Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Carrots - a two-year plant, also called carrots his root crop. The Latin name of carrots is Daucus carota. This plant originates from the territory where the modern country Afghanistan is located. Mention of her is found in the written sources of Babylon and Ancient Greece. At first, carrots and leaves were used for food as a seasoning for dishes. Only in the first century of our era people began to eat the root crop.
Now carrots are present in the kitchens of almost all countries of the world. It is consumed both raw and cooked, fried, stewed, marinated, added to salads, side dishes, soups, etc. A bright and fluffy carrot tops are often used to decorate dishes.
There are also varieties of carrots for feeding cattle, various animals and birds.
Characteristics of carrots
The weight of the carrot root can reach 300 grams, and starts from 50 grams, sometimes you can see a root crop weighing half a kilogram. In the root of carrots, the conical shape, sometimes cylindrical, is not clearly expressed, the color varies from light yellow to saturation orange and practically red. The flesh consists of two parts: the outer shell, which consists of pulp and peel, and the second part - the core, which is different in taste and composition. The root of the root is more stiff and less sweet. This, in particular, is responsible for the difference between varieties: in more qualitative varieties of carrots, the core is small and differs in color.
Species and varieties of carrots
Cultural carrots are a dining room and a stern. To date, more than 60 types of carrots are known. Today on sale it is possible to meet absolutely different carrots: import and domestic; flawlessly smooth and beautiful or, on the contrary, plain, but with a wonderful taste; long or short; having a high content of microelements; early or mid-ripening and many other species.
Everyone knows carrots of orange color, but very few people know that it happens in many colors: bright yellow color, unusually white, rich purple. Every day, colored carrots are gaining popularity, it is used to decorate dishes, it is quite unusual and immediately attracts attention.
The most popular varieties of carrots
Nantes 4 is one of the popular early ripening varieties of carrots. Roots of this variety have a cylindrical shape and a rounded top, the total length of the carrot is about 15 centimeters. The flesh has a bright orange color, the variety is juicier, looser, has a weakly expressed core. Root crops are stored for at least two months.
Nantes 14 is a widely known early ripening variety. Roots differ in size, have a bright orange color, conical shape, the tip is rounded, juicy and sweet flesh. A special feature of this variety is a long shelf life. The pulp is juicy and sweet. Nanteskaya 14 is used in both fresh and canned form, subjected to heat treatment.
Geranda is a popular common early-ripening variety of carrots, it ripens in three and a half months. The root length of the reddish-orange color reaches 12 cm. The carrot pulp of this variety is not very juicy and even a bit harsh, because with a variety of carrots, Geranda often prepare the first and second dishes. Well stored, can safely lie down until next season.
Vitamin 6 belongs to medium-ripening varieties. The shape of the roots of this carrot is cylindrical, at a length of the order of 10 cm, the color is bright orange or reddish. This variety is characterized by a high content of beta-carotene, and, accordingly, with pronounced beneficial properties. Carrots of this variety are consumed both in fresh form and subsequently in heat treatment.
Losinoostrovskaya 13 is a popular medium-ripe variety of carrots. The carrot is cylindrical in shape and has tips. The pulp of this variety has a bright orange color, the vegetable is rich in juiciness, sweetness, it contains a high content of beta-carotene and vitamins.
Moscow winter A-515 refers to medium-ripening varieties of carrots. Roots are massive, conical, slightly elongated, rounded ends. Flesh is orange-red, sweet and juicy.
Chemical composition of carrots
If we consider in detail the chemical composition of carrots, then 100 grams of root vegetables is contained:
- vitamin A (beta-carotene) - 9 milligrams;
- vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.06 milligram;
- vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0,07 milligram;
- niacin (vitamin B3 or vitamin PP) - 1 milligram;
- inositol (vitamin B8) - 29 milligrams;
- Folic acid (vitamin B9) - 8 micrograms;
- vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - 5 milligrams;
- vitamin E (tocopherol) - 0.6 milligram.
