
Chamomile for pimples on the face: decoctions, infusions, lotions, masks

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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An effective remedy for dealing with skin problems is chamomile. For acne, it is used in the form of solutions, lotions, tinctures, masks, and even ice cubes.

Improper diet, polluted environment, medications and many other factors actively influence our skin. They increase the duration of the activity of the sebaceous glands, putting the skin under additional stress. Because of this, people of any age face acne, but most often adolescents during hormonal changes.

Acne is a non-medical term, because the meaning of this problem is too vague. There are such types of acne lesions (acne):

  • The comedo (white pimple) is a greasy stopper that clogged the pore and caused the inflammatory process. Very often comedones are called black dots, since black color indicates oxidized sebum on the surface of the pimple. If it appeared in the upper part of the pore, then it is an open comedo, closed are localized deep in the pores. If an infection penetrates inside, it leads to the development of papules.
  • A papule is an inflammatory and painful neoplasm. Its color is from red to bluish, but when pressed it turns pale.
  • Pustula - has purulent content, which manifests itself as a white dot on the surface of the formation.
  • Nodular cystic acne is one form of pustules. They penetrate deep into the dermis and form conglomerates. Interconnected fistulous ducts.
  • Lightning fast is a severe form of acne. Manifested in large areas with acne, hyperthermia, pain in the bones and muscles, changes in leukocyte form. The disease has several stages.

Chamomile (Matricaria) has strong anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Because of this, she copes with acne on her face and body. The plant disinfects and suppresses inflammatory processes, establishes metabolic processes in tissues, nourishes the skin with nutrients, moisturizes, stimulates the regeneration of damaged tissues.

Does pharmacy chamomile help from acne?

The effectiveness of chamomile in the treatment of acne is based on its beneficial properties:

  • Antibacterial - in most cases, acne is caused by germs and bacteria. The plant destroys pathogens and reduces skin rashes.
  • Anti-inflammatory - acne and purulent formations are accompanied by inflammatory reactions. Chamomile relieves inflammation, soothes and brightens the skin.
  • Regulation of sebum production - increased synthesis of sebum leads to acne and blackheads. The plant normalizes secretion and reduces the number of acne.
  • Detoxifying - herbal remedy absorbs products of cellular metabolism and toxins.
  • Regenerating - speeds up the process of restoring damaged tissue. Stimulates local metabolic processes, facilitating the healing process.

In most cases, acne is not caused by dermatological problems, but by various diseases of the body. For complex treatment of a cosmetic defect, not only external influence is shown, but also the elimination of internal problems. The latter include endocrine pathologies, gynecological, gastroenterological disorders.


Indications Daisies

For cosmetic and medicinal purposes, only camomile inflorescences are used. The chemical composition of the herb has many therapeutic components.

The plant contains carotenoids, organic acids, coumarins, essential oils, vitamins, glycosides and other substances. This unique composition makes chamomile an indispensable tool in the treatment of various inflammatory processes of the skin, including acne.

The main indications for the use of drugs based on chamomile:

  • Normalization of the sebaceous glands.
  • Normalization of metabolic processes.
  • Destruction of microbes and bacteria.
  • Stimulation of regeneration processes.
  • Elimination of swelling and redness.
  • Soothes the skin.
  • Moisturizing and nutrition.
  • Fights pigmentation, whitens the skin.
  • Improve complexion.
  • Improve microblood circulation.

Herb is great for the care of any type of dermis and has a minimum of contraindications.

Release form

Chamomile is produced in the form of dry powdered raw materials, liquid extracts and tinctures (including alcohol). There are also essential oils, creams and ointments with herbal ingredients.

In cosmetology, dry raw materials are most often used, and on the basis of it, decoctions, infusions, lotions and other preparations for skin care are prepared.

Chamomile decoction for acne

Chamomile-based decoction contains many beneficial substances that have a complex effect on the skin. Indications for the use of decoction:

  • Acne treatment.
  • Inflammation and irritation of the skin.
  • Puffiness
  • Rejuvenation and restoration of the skin.
  • Whitening pigment spots.

