Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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What does the melon concern?
If we talk about biology, the melon belongs to the Pumpkin family, the species of the cucumber, is a melon culture and a false-berry.
This plant likes heat and light, it has resistance to soil salinization and droughts, but the increase in air humidity is not very favorable for it. One plant is able to "reproduce" from two to eight fruits, each weighing 1.5 - 10 kg. Melon, as a rule, ripens two - six months.
Melon leads its "genealogy" from Africa and the East Indies. It is these countries that are widely regarded as the birthplace of melons. Mentions about melon have been dating since ancient times in the early chronicles and texts of Ancient Egypt, on the Arabian Peninsula. In Middle and Near Asia in the Middle Ages, the melon was extremely popular: when before the Ramadan holiday during the fast, the Muslim holy book allows food only of vegetable origin. Our people learned melon in the 12th-13th centuries.
Today melon is cultivated in almost every warm country in the world.
Often, the melon is eaten raw, cut into slices and the peel and seeds are removed. Do not recommend combining a melon in raw form with other products, as this can lead to digestive disorders.
Signs of a ripe, delicious melon:
- the presence of a specific, incomparable odor;
- a deaf, not a sonorous sound when a melon strikes with a palm;
- At the opposite pole from the stem of the fetus, one must touch the crust. If the melon is immature, this crust will be solid, in a ripe same fruit, if you press on the crust, it will succumb and spring.
Chemical composition of melon
The variety of melon determines its chemical composition. Flesh pulp contains 16-18% of sugar, and sometimes up to 20%. Also melon is characterized by the presence of carotene, vitamins B1, B2, PP, A, C, B9, P, provitamin A, folic acid and iron in large quantities (what is mainly caused by such a curative effect of this product), pectin substances, fats, salts, as well as a special enzyme that prevents damage to body tissues. For example, the iron content in melon is 17 times higher than in dairy products.
Melon pulp and seeds contain 30% oil of sufficient fat content, which can be used in cooking. Processes of digestion with the participation of melons go many times better, the folic acid contained in melon contributes to the blood-making. Atherosclerosis, anemia, cardiovascular diseases - is far from a complete list of diseases with which the melon successfully helps to fight. Melon helps increase hemoglobin and immunity, as well as increase the action of antibiotics and reduce their toxicity.
Useful properties of melon
Since ancient times melon has been widely used as a remedy. Melon pulp was used by ancient Russian herbalists to eliminate stomach diseases, various mental disorders (depressive states), tuberculosis, rheumatism, scurvy, gout, and melon was an anti-inflammatory, antitussive and anthelmintic. The melon seed is boiled in milk and the resulting broth was used and is now used in alternative medicine to combat urinary retention, stones in the bladder, melon juice eliminates constipation and hemorrhoids. Diseases of the kidneys, liver and urogenital system - against them as an effective diuretic and mild laxative, water-soluble seeds are helped on the water.
Quenching thirst, calming the nervous system also apply to the beneficial properties of melons. When a person suffers from anemia, cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, kidney and liver diseases, dietitians often recommend melon as a therapeutic food. In these cases, the therapeutic effect of melon is due to the high content of vitamins B9 and C, in addition, in the melon there are salts of iron and potassium.
Melon ripeness is directly related to its medicinal properties. If a person has a stomach ulcer or acute gastritis, it is important to pay attention to the ripeness of the fruit when consumed, melon that is not mature enough, such people are not recommended. Do not use this product and on an empty stomach - it is better to eat it so that before and after it you still have something to eat: thus, it will mix in the stomach with other foods, and it will be better absorbed by the body.
Alternative medicine uses a melon for consumption by depleted patients: who suffered liver disease, various operations. In addition, the melon has the ability to eliminate such ailments, which people try not to tell. For example, a decoction of melon seeds from earliest times helped in the treatment of gonorrhea, for cleansing the stomach used decoctions of peel and roots.