- potassium - 200 milligrams;
- calcium - 51 milligrams;
- magnesium - 38 milligrams;
- sodium is 21 milligrams;
- phosphorus - 55 milligrams.
- iron - 0,7 milligram;
- iodine - 5 micrograms;
- cobalt - 2 micrograms;
- manganese - 0.2 milligram;
- copper - 80 micrograms;
- molybdenum - 20 micrograms;
- fluorine - 50 micrograms;
- zinc - 0.4 milligram.
Nutritional value of carrots
The average number of calories that the body receives when using 100 grams of carrots is 41 kcal (138 kJ). Carrot contains:
- water - 88 grams;
- proteins - 1.2 grams;
- fats - 0.1 grams;
- carbohydrates - 9.1 grams (including mono- and disaccharides - 7 grams);
- dietary fiber (fiber) - 1.2 grams;
- pectins - 0.6 grams;
- organic acids - 0.2 grams;
- ash - 1 gram.
Properties of carrots
Carrots have many useful properties. So, for example, to strengthen the gums and prevent the formation of tartar can be easy if you chew a raw carrot. Because of the high content of vitamin A, carrots are especially useful in childhood: it is necessary for the growth of the child, helps maintain the eyesight, affects the condition of the skin, mucous membranes. The use of carrots and carrot juice is prescribed during therapeutic nutrition, when hypo- and avitaminosis A is observed, liver diseases are present, not everything is in order with the cardiovascular system, kidneys, stomach, the person suffers from anemia, polyarthritis, mineral metabolism disorders. During colitis, the patient is prescribed to consume raw or boiled carrots in the form of puree. With the help of carrots treat anemia, rapid fatigue, contribute to an increase in the body's defenses.
The intake of cooked carrots helps against malignant tumors, intestinal dysbiosis, nephritis. Carrots are also characterized by antimicrobial properties. The phytoncides (natural antibiotics) contained in this vegetable counter microbes - if you chew a little carrots or rinse the mouth with carrot juice, the microbes in your mouth will become smaller. Runny nose is treated with carrot juice, which is buried in the nose. Patients with diabetes often include in their diet boiled carrots.
In order that beta-carotene is more effectively transformed into vitamin A, along with carrots you need to eat sour cream or vegetable oil.
Carrots have the property, due to which fats in the body are formed more moderately - in this among all vegetables carrots exceed only cabbage. Due to the ratio in carrots of potassium and sodium (potassium is ten times more), carrots have diuretic and moderate choleretic properties.
Properties of the tops of carrots
Some people also consume carrots in their food. However, there are quite contradictory opinions on this score. Some believe that the consumption of carrot tops in food is a danger because of the content of a small number of alkaloids and nitrates. Nevertheless, for example, in France, carrot leaves are sold everywhere in vegetable markets, it is used in culinary recipes. The carrot crop also has valuable beneficial properties, many experts say.
In the carrot tops many proteins, vitamins and minerals, there is a greater amount of vitamin C compared to the root crop. In addition, the tops are rich in calcium and chlorophyll, which helps to cleanse blood, lymph nodes and adrenal glands - the tops eliminate poisons, strengthen bones and muscles. Potassium and vitamin K in large amounts help to reduce blood pressure, maintain normal metabolism, prevent osteoporosis and heart disease. Carrot tops are on the list of 600 kinds of medicinal plants of the Greek doctor Dioksorid Pedanius, which are effective in the treatment of cancer. Alternative medicine recommends using a decoction of carrot leaves to stimulate the uterus during childbirth. In homeopathy, tea from carrot leaves is a diuretic in the treatment of kidney diseases and in the fight against edema. Juice from the carrot leaves is used as an antiseptic liquid, which can rinse the mouth. Unpleasant odor from the mouth, jaundice from the mouth, bleeding gums - all these problems eliminate the carrot top, if you chew it. To disinfect wounds, the tops are mixed with honey. Carrot tops are rich in porphyrins, which have the property of stimulating the pituitary gland and increasing the production of sex hormones.
