for the stomach is the casserole from cauliflower and crackers, prepared according to the recipe described above. A light and tasty, beautifully decorated dish will help to diversify even the festive table, and a person diagnosed with pancreatitis will not feel at home on a holiday.

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