In our time, dietitians advise their patients to improve digestive processes with the help of melon juice or its flesh. Perfectly, she also copes with helminths, especially in children.
The melon pulp is the basis for nutritious and toning masks for the skin. In addition, the melon core, together with the seeds, is a good tool for combating youthful acne. The melon has also wonderful rejuvenating properties. In the East they say: "Melon makes the hair shiny, the eyes are young, the lips are fresh, the desire is strong, the possibilities are met, the men are welcome, and the women are beautiful."
Nutritional value of melon
Melon is a very useful product. 100 grams of melons contain 0.6 grams of protein, 0.3 grams of fat and 7.4 grams of carbohydrates, and 35 kcals.
If you paint the melon in detail, then in 100 grams of melon contains:
- Water 88.5 g
- Proteins - 0.6 grams
- Carbohydrates - 10.3 g (also mono- and disaccharides - 9 g)
- Dietary fiber (fiber) - 0.6 grams
- Pectins - 0.4 g
- Organic acids - 0.12 g
- Ash - 0.5 g
- Vitamin A (beta-carotene) - 0.4 mg
- Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.04 mg
- Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.04 mg
- Niacin (vitamin B3 or vitamin PP) - 0.4 mg
- Folic acid (vitamin B9) - 6 μg
- Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - 20 mg
- Vitamin E (tocopherol) 0.1 mg
- Potassium - 118 mg
- Calcium - 16 mg
- Magnesium - 13 mg
- Sodium 32 mg
- Phosphorus 12 mg
- Iron - 1 mg
- Iodine - 2 μg
- Cobalt - 2 μg
- Manganese - 35 mcg
- Copper - 47 mcg
- Fluoride 20 μg
- Zinc - 90 μg
How many calories in a melon?
In 100 grams melon contains 35 kcal:
- of which 2 kcal from proteins
- of them from fats 3 kcal
- of them from carbohydrates 30 kcal
Varieties of melon
There are quite a lot of varieties and varieties of melon, which differ somewhat in their taste qualities and useful properties. Here are the most famous of them.
Melon cantaloupe
A special feature of this variety is the striped peel. The length of the fetus is 15-20 cm, the flesh is orange. Melon of this sort can be transported, but it will not last long.
It is interesting that this sort of melon was brought to Europe as an exquisite dessert for the head of the Catholic church. The Pope appreciated the delicacy, melons began to be cultivated in his estate in Cantalupia, from where, in fact, the name of this variety came. Today, cantaloupes are widely distributed both in Europe and in America.
Melon silvery, or Armenian cucumber
The fruit of this variety reaches a weight of one kilogram, and its length can be up to 50 cm. It is mainly grown in Armenia and China.
Pineapple melon
Fruits of pineapple melon have a rounded-flattened shape and unusual and bright coloring. The external peculiarity of this variety is peculiar "warts" (melon is similar to kruknek), as well as strong ribbing (the fruit resembles a patisson) - sometimes it is even difficult to understand in appearance that it is a melon. To taste this melon is unusual, like a tropical fruit. Flesh is reddish or clear oily, melting. Such a melon can be stored and transported.
Melon of Kalahari
This melon is the biological ancestor of watermelon. The size of the Kalahari melon fruit is small, like a tennis ball, its weight is 200 g, the flesh is yellowish. In the melon oil, Kalahari has nutritious, protective, softening, regenerating, soothing properties, gives the skin elasticity, and the face has fresh color, hair - shine and flexibility. Oil from melon Kalahari is used in cosmetology and massage.
Muscum Melon
Homeland of melon musk - North Africa and Mediterranean countries. The rind is mastoid, thickened, white, yellow, green, bluish-gray in color. The softness is soft yellow, orange or red, its taste is sweet and aromatic.
Musk melons are characterized by low caloric content (31 kcal), contain a lot of vitamin C. They also have a lot of vitamin A, potassium and manganese.
