Disclosure of the cervix before delivery: how to stimulate with pills, exercises
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The uterus is the most important organ in the female body, which is responsible for the bearing and birth of the child. In fact, it is a muscular organ, a receptacle for the fetus. It is represented by three parts - the bottom, the body, the neck. The cervix is part of the uterus, which is responsible both for the onset of labor and for not stepping on. First, it promotes retention of the fetus, prevents descent and birth before the due date. Then, the cervix is opened before delivery, which promotes the birth canal. This determines whether the birth will proceed normally, or pathologically. The uterus must be mature.
It is important for every woman to know and understand the causes, signs and mechanism of opening the uterus, which will make it possible to distinguish the pathological process from the natural. Possessing at least minimal knowledge, a woman can take timely measures. From the actions of women, too much depends - if you timely inform your doctor about suspicions, point out the pathological signs, you can provide measures for the prevention of many pathologies. At a later date, the preparatory process can be actively involved.
Traditionally, there is a division of all possible causes into natural and pathological. The normal course of pregnancy is accompanied by a closed condition of the uterus, which contributes to the reliable retention of the fetus, ensures full development, and protection of the effects. Later, the channel is completely released and provides the output of the fetus. The reason for this is changes in the neck, leading to a partial replacement of muscle tissue by the connective. Collagen fibers are also actively formed, so that the passage becomes softer and more elastic, as a result of which the tissues acquire a greater ability to stretch.
The reason for the disclosure is a decrease in the length and other parameters of the neck, as a result of which the structure becomes loose, a lumen is formed. Preparation is an early process, which starts at the 33nd week. The uterus becomes more friable and soft, the position of the fetus decreases. On the inside, there is a constant pressure on the uterus, it begins to gradually open.
But there are many reasons that contribute to the pathological process. If the disclosure occurs before the due time, there is a risk of premature birth, in which the baby is absolutely not mature.
How to prepare the cervix for opening?
In everyday practice, experts are increasingly faced with the immaturity of the uterus. Therefore, preparatory measures are needed. This issue is especially important at 40 weeks, when the birth should begin, and the placenta gradually dies. The risk of hypoxia increases dramatically. With this turn of events, artificial stimulation is resorted to.
In many ways the success of preparing for disclosure depends on the woman herself. It should maintain a high level of activity, be sure to engage in physical exercises. The load must be dosed. There are many programs for pregnant women, which promote both physical and psychological preparation for childbirth. Physical exercises, specially designed complexes, stimulate the activity of the muscles of the uterus, receptors.
The effectiveness of physical exertion is explained by the fact that the uterus is a muscular organ that also requires training. It is necessary to practice breathing exercises, breathing in the belly, practicing relaxation and meditative techniques that allow you to relax, concentrate attention. With the help of exercises you can learn to control the relaxation of some muscles and the relaxation of others. Also, special means are used that help to open, for example, candles, tablets. Their action is aimed at softening of tissues, the formation of connective tissue interlayers.
Prepare the uterus for childbirth can also be medicated or non-medicamentous way. In the first case, the administration of the drugs is provided in various ways. Most often local drugs are used, the action of which is based on stimulation and stimulation of receptors. For example, use special medicines, resort to the use of a stimulating catheter, laminaria rods.
As soon as the disclosure process has started, it can pass absolutely unnoticed. Often, women go to the hospital, already having an opening of 1-2 cm. It occurs so unnoticeably that a woman does not even suspect it. This is a sign of physiological maturity. Rarely there is sipping, tingling, feeling of heaviness.
The symptom that most accurately and reliably speaks about the presence of the disclosure is the excretion of the mucous plug.
A dangerous symptom may be the passage of amniotic fluid, which indicates the need for urgent hospitalization, delivery to the hospital. If the birth does not begin within 6-8 hours, it is necessary to stimulate the opening, since prolonged stay of the fetus without amniotic fluid is fraught with serious consequences, both for the baby and for the mother. Possible infection, hypoxia, death.
If the disclosure is pathological, and occurs long before delivery, the symptoms can also be overlooked. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner so that he can identify a possible pathology and prevent it.
The initial stages are absolutely invisible. Only if the slimy cork has moved away - this is considered an indicator, indicating as precisely as possible the disclosure.
How long does the cervix dilate?