Useful properties of carrots
Carrots are rich in vitamins B, PP, C, E, K, it is also important in it the presence of carotene, which when ingested into humans becomes vitamin A. In addition, this vegetable contains many minerals, the presence of which has a beneficial effect on health: potassium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, cobalt, copper, iodine, zinc, chromium, nickel, fluorine. Essential oils contained in the root crop, give the carrots its specific smell.
Beta-carotene, contained in carrots, affects the condition of the lungs and their work. For the health of girls, vitamin A is particularly useful, in which beta-carotene is transformed into after ingestion. Everyone knows the healing property of carrots, which is a powerful effect on health. This vegetable strengthens the retina of the eye, therefore it is indicated for use with myopia, conjunctivitis, blepharitis, night blindness, rapid eye fatigue, increased stress on them, etc. It has been established that the positive effect of carrots has on all eye diseases. The active substances contained in carrots, well nourish the fundus. Beta-carotene promotes the main medicinal properties of carrots, it is a strong antioxidant. According to the content of beta-carotene, the carrot "overtakes" almost all fruits and vegetables (except for sea-buckthorn).
The benefits of carrot juice
Dry skin, various dermatitis, skin diseases - all these problems help to remove fresh carrot juice, which is included in the diet. Therapeutic effects of carrot juice are affected by all the glands of the body, including pancreas, there is an improvement in its function.
Clinical trials confirm the presence of a positive effect when consuming carrot juice in cancer patients. It positively affects cells that are healthy, and has a depressing effect on the affected cells, including affecting malignant formations.
Carrot juice is used to treat and prevent tumors and ulcers of various origins. In this case, the patient should monitor the freshness of the juice, as well as the absence of sugars, starches and other light carbohydrates in the food.
Carrot juice helps to strengthen the protective functions of the body and strengthen the nervous system. Due to these qualities, it is often included in the diet.
The liver, kidneys and gallbladder perceive carrot juice as a natural balm.
Systematically using it, a person carries out the prophylaxis of the whole system of cleansing the body, in addition, thus, the entire system is maintained in working order.
Future moms are shown to use carrot juice during pregnancy and lactation. With its help, the biological properties of the mother's milk are improved due to the saturation of breast milk with many necessary elements, all this strengthens the immunity of the baby. Children carrot juice helps with worms and constipation.
Carrot juice helps to relieve fatigue, improve appetite, complexion, strengthen eyesight, reduce the toxic effect of antibiotics, strengthen hair and nails, increase the body's resistance to colds, flu and various types of ARVI.
Daily dose of carrot juice
The amount of carrot juice that is prescribed for admission depends on the condition in which the body is located, as well as on the characteristics of the disease, for the elimination of which it is prescribed. The daily dose usually ranges from half a liter to three liters. It is important to remember that only fresh juice is useful. When interacting with air, useful substances and vitamins, which are present in large quantities in freshly prepared juice, quickly evaporate. Some of the salvation may be frost of carrot juice, but then immediately after its thawing, juice should be drunk.
Harm to carrots
Despite many useful properties, carrots and carrot juice can also be harmful in some cases. Consumption of excessive amounts of this vegetable can provoke the appearance of drowsiness, lethargy, headaches, vomiting, yellowing of the palms, feet and face. Gastritis and stomach ulcers are also not the best indications for consumption of carrot juice, with its amounts it is better to be more careful in such cases.
Contraindications to the use of carrots
Eating carrots and carrot juice has such contraindications:
- gastritis with high acidity;
- peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
- presence of kidney stones.
Caloric content of carrots
The calorie content of fresh carrots is 41 kcal (138 kJ) in 100 grams of the product.
Caloric content of carrots in Korean
The calorie content of carrots in Korean is 134 kcal.
Caloric content of boiled carrots
Caloric content of carrots boiled without salt is 35 kcal.
How to cook carrots?
On average, carrots are cooked for 20-25 minutes. There are some basic points that should be remembered when cooking carrots:
- Carrots are best cleaned after cooking, so the vegetable saves more nutrients and vitamins.
