
The human intellect depends on the genes

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 16.10.2021

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21 February 2014, 09:40

Specialists from the Royal College of London for the first time discovered a gene that is responsible for genius. This gene has the ability to bind brain density and intelligence. In their new research project, scientists studied the cerebral cortex necessary for perception, attention, thinking, memory, and language abilities. In earlier studies, it was established that the density of the cerebral cortex is directly related to mental abilities, but that the genes are responsible for the density of the cortex, for scientists it was an invention.

In a new study, the researchers analyzed DNA samples, as well as magnetic resonance imaging, in more than 1,500 teenagers aged 14 years. In addition, tests were conducted that assessed the intelligence of project participants.

As a result, specialists have identified a genetic variation, which is associated with the exchange of information between neurons (synaptic plasticity). Thanks to this, scientists can better understand what is happening with mental anomalies.

Scientists have analyzed more than 54 thousand genetic variations that have a potential connection with the development of the brain. As it turned out, in adolescents in whom such gene variants were found, they had a thinner bark in the left hemisphere of the brain, especially in the temporal and frontal regions. This genetic variation was influenced by the activity of the NPTN gene, which affects the exchange of information between cells in the brain, as well as synapses.

All conclusions of the scientists are confirmed by the analysis of the gene NPTN in the brain of rodents and humans. As it turned out, the manifestation of the gene in the left and right hemisphere is different. This is why the left hemisphere is more susceptible to the effects of gene mutation. Differences between mental abilities in humans scientists explain the reduced function of the gene in some parts of the brain in the left hemisphere. The genetic variant, discovered by the research group, has a ratio of only 0.5% with common options in the level of intelligence.

According to experts, genius is nothing but the ability of the human brain to process information. The activity of the NPTN gene affects the increase in mental activity, and also is responsible for the density of gray matter. Sylvanas Desiwier, who led this research project, noted that they were faced with the task of determining the cause of the differences between people with different mental abilities. As a result, a group of scientists concluded that high intelligence depends on the exchange of information between brain cells, which is affected by the gene NPTN.

Scientists have more than once tried to artificially influence the birth of a brilliant child. For example, in China, there is a whole clinic, whose activities are aimed at gene construction.

Earlier studies of another scientific group from the UK were able to identify a gene of happiness that responds to the mood. People with a low level of such a hormone are more susceptible to depression and pessimism.

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