It is determined by whether the woman gives birth for the first time or repeatedly. Pervading opening can be achieved after 8-10 hours. In re-generators, this process is reduced to 6-7 hours.
Periods and phases of cervical dilatation
Three periods are known. The initial stage is latent. Fights begin. They are usually irregular, not strong. Contractions are not painful, and no significant sensations occur. Often women who do not lie in the maternity hospital endure this period on their feet, doing their usual things and not noticing fights. The latent period can last from several hours to several days.
At this time, one can not listen to sensations. Expecting contractions is also not recommended. We must try not to notice them, but it is better to be under the supervision of medical personnel. At this time, you should try to relax as much as possible. You can do meditation, perform breathing exercises, listen to soothing music, or just sleep. You do not need to waste your efforts in vain, you need to try to preserve and multiply them, since they will still take a lot. There is still no need for medication. But the doctor can take action if there is a risk of complications. Most often resort to artificial stimulation of childbirth.
The second period was called the phase of active disclosure, accompanied by the rapidity of the process. Characteristic of the increase in the intensity of contractions and the reduction in the interval between them. It is at this stage that the amniotic fluid flows and the bladder bursts. The opening is 4-8 cm.
Gradually, and sometimes swiftly and quickly, the third stage comes, and the uterus opens up to the fullest. There should be a doctor next to him who will monitor.
Sensations when the cervix is open
Changes start from about 38-40 weeks. There is an aging placenta, accompanied by the release of hormones, which stimulate the cervix to open. Significant transformations take place in the body, but no new sensations are experienced. Sometimes there may be pain, a feeling of pressure indicating a lowering. Sometimes women feel hormonal failure, which manifests itself in the form of sharp mood swings, irritability, anxiety, or vice versa, euphoria. But these feelings pass very quickly.
Later, after the fetus has sufficiently lowered, there may be painful sensations in the lower abdomen, false fights, which represent the prenatal hypertension of the uterus. During this period, the uterus begins to shrink rapidly, gradually unfolding. The first - the latent period of disclosure usually passes without pain. In the second, active period, there are painful sensations.
Disclosure is divided into 2 phases: latent and active. Usually the latent phase is painless, whereas the second - active already passes with a feeling of pain. In fact, this pain is of a natural nature, but at present not every woman can tolerate it, so doctors have to resort to anesthesia. Usually, intense pain occurs when the opening is more than 5 cm.
First the cork comes off. Also yellow mucus discharge is possible. At the end of the active phase, amniotic fluid flows. If the cervix is open approximately 8-10 cm, this is a timely outflow. If the opening is about 7 cm - the outflow is early. When the neck is opened 10 cm or more and there is no outflow of water, it is necessary to perform an amniotomy, the entrance of which is pierced by the wall of the bladder.
Nausea is rarely seen: as a reaction to the hormonal shift. With the opening of the neck, nausea occurs rarely. Sometimes it can be observed as a reaction to pain, or as a side effect on the effects of medications.
With the disclosure of blood does not happen. The appearance of blood indicates a pathological process, rupture of the perineum, other injuries, bleeding.
Cervical dilatation without pain and fights
Painlessness is observed in the latent phase. When the disclosure passes into the next stage, painful sensations arise. Pathological disclosure usually passes painlessly, therefore it is necessary to undergo examinations in a timely manner. Cervix can open and without fights, especially in the latent period.
Cervical dilatation in primiparous
Duration is determined by whether the woman is primiparous, moth-bred. In primiparas, there is no such experience, the organism only adapts to new and unknown conditions for it. Change of activity and new conditions cause additional stress in the body, like any other new and unexpected activity. The body spends part of the resources on adaptation to new conditions. The muscular system and connective tissue are not trained, the nerve impulses enter the uterus more intensively, stimulating its contractile activity. This somewhat increases the sensitivity and soreness.
Psychological readiness and self-regulation are at a lower level than in the miscreant. In addition, lack of experience, ignorance of what actions to do affects. Therefore, you need to relax as much as possible and follow the doctor's recommendations. In primiparas, it takes up to 8-10 hours.
