Causes, signs and treatment of false labor during pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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False contractions during pregnancy can appear immediately before the term. They are characterized by the appearance of unpleasant symptoms in the lower abdomen. In this process, there is nothing terrible, this is the preparation in front of real contractions and births. It is important to understand that this is a false alarm and be able to distinguish this state from a real generic process.
Causes of false bouts
False contractions can affect the strong flow of blood to the placenta. They play a role in stimulating the muscles of the uterus, to maintain it in tone. In addition, they are really responsible for the process of expanding the cervix. One thing is clear - they are preparing the body of the future mother for the forthcoming birth.
False bouts are also called brakes Brakson-Hicks. They are able to appear independently of external factors. However, it is possible to note some moments that can provoke their development.
There are several common causes of this phenomenon. So, most often their development provokes not a healthy lifestyle, especially the craving for bad habits. Excessive consumption of coffee, as well as products containing caffeine, contributes its negative effect.
Provoke this condition can dehydration of the body, as well as a filled bladder. The lack of nutrients in the body, as well as stress, lack of sleep - all this leads to premature bouts. Affect the condition can be increased fetal activity and sex (orgasm). But first of all it is the physical load of the pregnant woman and the activity of the fetus in the uterus. Thus, after charging or walking, a woman can feel the contractions.
The development and manifestation of Brakson-Hicks contractions occurs at the beginning of the conception of the child. Formation in the body happens in almost all women. They mostly occur in the genital area. When favorable conditions for the child and its development are created, the placenta develops, gas exchange and metabolism between the child and the mother take place through it.
The goal of perestroika is to prepare the cervix for future childbirth. During the period of the organism's change, a woman will feel a decrease in the uterine musculature. At the time of such contractions, the uterus ripens and softens. Similarly, with contractions of the uterine musculature, the plug disappears, which manifests itself in the form of blood secretions.
Tissue of the cervix and vagina - should become elastic and expandable, but strong and resistant to tears. The cervix is located in the center of the vagina, becoming half as long. A little opens the cervical canal, which connects the uterine cavity and the vagina. The cervical lumen should be slightly open and easily passable, 2-2.5 cm in diameter. The head of the child falls as low as possible and tightly presses against the entrance to the small pelvis. Not one week goes to such a significant restructuring of the body!
Symptoms of false contractions during pregnancy
Approximately by the twentieth week of pregnancy, false bouts may appear. False bouts are basically like real ones. The difference between such fights is intensity and regularity. In case of false bouts, the uterus contraction lasts from a few seconds to two minutes.
The woman experiences a feeling of compression in the abdomen - in the upper part, below, sometimes - in the groin area. Such fights occur irregularly, you can identify the time between them. This will allow you to orientate in the general state of a woman, and see how many fights occur in one hour. Sensations can only extend to one area. If the real bouts are fixed, then for them the characteristic unpleasant sensations in the lower area of the back, and painfulness is also present. Gradually, the power of false struggles decreases, and they disappear. Future mother begins to pester unpleasant symptoms. There is discomfort in the uterus and in the lower abdomen. Contractions are irregular.
First signs
There are first signs, which immediately makes it clear that the fights began. Begins to feel compression in the lower abdomen or groin, as well as in the upper part of the uterus. Discomfort is felt only in one part of the abdomen. Contractions can be irregular and occur as several times a day, and a couple of times an hour. In some cases, their number is 6 fights for 60 minutes. There is discomfort, but the cuts can be painless. There is no clear rhythm of what is happening. Intensity of contractions can be sharply reduced.
To distinguish real fights from false bouts is quite simple. At the present beginning of the process, severe pain is felt. Skirmishes occur throughout the abdomen and pain spreads to the lower back. Repeat bouts occur every 15, 10, and then 5 minutes. There is an increasing intensity - 5 times per minute. The increase in the duration of the contraction and the presence of other signs of the onset of labor (outpouring of amniotic fluid, departure of the mucous plug, diarrhea, pulling pains at the bottom of the spine).
In this condition, certain risk factors are observed.
- Polyhydramnios - excess amniotic fluid in a future mother over 1500ml. This condition is characterized by the presence of a large tummy, and its size does not correspond to the actual date. Acute - develops rapidly and in early pregnancy. Abnormal development of the abdomen is observed, dyspnea appears, tension occurs on the walls of the uterus, severe pains occur.