- Salt carrots better after cooking, if it is part of a recipe, then salt the already cooked dish. Then the sweet carrot flavor will not be packed with salt.
- When using a pressure cooker, the cooking time of carrots is reduced to six minutes, in a steamer the carrots are brewed for half an hour or forty minutes (depending on the size of the koreploda).
Dishes of carrots
Carrots are widely distributed in our region and are therefore often used for cooking a variety of dishes. It is often added to soups, meat dishes, salads. In addition, there are many dishes in which carrots are the main ingredient. This and various baking pies, patties, cookies and even cakes; casseroles, cutlets, omelets and snacks with other vegetables, and, of course, salads. In addition, carrots are widely used in conservation.
Recipes from carrots
Salad of carrots, apples and nuts
To prepare a salad of carrots, apples and nuts will require the following ingredients:
- forty-fifty grams of carrots
- thirty to forty grams of apples;
- ten to twenty grams of walnuts;
- ten grams of honey;
- ten grams of parsley;
- five grams of butter;
- ten to fifteen grams of lemon.
Carrots are rubbed on a large grater, apples are finely chopped, the crushed peeled nuts are lightly fried in oil. All the ingredients of the salad are mixed in one container, filled with honey, sprinkled with herbs and flavored with lemon juice.
Carrot, green peas and apple salad
To prepare a salad of carrots, green peas and apples, the following ingredients will be required:
- three hundred grams of carrot;
- one hundred and fifty grams of canned peas;
- one hundred and fifty grams of apples;
- eighty grams of sour cream;
- salt and sugar to taste.
Carrots rub on the grater. Apples are peeled from the skin and seeds and finely chopped. Carrots, apples and canned green peas mix in one container, add salt and sugar to taste and season with sour cream. Ready salad is decorated with circles of carrots.
Oriental carrot salad
To prepare an oriental salad of carrots the following ingredients will be required:
- four hundred grams of carrot;
- three tablespoons of peanut butter;
- half a tablespoon of sesame oil;
- one teaspoon of ginger;
- one clove of garlic;
- one red chili pepper (dried crushed);
- two tablespoons of lemon juice;
- one teaspoon of sugar;
- two tablespoons of pounded roasted peanuts;
- salt and pepper to taste;
- leaves of coriander as an ornament.
The first step is to prepare a dressing for an oriental carrot salad. To do this, chopped ginger and garlic, as well as red pepper, Chile fry until golden, using peanut and sesame oil (use only one tablespoon of peanut and half a teaspoon of sesame oil). The remaining oil is added after preparation, as well as lemon juice and sugar.
Carrots are cut in the form of a long thin straw and poured into a dressing, add the nuts and mix well. The resulting mass should be marinated within half an hour. After that, the salad is again well mixed, spices are added and decorated with cilantro leaves.
Cabbage salad with carrots
For preparation of salad from cabbage with carrots the following ingredients are used:
- five hundred grams of cabbage;
- two hundred grams of carrots;
- three to four tablespoons of unrefined sunflower oil;
- half a teaspoon of a large salt.
First of all, chop the cabbage finely, then wash hands in a deep container. Carrots are rubbed on a large grater and added to the dishes, where there is already cabbage. Vegetables are sprinkled with salt, pepper and other spices, after which they add sunflower oil.
Carrots in Korean
To prepare carrots in Korean you will need the following ingredients:
- one kilogram of carrots;
- one tablespoon of sugar;
- two tablespoons of 9% vinegar;
- one teaspoon of salt;
- fifty grams of vegetable oil.
Based on individual taste preferences, garlic, coriander, black ground pepper, sesame, fresh coriander, onion can still be added to carrots in Korean.
Carrots cut into strips, it is better to do this on a special grater for Korean carrots. Then sprinkle with sugar and salt, sprinkle with vinegar, mix so that the carrots are evenly soaked in marinade, for this it is good to knead it, then leave it for ten to fifteen minutes. Carrots start up the juice, add the red pepper to taste (so that the desired acuity is desired), then mix again with hands. Vegetable oil is heated up as much as possible without boiling, salad is poured with hot oil and mixed again. Then the resulting salad is insisted overnight at room temperature, after which it is taken to the refrigerator. Ready carrots in Korean can be stored in the refrigerator for two weeks, provided that the container is tightly closed with a lid.