Honeydew melon
Distributed in Morocco, also the place of their "habitation" are the Mediterranean countries. Honey melons are classified as smooth melons. They are elongated, they are round and oval. Furrows absent. The color of the fruit is from ocher to greenish. The pulp of honey melon is yellow-white, green or yellow-red.
Honey melon is distinguished by its aroma and sweetness.
Contraindications to melon
Melon does not have a very favorable effect on the stomach, if it is on an empty stomach. Nursing mothers should beware of melons and their derivatives: the use of melon by the mother can cause the baby to develop severe dyspeptic phenomena. Contraindicated melon sick peptic ulcer, diabetes, intestinal disorders (eg, dysentery).
Patients with a stomach ulcer and acute gastritis should be monitored to ensure that the fruits are well ripened.
After consuming melon, you can not drink sour milk, yogurt, kefir, or cold water. In this case, indigestion is almost guaranteed. When you combine alcohol and melon you need to be careful.
What is melon mixed with?
Often the melon pulp is added to all sorts of fruit salads, fruit cakes, cakes, etc. - in combination with peaches, pineapples, bananas, watermelons, pears, apricots, grapes and many other fruits and berries, melon shows excellent taste.
Compatibility of watermelons and melons
There is an opinion that watermelon and melon can not be eaten together. To say that this is so for sure is impossible. The fact is that the body's reaction here depends on individual characteristics. But in general, the melon does not mix well, in principle, with other products. Therefore, if you have problems with the stomach, digestion, then eat a melon along with watermelon is not recommended.
Dishes from melon
In the event that you are not interested in eating a melon in its pure form, you should experiment with various dishes from it. Melon perfectly "looks" in various jams, confitures, jams, marmalades, candied fruits. Many people are crazy about melon ice cream and sorbet.
However, melon is good not only in sweet dishes. The virtuoso mistresses use it in various appetizers and aperitifs, prepare melon soups, melon skewers, melon salads, melon sauces, which are seasoned with a variety of meat dishes and not only dishes, melon fruit with a cleared core are used as a baking cavity, for example, chicken thighs and many many others.
Traditionally in the Mediterranean melon is served with ham - it turns out a rather unusual interesting combination.
On the basis of melons are prepared various drinks - alcoholic and nonalcoholic, cocktails, smoothies.
Jam from melon
Melon jam is an unusual and tasty treat, which will be especially appreciated by fans of melons.
- one kilogram of melon;
- five glasses of sugar;
- two glasses of water;
- two teaspoons of lemon juice;
- pinch of saffron.
The melon is cut, its seeds and peel are removed, the small cubes are cut into pulp.
In the case of a ripe and soft melon, cold salted water will help to maintain the color of the melon, in the case of a solid one, boil it, slightly pouring water to make the melon soft.
With sugar syrup in a hot state, pieces of melon are poured, so it costs about eight hours. The syrup is drained, brought to a boil, refilled and again left for eight hours. The procedure is repeated for four times. At the last time the whole capacity is put on the fire, add lemon juice in the amount of two spoons, sprinkle with saffron, and then boil. The readiness state verifies the breakdown of the "drop".
Jam from melon and bananas
Ingredients for melon and banana jam:
- peeled bananas in the amount of half a kilogram;
- eight hundred grams of melon pulp;
- eight hundred grams of sugar;
- two lemons;
- alcohol (vodka or cognac).
Melon melon is cut into small pieces, for cooking an enamelled saucepan is used, into which the resulting mass is placed. Melon is covered with sugar, covered with a cloth or a towel and left overnight. Then add the juice of one lemon, the whole mass is mixed and cooked over low heat for half an hour.
Lemon carefully wash, cut into thin rings, not getting rid of the peel. The same operation is done with peeled bananas. Both are added to the melon mass, medium fire is needed for cooking. It is stored so much, until the fruit does not come out puree. Then the fire is increased and the whole mass is boiled until it thickens.
When the jam is rolled into cans, then a circle is placed on top of a circle, moistened with cognac or vodka, it can be, for example, filtered paper.
