
Preparation for childbirth

Preparation for childbirth helps pregnant women to approach the culminating moment of pregnancy consciously. That is, the expectant mother to the end of the period of bearing a child simply must have a clear idea of what symptoms say about the approach of birth, how they proceed, how to behave properly, how to breathe during labor and how to relieve pain.

Preparation for childbirth implies that a woman needs to know what is needed in a medical institution and even what questions should be asked by doctors and what to pay their attention in case of unforeseen circumstances.

Causes, signs and treatment of false labor during pregnancy

In this process, there is nothing terrible, this is the preparation in front of real contractions and births.

Whether I am ready to sorts or labors?

One or two days before the onset of labor, there are so-called false fights. At this time, the cervix is opening, the mucous plug that covers the uterine pharynx can flow away. But these battles are not strong, irregular and short-lived.

Diagnostic value of pH-metry of amniotic fluid and fetal head tissue

Much attention is paid to the study of amniotic fluid for evaluation of the fetus. The amniotic fluid can be considered as a large part of the extracellular fluid of the fetus, since its osmotic indices, electrolyte and biochemical composition are identical to the fetal plasma.

Oxygen test during pregnancy and childbirth

Within 10 minutes, the fetal heart rate is counted or recorded during pauses and during the bout with an interval of 2 minutes. Further for 15 minutes, a continuous inhalation of 100% oxygen concentration is carried out using a sealed mask.

The importance of a comprehensive assessment of the fetal condition in childbirth

In maternity patients at high risk, it is necessary to perform a comprehensive assessment of the fetus with the help of cardiotocography, amnioscopy, determination of the nature of labor activity by methods of external and internal hysterography, determination of fetal and parenteral fetus, pH determination of amniotic fluid.

Acid-base fetal condition

Fetal breathing is carried out by gas exchange through the utero-placental system through diffusion. There is an absorption of oxygen from the mother's blood and the release of metabolic products into it.

Blood flow in the artery of the umbilical cord during labor

Modern studies show that cardiotocography does not have significant advantages over conventional fetal auscultation by the obstetric stethoscope.

Test of vibroacoustic stimulation of the fetus

In normal pregnancy pregnancy test is always associated with the appearance of fetal movements, which the mother feels. The fetal response to stimulation is more active, the longer the gestation period.

Amnioscopy and amniocentesis

To study the condition of amniotic fluid, amnioscopy is used, which Saling described in 1962. Amnioscopy is a method of detecting the meconium admixture in the amniotic fluid by visual inspection of the lower pole of the fetal bladder.

Direct fetal electrocardiography

It is recommended to use the BMT 9141 fruit monitor in conjunction with the recording and recording device. Screw electrodes are used as electrodes


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