- Chronic - develops already in the late stages of pregnancy, the development of symptoms is slower and not so pronounced.
- Habitual miscarriage of pregnancy. Common reasons that lead to such a diagnosis are: genetic location, anatomical features, hormones, the state of immunity of the expectant mother, and also infection. Many diseases like gonorrhea, rubella, syphilis, herpes and even flu.
- Isthmiko-cervical insufficiency. As a result of cervical lesions, muscle tissue is replaced by cicatricial tissue, which is less elastic and firmer and stiffer. In this regard, the neck loses the ability to contract and stretch, so it can not hold the contents of the uterus.
And also there are other consequences such as: the presence of chronic foci of infection, edema, hormonal disorders, immune disorders, multiple pregnancies, the presence of scar on the uterus.
The most serious complication is the termination of pregnancy at different times, in some cases, interruption can begin with the discharge of amniotic fluid, as well as without them. In many cases, ischemic-cervical insufficiency is accompanied by fetal infection due to the absence of a barrier from microorganisms in the form of a closed cervix and cervical mucus, which protects the uterine cavity and its contents from bacteria. Also complicating pregnancy can cause an overabundance of amniotic fluid.
This may be gestosis, which is a lesion of the placenta and blood vessels. There is a rhesus-conflict - with it there is agglutination. During the ripening of the fetus, the red blood cells of the child carry the D-antigen, which are found with the red blood corpuscles of the Rh-negative pregnant woman and coalesces with each other. Low hemoglobin - a lack of iron in the blood leads to disruption of the liver, decreases the production of protein, water metabolism is disturbed. There are headaches, there is a pre-eclampsia and eclampsia, is an indicator for the interruption of labor. The pathology of the placenta is not excluded.
Diagnosis of false labor during pregnancy
Diagnostic methods are performed exclusively by a doctor. It's enough just to examine the patient and question her. It is desirable that there are data on the course of pregnancy, the date on which the woman is. It is necessary to know in what position the child is, and when the birth is planned.
The period of occurrence of fights is marked. It is important to know all the intervals between contractions of their regularity. The time interval between contractions is calculated and special attention is paid to the outflow of amniotic fluid. The degree of maturity and opening of the cervix is determined.
It is important to record data on recording the cardiac activity of the fetus, they are necessary for monitoring the condition of the child. In addition, the estimated duration of pregnancy is being determined. All this together represents diagnostic measures to determine fights and their reliability.
Throughout the pregnancy, the expectant mother should carefully monitor her health and especially monitor diet and lifestyle. She will have to repeatedly visit a doctor and take various tests.
- The first visit to a doctor obstetrician gynecologist should be done not later than 11 weeks. In this first campaign it is necessary to become pregnant on the account and to hand over obligatory analyzes. Analyzes for expectant mothers: general urine analysis; general blood analysis; Rhesus factor; donate blood for HIV, syphilis; test for the presence of viral hepatitis B; smear on the flora.
- The second visit to the doctor usually takes place at 12-13 weeks. When the time is right for the first ultrasound. The same temperature, body weight, blood pressure, pulse are measured and an external obstetric examination is performed.
- On the third visit to the doctor for 19-21 weeks, a second ultrasound and the delivery of indicators, as well as the delivery of tests. Urinalysis, a test for the presence of protein, a blood test for HIV and a double biochemical test.
For 24-25 weeks, a general blood test and a test for glucose tolerance are given. In the next visit to the obstetrician-gynecologist, do the same examinations and tests as before.
Instrumental diagnostics
As it was said above, the future mother will have to undergo ultrasound examination. This is the only safe and informative method that makes it possible to monitor the fetus in the womb.
At the first stages of pregnancy, ultrasound is done only for a number of reasons. Such as: pain in the abdomen with delay and suspected pregnancy; vaginal bleeding; artificial insemination; exclusion of undeveloped pregnancy.
Hiking to the doctor on ultrasound. At 12-13 weeks - the gestation period is determined for the baby. The heartbeat is perfectly measured, the fruit is quite active. At this stage, a diagnosis is made regarding a possible termination of pregnancy. At 19-21 weeks - the weight and height of the fetus are determined; location, structure and thickness of the placenta; Amount of amniotic fluid; presence of abnormalities in the shape of the skull and other limbs. At week 32, the previously identified problems in fetal development are determined; location and maturity of the placenta; condition of the fetus and circulation; the condition of scars on the uterus is observed.