This is the basic ingredients of the salad. All other seasonings are added together with red pepper, with the exception of garlic - the latter is added last after pouring with oil, so that the garlic does not become green from the temperature.
To achieve an interesting taste of carrots in Korean, you can experiment. The main part of this kind of experiments is to make the oil, which the salad will be watered, fragrant. To do this, for example, in the oil fry separately garlic, and then remove it; fry in an oil bulb and then also clean, add to the heated oil different spices and herbs, etc.
Sometimes in a carrot in Korean additionally add a little sesame oil.
Some mistresses use the store method to add flavor to the taste - the addition of sodium glutamate. This can be tried by those who are not afraid of the harmfulness of such a seasoning.
Carrots with onions
To prepare carrots with onions the following ingredients will be needed:
- five hundred grams of carrots;
- two hundred and fifty grams of onions;
- one hundred and fifty grams of tomatoes;
- one bunch of green onions;
- one teaspoon of ground coriander;
- half a tablespoon of turmeric;
- four tablespoons of refined or melted butter;
- half a teaspoon of salt;
- half teaspoon red ground pepper.
To prepare the dish, onion is cut into half rings, after which it is fried in oil on a small fire until golden. Carrots cut into small cubes and add to the onion, fry all together for seven minutes. The resulting mass is poured with boiling water so that the water covers the vegetables (about 150 ml). All cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for half an hour. Five minutes before the readiness for vegetables, grated tomatoes, salt, peppers and spices are added. A minute before the readiness to mass sent finely chopped green onions.
Stewed carrots in sour cream
To prepare stewed carrots in sour cream, the following ingredients will be required:
- four carrots;
- fifty milliliters of sour cream;
- salt, sugar to taste;
- six walnuts;
- twenty grams of butter.
Cut into small cubes carrots in a pan (and preferably in kazanok) and pour a small amount of water, adding half a portion of butter. At minimal heat, carrots are cooked until half cooked. Then add sour cream and sugar and bring to the ready. Carrots, brawned in sour cream, fill with the remaining butter and sprinkled on top with finely chopped walnuts.
Stewed chicken with carrots and onions
To prepare a stewed chicken with carrots and onions, the following ingredients will be needed:
- six hundred grams of chicken fillet;
- three hundred and fifty grams of onions;
- vegetable oil;
- salt to taste;
- one large carrot;
- pepper to taste.
Pre-cleaned and washed bulbs cut into half rings or smaller as desired. Pieces of onions are fried in oil. Carrots are rubbed on a large grater and sent to a bow to fry a little. Chicken fillet cut into small pieces of medium size and add the chicken to the vegetables in order to fry for another five to six minutes. In the frying pan add a little water (no more than one glass). Sometimes water is replaced with chicken broth. After that, the mass of salt, pepper and add spices to taste and desire. Chicken with vegetables stew for half an hour or forty minutes. Minutes for ten to readiness at will add a spoon of sour cream. Before serving, a stewed chicken with carrots and onion is decorated with herbs.
Carrots with cheese
To prepare a salad of carrots with cheese, the following ingredients will be required:
- two hundred and fifty grams of carrots;
- one hundred grams of hard cheese;
- fifty grams of walnuts;
- two cloves of garlic;
- two tablespoons of mayonnaise.
Carrots, cheese and garlic rub on a small grater. Walnuts are dried in a dry frying pan (without oil) for fifteen minutes, sometimes stirring, over low heat. After that, the nuts are cut into small pieces. All the ingredients are spread in the dishes, add mayonnaise and spices to taste, mix thoroughly. If desired, the salad is placed in a ring to form, which is then carefully removed. Salad is ready to eat.
Courgettes with carrots
To prepare stewed courgettes with carrots and onions, the following ingredients will be required:
- five hundred grams of courgettes;
- two carrots;
- two pieces of onions;
- dill;
- vegetable oil;
- one or two cloves of garlic;
- salt and pepper to taste.