Methods of cooking broth:

  1. Take 1 tablespoon of dried flowers and pour 250 ml of boiling water. Put on the steam bath for 15-20 minutes. Remove from heat and let stand until cool. Before use, filter the medium and add boiled water to obtain the primary volume.
  2. Pour a tablespoon of inflorescences with a glass of cold water and put on a slow fire until boiling. After cooling the agent is filtered and topped up with boiled water. Instead of inflorescences, you can use grass, packaged in filter bags.

In the fight against acne, chamomile decoction is used as a means of washing, as well as lotions. Washing perfectly tones the skin, improves its color and structure, gives a feeling of cheerfulness. Also, the decoction can be used as a tonic for daily cleansing of the face and prevention of skin rashes.

Chamomile extract from acne

Matricaria herb has disinfectant and regenerating properties, therefore it is excellent for eliminating such a dermatological problem as acne.

Useful properties of chamomile infusion:

  • Mildly disinfects.
  • Tightens and cleans pores.
  • Normalizes sebum secretion.
  • Relieves inflammation and redness.
  • Accelerates regenerative processes.

To prepare the infusion, take a tablespoon of grass blossoms and pour 250 ml of boiling water. After cooling, strain and apply for skin treatment.

Chamomile tincture from acne

Medicinal herb preparations contain the whole complex of plant nutrients:

  • Essential oils.
  • Organic acids.
  • Vitamins and minerals.

Chamomile tincture effectively fights against skin rashes and irritations, stops inflammatory processes.

Tincture is especially effective with comedones and blackheads. Take 250 ml of alcohol or vodka and 4 tablespoons of dried grass flowers. Pour the vegetable raw material with alcohol, pour into a container that is tightly closed. Shake well and place in a dark place for 10-14 days. Shake tincture daily.

The finished product is recommended to filter and use as a lotion for skin care. Such a tincture in a short time normalizes sebum secretion, narrows pores, relieves irritation and redness, as well as eliminates any signs of acne.

Chamomile compress from acne

Another way to use pharmacy chamomile for acne treatment and face care is compresses. For compresses, fresh decoctions and herb extracts are best. For their preparation, a tablespoon of dried flowers is poured with a glass of boiling water and boiled until boiling or allowed to brew until cooled.

Dampen a cotton pad or a small piece of gauze / bandage, folded several times in the finished vegetable solution. Put a compress for 1-2 hours on problem areas of the skin, if necessary, secure with a plaster. Compresses are recommended to do 1-2 times a day, and preferably at bedtime.

To enhance the beneficial properties of a compress, add 300 crushed aspirin and analgin tablets, 1 teaspoon of boric acid and 100 ml of alcohol to 300 ml of chamomile solution. The finished product effectively copes with subcutaneous acne and congestive acne, ulcers. Such compresses are used 1-2 times a day for 5 minutes.

Chamomile decoction against acne

The most versatile use of chamomile for the treatment of acne is the use of decoctions. The decoction is suitable for all skin types and people of any age. The tool has a wide spectrum of action:

  • Eliminates acne and acne.
  • Soothes irritated skin.
  • Moisturizes and prevents peeling.
  • Whiten pigmentation.
  • Removes puffiness and circles under the eyes.
  • Smoothes fine wrinkles.
  • Promotes tightening of fading derma.

To prepare the broth, take a tablespoon of dried or fresh chamomile flowers and pour 250 ml of water. Put in a water bath on a slow fire and boil until boiling. After cooling carefully strain.

Ready decoction is perfect for washing and wiping the face, for compresses, as a spray, tonic ice cubes, as well as in the composition of masks. Regular treatment of the skin with a plant remedy not only eliminates various rashes, but also prevents their appearance.

Chamomile Acne Solution

Another effective method of using chamomile to eliminate skin rashes, acne is a plant solution or hydrolat.