Jam from melon and apples
For this jam not only sweet melons will suit, but also watery, beaten, and not even very tasty. And the result is a fragrant, sweet and tender jam. Apples supplement this jam with notes of piquancy.
- one kilogram of purified melon;
- apples in the amount of three hundred to five hundred grams, solid and juicy;
- up to a pound of sugar (as someone likes);
- from half to one spoonful of lemon peel.
Peel and melon seeds are eliminated. Then melons are either cut, or crushed with a blender (a meat grinder is also suitable).
Enameled dishes are used, in which the mass is placed, it is covered with sugar and cooked with minimal heat, until the consistency resembles a young honey. If foam forms, it is often removed.
Sliced small cubes of apples are poured into a container, where a lot of melon is already boiled. Everything is brought to the boiling point, after which it is boiled for another five minutes. Already in the end is added grated zest.
Jam with melon and lemon
Ingredients for melon jam with lemon:
- one kilogram of melon pulp;
- one kilogram of sugar;
- one lemon.
Sliced small chunks of purified melon pulp in a container, preferably enameled, covered with sugar and left for eight to ten hours.
The juice, which was formed after a lapse of time, to collect and boil. Then a melting syrup is poured into a melon and again left for a long time (eight to ten hours). This procedure is repeated two more times.
After lemming the lemon with boiling water, it is cut into two parts and squeezed out of it the juice that is added to the jam and cooked over low heat.
Unusual melon jam with white wine
Ingredients for melon jam with white wine.
- one kilogram of melon pulp;
- six hundred grams of sugar;
- one lemon;
- one hundred milliliters of dry white wine.
Sliced in small pieces of melon is placed in a container and covered with sugar, wine and lemon juice are poured into the mass. Jam is brought to a boil, after which the fire is reduced. For an hour, the jam is cooked on low heat, making sure that it does not burn.
Compote of melon
From melon it turns out very tasty compote. To make it, you need to take three hundred grams of melon, one hundred and fifty grams of sugar, a little citric acid (the tip of the knife), a tablespoon of wine and two glasses of water. If you want a larger volume of compote - increase the number of ingredients relative to the proportions.
Sliced cubes or small slices of melon pulp are poured with warm sugar syrup, add citric acid. If desired, the resulting mass can be boiled and boiled for five to ten minutes. But you can do without it. When the drink is cooled, wine is added to it.
Candied fruit melon
Candied fruit is a delicious and unusual dessert. To prepare them you need one kilogram of melon and five glasses of sugar.
The purified melon pulp is cut into slices, the width of which is several centimeters (often from two to four). Then they are covered with sugar and stand in this form from eight to ten hours. The juice, which in the process of all this was formed, is brewed until thick. Then the melon slices are poured over with juice, sprinkled with sugar and dried, keeping in the sun for four to six days. An alternative, more rapid option would be a longing in the oven at forty degrees for several hours.
After the end, the slices are again covered with sugar. They are stored in a glass container with a closed lid or in a wooden container in a cool place.
Pie with melon
Ingredients for the dough:
- one egg;
- one yolk;
- two hundred grams of flour;
- half a glass of milk;
- fifty grams of sugar;
- one teaspoon of soda;
- one pinch of salt;
- fifty grams of margarine;
For filling:
- two hundred and fifty grams of melon
To fill:
- one protein
- one hundred gram of sugar.
The egg is beaten with egg yolk and sugar. To the mass obtained add Magarin, drive in soda, milk, salt and flour.
The dough is laid out in a greased form. On top of it are placed chopped melon slices or slices. Bake at two hundred degrees for ten to twelve minutes.
For pouring, the protein is beaten with sugar, then the prepared pie is smeared and baked for ten minutes at a hundred degrees oven temperature.
Wine from melon
The peculiarity of making melon wine is that it requires a lot of the sweetest, ripe, juicy and aromatic melons, otherwise the wine will turn out to be fresh and unsuitable for consumption, and the situation can not be corrected by the addition of sugar - this is the whole complexity of the melon wine.