Cervical dilatation in repetitive
In those who have already given birth earlier, the uterus is more prepared, stretched, activated. In addition, the memory is stored, which reproduces the process of expulsion of the fetus, similar to the previous experience. The contraction activity is better regulated by nerve impulses, since the reflex arc has already been laid and there is an experience on which the nervous system can rely on to produce reflexes. The process becomes more regulated and automatic with simultaneous connection of mechanisms of self-regulation of the organism. Muscles of the uterus and pelvic region are also more prepared, developed and activated. Therefore, it takes about 6-7 hours for the re-emergent to fully open, of which 5-6 hours are spent on the latent phase, and the active phase lasts only 1-2 hours. The process is less painful, including due to physical and psychological readiness for the impending pain.
Premature opening of the uterus in the early stages
It often happens that the uterus does not cope with its functions, and can open prematurely. This is fraught with premature births and miscarriages. This pathology was called istmiko-cervical deficiency, in which the functional activity of the cervix and uterus is broken. The locking function is not performed, as a result of which the neck softens and shortens, losing the ability to support the fetus. Most often, this phenomenon is observed in the 2-3 trimester. If the neck is shortened to 25 mm at 20-30 weeks, it is a question of the incompetence of the cervix.
In this case, you need to take steps to save your pregnancy. Usually carry out activities aimed at prolonging pregnancy. This is a wait-and-see tactic, which makes it possible to wait for the maturity of the fetus and the possibility of its being outside the womb. Traditional and non-traditional therapy is used.
Cervical dilatation at 30, 40 weeks of gestation
The closer the birth, the more likely that the fetus is ripe. Accordingly, even premature birth carries less danger. The cervix should gradually expand. The ideal option, when immediately after the opening comes delivery, but in practice it often happens that the cervix is opened, and labor does not yet occur. Many women do not even know about the disclosure, hitting the hospital. In this case, most births end safely. The degree of the extent to which the uterus was opened when it enters the hospital does not affect the delivery process in any way. It is important that it is revealed during childbirth. Normally, the opening occurs at a speed of 1 cm per hour, in the case of the re-degenerated, the rate of unfoldment is higher. Usually the cervix becomes soft, and ready for delivery at 37 weeks, and prepare for this uterus begins with another 30-32 weeks.
Degrees of cervical dilatation
The initial stage is painless, with fights. The second stage - the degree of opening about 6-8 cm lasts 4-5 hours, ends with a gradual transition to the third stage, during which there is a complete rapid expansion. This stage symbolizes the onset of labor. Accordingly, there are 3 degrees of opening - the initial (1-4 cm), the middle (4-8 cm), the full opening (8-10). Sometimes an opening up to 12 cm is required.
Disclosure of the cervix on the finger, 1, 2, 3, 4 fingers
Indicators of 10 cm are considered normal for childbirth, which corresponds to 5 fingers. If the uterus is closed, there is no clearance, when the palpation the doctor can not move the finger inward. Opening on the floor of the finger means the possibility of passing half of the finger of the obstetrician, 1, 2, 3, 4 fingers - respectively, there is space for 1,2,3,4 fingers. In the event that she misses, at least one finger, the uterus can be considered mature.
Full cervical dilatation
Full disclosure is the third phase, which ensures an unhindered exit of the child. Disclosure from 10 cm can be considered complete. Sometimes breaks occur, which requires suturing. If there is a threat, an urgent cesarean section is done.
Consequences and complications
Disclosure can be complicated by weak contractions, in which the cervix is not practically opened, remains at the prenatal stage. This often happens with polyhydramnios and multiple pregnancies. If uterus overgrowth occurs, its ruptures, decrease in tone and contractile activity are possible. This also leads to a weakening of labor, a risk of fetal hypoxia.
How is the cervix dilated and checked?
Because the disclosure is asymptomatic, research is required. Basically, they are examined using the method of palpation - the obstetrician probes with a finger. Disclosure is determined by the number of fingers that can freely pass through the neck. This method is obsolete, but it is still used today in almost all institutions. More accurate is the measurement in centimeters. Usually, if one finger passes freely, this indicates a 2-3 cm opening, respectively, 2 fingers are equated to 3-4 cm. A full disclosure is said when the uterus is opened by 4 fingers or 8 cm. The full opening is recorded visually: when smoothing the neck, thin edges and free passage of 5 fingers.
To assess the disclosure, the Bishop scale is applied, the gynecological examination, during which the measurements are made. Then the obtained data is presented in the form of a graph on which the generic process is visualized. The schedule was called partogram of childbirth. It clearly demonstrates the changes, a sharp rise indicates the effectiveness of childbirth.