  • Chamomile water is a secondary distillate formed by the steam distillation of the herbal remedy.
  • Concentrated liquid is formed by passing steam through plant materials.
  • Such a solution (hydrolat) has the properties of essential oils, but is milder in its effect, therefore it is excellent for treating and caring for sensitive skin.

To prepare the solution, you need a double boiler and fresh chamomile herb medicinal. In a saucepan with water, place the steamer with the grass. Place any container on the chamomile; condensate will flow into it. Cover the pan with an inverted lid and put on a slow fire.

In order for the steam to quickly turn into liquid and drain into the tank, cold water should be poured into the lid. The preparation of such a solution is time-consuming and takes 2-3 hours.

The finished product is poured into a glass container with a tight lid and stored in the refrigerator for 4-6 months. When acne chamomile hydrolat is suitable for rubbing skin, compresses and lotions. It can be added to lotions and ready-made creams.


The mechanism of action and pharmacological properties of chamomile due to its composition. The plant contains a high concentration of various chemical compounds:

  • Coumarins.
  • Bioflavonoids (apigenin, luteolin, quercitin in small quantities).
  • Polyine compounds.
  • Organic acids (isovalentine, caprylic, actimisovaya).
  • Ascorbic and nicotinic acids.
  • Carotenes.
  • Polysaccharide compounds.
  • Protein and tannins, etc.

The interaction of the components of herbal remedies provides a wide range of its application and unique medicinal properties.



Chamomile has a rich chemical composition, which provides a wide range of its application. The main medicinal properties of the plant:

  • Antibacterial.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Choleretic.
  • Mild sedative.
  • Antibacterial.
  • Hemostatic.
  • Vasodilator
  • Regenerating
  • Deodorizing and antipruritic.

Decoctions, infusions, solutions and other preparations based on chamomile show their activity immediately after application. The pronounced therapeutic effect on acne is noticeable after 3-5 days of regular treatment of the affected tissues.


Dosing and administration

On the basis of chamomile prepare a variety of different drugs: decoctions, tinctures, tinctures, ice cubes, masks and other means. Consider the most popular chamomile recipes for acne, dosage:

  • Washing - with acne washing with running water is not recommended, for this purpose, fresh decoctions and chamomile extracts are excellent. The drug tones, relieves swelling, prevents inflammation and irritation. Washing with decoction promotes faster maturation of acne and speeds up regenerative processes.
  • Wiping - for these purposes it is better to use herbal infusions. Regular treatment of the skin allows you to get rid of various rashes, both on the face and in other parts of the body.
  • Compresses - contribute to a deeper penetration of the therapeutic components of chamomile into the pores of the skin. They help with acne. To relieve a painful condition, it is enough to attach a cotton pad or piece of gauze soaked in broth to the problem area.
  • Steam bath - prepare a decoction of chamomile and pour it into the basin. Bend your head over a basin and cover with a towel on top. Keep your head under steam for 5-10 minutes. Make sure that steam does not burn the skin. Steam baths steam out the dermis and dilate the pores, help cleanse sebum, dirt and germs.
  • Lotion - suitable for people with oily and oily skin. This type of dermis is characterized by severe pore pollution, the appearance of acne and black spots, pustules. Chamomile lotions dry out skin rashes and cleanse them of impurities.
  • Ice cubes - excellent tone, relieve irritation, redness, rash. Ice helps with acne. Wiping your face with ice cubes is best done in the morning.
  • Masks are effective against acne and other dermatological problems. Their action is aimed at cleansing the face, the destruction of bacteria and germs, the restoration of the skin. Healing properties have masks with chamomile and potato starch, oatmeal.

In addition to the above methods, chamomile for acne can be ingested. For these purposes, chamomile tea is suitable, a weak herbal decoction with the addition of fresh mint and lemon.


Use Daisies during pregnancy

Hormonal changes in the body during gestation are one of the causes of acne. Hormone progesterone maintains pregnancy and promotes active sebum production. Because of this, the pores of the dermis become clogged, purulent and acne rashes appear. As the concentration of progesterone increases, skin rashes increase.

