
Food - Top 100

Melon for today is loved by many. In August, along with watermelon - this is the favorite treat for children and adults. This fragrant fragrant berry is not only pleasant to taste, but also has many useful properties.
Beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.) is a root crop of the Marevy family, one of the oldest and most important vegetable crops in the human diet.
Black radish is an unusually useful plant, which has been known to our compatriots from the earliest times as a human health and widely used in alternative medicine for the treatment and prevention of many diseases.
Autumn is time for not only fallen leaves, rains and spleen. This is also the time when "ripen" many useful vegetables and fruits. Pumpkin, apples and, of course, a real storehouse of vitamins - white cabbage.
Brussels sprouts (Latin Brassica oleracea), as it should be, belongs to its cabbage family - cruciferous. But there is no wild species of this cabbage, as it is derived from leafy cabbage, which in the Middle Ages grew on the outskirts of Brussels.
Carrots - a two-year plant, also called carrots his root crop. The Latin name of carrots is Daucus carota. This plant originates from the territory where the modern country Afghanistan is located.
Peanuts, which are all called peanuts, from the botanical point of view to the family of walnuts have nothing to do. He is a full member of the family of legumes (Fabales) - the third most numerous in the family of the flora of our planet.
Chickpeas or, as it is also called, naghut, nahut, nahat, chick peas, mutton peas, shish peas, puzyrnik, hummus - a plant of the legume family, is a legume crop. The Latin name is Cicer arietinum.
Ingredients include many vitamins, sugars, fiber and other nutrients. Fig is a rather sweet fruit. It contains up to thirteen percent of saccharides. In addition, in the figs you can find vitamins A, B, C and P.
Peking cabbage is also called salad cabbage. The motherland of the vegetable is China, where it is known as the pesay. Over time, it spread throughout the planet. The first to appreciate the taste and benefit of Peking cabbage were Koreans, Japanese, and then all the inhabitants of Southeast Asia.


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