By the third campaign on ultrasound, predlozhenie fetus (pelvic or head), as by this time the fetus occupies its position in which it will be born.
Differential diagnosis
In some cases for real fights accept uterine activity, this activity is called false labor. When complaining to the pregnant woman of pulling painful pains in the lower abdomen, the diagnosis of false contractions makes sense to differentiate with true contractions.
False contractions occur unequally in strength and duration, tenderness, repeated at different intervals. With the weakness of labor: fights regular, weak, equal in strength and duration. During this period of time, an external examination is performed, where the uterine tone is observed.
With such reductions in a pregnant woman, complaints can be observed about painful and prolonged sensations in the lower abdomen. But the exclusion of the preliminaries from the future mother allows the fact that the pains were removed by intramuscular injection of papaverine. In addition, within 6 hours (the normal duration of the preliminaries), and during the following hours of the onset of the first period of labor did not occur, this is confirmed by false bouts.
Who to contact?
Treatment of false labor during pregnancy
If the pain lasts no more than 6 hours, then the treatment in this case is not applied. When the process has a pathological course, an obstetric sleep is prescribed. Much depends directly on the symptoms and how the woman feels.
Most often the treatment includes a number of basic activities. To reduce pain, spasmolytics are widely used, most often No-shpa. Quite often resort to the help of vitamin therapy. A woman can take both special medicines for moms and consume more fruits that contain useful vitamins and trace elements. It can be fruits, dairy products and vegetables.
It is recommended to set the position in the bed so that the legs are slightly raised. This will remove the mechanical effect of the fetus on the lower segment of the uterus, which irritates the receptors and helps increase the tone and contractility of the uterus.
Physiotherapy is often used. With a strong overexcitement of a woman, preference is given to sedatives. It is advisable to take herbal teas, valerian and motherwort, but only in tablets! Immunotherapy is widely used and placental insufficiency is prevented.
Medicamentous treatment of pregnant women requires a special and thoughtful approach. Many medicines adversely affect the fetus and course of pregnancy. A few weeks before the birth, the false bouts become more painful and bring even more discomfort.
At painful sensations many doctors in an individual order register No-shpu. It is a safe preparation for the future mother and child, it acts quickly and effectively. Admission of this drug reduces the tension of the uterus and relieves spasms, thereby facilitating pain in false bouts. However, no-shpa is not the whole cycle of pregnancy, since there is the possibility of opening the cervix. Before taking, you need to consult a doctor.
- But-shpa. This tool will remove the spasms and thus save the woman from false bouts. It is enough to take it 2 times a day for 2 tablets. The exact dosage may be prescribed by the attending physician. Contraindications: hypersensitivity, impaired liver and kidney function. Side effects: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, allergic reactions.
- If the future mother has an excess of male sex hormones and there is a probability of interruption, prescribe Dexamethasone. Take the drug with caution and only on the advice of a doctor, considering all the side effects.
- Dexamethasone. In acute period it is used in elevated doses. Dosing regimen is individual. Contraindications: hypersensitivity. Side effects: is well tolerated, can cause only allergic reactions.
For hormonal development, accelerate the development of the lung, prescribe betamethasone. Dosage and mode of taking the drug the doctor appoints individually, taking into account side effects.
Betamethasone. The drug is used in a small dose, it can be 0.25-0.5 mg. The duration of treatment is prescribed by a specialist. Contraindications: hypertension, syphilis, diabetes mellitus, systemic mycoses. Side effects: weight gain, insomnia, menstrual cycle.
Alternative treatment
The woman during pregnancy experiences painful sensations at false fights. There are several methods to relieve these unpleasant sensations and relieve discomfort.
You can just drink a glass of warm water or milk. This will significantly reduce discomfort and improve the condition. It will help to cope with unpleasant symptoms of a warm shower. Do not take a bath! It is recommended to visit the pool to strengthen the muscles and improve health.
Do not resort to the help of some tinctures or broths. First you need to see the doctor, and then apply certain techniques to improve the condition.
Sometimes it's enough to relax and lie down for a few minutes.
The future mother during false bouts has a good opportunity to practice in the right breathing and choosing a comfortable position, which they will soon need at the onset of childbirth.
Herbal Treatment
Many herbs are useful in pregnancy and have a number of useful and beneficial properties for the future mother and her baby. However, some will have to be abandoned, because there is a probability of provoking miscarriage.