Change hormones during pregnancy and eliminate acne does not work, because the process is natural. To reduce the production of sebum and improve the condition of the dermis, it is necessary to regularly cleanse and scrub tissue from excess fat. Daily wiping of the face with ice cubes on the basis of chamomile solution and washing will be useful.

For severe rashes, you can use masks with clay / oatmeal and grass. For skin care, chamomile gel or vegetable cream is suitable. Before using the plant, it is necessary to make sure that it is not hypersensitive and allergic.


Chamomile is a hypoallergenic plant with a mild effect. It is great for the care of the most sensitive and delicate skin. The main contraindications to its external use are due to the individual intolerance of the plant components.

Chamomile-based alcohol tinctures cannot be used to treat problematic skin with a lot of acne and ulcers. This is due to the fact that alcohol is an active substance that damages the natural protective covering of worn tissues. Ice cubes from the solution / infusion are prohibited with spider veins, a tendency to blood flow to the face and pink acne.

The use of chamomile inside is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, with diseases of the bladder and kidneys, prone to diarrhea, mental disorders, gastric ulcer, allergic reactions to the constituent plants.

Side effects Daisies

External and internal use of preparations based on chamomile flowers is effective for dermatological problems, especially for acne. Matricaria extract is a part of various ointments and creams that are prescribed to treat acne, eczema, dermatitis of various etiologies and skin pathologies.

But despite all the beneficial properties of chamomile, before using it, you should ensure that there is no individual intolerance to the substances that make up the herbaceous plant.

Side effects of chamomile with its outdoor use are manifested by allergic reactions of varying severity. If the herb is taken internally, it can cause nausea, vomiting and epigastric pain. There is also a risk of increased blood pressure, bronchospasm, hyperemia.


The risk of overdose with chamomile is minimal, as the plant is hypoallergenic. Side effects when applied topically develop with individual intolerance to chemical compounds and active substances that make up the herb. In this case, hypersensitivity reactions occur:

  • Pruritus
  • Irritation.
  • Increased dryness of the skin.

For treatment, it is enough to stop using chamomile. In severe cases, it is possible to take antihistamines.

If Matricaria for acne is used in the form of decoctions and infusions for oral administration, the risk of overdose is higher. Herbal remedies can cause these symptoms:

  • General weakness.
  • Depression of the nervous system.
  • Headache and dizziness.
  • Hoarseness and cough.
  • Nausea.
  • Conjunctivitis.

Prolonged use of chamomile drugs can cause increased irritability, bouts of unreasonable anger. If such reactions occur, the dosage of the herb should be reduced or discontinued. Medical consultation is mandatory.

Interactions with other drugs

According to studies, the external use of chamomile in the treatment of acne and other cosmetic problems has no significant drug interactions with other drugs.

Acceptance of decoctions and infusions of chamomile inside is contraindicated at the same time sedative drugs. It should also be borne in mind that herbal tea can thin the blood, so it can not be used with drugs that have a thinning effect.

Storage conditions

Dry raw chamomile flowers should be stored in their original packaging, protected from moisture and sunlight and out of the reach of children. The optimum storage temperature is from 15 ° C to 25 ° C.

Ready broths and infusions are stored at a temperature of from 8 ° C to 15 ° C and not more than 48 hours. It is best to prepare a fresh solution before each use. As for ice cubes from herbal remedies, they should be kept in a freezer, in a container protected from foreign odors.

Shelf life

Dried chamomile flowers can be stored for 24 months from the date of their collection and packaging, which indicate on the box with the drug.

Ready-made decoctions, infusions and other plant-based products have a shelf life of not more than 48 hours and only if they are stored in a refrigerator.


Chamomile for acne has many positive reviews confirming the effectiveness of this plant in eliminating cosmetic problems. Properly prepared preparation based on Matricaria perfectly tones, cleans and cares for diseased skin. Herbal remedy has a minimum of contraindications and adverse reactions. Another advantage of chamomile is low cost and hypoallergenicity.


To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Chamomile for pimples on the face: decoctions, infusions, lotions, masks" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.

Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.

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