Taking care of their own grandmothers and grandfathers contributes to the improvement of the psychological state of the younger generation, and also has a positive effect on behavior and mutual understanding with parents
Recently, scientists came to the conclusion that active video games can help people suffering from diabetes control blood sugar levels and improve overall health.
If a person can not for any reason give up his addiction to smoking, he can reduce the harmful effects on the body with very simple and accessible to everyone and each method.
Psychologists from Canada after a series of experiments, were able to prove the importance of raising a child in a full family. A full-fledged family in which a child grows plays a very important role for his future mental health.
Most parents, choosing between a soda and a milkshake, prefer a second drink, because they are completely sure of its benefits. However, recent research by scientists in this area shows quite the opposite.
American scientists have found that nut lovers, despite their bad habits, are less likely to die from diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and cancer. To such conclusions they came, having analyzed the data which have accumulated almost for 30 years.
In Israel, a group of psychologists have established that the human psyche, in constant conflict with bad news, develops resistance to them, and reacts less painfully with time.
Almost every one of us knows that lack of sleep is very harmful to health. But more recently, scientists have established that men and women suffer a deficiency of sleep in different ways.