Whether I am ready to sorts or labors?
Last reviewed: 20.11.2021
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What should I prepare for the maternity hospital?
To not get ready in a hurry, when you have fights, try to collect everything you need, in advance. Firstly, it's underwear - a shirt, a robe, slippers. Secondly, hygiene items - soap, shampoo, toothpaste and brush, towel, diapers, pads. Take bed linen - a sheet, a duvet cover, a pillowcase. This should be taken not only because the laundry may not be in the maternity home, but also because your bed linen will replace you (in part) the native walls. Do not forget the exchange card, in which all analyzes and records of specialists should be marked, and a passport.
Due to the fact that funding for medicine is now low, read beforehand a list of medications that are required for birth in the hospital, and buy everything in advance, so that then your loved ones do not run in search of the necessary.
When entering the maternity ward, the woman is shaved pubis and crotch. That you are not "tore" the old, blunt blade, shave at home yourself, and take the razor with you.
So-called family births are very common (it is allowed to have a husband), so find out in advance what is needed for this.
Perhaps, this is all you need to cook for admission to the hospital.
How do you know that the delivery has already begun?
One or two days before the onset of labor, there are so-called false fights. At this time, the cervix is opening, the mucous plug that covers the uterine pharynx can flow away. But these battles are not strong, irregular and short-lived.
After 1-2 days, real fights appear. At first they are short and not too strong, then the intervals between them gradually decrease. Often during the first fights from the vagina bloody mucus begins to be allocated, and pains are given back. Initially, regular bouts occur 10-15 minutes, and before the attempts, the gaps are reduced to one or two minutes.
Contractions are needed in order to increase intrauterine pressure. Due to the fact that the pressure in the uterus increases, the amniotic fluid in it grows from inside to push the cervix.
It is from this moment and you need to gather in the maternity ward: to call an ambulance or to go to the hospital with your own way, taking pre-collected things. You need to hurry if you have amniotic fluid!
If the fights have begun, and after a while have stopped, you should immediately call the ambulance brigade!
If the child is in the breech presentation, in the transverse or oblique position, during pregnancy you have had swelling on your legs and blood pressure has increased, then you must go to the maternity home in advance, without waiting for the beginning of labor.
Sometimes it happens that the fights have not yet begun, and the amniotic fluid has already begun to depart. In this case, urgent hospitalization in the maternity hospital is necessary. Drainage of water is associated with rupture of the membranes and secretion of the mucous plug from the cervix. Through the formed passage, an infection from the outside can penetrate into the uterine cavity and cause infection of the fetus and the uterus itself. The longer anhydrous period, the more likely to get infectious complications. For normal delivery, three conditions are necessary:
- normally developed, full-term fetus, located in the head presentation;
- sufficient size of the pelvis in a woman;
- sufficient in strength and intensity of uterine contraction.
In 96% of cases the fetus is in the uterus in the headache. The fetal head is the densest and largest part of the fetus and is therefore most suitable for the formation of the birth canal in the body of a woman. The contractions of the uterus push the fetus forward with the head, and she, like a battering ram, pushes the tissues of the birth canal, paving the way for the whole body. As you already know, the skull bones are not yet fused together, they are connected by a connective tissue and move relative to each other. Thus, the skull bones are configured (shifted), the skull assumes the optimal conical shape, and this facilitates the process of expelling the fetus.
The birth canal consists of the pelvic bones, muscles, connective and adipose tissue. If you clarify, it's the uterine cavity, the cervical canal, the vagina and perineal muscles. An important point is that the genitalia is softened to the delivery, which at the time of birth promotes the head to pass the bone ring unimpeded. In addition, for the same purpose, the coccyx is somewhat retracted. All this expands the bone channel by 1-1.5 cm.
Uterine contractions (fights) at first are not too intense and occur in 10-20 minutes. Then they become more frequent and stronger and are noted after 1-2 minutes. At this time, the anterior amniotic fluid, located between the cervix and the fetal head, like a wedge, spreads the cervix.
Disclosure period. It should be noted that the contractions are undoubtedly painful and give the woman great inconvenience, but they are always within the tolerability of these pains. To some, they caused severe trauma and memories of them - like a terrible dream, but someone did not even remember them. But almost all women after a few days, after the birth of a child, forget all the unpleasant moments, there is only a happy time of communication with the newborn.
Labor, in contrast to the labor that only prepares the birth canal for the period of exile, characterized by a sense of pressure on the rectum, due to the continuous lowering of the presenting part of the vagina. By the end of the period of exile attempts are becoming stronger and the woman should actively participate in this process - pushing and trying to push the fruit outwardly.
As soon as the head "emerges" from under the lone articulation, it becomes easier for everyone - both the parturient child and the medical staff, because the baby's body is now born easily and painlessly.
The midwife with an electric pump evacuates slime from the mouth and spout of the baby as soon as the head appears from the genital slit. After the birth of the child, the midwife cuts the umbilical cord and processes it. The child is transferred to the hands of a pediatrician and a nurse who treats him on a changing table equipped with a light and heat source. This ends the period of exile.
Then follows the consecutive period - this is the period of birth of the placenta (placenta). After the birth of the fetus, the uterine contractions continue and gradually exfoliate the placenta, pushing it outward along with the other membranes. The birth is over.