
List Diseases – U

Uvulitis is an acute inflammation of the uvula with a sudden onset, pain during swallowing, the floating sensation of a foreign body in the throat and respiratory obstruction.
Uveitis - inflammation of the uveate tract. Inflammatory process can be localized in certain departments of the uveal tract, in connection with which it is expedient to subdivide the uveal process in its localization.
A group of connective tissue diseases causes inflammation of the uveal tract, causing uveitis.
Uveitis - inflammatory disease of the choroid - the most frequent pathology of this area of the eye. Uveitis occurs in 57-30% of cases and is one of the main causes of poor vision and blindness (25-30%).
Eversion of the uterus is a rare severe condition, in which the uterus body is turned inside out and falls out of the vagina beyond the sexual slit. Usually the uterus is turned out in cases when too much tension is applied to the umbilical cord when trying to isolate the placenta.

Myoma uterus is a benign hormone-dependent tumor that develops from the muscular layer of the uterus. Myoma of the uterus is one of the most common tumors of the female genital organs. It is detected in 10-27% of gynecological patients, and for preventive examinations, uterine fibroids are first detected in 1-5% of the examined.

The uterine cyst is a benign formation provoked by a chronic inflammatory process that blocks the efferent function of the ducts of the glandular tissue of the uterus and the accumulation of mucus in the glands. The reason - inflammation of the cervix - cervicitis or endocervicitis.
Uterine bleeding of the pubertal period (MKPP) is a pathological bleeding caused by abnormalities of endometrial rejection in adolescent girls with impaired cyclic production of sex steroid hormones from the moment of the first menstruation to 18 years.
Hives (angioedema angioedema) - an allergic disease of the skin and mucous membranes, characterized by the formation of blisters, accompanied by itching and burning. Distinguish acute, including acute limited edema Quincke, and chronic urticaria.
"Urolithiasis" ("nephrolithiasis", "urolithiasis" and "nephrolithiasis") are terms that determine the clinical syndrome of the formation and movement of stones in the urinary system.

Urolithiasis, or urolithiasis - a disease associated with a metabolic disorder in the body, in which stones are formed in the kidneys and urinary tract.  

Urogenital disorders in the climacteric period is a symptomatic complex of secondary complications associated with the development of atrophic and dystrophic processes in estrogen-dependent tissues and structures of the lower third of the genitourinary tract: bladder, urethra, vagina, pelvic ligament apparatus and pelvic floor muscles.
Stricture of the male urethra is a urological disease characterized by an obstructive lesion of the spongy body of the penis.
Urinary incontinence is a pathological condition in which control over the act of urination is lost. The leading cause of urinary incontinence is considered to be labor: stress urinary incontinence is noted in 21% of women after spontaneous delivery and 34% after the imposition of pathological obstetric forceps.
Urinary incontinence in the elderly is the involuntary discharge of urine from the urethra. Incontinence is a problem for the elderly and bedridden patients. Every 43 out of 100 elderly citizens need medical assistance, in constant qualified medical care - 11.4%. Some of these patients find it difficult to send out natural needs, some of them recover and urinate in bed.
Urinary incontinence is a violation of urination, which is characterized by involuntary discharge of urine through the urethra or through a fistula that connects the urinary tract to the surface of the body.
In connection with the high prevalence of colon diseases, as well as an increase in the number of open and endoscopic operations on the prostate and bladder, the most frequently observed is the duodenal fistula.
Urethritis, caused by mycoplasma and ureaplasmas, in the last year has become a very common venereal disease. Very often it is asymptomatic.
Urethritis is a urological disease characterized by the presence of an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the urethra.
The urethral-genital syndrome is a symptom-complex, caused by the pathology of the urethra and glands opening the ducts into the urethral canal: prostate gland, bulb-urethral glands, paraurethral glands, Littre glands, vas deferens.


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