Cervical dilatation on ultrasound
Disclosure can be noticeable on ultrasound. It is necessary to visit planned inspections, which will make it possible to identify pathology and take the necessary measures.
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Stimulation of cervical dilatation
This implies the use of various methods that accelerate the process of disclosure. Allocate medication and non-medicament methods.
How to speed up the cervical dilatation at home?
Promotes a high level of physical activity. Food should contain a large number of fresh fruits and vegetables. You should take a decoction of crimson leaves or tea with the addition of raspberry leaves. It is important to stimulate the nipples, massage the earlobe, little finger. Sex helps to open the cervix, because it is a natural stimulant. In addition, sperm contains a large number of prostaglandins, which are also powerful stimulants.
Physical exercises are important. A huge contribution is made by squats. Classes with special balls, gymnastic accessories have a positive impact. Very important are breathing exercises, which not only stimulate the uterus, improve blood circulation, but also trigger a number of biochemical transformations. The hormonal background and the neuropsychic state are changing. At the same time, the stressed areas relax, and the relaxed ones come in a tonus. There is a correct regulation of muscle contractile activity, including uterine contractions. Breathing, especially the stomach, stimulates the production of prostaglandins and nerve impulses, which directly affect the activity of the uterus. Also, smooth muscle is trained and strengthened.
Important meditation, relaxing practices, staying in silence, concentration of attention and inner contemplation. These are the basic techniques of hatha yoga, which allow you to control your own body, consciously regulate your feelings and sensations. Respiratory and relaxation practices relieve unnecessary stress, stress. As a result, muscle tension is removed, and painful sensations go away. Mental mood plays an important role. Many women are afraid of pain and knowingly or unconsciously inhibit the process of childbirth. Breathing and relaxation make it possible to get rid of internal blocks, block fear and reduce the threshold of pain sensitivity.
Also shown are aromatherapy sessions, reception of a warm bath with essential oils, color therapy, water procedures, music therapy, sound-vibration therapy.
Methods of opening the cervix
There are conservative methods in which pharmaceutical agents directed at stimulation are used. Radical methods can be used in emergency cases: amniotomy, perineal incision. There are also no medications: sticks of kelp, special catheters, gels and oils, candles. Good physical exercise, sex, meditation, breathing techniques, local candles.
Catheter and balloon for the opening of the cervix
A special catheter, which is presented in the form of a tube with a balloon. Enter the neck for 24 hours. The balloon is gradually filled with air, it expands the walls of the uterus. Has many drawbacks.
Can be characterized as a catheter containing a balloon. There is filling it with air. It is inserted for a day, with a gradual opening, due to the expansion of the neck wall. The probability of infection is significantly increased.
Gel for cervical dilatation
A special gel is introduced into the cervical canal, which contains prostaglandins. There is hormonal stimulation, the effect can be achieved after 2-3 hours.
Physical exercises
Of exercise, squats are effective. Twisting and jumping are contraindicated. In the course of practice, one should strive for maximum relaxation, control one's breathing. It is necessary to perform static exercises that train strength of will and endurance. It is better to perform exercises in a relaxed atmosphere, under relaxing music. There are many video tutorials for pregnant women, where all exercises are shown clearly, selected in the optimal sequence, smoothly pass one into another. In such video classes, static and dynamic complexes, breathing exercises and meditative practices are effectively combined.
The best option is yoga, pranayama (breathing exercises and inner contemplation), qigong, meditation, swimming, aqua aerobics. It is possible to enroll in special preparatory courses for pregnant women, where physical and psychological training for future mothers is conducted, training is conducted under the supervision of experienced specialists who can pick up an individual pace, the mode of doing exercises. Special gymnastics balls, fitballs are used. Houses can be trained even with the help of an ordinary staircase, carrying out frequent ascents and descents.
Physical exercises will be more effective if you start training early. And even better - long before the onset of pregnancy. The trained muscles are the key to the rapid and successful opening of the uterus, because it is also inherently a muscle. But if the preparation was not started even during the planning of pregnancy, it's okay. It is better to start later than not to exercise at all. They benefit, even if you start regular practice in the last weeks.
