
Social life

A cup of coffee reduces the risk of developing type II diabetes and helps improve memory

Specialists from the United States found that coffee lovers reduced the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
25 February 2014, 09:00

The human intellect depends on the genes

Specialists from the Royal College of London for the first time discovered a gene that is responsible for genius. This gene has the ability to bind brain density and intelligence.
21 February 2014, 09:40

The probability of a stroke rises in the first months after a head or neck injury

With injuries to the neck and head, the risk of developing acute cerebrovascular accident (stroke) is increased threefold in people under 50 years old.
20 February 2014, 09:00

New treatments for depression have pushed antidepressants into the background

Currently, new methods are being used to treat depression, which have pushed antidepressants to second place.
18 February 2014, 09:36

"Hikikomori" - a new psychological phenomenon of the younger generation

Recently, among the younger generation, a new phenomenon, called "hikikomori", is gaining popularity.
11 February 2014, 09:00

Parental control over the child's life will help protect him from smoking

Strict parental upbringing will help to save the younger generation from such a harmful habit as smoking.
10 February 2014, 09:31

Sleep disturbance increases the risk of malignant tumors

At Harvard University, one study was conducted aimed at studying sleep disorders. As a result, scientists came to the conclusion that sleeping problems increase the risk of cancer.
04 February 2014, 09:45

The main cause of death of Russian men is vodka

According to statistics, in 2012, 25% of men died before the age of 55, and this was, in the opinion of scientists, a predilection for alcohol.
03 February 2014, 09:01

An elderly father passes bad genes on to his offspring

If a man in old age becomes a father, then for the child it threatens with severe mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia or autism.
31 January 2014, 09:32

Music has a therapeutic effect on cancer patients

Oncological patients have a good effect on music: the psychoemotional state and other vital indicators improve.
30 January 2014, 10:45


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