From a melon it is possible to prepare sweet fortified wines, for dining rooms, as practice shows, it is unsuitable.
Melon fruits should be thoroughly rinsed, cut off the whole peel, carefully remove the seeds. If all this is done inaccurately, the remaining parts can affect the taste of the future drink, making it harsh and unpleasant.
Longer it is necessary to grind a melon, it is most convenient to do it with a blender.
The resulting melon juice is poured into a glass bottle prepared for fermentation. All this is covered with sugar, then the yeast is dissolved in warm water and poured in the same way. To stimulate the fermentation process, ammonia is used, which is added to the bottle in small amounts.
After the fermentation process is complete, the resulting wine is filtered. Then you need to taste the drink and, if necessary, add sugar to it. The wine is ready, after that it can already be bottled.
Cocktail of melon
Fans of melon will appreciate a melon cocktail. It can be done, both in the alcoholic version, and "for children."
Peeled from the peel and seeds, the melon pulp is cut into small slices (slices, cubes, asterisks - as one likes). It is desirable to scrub the pulp from the peel so that it remains in the form of a container, so that it can then be poured into the liquid. Put melon pulp in the shell of the fruit, if desired, you can add sliced other fruits (eg lychee, strawberries, green or dark grapes, etc.). Then add the lemon juice, mint leaves. If the drink is planned to be made alcoholic, it is good to use calvados, rum or whiskey. On top, if desired, you can put whipped cream and sprinkle with vanilla sugar.
Melon in chocolate
Ingredients for melon in chocolate:
- one melon;
- chocolate bar (two hundred and fifty grams)
- rum.
Peeled from the peel and seeds, melon pulp is cut into pieces (shape if desired) and placed for half an hour in the refrigerator. Meanwhile, melted chocolate bar, if desired, it adds rum or cognac.
The melted chocolate is removed from the fire, every slice of melon is dipped into it and placed on a plate or, for example, on paper for baking. After that, the melon, soaked in chocolate, is placed in the refrigerator for another half an hour, during which the chocolate freezes, after which the delicacy can be served on the table.
Melon during pregnancy
Melon is a delicacy that loves both "old and young", for pregnant women it is also incredibly attractive. In addition, melon is extremely useful, it has many vitamins, microelements, it has different healing properties. But at the same time - the melon is a specific fruit, taking into account the specific properties of the melon, it needs to be done with some caution, especially when in a position.
The substances and trace elements that are present in melon are very useful for the mother and her future baby. Vitamins and mineral salts, the presence of folic and ascorbic acid, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, silicon, pectins, cellulose. For the successful development of the fetus, all these substances are extremely necessary.
For a pregnant woman, some useful properties of melon are particularly important:
- when using melon, a "hormone of happiness" is produced, thanks to which the mood rises, the stresses are alleviated, the nervous system comes into harmony;
- the level of hemoglobin in the blood rises;
- melon cleanses the intestines, helps maintain its microflora, prevents and eliminates the formation of constipation and hemorrhoids during pregnancy;
- helps very gently to remove excess fluid from the body, thereby preventing the formation of edema in expectant mothers;
- thanks to melon, the development of blood cells is more intense and faster;
- promotes a good state of nails, hair, skin - this is the "hands" of silicon (the only problem is that silicon is contained in the melon pulp near the skin itself, so you need to eat up the flesh to the very base. However, the effect on the skin will be noticeable, if you wipe it with melon crusts from the side of the flesh eaten away).
It is important to remember that melons can contain nitrates that are potentially dangerous to your baby, so it is advisable to take melons from trusted producers when you know at least approximately where and in what conditions it was grown.
To use melons without problems, during the pregnancy, the melon should still be eaten separately from other foods (it is especially important to remember about sour-milk products, cold water), and also it is better to do it in breaks between meals of other food. On an empty stomach, a pregnant woman should not eat a melon.