Young courgettes are cut into cubes, carrots are rubbed on a large grater, onion finely chopped. First, the onion and carrots are fried in vegetable oil until golden. Then add zucchini and simmer under the lid for about fifteen to twenty minutes, stirring occasionally. The existing mass of salt and pepper, three minutes before the ready for vegetables, add finely chopped dill and cut into two parts a cleaned garlic slice. If the garlic is crushed, the dish will turn out more fragrant.
Caviar with carrots and tomatoes
To prepare caviar from carrots with tomatoes the following ingredients will be needed:
- one and a half kilograms of tomatoes;
- one kilogram of carrots;
- one glass of vegetable oil;
- one hundred gram of sugar;
- one tablespoon of salt;
- one or two tablespoons of vinegar.
Tomatoes are cut into cubes, carrots are scrolled in a meat grinder or chopped in a blender. Then the vegetables are spread in a saucepan, poured vegetable oil, sprinkled with sugar and braised for one and a half to two hours from the moment the mass boils.
Fifteen minutes before the end of cooking, add the peeled and missed garlic, pepper and mix well. After the eggs of carrots and tomatoes finally reach their readiness, pour in the vinegar, put into sterilized jars and roll them up with lids.
Carrot casserole
To prepare caviar of carrot casserole you will need the following ingredients:
- half a kilogram of carrots;
- one tablespoon (thirty grams) of butter;
- four eggs;
- three tablespoons of granulated sugar;
- half a spoonful of cinnamon;
- a pinch of salt;
- fifty milliliters of cream (36%) or one hundred milliliters of sour cream;
- butter for lubricating the mold.
Carrots are rubbed on a large grater, after which it is put in a pot, poured into it a hundred milliliters of water and stewed over low heat until the carrot is soft. With a mixer, the cooked carrots are mashed (or wiped through a sieve). Adding a spoonful of butter, the resulting mashed potatoes are slightly heated. After removing from the fire in the carrot puree added yolks, then the mass is well kneaded and cooled.
In egg whites put a pinch of salt and beaten with a mixer or whisk until a strong foam. Carrot puree is mixed with cinnamon, after which small amounts of protein are injected (using a bottom-up movement, the proteins are mixed in the puree). Carrot weight is laid out in bakeware, pre-lubricated with butter. In an oven heated to 180 ° C, the carrot casserole is baked for twenty minutes to half an hour. Baked baked pudding is topped with whipped cream or sour cream, mixed with sugar.
Is it possible for the nursing mother carrots?
Carrots are rich in nutrients and vitamins, and in pregnant carrots promotes lactation - when used, the amount of milk in the nursing mother increases. Therefore, a nursing mother can and should eat carrots. However, as in everything, and here especially, it is important to know the measure.
Carrots with breastfeeding get to a child with milk and does not cause digestion, allergies and other undesirable reactions. But it is better not to overdo with the use of this vegetable (do not eat kilograms), and in the first months of feeding to eat boiled, baked and stewed carrots. This vegetable can be present in the ration of the nursing mother from the tenth day of the child's life. A fresh carrot to enter later and gradually, watching the reactions of the baby.
Carrots and lure of a child
At the age of five to six months, carrots are introduced into the feeding of a child. It finely chopped, rubbed through a sieve and added to baby puree, after which the resulting mass is diluted with breast milk or an adapted mixture, add vegetable oil (a few drops). With half a year the child can be given freshly squeezed carrot juice, starting with one teaspoon. If no allergic reactions are followed, then the portion can be increased slowly. Carrot juice for a child is good to eat twice a week. It is not necessary any more, as an overabundance of vitamin A can provoke a rise in temperature and the appearance of skin rashes.
A year-old child can already eat a carrot salad - carrots, grated on a grater and drenched with warmed butter. As a side dish to meat, the baby can be given stewed carrots.
