Persimmon in pancreatitis: benefit or harm?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Many people like Persimmon - the taste of this fruit is tender and unobtrusive, incomparable to any other berry. In addition to taste, persimmon is also very useful: it has few calories, but many valuable microelements and vitamins. Season persimmon, as a rule, coincides with the period of exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, so some people have a question: persimmon in pancreatitis is useful, or harmful?
Persimmon positively affects the work of many organs. If it is used regularly, then due to the components of the berries the vascular walls are strengthened, the lipid exchange is stabilized. Included in the pulp, β-carotene provides good eyesight, and iodine improves thyroid function.
Many doctors advise eating persimmon to prevent anemia, urinary system diseases, digestive disorders.
Persimmon is recommended for dietary nutrition, including pancreatitis, but with certain rules.
Is it possible to have a persimmon in pancreatitis?
Persimmon with pancreatitis is used with caution, since the flesh has tannic properties and slows the work of the intestines. On the other hand, persimmon fruits have a moderate acidity, so they can be included in the diet with problems in the digestive tract.
For the intestine persimmon can be useful: it stabilizes the balance of microflora, eliminates frustration and diarrhea.
Doctors are assured: a persimmon at a pancreatitis is not counter-indicative, however to eat it is resolved in 14-40 days after an exacerbation of disease. That is, if pancreatitis is "in full swing", then you do not need to eat berries.
After the end of the exacerbation period, you can start using persimmon, but gradually, starting with baked or stewed fried fruit. It is undesirable to eat more than one fruit per day.
If the baked persimmon is well perceived by the body, then you can continue to use raw persimmons - but without the skin.
Fruits for consumption choose ripe (or even - too ripe), with bright coloration, without dark spots.
Indications for prescription
Persimmon contains a lot of potassium, so its use has a positive effect on the electrolyte balance.
Magnesium improves the mood and work of the nervous system, β-carotene positively affects the visual function.
Persimmon is also valued in cosmetology: the flesh of the fetus helps to eliminate acne, improves the condition of oily skin, makes the skin soft and pink.
Persimmon contains a large number of antioxidants. Therefore, with the systematic intake of berries in food, the age-related changes in the body are slowed down, the skin is rejuvenated and pulled up.
Persimmon, among other things, is recognized as an excellent means of preventing cancerous tumors. Its use is useful even with existing oncology.
Persimmon in pancreatitis is especially useful - but only at the stage of remission of the disease:
- normalizes the activity of the intestine;
- counteracts infection;
- optimizes the work of the digestive system as a whole, removes toxins from the body, carcinogenic and other harmful substances.
Persimmon can be eaten and patients who have increased acidity of the stomach environment. Limit the use of berries you need only with peptic ulcer or erosive gastritis.
- Persimmon in cholecystitis and pancreatitis can be useful if you consume it no more than 1-2 fetuses per day. Harm can manifest itself in such cases:
- when eating a large number of fruits, when the pancreas simply will not have time to process the product and to allocate insulin for the assimilation of fruit sugars;
- when using unripe fruit, containing a lot of tannin - an astringent component that can provoke digestive disorders.
Particular attention should be paid to persimmon to those people who suffer from a decrease in intestinal motility.
- Persimmon in chronic pancreatitis can be included in the diet only during periods of relaxation of the symptoms of the disease. The menu includes it gradually: first try a baked or stewed persimmon in a small amount, and only after that try fresh fruits - also in small quantities. It is allowed to add pulp to berry and fruit salads.
At a pancreatitis it is impossible to overeat, including useful food. Therefore, 1-2 fetuses per day is enough to get the maximum benefit and not to harm your own health.
- Persimmon with gastritis and pancreatitis is also used only between exacerbations, and only in a purified form - a rough skin is better to throw away, and eat only the sweet ripened pulp. Some people do this: cut the fruit into two parts and eat a sweet mass with a spoon.
Useful qualities of persimmons are diverse, but often they are suitable only for people with a healthy digestive system. With diseases of the digestive system to eat any raw berries and fruits should be treated with caution - and a persimmon is no exception. Remember that the best medicine for pancreatitis, cholecystitis and gastritis is a diet: it is highly undesirable to deviate from it.