Although melon is very useful for the body of a pregnant woman and her future baby, it is still not worth it to abuse. Melon in pregnancy will benefit if you eat it in the amount of 200 g (2 pieces of fruit) throughout the day.
Can I feed a melon?
A breastfeeding mother should refrain from consuming melon, since a baby can have diarrhea and upset stomach from her.
Poisoning melons
Unfortunately, poisoning of melons occurs quite often. The fact is that during the cultivation of this melon culture, nitrates are often used, which, to put it mildly, do not have a good effect on the human body. In addition, the melon itself is a fairly heavy product for the digestive system.
Symptoms of poisoning melons are vomiting and nausea, which do not stop for a long time, temperature, general weakness, loss of strength and loss of appetite, sudden periodic pain in the abdomen.
In order to eliminate the problem of poisoning melons, you need to drink plenty of liquid, preferably boiled and maximally purified. To remove from the body nitrates, use activated carbon or other sorbents. Immediately after poisoning, it is good to clean the stomach with a deep enema.
The patient must comply with bed rest and necessarily call a doctor who will prescribe the most effective methods of treatment.
Melon in Diabetes
Patients with diabetes should take into account certain aspects of the melon.
The main features of the melon for diabetics are:
- one cereal unit per 100 grams of pulp;
- 100 grams of melon contain 35 kcal;
- 65% of the glycemic index;
- 6.2 grams of glycemic load;
- the content of potassium is relatively low;
- it is necessary to take into account the content of disaccharides (fructose, sucrose). The ratio of carbohydrates is 1.2% of glucose; 2,4% fructose; 6% sucrose;
- the content of vitamin C is high, there is folic acid, cobalt, which participates in the formation of blood, promotes the synthesis of enzymes, adrenaline, proteins.
The positive qualities of melon in diabetes
Melons have low caloric content, there is plenty of water in it, fiber. It is recommended that diabetics use melons to make the diet more diverse, but it is necessary to replace the corresponding quantity of other hydrocarbon-containing products.
It has a low calorie content, contains a large amount of water, fiber. It is recommended to use it for the purpose of a variety of diets provided that the appropriate quantity of other products containing carbohydrates is replaced.
Negative qualities of melon in diabetes
The melon has a high glycemic index. If you calculate the content of vitamins in a unit of mass of the product, then their amount is not very large, so the melon can not act as their full source.
When consuming melons, people with diabetes should consider the following:
- In melon, low caloric content is combined with the presence of a high glycemic index. Because of this, glucose in the blood quickly, but briefly increases. In type 2 diabetes mellitus with obesity, when melon is consumed, body weight decreases as a positive result, but the level of insulin in the blood unfavorably fluctuates.
- A patient with type 1 diabetes mellitus may consume a melon as part of a common diet. When the weight is normal (there are no shortcomings in weight or excess mass), the diet can be quite soft (pronounced limitations are not required), low-calorie. It is important to ensure that carbohydrates when used correspond to the insulin that is injected, and physical activity was commensurate.
- With type 2 diabetes, patients can include melon in their diet. A safe amount is 100-200 grams throughout the day. Therefore, if diabetes mellitus of the second type is combined with obesity, then it is undesirable to use melon.
- In melon there is a lot of fiber, so the processes of fermentation in the intestinal region proceed better. You can not eat melon on an empty stomach. In addition, combining it with other foods is not recommended.
- If you maintain a food diary, it is worth paying attention to how many carbohydrates you consume with melon.
Melon allergy
The food allergy to a melon is quite widespread nowadays. If after using this sweet fragrant fetus, the person has such symptoms as itching, redness of the skin and mucous membranes, urticaria, suffocation attacks, rhinitis, headache, dizziness, nausea, most likely we are dealing with an allergy to melon. Of course, the doctor will be able to determine the allergen precisely by means of diagnostics and tests.
In cross-allergic reactions melon is associated with ambrosia, so if a person has an allergy to this plant, most likely he will have an allergy to melon.
