Berries with pancreatitis: what can and what can not?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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In chronic inflammation of the pancreas, people are forced to eat a special diet limited to a specific list of prohibited foods. Are berries on pancreatitis included in this list?
Given the specificity of the disease and all the restrictions in the diet, in the use of berries should follow the recommendations of doctors, gastroenterologists and nutritionists, who know exactly what berries can and which can not be patients with this diagnosis.
What are the berries for pancreatitis?
With acute pancreatitis, the diet is so meager that there can be no question about any berries. Therefore, nutritionists consider their inclusion in the diet only in the chronic form of this disease - depending on the weakening or amplification of symptoms.
Due to inflammation of the pancreas and damage to its exocrine and endocrine cells that produce enzymes and hormones, the functions of the body are disturbed, which leads to a deterioration in the absorption of nutrients. Also, the body may lack vitamins and minerals. The researchers found that eating foods containing vitamins A, C, E, B, iron and zinc, helps prevent attacks of pancreatitis. Read - Diet with an attack of pancreatitis.
For obvious reasons, not all berries and fruits are allowed for patients with chronic pancreatitis. Detailed recommendations on fruit are given in the article - Fruits in acute and chronic pancreatitis.
And we will start with the biggest, true, false berry, which people use.
Is it possible to watermelon with pancreatitis?
The pulp of watermelon fiber content is relatively low (up to 0.5%), so it belongs to the dietary products. The content of iron and potassium watermelon almost does not lag behind spinach. It is also important that it contains alkaline substances that help restore the acid-base balance of the body. Therefore, watermelon can be with pancreatitis - in the absence of exacerbation.
But the glycemic index of watermelon is quite high (GI 72), but it is due to fructose, which is absorbed without the participation of insulin - that is, it does not overload the pancreatic beta cells, which during pancreatitis can not cope with the synthesis of the required amount of this hormone.
It should be borne in mind that, according to clinical statistics, at a certain stage of chronic pancreatitis in 25-45% of patients decreases the ability to absorb glucose with the subsequent development of diabetes.
Usually a melon goes in tandem with a watermelon , because it is of the same pumpkin family. It has almost as many sugars (GI 65), but slightly more fiber. And when asked if melon can be used for pancreatitis, nutritionists give a similar answer: only with stable remission of the disease and in very limited quantities.
Rose hip for pancreatitis
A decoction of dried rosehips recommend almost all diets for any diseases. Among the biologically active substances contained in these berries, isolated vitamins A, C and E, as well as vegetable polyphenolic compounds (flavonoids). But the number one is considered ascorbic acid - vitamin C, which, in 100 g of fresh fruits, on average 450-470 mg. So dogrose with pancreatitis (about 400-500 ml of broth or water infusion per day) serves as a good and affordable vitamin help.
The body needs vitamin C for the synthesis of proteins and lipids, for the formation of collagen and tissue regeneration, the production of peptide hormones and the neurotransmitter norepinephrine, for the metabolism of tyrosine, etc. It acts as an antioxidant, reducing the oxidative degradation of phospholipids and the damage of cellular proteins by free radicals.
But if patients have a history of thrombophlebitis, then with a briar should be more careful: it contains vitamin K, which increases blood clotting.
In addition, dog rose increases urine production and is weak.
Raspberry with pancreatitis
In the delicate raspberry berries there is actually a lot of fiber - almost 30%, and also high acidity (pH 3.2-3.9), which, when the pancreas is inflamed, immediately sends it to the list of contraindicated products. But this applies to fresh berries, and in the form of compote made from pureed berries (that is, without stones), jelly, mousse or jelly - you can use it.
By the way, most dietitians allow fresh raspberries for pancreatitis (not more than 100 g per day a couple of times a week) - when the patient's condition is stabilized. And all because the anthocyanins, flavonoids kaempferol and quercetin, derivatives of hydroxybenzoic acid, ellagic, chlorogenic, coumaric and ferulic acids provide the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of this berry.
Recently, the attention of researchers focused on ellagic acid, which raspberries more than in other berries. And it was established that this polyphenol compound is able to reduce the production and activity of cyclooxygenase-2 - a pro-inflammatory enzyme, that is, to reduce inflammation. In addition, as reported in the World Journal of Gastroenterology, ellagic acid inhibits the growth of malignant cells in pancreatic cancer.
Strawberries for pancreatitis
Strawberries or strawberries with pancreatitis in the same category as raspberries. That is, due to the presence of citric, malic and ascorbic acid (vitamin C), it is acidic (average pH = 3.45); contains dietary fiber and small bones, which are not digested in the stomach and can activate inflammation. Therefore, doctors do not recommend when exacerbations eat strawberries (strawberries) in natural form.
On the other hand, when the patient's condition in the remission stage improves, the attending physician may allow the menu to be supplemented with mousse, compote, jelly or kissel from grated berries. How to cook jelly from strawberries, read the publication - Diet recipes for pancreatitis.
And with long-term improvement - and only in the absence of carbohydrate metabolism disorders - in the strawberry season, you can eat several fresh berries a day: they also contain ellagic acid and vitamin B5.
What are the berries with pancreatitis can not?
Fiber and acids in fresh berries cause the pancreas to produce more digestive enzymes. But with its chronic inflammation, the performance of this function is limited, which makes it necessary to follow a diet for acute and chronic pancreatitis.
The skin of the berries contains polysaccharide pectin, which is not digested and not absorbed, but activates the secretion of glands involved in digestion - including the pancreas. And this is the reason for having fresh berries with dense skin for pancreatitis to use is contraindicated.
It does not fit into the diet of gooseberry with pancreatitis - even when the pancreas "declared a truce", and the condition of the patients allows you to use some fresh berries. With a very dense skin and a mass of seeds (all this is fiber and 2.5% pectin), the pH of these berries is also 2.8-3.1. No, in fact, gooseberry is a very valuable berry, since vitamin C is almost as much in it as in black currant. The gooseberry contains a lot of folic acid (it is useful for pregnant women), and it helps a lot with constipation. But in relation to pancreatitis, the choleretic effect of these berries should be considered.
In dark colored berries - red, blue, violet - a high content of antioxidants: polyphenols and flavonoids, anthocyanins. Berries with a high level of these biologically active substances include blueberries, cherries, black and red currants, cranberries, grapes and dark cherries.
Despite this, cranberry is contraindicated for pancreatitis: with all its beneficial properties, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory, its acidity level (pH 2.3-2.5) approaches lemon (its pH = 2-2.6), and due to its high the content of organic acids, causes increased bile excretion, activating the pancreas.
Red currant with pancreatitis is prohibited for the same reasons: thick skin and high acid content (average pH = 2.85). Sweeter cherry with pancreatitis can be added to the compote, but the nutritionists brought fresh berries to contraindicated products.
Fresh berries of black currant inhibit the growth of the most common pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic bacteria, including. Gastritis-causing Helicobacter pylori. Studies have shown that the acidic polysaccharides of black currant seeds (galactans) can inhibit the adhesion of bacteria to the gastric mucosa. But with pancreatitis, black currant can only be used in the form of compote and only without aggravation.
Because of the dense skin, high content of plant fibers and fresh sugars, cherries are not recommended for pancreatitis, as well as grapes.
In diarrhea, blueberry jelly can help patients with inflammation of the pancreas, as fresh blueberries are not used for pancreatitis.
And sea buckthorn with pancreatitis (in case of remission of the chronic form of the disease) is also allowed as a supplement to a small amount of jelly or compote - if there are no problems with the bowels, forcing people to visit the toilet more often.