Carrot for children
Because of the high content of beta-carotene and, respectively, vitamin A, carrots are especially useful in childhood: it is necessary for the growth of the child, helps maintain the eyesight, affects the skin and mucous membranes. Using carrots, children are treated with anemia, rapid fatigue. In addition, carrots have a number of other medicinal properties, which also have a positive effect on the health of the child.
Carrot for face
Carrots are rich in vitamin A, which is also called the vitamin of beauty. Therefore, if you constantly drink carrot juice, then the face and the whole body will have a blossoming appearance. Extracts of carrots are also often used in many cosmetics.
Masks for the face of carrots
Carrot masks for dry skin:
- Two tablespoons of carrot juice are mixed with two tablespoons of carrot juice, one teaspoon of cream of medium fat, and one tablespoon of low-fat cottage cheese. All the components are thoroughly mixed, after which the mask is applied to the face and held for fifteen minutes, then washed off with warm water.
- One small carrot is rubbed on a fine grater, add a teaspoon of vegetable oil and egg yolk. The resulting mass is thoroughly stirred and applied to the face for twenty minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water and a moisturizer is applied.
- To two tablespoons of carrot juice, add one egg yolk, which before it is ground together with a tablespoon of not very fatty cream. After thorough mixing, the mask is applied to the face for fifteen to twenty minutes. This mask is removed with a cotton swab dipped in vegetable oil, and only then washed off with warm water.
Carrot masks for oily skin:
- One tablespoon of finely grated carrot mixes with egg white, whipped to a thick foam, and also with a small amount of flour. Consistency of this mask should be similar to sour cream. All the ingredients are thoroughly mixed, after which the mask of carrots can be applied to the face for fifteen minutes, then rinse the mask with cool water.
- To a finely grated carrot mass, add a teaspoon of lemon juice, egg white and a tablespoon of starch. Ingredients are thoroughly mixed, after which the mask of carrots is applied to the face for twenty minutes, washed off with warm water. To make the effect better, the face is wiped with a cube of cosmetic ice.
Masks for carrots for aging skin:
- In a mass of finely grated carrots add a tablespoon of honey. Apply the mask on face and leave for twenty minutes, then rinse with warm water.
- Carrot cook and mash until the formation of carrot puree. Add honey (a teaspoon), mix thoroughly, then apply the mask to your face for fifteen minutes and rinse with cool water. Mask of carrots perfectly tightens the skin and refreshes it.
- In one tablespoon of finely grated carrots, garlic juice is added from one tooth and a teaspoon of honey. All the ingredients are mixed, the mask can be applied to the face for fifteen minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.
What does carrot dream about?
According to the interpretations of the dream books, the dreamed carrot promises future good health and well-being. If a young woman eats carrots, then such a dream can mean that she will early and successfully marry and become the mother of several children.
What does the dream book say about carrots?
Growing in a dream carrots also promises great income and good health.
Carrot storage
Depending on the variety, the degree of ripeness of root crops, possible infections, carrots can be stored in different ways. The best varieties are carrots of conical root crops, the early varieties with shortened roots are spoiled.
At home, carrots are usually stored in a refrigerator in plastic bags. Sometimes those who live in apartments, practice the way to pack carrots in cardboard boxes and take out on a staircase. In the countryside, carrots are stored in basements in coats or boxes, interspersed with sand.
Treatment with carrots
Carrots are widely used in our country vegetable, which has a mass of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Carrots are characterized by antiseptic, anthelmintic, demineralizing, choleretic, analgesic, expectorant, anti-inflammatory, antisclerotic. Due to carrots, the action of the glands of the stomach and intestines is intensified. Carrots in the form of a vegetable or carrot juice helps to remove fatigue, improve appetite, give life to a complexion, improve eyesight, strengthen hair and nails, reduce the presence of toxic effects on the body of antibiotic drugs, improve the human body's resistance to cold and flu. The amount of carrots is advised to increase in the diet for patients with heart and vascular diseases, with anemia, bronchial asthma and bronchitis, tuberculosis and pneumonia, liver and kidney diseases, gastritises with low acidity and some skin diseases.