Like other food allergies, melon allergy is treated with the exception of this fruit from the diet and drug therapy. Allergic reaction is eliminated with antihistamines. The second and third generation of these drugs have the best effect: claritin, cetrin, erius, zirtake and others like them.
Tseritizin (zirtake, parasitazin) are coated tablets (10 mg), and also a solution - oral drops (10 mg / ml). Adults and children over six take one tablet once a day (20 drops), children 2-6 years - 5 mg per day or 10 drops, children 1-2 years - 2.5 mg (5 drops) twice a day . Zirotake is taken from 6 months to 2.5 mg twice daily. But all the same it is necessary to address to the doctor to the allergist who can establish the exact diagnosis and appoint the most effective treatment.
Face masks from melon
In view of the fact that the melon is rich in useful substances, vitamins and microelements, it is widely used in cosmetology.
Recipes for masks for oily skin from melon
The pulp of a ripe melon in the amount of two tablespoons is mixed with a tablespoon of yogurt. Egg white is separately beaten, which is added to the mixture. Then the mass is thoroughly kneaded, mixed and applied to the face for fifteen minutes, then washed off with cold water.
Two tablespoons of melon pulp is mixed with a tablespoon of low-fat sour cream, a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of lemon juice. After thorough mixing, the mask is applied to the face for fifteen minutes, then washed off with cold water, after which the face is wiped with a cube of cosmetic ice.
Recipes for masks for dry skin from melon
Two tablespoons of melon juice mixed with a teaspoon of salt, a tablespoon of cooked semolina and egg yolk, two teaspoons of vegetable oil and a teaspoon of honey. Thoroughly mix everything and apply on face for fifteen to twenty minutes. It is washed off with warm water.
Two tablespoons of melon pulp is mixed with a tablespoon of medium-fat milk and a tablespoon of dry herb St. John's wort. The mask is applied to the face for twenty minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.
Two tablespoons of melon pulp is mixed with a teaspoon of honey. In the mixture is added grated fused cheese (a teaspoon), a teaspoon of boiled water. After thorough mixing, the mask is applied to the face for twenty minutes, washed off with warm water.
Melon for hair
With the problem of tarnishing and hair loss, the mask of melon juice helps a lot. To do this, you need to squeeze out the juice from the pulp and rub it into washed and slightly moistened hair. If baldness disturbs, melon juice is also applied to the scalp. After that, the hair should be wrapped with cellophane or polyethylene, and on top with a towel. Keep for forty minutes and then rinse with cool water. The effect does not require waiting for yourself - after the first such mask hair will become shiny, will be soft and pleasant to the touch. To eliminate the problem of severe hair loss, a mask is recommended to be done every other day.
How to choose a melon?
Many people ask themselves how to choose a ripe juicy melon without cutting it. In order not to make a mistake in the choice, it is worth sticking to such recommendations:
- Melon should be beautiful, it should not be dented, chipped, scratched, etc. It is important to smell a melon - a characteristic feature of this fruit is that it should exude a fragrance. Each brand smells differently, it is a whole variation of smells, sweet, pleasant, reminiscent of vanilla, pear. When the melon exudes only the smell of greenery, you can safely put it aside.
- When cotton, the fruit should make a dull sound.
- Each melon fruit has a tail. When the melon is ripe, it is dry and strong, and the place where the stalk is attached to the fruit is dry and even. Next, turn the fruit and look at its spout. If you press the skin with your finger, it gives in, which means that the ripening of the melon has occurred on the melon plant. In the same case, when the peel remains in place, it means that it was ripped off in a green state. The exception is only the Afghan variety Zard, whose essence is to pick the fruit in September, and the melon comes after it was torn down, in the storage place.
- If there is such an opportunity, it is good to prune the skin of a melon with a fingernail: if the skin is easily succumbed, and under it the flesh is greenish, then you can calmly take a melon, it is ripe.