
Social life

Sugar is dangerous for the body much stronger than previously thought

Sugar should be placed first in the list of the most harmful products, as its use provokes dangerous diseases and leads to pathological changes in the body
28 January 2014, 10:15

Aggressive behavior in children is due to genetics

In one of the universities of Morale and Saint-Justine Hospital in Canada, one study was conducted aimed at studying aggression in young children.
27 January 2014, 09:00

Smoking and meat - one of the reasons for the development of oncological diseases

The way of life of a person, especially smoking, eating a large amount of food of animal origin is directly related to the development of oncological diseases.
22 January 2014, 09:00

Watching TV reduces child's intelligence

The time that the child spends watching TV, leads to a change in the structure of the brain, which is extremely harmful.
21 January 2014, 09:00

Scientists have announced a list of new diseases, which can lead to smoking

As a result of recent studies, doctors report that smoking can cause blindness, impotence, oncological formations of the large intestine, liver, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, infertility.
20 January 2014, 19:48

Virtual communication is the main cause of obesity

People who are addicted to online life are more prone to obesity ...
17 January 2014, 09:00

An active lifestyle increases a woman's chances of becoming a mother

Regular exercise, as well as visits to the pool contribute to the reproductive function of women
16 January 2014, 09:00

The benefits of alcohol during pregnancy are proved

Alcoholic drinks in moderate doses can be not only safe for women in the position, but also contribute to the development of the embryo
15 January 2014, 09:30

At fans of a chicken-grill, a shish kebab and smoked foods develops a cancer more often

Chicken meat in large quantities is very harmful to the human body, because it can provoke some types of cancers
14 January 2014, 09:17

Frequent viral diseases in men are associated with the male sex hormone

The presence of a large amount of testosterone in the male body affects the immune response to influenza vaccination.
10 January 2014, 09:05


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