Fitball for cervical dilatation
In modern clinics have long been recommended to take not the traditional position on the horizontal plane, but vertical. It is also recommended sitting position. But the surface should not be solid. The ideal fitball is a large inflatable ball that is used in sports, gymnastics. If you sit on it and perform special exercises, you can relax the strained areas and strain those areas that will be in tonus. It is better to breed the legs apart. There is an activation of nervous and hormonal activity, the uterus is more stimulated. On the preparatory courses you can go through special training exercises and positions on fitbole.
Squats for cervical dilatation
Squats stimulate the cervix, both by activating the nervous activity, and mechanically. It is necessary to perform ordinary squats, or sit-ups according to a special scheme. Time is gradually increasing. First you need to perform each step for 10 seconds. Then bring the time to 1 minute for each stage. At the first stage we slowly crouch. The squatting time should be 10 seconds, that is, we must fully descend in 10 seconds. Then we sit in this position for another 10 seconds, begin to relax as much as possible. Then we rise partially. It is necessary to stop in such position that the hips were parallel to the floor. In this position, we are 10 seconds, then slowly, for 10 consecutive seconds, we go down. We rest, we relax in squat for another 10 seconds. Start a slow rise for 10 seconds. Then rest 10 seconds and start squatting again. After we managed to do 10 such squats in one approach, go to the next stage - the duration of each stage is increased to 20 seconds, then to 30, 40, 50 seconds and one minute. After you sat down 10 times at a slow pace, you should definitely sit down at a fast pace. The speed should reach 50 squats per minute. If it does not work, it is better not to squat completely, you can only partially lower. Gradually, you need to increase the depth of squats.
Meditation for cervical dilatation
The "Shavasana" pose used in yoga is effective. It is necessary to lie in the position on the back, legs and arms slightly to spread apart. Eyes are covered. You can include relaxing music, aroma lamp. The sounds of nature, especially the sound of the sea wave, the sounds of the rain, the waterfall, are well suited. There may be birds singing, animal sounds, instrumental music. We must try to relax as much as possible, not think about anything. Muscles should be relaxed consciously, directing attention to them. First, we slide attention to the legs. We feel how the muscles of the legs relax, become soft, heavy. Relaxation covers the fingertips, it is understood on the shin, on the thigh. The patella drops. The pelvic region, perineum, uterus relaxes. Both legs are relaxed, the pelvic area is relaxed, gradually the relaxation covers the abdomen, back, relaxes the loins, muscles along the spine. Relaxes thorax, hands. Relaxation of hands rises from the fingertips, slides over the cyst, elbows, forearm, relaxes the elbow, shoulder, collarbones.
Once again, pay attention to the whole body, feel the relaxation in each area. Particular attention should be paid to the person: feel how the forehead, nose, eyes, ears, cheeks relax. The chin is relaxed, the lower jaw is relaxed and can be slightly ajar. My eyes are closed. You are still and relaxed, your whole body is heavy. There are no thoughts in my head. There is only silence. If thoughts come, they need to be let go, do not delay. This meditation should last at least 30 minutes. For maximum, there are no restrictions. Ideally, you need to bring up to three hours. After this, you need to lie down, do not rush to get up. You can drink tea, herbal decoction. Ideal for tea from raspberry leaves.
For meditation, there are also video lessons and audio materials, which detail all the nuances and provide accompaniment of meditation. The slow, calm voice of a specialist smoothly manages your attention, directing him to the right places, recalling the need for relaxation and the absence of thoughts. The voice accompanies not all meditation: it effectively combines with the moments of silence, a special background and musical accompaniment is chosen. The rhythm is amplified, calms down, which creates the desired key.
Preparations for cervical dilatation
Apply a variety of drugs. Oxytocin, intramuscular introduction of synestrol, suppository with prostaglandin proved to be well established. Also enter enzaprost intravenously. The use of synthetic prostaglandin is allowed. Dosage and multiplicity of administration can be determined only by a doctor, since it is strictly individual, determined by the results of the partograph.
Applied miropriston. It stimulates the contractile activity of the myometrium. It is taken on 1 tablet at intervals of 24 hours, under the strict supervision of a doctor.
Oxytocin-MEZ is often used to stimulate the opening of the uterus, rodovozbuzhdeniya. It is a solution for intramuscular and intravenous administration.
The opening can be facilitated by a no-shpa, which is an antispasmodic drug, relaxes the muscles and makes them more elastic. It is prescribed for 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day or as injections.
