Blueberries to improve and restore vision
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Blueberries are popularly known as a panacea for all diseases. In the season of her ripening, many berry-ducks flock to the forests in order to collect and saturate with vitamins, to stock up for the winter. Others make their lives easier and buy in the markets. The berry is famous for its high content of vitamins A, B, C, flavonoids, manganese, calcium, magnesium, tannins, pectins. It is used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes mellitus, stomatitis, externally used to heal wounds, burns. But it is believed that the greatest effect is achieved in the treatment of eye diseases, restoration of vision. Blueberries to improve vision - a myth or reality?
Indications for prescription
Indications for the appointment of blueberries are diseases associated with the retina of the eye. The benefits of blueberries are due to the presence of anthocyanins in its composition - pigment substances, due to which the berry acquires such a color. They are not synthesized in the body and do not accumulate in it, but get with food and are immediately withdrawn. Anthocyanins are characterized by bactericidal and antioxidant effects, thanks to the ability to fight free radicals and prevent the destruction of cell membranes. A beneficial effect on the retina of the eyes is that they linger in her tissues, strengthen the network of blood vessels and capillaries, ensure the outflow of fluid inside the eye, thereby normalizing the pressure in it. Anthocyanins in blueberries help the eyes cope with high stress and fatigue.
How long does it take to eat blueberries so that it will have a beneficial effect on vision? The daily norm of a person in anthocyanins is 200-300 mg per day. Experts recommend daily eating 2-3 tablespoons of berries.
Treatment of blueberry eyes
It is mistakenly believed that any eye diseases can be cured by blueberries. This misconception is successfully exploited by dishonest advertisers offering this or that berry-based remedy. In fact, its therapeutic ophthalmic properties are very limited, although in general the effect on the organism is very positive.
Blueberry tablets for eyesight
The pharmaceutical industry took care of us, releasing a number of drugs in the form of eye tablets with blueberry extract. One of them is the Blueberry Fort with Lutein complex. It is recommended as a biologically active food additive. In addition to the blueberry complex contains ascorbic acid, rutin, lutein, fructose, zinc, vitamins B1, B2, B6. It activates the recovery processes, promotes the permeability of the membranes of the cells of the eye tissues, improves visual acuity. The necessary dose for children 3-7 years is one tablet twice a day, at the age of 7-14 years - the same, but three times, and older people - 2 pieces twice a day during meals. You can take 2-4 months in a row and even regularly, arranging ten-day breaks.
Other vitamins for eyesight with blueberry include: Dobrynia Blueberry with Carrots, Spirulina with Blueberry, Lutein-M for the eyes with blueberries, lutein, vitamins C and A, Blueberry Fort with Zinc, tu-si fort, Doppelgerz Active Vitamins for the eyes with blueberries, etc. The German manufacturer, the author of the last name took care of people with visual problems and compiled various variants of useful substances, assigning the main role to the healing berry. These remedies improve the blood supply to the retina, dilate the blood vessels, accelerate the regeneration of its cells. All these drugs effectively remove fatigue from the eyes with prolonged visual loads, which is very important in the age of computer technology and our attachment to the screen, slow the age-related changes in the organs of vision.
Eye drops with blueberries to improve vision
On the pharmacological market there are not only vitamins, but eye drops with blueberries to improve visual acuity. They involve intercellular and intracellular berries. Indicated for the treatment and prevention of inflammation of the retina, twilight vision, cataracts, glaucoma. They are useful in diabetic retinopathy, myopathy - a disease associated with damage to the muscles of the eye, polyneuritis. They can be used by people who spend a lot of time at the computer, in old age, people with diabetes, with reduced visual acuity, hyperopia, myopia.
Blueberry leaves for vision
Along with the berries, whose useful properties are not disputed, the leaves of the plant are also rich in healing properties, especially antioxidants: they are used as an anti-inflammatory, diuretic, with their help reduce high blood pressure, treat pancreatitis, they are part of cardiac fees, with diabetes lower the sugar. In ophthalmology, mainly, the berry is used, because of the content of anthocyanins, which can improve the processes in the visual apparatus. Nevertheless, infusions, decoctions and teas from blueberry leaves are useful for the body as a whole, strengthening immunity, improving metabolism. You can use both fresh leaves and dry ones. Billets of raw materials are made in the summer, drying whole washed up leaves in the shade. Store them in paper bags or tissue bags.
Frozen blueberry for eyesight
We do not have the opportunity to have fresh blueberries all year round, but there is a technical possibility to freeze it, thus procuring for a whole year. The uniqueness of this berry is that it does not lose its useful properties under the influence of low temperatures. Frozen blueberries are also healing for eyesight, as well as fresh. Before freezing it should be well dried (you can not even wash it if it is visually clean), pack it in small portions in plastic bags or sachets and place it in the freezer. How to use blueberries for vision? The melted berry can be simply eaten, it is possible to add in porridges, cottage cheese, baking, to prepare compotes and kissels.
The main obstacle to the use of blueberries is able to stand allergies to berries. This will give you an itch and rash on the skin, puffiness, redness of the eyes, a feeling of sand. Another contraindication is its fixing ability, however constipation can cause only a large amount of eaten berries. Exacerbation of pancreatic diseases also make blueberries undesirable in the diet. Using blueberries, you need to be sure in the absence of its radioactivity, which is quite possible after the Chernobyl disaster. As a rule, the berry in the official markets undergoes such control and sellers have certificates on the safety of their goods.
How can I replace blueberry for sight?
Anthocyanins, useful for vision, color the berries in rich red, blue and violet colors. Red and black currants, cherries, raspberries, blackberries, mulberries, elderberries, dark grape varieties, orange, red cabbage, eggplant skins, black olives - all this more or less contains a useful component for vision. But the equivalent partner for preventing eye diseases is blueberry. Outwardly it is very similar to blueberries. The blueberry extract is famous for its antioxidant properties. When researching its effect on eyesight, the group of people to whom it was applied, eye fatigue when creating special adverse conditions for them was much less than the other part. Scientists recommend to regularly eat berries, especially to old people, tk. It not only prevents and prevents the development of cataracts and glaucoma, but also Alzheimer's. If there is no fresh or dried berries, you can resort to dietary supplements with blueberry extract. Two 500 ml capsules will satisfy the need.
In fact, the benefits of blueberries are believed by almost everyone, so they leave positive feedback about berries and preparations with her participation. The most trusted are recipes of alternative medicine, in which it is involved, because it is tested by time and people. Surely it was they who prompted the scientist to choose the subject of research.