During pregnancy, a woman may experience false bouts. Treat this condition with herbs. Harmless herbs to eliminate colds are: primrose, mother and stepmother, lime blossom, altai root, dog rose, burdock and others.
Categorically it is not recommended to drink alcohol tinctures, it is better to pour the herbs with boiling water and let it infuse for a certain time. Consumption of such tinctures should be agreed by the doctor.
Plants that have a laxative effect can not be taken during pregnancy, because of miscarriage and premature birth. These are such plants as: cassia, scarlet, buckthorn.
The reception of other alternative remedies to be avoided: melia, hyssop, basil, turmeric, sumac.
Here are not all the types of herbs that need to beware during pregnancy. With each use of an alternative remedy, be sure to consult a doctor.
During pregnancy, the woman's health is reduced, so there may be different violations. Such as false contractions, nausea and vomiting, muscle aches and pains in the back, food and nervous disorders, etc. Homeopathy during pregnancy is much better than conventional medicine. One of the advantages of homeopathy is its harmlessness for the pregnant woman and her fetus, does not cause allergies and does not contain chemicals. The doctor should not only prescribe the drugs to the mother, but also explain everything that she feels to her, everything is experienced by the child. After all, the fetus in the womb feels all the effects on the mother's body from the time of conception. It is important that pregnancy take place in an atmosphere of calm and happiness.
The intake of homeopathic medicines during pregnancy can be taken at any stage. Especially this applies to the first 3 months of pregnancy, where the risk of miscarriage is very high, doctors prescribe such drugs: Arnica, Sabina, Chamomilla, etc. Homoeopathic drug should be taken in small doses, acting on the body with a positive effect. However, if the drug is taken in high doses, there will be a worsening.
To future mothers before and during pregnancy, prescribe, depending on the state of the body, homeopathic preparations. The adoption of homeopathic remedies during pregnancy, plays a role in the prevention of various diseases in the newborn. Homeopathic treatment also helps in improving future parents, thereby producing a healthier child. A man with oligospermia and spermatogenesis disorders can undergo prophylaxis with homeopathic preparations, improving the quality and quantity of sperm. The girl can be prevented for various types of infertility. Similarly, a girl who has had abortions of pregnancy is prescribed a homeopathic remedy (Aconite, Secale, Sabina, etc.) and only according to the doctor's prescription. The drug is taken during pregnancy 3 times a day until 16 weeks. Depending on the condition of the body, the doctor may prescribe another treatment. In the homeopathy database, there are more than 100 drugs to treat this problem.
To prevent and treat false fights, the drug should be taken once an hour before the pain disappears. To improve the condition in all cases requires rest and bed rest. The most common drugs: Cimicifuga- with sharp pains in the abdomen; Caulophyllum - especially taken in the last weeks of pregnancy and prepares the cervix for childbirth.
False bouts prepare the body of a future mother for the most important day of pregnancy. They can appear both for 20 weeks, and until the end of pregnancy. To improve the condition and relieve discomfort, treatment methods were given above. With the effectiveness of treatment, there is a decrease in pain in the pregnant woman during contractions of the uterus.
Spontaneous drug intake and treatment with alternative drugs is prohibited. Only on the recommendations and advice of a doctor, is established treatment and prevention. If complications or illness occur during pregnancy, you should immediately consult a doctor.
Approximately from the 36th week, many begin to listen to their body. With the onset of 38 weeks of pregnancy is termless, during this week usually there is a baby to the light. If the birth does not begin before 41 weeks, you need to go to hospital.
ICD-10 code
The woman's organism undergoes a complete restructuring during the period of bearing the child, it is false struggles that prepare and train the expectant mother for childbirth. False contractions are a contraction of the muscles of the cervix. Such fights are not accompanied by painful sensations, but after a while they become perceptible and bring little discomfort.
Even for this state there was a designation. False bouts are also marked by the international classification of diseases. This makes it much easier to classify the true state of a woman.
Codes for the international classification of diseases: False seizures are divided: (O47.0) False bouts occurring before 37 full weeks of pregnancy, (O47.1) false contractions, after 37 full weeks of pregnancy and O47.9 False fights, unspecified. There are no exceptions. The code indicated this state for convenience. Because in the maternity card, the fact of the presence of false bouts should be noted.