Papaverine can be used both in the form of injections, and in the form of tablets. The dosage depends on the rate of opening and the condition of the uterus, and is determined exclusively after palpation and gynecological examination. Helps reduce pressure and relax smooth muscle.
Kaulofillum 30 is a homeopathic remedy that is used to stimulate childbirth. With him, giving birth is much easier, reducing the pain threshold. A tool of Indian origin, which has long been used in Indian medicine. Significantly reduces the risk of caesarean section, the need for oxytocin disappears. Eliminates trembling, fatigue and thirst, gives strength.
Castor oil when ingested promotes rapid expansion. At early stages has abortive properties.
Many women after discharge from the hospital say that they were given too many injections. And no one knows what preparations are used for this. In order to avoid unnecessary fears, it is better to understand this.
First of all, drugs are injected for pain relief. These are narcotic drugs that are administered in various ways. Most often - intramuscularly, intravenously. Epidural anesthesia (injection in the back) is also used. It is the safest kind of anesthesia, since it does not affect either contractile activity or fetal, the drug does not enter the bloodstream. Other species are usually used only if 2-3 hours are left before the birth of the baby, this excludes the risk of developing hypoxia.
With generic weakness, drugs for stimulation are used. For a shot often take amniotomy - a puncture of the fetal bladder. Depending on the situation, symptomatic remedies are used - to reduce edema, pressure, palpitation, to stimulate the fetus.
If the bouts are long and painful, but unproductive, the woman weakens. She is injected with a drug for sleeping, rest, which allows you to quickly restore strength. This dream lasts 2 hours. After him, labor activity intensifies.
Often, injections are used to prevent or stop bleeding. In the case of surgical intervention, many injections are also used. The injections are made for the removal of the afterbirth, postnatal rest.
To stimulate the deployment of a dropper. The basis of it is physiological saline or glucose, which ensure the maintenance and recharge of the body. If necessary, drugs of different action are added to the droppers.
Suppositories for cervical dilatation before delivery
They are used for intravaginal administration with a high content of synthetic prostaglandin. Their effectiveness is high: the result is achieved in 2-3 hours.
Laminaria rods for opening the cervix before delivery
They are sticks made from sea kelp. Algae in dried form, small size, is inserted into the neck. Gradually absorbed by moisture and expands, the cervix also expands. Insert as many sticks as required for full filling.
Manual cervical dilatation
It implies the artificial opening by the introduction and expansion of the finger during the gynecological examination.
Pessary and ball dilating the cervix
It is used to prevent early detection and retention of pregnancy. Pessary is represented in the form of a plastic device, provides support for organs. It is formed from several rings that connect with each other. Provides reliable support, can be performed even on an outpatient basis. Duration - several minutes. For the introduction, the ring is lubricated with gel and injected into the vagina. After the procedure, sex is contraindicated. Every 2-3 weeks you need to monitor the state of the vaginal microflora, and conduct ultrasonography.
For mechanical opening and stimulation of the uterus, a special plastic ball is introduced into the neck and left for a day.
Raspberry leaf for opening the cervix
Raspberry leaves very effectively open the cervix. Can be used as a part of tea or as a decoction.
Cervical Disclosure in Rogovina
The full name is the method of Rogovin-Zanchenko. This is an external measurement method, which allows one to estimate the degree of opening of the external throat. At the height of the bout measure the distance from the xiphoid process to the bottom of the uterus, in centimeters. The obtained figures are subtracted from 10 cm, the height is obtained. The method is approximate.
How to prevent cervical dilatation during pregnancy?
Apply the means of prolongation: bed rest. Emotional calm, drugs, especially sedatives. Treatment is mandatory, aimed at producing surfactant in the fetal lungs, which accelerates their maturation. Surgical methods of treatment are also possible, in particular, suturing of the cervix, or the use of a special obstetric pessary.
Ring on the cervix from the opening
In order to prevent premature erection, a special plastic ring is inserted into the uterus. It reduces the load. The introduction can be done on an outpatient basis, on an empty bladder. To the uterus does not contract, before the procedure you can drink spasmolytic. The ring is lubricated with glycerin and injected into the vagina. Then unfold in the right direction. The doctor will do everything necessary. The patient will only need to visit the bacteriological examination every 2-3 weeks. Also, you can not have sex. Disclosure of the cervix before delivery occurs naturally, since the ring is previously removed.