Benefit and harm
The energy value of a persimmon depends on the degree of its ripeness: it can fluctuate within 50-100 kilocalories. Fruits are rich in a lot of useful components: they are vitamins of group B, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, vitamins A and K, minerals, lutein, polysaccharides, fiber. Lipids and cholesterol in the composition are absent.
Most people appreciate persimmon not only for its taste characteristics, but also for a huge number of useful properties:
- In persimmon, a lot of pectin, which eliminates the effects of intoxication, neutralizes the effect of staphylococci and Escherichia coli, inhibits the development of the inflammatory process, and also satiates and helps reduce gassing in the intestine.
- The composition of the berries nourishes the myocardium, stabilizes the blood pressure indicators, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, strengthens the walls of the vessels.
- Persimmon interferes with the cancerous regeneration of cells, increases the immune defenses of the body, improves overall well-being and provides a tone.
- Fresh fruits contribute to the improvement of visual function, strengthen the eye muscles.
- Persimmon eliminates swelling, removes sand and small stones from the urinary system.
- The berry contains a lot of iodine and iron, so it can be used to prevent anemia and thyroid disease.
- Bactericidal properties help prevent the development of catarrhal diseases, viral infections, and speed up recovery in cases of angina and influenza. Juice obtained from the pulp, rinse your mouth and throat - it helps to relieve the inflammation of the tonsils.
- Persimmon is extremely nutritious, which can be useful for people who want to lose weight. One meal can be replaced by three fruits - it will satiate and permanently rid of the feeling of hunger.
- During pregnancy persimmon allows you to weaken the manifestations of toxicosis, warns of vitamin deficiency.
- Masks from the pulp help fight acne, wrinkles, soothe and cleanse the skin.
- The fruit, eaten in the second half of the day, favorably affects the processes of falling asleep, improves sleep, prevents the occurrence of nightmares.
Unfortunately, for persimmon is not only useful: there are also data on certain harmful properties of this product. First of all, harm manifests itself when abuse persimmon, or if it is not properly taken for food.
- It is undesirable to eat persimmon on an empty stomach: it can lead to increased gas production, diarrhea, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.
- The use of a large number of fruits in one sitting can cause constipation, intestinal obstruction.
- Persimmon can become an allergen if a person has a corresponding predisposition.
- In young children persimmon can cause indigestion.
- It is undesirable to include persimmon in the diet of patients with obesity and diabetes.
- It is not recommended to eat persimmon women who breastfeed - it can negatively affect the health of the baby.
- In acute diseases of the digestive system, including with exacerbation of pancreatitis, you can not use berries.
- To avoid the appearance of dental problems, after eating fruits, you need to brush your teeth.
- Do not include persimmon in the diet in the period after surgery on the abdominal organs.
If you know the measure in everything and adequately treat the diet, then it's not so difficult to avoid problems and get only the benefits of eating sweet fruits.
Persimmon is extremely useful and incredibly tasty, however, its use is not shown to everyone and is not always possible, since there are a number of contraindications:
- intolerance to persimmon;
- exacerbation of pancreatitis;
- stomach and duodenal ulcer;
- allergic manifestations;
- constipation, intestinal obstruction.
Children can be offered a persimmon not earlier than from a year and a half.
Do not add persimmon to compotes and combine it with milk - it can lead to an intestinal disorder.
Possible complications
Optimum to eat no more than one fruit of persimmons per day. It is also important to remember that unripe fruit can cause constipation and hamper the pancreas.
If you bought an immature persimmon - do not be scared: put it for several hours in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator, then defrost - the fruit will mature.
Immaturity can be recognized, both by external characteristics, and by taste: insufficiently mature berry taste is viscous and tart. Ripe flesh looks like jelly.
If the persimmon has been lying for a long time, stains and traces of rot have appeared on its surface, then such fruits are thrown out: their use in food is dangerous, can cause not only upset stomach, but also aggravation of the inflammatory process in the pancreas.
In order not to expose yourself and your loved ones to danger, when buying persimmons you need to carefully inspect the fruits. The rind should be smooth, almost glossy, and through it the flesh must literally appear. A dense peel indicates that the berry is immature.
The peduncle should be shriveled, dark, but free of mold and rot. The green stalk also indicates the possible immaturity of persimmons.
Remember: a persimmon with pancreatitis can be used only outside the acute period. If you adhere to this rule, and do not abuse this delicacy, the persimmon will only benefit the body.